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The performance of the register insertion protocol for mixed voice-data traffic is investigated by simulation. The simulation model incorporates a common insertion buffer for station and ring packets. Bandwidth allocation is achieved by imposing a queue limit at each node. A simple priority scheme is introduced by allowing the queue limit to vary from node to node. This enables voice traffic to be given priority over data. The effect on performance of various operational and design parameters such as ratio of voice to data traffic, queue limit and voice packet size is investigated. Comparisons are made where possible with related work on other protocols proposed for voice-data integration. The main conclusions are: (a) there is a general degradation of performance as the ratio of voice traffic to data traffic increases, (b) substantial improvement in performance can be achieved by restricting the queue length at data nodes and (c) for a given ring utilisation, smaller voice packets result in lower delays for both voice and data traffic.


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We evaluated the impacts of wildlife on household food security and income in three semi-arid villages adjacent to Lake Manyara National Park (LMNP) and Mkomazi Game Reserve (MGR) in Northeastern Tanzania. Survey data were collected using both household interviews and human-wildlife conflict related archive information from the village government offices. Crop destruction by wildlife influenced both household food security and cash income. Crop damage to households was, on average, 0.08 ton/annum, equivalent to two months household loss of food and reduced household cash income by 1.3%. A combination of measures is proposed as incentives for conservation. These include provision of economic incentives, soft loans to initiate non-farm (e.g., ecotourism, business enterprises) projects to ease dependency on natural resources, increasing of reserves buffer zones and fencing of reserves.


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The calorific, ash, carbon and nitrogen content, length and dry weight were determined for the hyperiid Parathemisto gaudichaudi (Guerin). Regression equations for all these variables were determined so that they can be estimated by calculation from measurements of length of the hyperiid. Mean values for total nitrogen and carbon were 7.79±0.85% and 36.80±4.18% of the dry weight, respectively. The carbon to calorific equivalent for P. gaudichaudi was 10.37 kcal g-1 carbon (9.13 kcal g-1 when corrected for nitrogen). The calorific value for ash-free adult P. gaudichaudi was 5.138 kcal g-1±1.309 (4.510 kcal g-1 when corrected for nitrogen). This large variation in the calorific content (coefficient of variation of 25.84%) can be accounted for largely by variation in the ash content (coefficient of variation of 21.84%). The calorific value determined for P. gaudichaudi is similar to that measured for other carnivorous crustaceans and adds support to the hypothesis that animals with high calorific content have a low fecundity and an energy-rich store which can be used as a buffer during unfavourable periods in their life.


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The Scotia Sea has been a focus of biological- and physical oceanographic study since the Discovery expeditions in the early 1900s. It is a physically energetic region with some of the highest levels of productivity in the Southern Ocean. It is also a region within which there have been greater than average levels of change in upper water column temperature. We describe the results of three cruises transecting the central Scotia Sea from south to north in consecutive years and covering spring, summer and autumn periods. We also report on some community level syntheses using both current-day and historical data from this region. A wide range of parameters were measured during the field campaigns, covering the physical oceanography of the region, air–sea CO2 fluxes, macro- and micronutrient concentrations, the composition and biomass of the nano-, micro- and mesoplankton communities, and the distribution and biomass of Antarctic krill and mesopelagic fish. Process studies examined the effect of iron-stress on the physiology of primary producers, reproduction and egestion in Antarctic krill and the transfer of stable isotopes between trophic layers, from primary consumers up to birds and seals. Community level syntheses included an examination of the biomass-spectra, food-web modelling, spatial analysis of multiple trophic layers and historical species distributions. The spatial analyses in particular identified two distinct community types: a northern warmer water community and a southern cold community, their boundary being broadly consistent with the position of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF). Temperature and ice cover appeared to be the dominant, over-riding factors in driving this pattern. Extensive phytoplankton blooms were a major feature of the surveys, and were persistent in areas such as South Georgia. In situ and bioassay measurements emphasised the important role of iron inputs as facilitators of these blooms. Based on seasonal DIC deficits, the South Georgia bloom was found to contain the strongest seasonal carbon uptake in the ice-free zone of the Southern Ocean. The surveys also encountered low-production, iron-limited regions, a situation more typical of the wider Southern Ocean. The response of primary and secondary consumers to spatial and temporal heterogeneity in production was complex. Many of the life-cycles of small pelagic organisms showed a close coupling to the seasonal cycle of food availability. For instance, Antarctic krill showed a dependence on early, non-ice-associated blooms to facilitate early reproduction. Strategies to buffer against environmental variability were also examined, such as the prevalence of multiyear life-cycles and variability in energy storage levels. Such traits were seen to influence the way in which Scotia Sea communities were structured, with biomass levels in the larger size classes being higher than in other ocean regions. Seasonal development also altered trophic function, with the trophic level of higher predators increasing through the course of the year as additional predator-prey interactions emerged in the lower trophic levels. Finally, our studies re-emphasised the role that the simple phytoplankton-krill-higher predator food chain plays in this Southern Ocean region, particularly south of the SACCF. To the north, alternative food chains, such as those involving copepods, macrozooplankton and mesopelagic fish, were increasingly important. Continued ocean warming in this region is likely to increase the prevalence of such alternative such food chains with Antarctic krill predicted to move southwards.


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Seabirds are effective samplers of the marine environment, and can be used to measure resource partitioning among species and sites via food loads destined for chicks. We examined the composition, overlap, and relationships to changing climate and oceanography of 3,216 food loads from Least, Crested, and Whiskered Auklets (Aethia pusilla, A. cristatella, A. pygmaea) breeding in Alaska during 1994–2006. Meals comprised calanoid copepods (Neocalanus spp.) and euphausiids (Thysanoessa spp.) that reflect secondary marine productivity, with no difference among Buldir, Kiska, and Kasatochi islands across 585 km of the Aleutian Islands. Meals were very similar among species (mean Least–Crested Auklet overlap C = 0.68; Least–Whiskered Auklet overlap C = 0.96) and among sites, indicating limited partitioning of prey resources for auklets feeding chicks. The biomass of copepods and euphausiids in Least and Crested Auklet food loads was related negatively to the summer (June–July–August) North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, while in Whiskered Auklet food loads, this was negatively related to the winter (December–January–February) Pacific Decadal Oscillation, both of which track basin-wide sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies. We found a significant quadratic relationship between the biomass of calanoid copepods in Least Auklet food loads at all three study sites and summer (June–July) SST, with maximal copepod biomass between 3–6°C (r 2 = 0.71). Outside this temperature range, zooplankton becomes less available to auklets through delayed development. Overall, our results suggest that auklets are able to buffer climate-mediated bottom-up forcing of demographic parameters like productivity, as the composition of chick meals has remained constant over the course of our study.


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We present the first remotely operated vehicle investigation of megabenthic communities (1004-1695 m water depth) on the Hebrides Terrace Seamount (Northeast Atlantic). Conductivity-temperature-depth casts showed rapid light attenuation below the summit and an oceanographic regime on the flanks consistent with an internal tide, and high short-term variability in water temperature, salinity, light attenuation, aragonite and oxygen down to 1500 m deep. Minor changes in species composition (3-14%) were explained by changes in depth, substratum and oceanographic stability, whereas environmental variability explained substantially more variation in species richness (40-56%). Two peaks in species richness occurred, the first at 1300-1400 m where cooler Wyville Thomson Overflow Water (WTOW) mixes with subtropical gyre waters and the second at 1500-1600 m where WTOW mixes with subpolar mode waters. Our results suggest that internal tides, substrate heterogeneity and oceanographic interfaces may enhance biological diversity on this and adjacent seamounts in the Rockall Trough.


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Three different worlds, sometimes concentric and often intersecting —society, theatre and the art of performance— and social work. Diverse worlds that live, reflect and self-reflect and interact, and can also afford an opportunity for meeting, misunderstanding and confrontation, and above all offer the possibility of profound change.This article considers the experience of a theatre company that has spent more than three years moving at the limits of these three universes. To these three worlds can be added an infinite number of words that fill them with meaning and significance: territory, meeting, diversity and search. An artistic experience that has chosen to focus on creating scenarios for debate and to examine the difficulties, the human contradictions and the constant and inexhaustible confrontation with human experience. At the heart of this theatrical activity is all of this, seeking the balance between narration, meeting, investigation and the artistic dimension. This meeting between society, theatre and social work also contains the search for sustainability of this cultural business, in an Italy that has been destroyed by a crisis that is not merely economic, but also of values and, above all, of role models. The guiding theme, though not always made explicit, is always present and essential: the search for beauty.


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Animals have long been noted for their ability to moderate cardiovascular responses to stress. To date, however, little attention has been directed towards the ability of videotapes of animals to buffer people from challenges. This study thus explored the effect of five video conditions (fish, bird, primate, control 1 [humans], control 2 [blank screen]) on the heart rate and blood pressure of 100 volunteers before and after exposure to a cognitive stressor. Twenty participants were randomly assigned to each of the video conditions. Both the heart rate and blood pressure (diastolic and systolic) of the participants were recorded after a 10 minute period of relaxation (phase 1), following 10 minutes of exposure to the appropriate video for that condition (phase 2) and again, following a 10 minute period of reading aloud, i.e. a cognitive stressor (phase 3). The videos encouraged relaxation, with participants in all conditions exhibiting significantly (p < 0.001) lower levels of heart rate and blood pressure in phase 2 than phases 1 or 3. Individuals exposed to the videos of birds, fish and primates showing significantly (p < 0.001) lower levels of heart rate and blood pressure in phase 3 than individuals exposed to the control videos. It is concluded that videotapes of certain animals can reduce cardiovascular responses to psychological stress and may help to buffer viewers from anxiety, at least in the short term.


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The G894T endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) polymorphism results in a Glu to Asp substitution at position 298. This position is located externally on the protein and as the regulation of eNOS is dependent on its subcellular localization and interaction with modulatory proteins, we aimed to address whether the substitution of Asp at 298 had any effect on these mechanisms. Initially, we developed a novel method to accurately determine molar quantities of each variant by expressing them as green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins and using recombinant adenoviruses to facilitate transient infection of human microvascular endothelial cells. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of eNOS298Asp revealed a 135-kDa proteolytic fragment which was not present with eNOS298Glu. This proteolysis was prevented by using LDS buffer confirming that this differential cleavage is an artefact of sample preparation and unlikely to occur intracellularly. Nitric oxide was measured following stimulation with calcium ionophore or oestrogen in the presence of varying sepiapterin concentrations. GFP fluorescence was used to quantify the amount of fusion protein and calculate intracellular specific activity. There was no significant difference in intracellular specific activity between Glu298 and Asp298 eNOS in response to calcium ionophore or oestrogen. Tetrahydrobiopterin supplementation increased eNOS activity of both variants in an identical manner. The presence of the GFP also facilitated the visualization of the variants by confocal microscopy and demonstrated that both localized to the plasma membrane and the Golgi. These findings demonstrate that the Asp substitution at 298 does not have a major effect in modulating eNOS activity in vivo.