991 resultados para constituent ordering


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A detailed petrologic and mineralogic study was carried out on serpentinized peridotites dredged from the southern landward slopes of the Mariana Trench, in order to reveal the serpentinization process of these unusual rocks and to identify the sole presence of the mineral lizardite. The constituent minerals of these southern Mariana forearc peridotites are olivine, amphibole and spinel, as well as serpentine, chlorite and talc. Compared with serpentinite seamounts, the serpentinized peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc are characterized by the absence of magnetite and brucite, and the common presence of talc; besides, the serpentine mineral variety is simplex, only lizardite. Combining mineral chemistry and mineral phase relationships, we conclude that (1) the absence of magnetite in the serpentinized peridotites is due to incomplete serpentinization, other than magnetite, the iron end-member in olivine forms Fe-rich brucite and Fe-rich serpentine; (2) brucite is not stable with high silica activity, reacting with later SiO2-rich fluid and then forming lizardite, leading to a lack of brucite in these serpentinized peridotites; (3) the occurrence of talc is the result of later SiO2-rich fluid reactions with lizardite; and (4) the reason for the sole occurrence of lizardite is that the temperature condition of our study area was not high enough for the formation of antigorite (which is stable at > 500 degrees C). Despite the broad overlap of lizardite and chrysotile in growth temperature, differences in the modes of occurrence of lizardite and chrysotile, such as the scarcity of H2O, low porosity and permeability, as well as the actual situation of initial serpentinization in the study area, result in the absolute prevalence of lizardite over chrysotile in the area. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Fe-oxyhydroxide samples from one dredge station (long. 103 degrees 54.48'W, lat. 12 degrees 42.30'N, water depth 2655 m) on the East Pacific Rise near lat 13 degrees N were analyzed by XRD, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS. Most Fe-oxyhydroxides are amorphous, with a few sphalerite microlites. In comparison with Fe-oxyhydroxides from other fields, the variable ranges in the chemical composition of Fe-oxyhydroxide samples are very narrow; their Fe, Si, and Mn contents were 39.90%, 8.92%, and 1.59%, respectively; they have high Cu (0.88%-1.85%) and Co (65x10(-6)-704x10(-6)) contents, and contain Co+Cu+Zn+Ni > 1.01%. The trace-element (As, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ba, Sr) and major-element (Fe, Ca, Al, Mg) contents of these samples are in the range of hydrothermal sulfide from the East Pacific Rise near 13 degrees N, reflecting that this type of Fe-oxyhydroxide constitutes a secondary oxidation product of hydrothermal sulfide. The Fe-oxyhydroxide samples from one dredge station on the East Pacific Rise near 13 degrees N are lower in Sigma REE (5.44x10(-6)-17.01x10(-6)), with a distinct negative Ce anomaly (0.12-0.28). The Fe-oxyhydroxide samples have similar chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element (REE) patterns to that of seawater, and they are very different from the REE composition characteristics of hydrothermal plume particles and hydrothermal fluids, showing that the REEs of Fe-oxyhydroxide are a major constituent of seawater and that the Fe-oxyhydroxides can become a sink of REE from seawater. The quick settling of hydrothermal plume particles resulted in the lower REE content and higher Mn content of these Fe-oxyhydroxides, which are captured in part of the V and P from seawater by adsorption. The Fe-oxyhydroxides from one dredge station on the East Pacific Rise near 13 degrees N were formed by secondary oxidation in a low temperature, oxygenated environment. In comparison with the elemental (Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, Co, Cu) average content of hydrothermal sulfide samples from the East Pacific Rise near 13 degrees N, the Zn, Cd, and Pb contents of the Fe-oxyhydroxides are lower, and their Fe, Co, and Cu contents are higher.


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A three-dimensional ocean circulation model, called Princeton Ocean Model (POM), is employed to simulate tides and tidal currents in Liaodong Bay. The nested grid technique is adopted to improve the computation precision. Computed harmonic constants of M-1, M-2 tides at five tidal gauge stations and surface elevations at two oil platforms are compared with those observed, and show good agreements with them. Based on the calculated results, the co-amplitude and co-phase tag lines of nil and M-2 tidal constituents, the residual current field of M-2 constituent, tidal form, tidal Current ellipse and the moving style of tidal current are given. It is found that diurnal tidal constituents have no amphidromic point whereas semi-diurnal constituents have one in the region of interest. Meanwhile, some meaningful results are concluded and presented, which are conducive to a thorough knowledge of the characteristics of tides and tidal currents in the Liaodong Bay.


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Direct current observations in the Yellow Sea interior are very scarce due to intense fishing and trawling activities. Most previous studies on tides in the area were based on coastal measurements or satellite altimeter sea levels and have not been rigorously compared with direct measurements. In this paper, tidal currents are studied with current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in summer of 2001 and 2003. The measured current series were dominated by tidal currents. Maximum velocities are between 40-80 cm/s at the mooring stations. M-2 current is the most dominant primary tidal constituent, while MS4 and M-4 are the most significant shallow water tides with much smaller amplitudes than the primary tides.


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MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model (MASNUM coupled model, hereinafter) is developed based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). Both POM and MASNUM coupled model are applied in the numerical simulation of the upwelling off Yangtze River estuary and in Zhejiang coastal waters in summer. The upwelling mechanisms are analyzed from the viewpoint of tide, and a new mechanism is proposed. The study suggests that the tidally inducing mechanism of the upwelling includes two dynamic aspects: the barotropic and the baroclinic process. On the one hand, the residual currents induced by barotropic tides converge near the seabed, and upwelling is generated to maintain mass conservation. The climbing of the residual currents along the sea bottom slope also contributes to the upwelling. On the other hand, tidal mixing plays a very important role in inducing the upwelling in the baroclinic sea circumstances. Strong tidal mixing leads to conspicuous front in the coastal waters. The considerable horizontal density gradient across the front elicits a secondary circulation clinging to the tidal front, and the upwelling branch appears near the frontal zone. Numerical experiments are designed to determine the importance of tide in inducing the upwelling. The results indicate that tide is a key and dominant inducement of the upwelling. Experiments also show that coupling calculation of the four main tidal constituents(M-2, S-2, K-1, and O-1), rather than dealing with the single M-2 constituent, improves the modeling precision of the barotropic tide-induced upwelling.


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本文依据收集到的392个地面验潮站8个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)的调和常数,对现有7个全球大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果显示各模式在深海区域均达到了比较高的准确度,相互之间差别也不大。经验模式GOT00和CSR4.0、同化模式NAO99、反演同化模式TPXO7.0、数值同化模式FES2002和FES2004的M2分潮均方根偏差在3 cm左右,其它分潮(S2、K1、O1、N2、K2、P1及Q1)大约在1~2 cm。本文还依据中国近海18个岛屿的调和常数对其中的5个大洋潮汐模式的准确度进行了检验,结果表明,M2分潮均方根偏差在6~14 cm,明显高于大洋部分的偏差,其中日本国家天文台的潮汐模式NAO99在中国近海的结果相对较准确。 我们利用1992年8月至2008年8月的TOPEX/POSEIDON和JASON-1(T/P-J)卫星高度计资料,对沿卫星轨道的302816个站点进行了14个分潮的潮汐调和分析,得到了全球大洋潮汐的8个主要分潮以及2个气象分潮Sa、Ssa的经验同潮图。主要结果有:(1)各分潮在卫星上升轨道与下降轨道的交叉点(约7000个)相关性分析表明:M2分潮的振幅和迟角的相关系数很高(分别为0.9965和0.9961);S2,K1,O1和Sa分潮也有较好的相关性(相关系数为0.94~0.99);(2)该结果与392地面个验潮站吻合较好,其中M2分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为:1.73 cm,2.340和2.93 cm;S2,K1和O1分潮的振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差为1 cm左右,5.250~7.270和1.5~2.1 cm,该精度与最近几年国际上的主要大洋潮汐模式的准确度相近;(3)首次通过卫星资料获得了Sa、Ssa分潮的同潮图。周期为1年的Sa分潮与大洋105个地面站相比,振幅、迟角和向量的均方根偏差分别为1.50 cm、18.360和2.16 cm。在此基础上,进一步分析了构成Sa、Ssa气象分潮的两个主要因素(海水密度以及海面气压)在全球的分布。 在T/P-J等卫星资料无法覆盖到南大洋和北冰洋,本文利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM)进行了数值模拟,模拟结果与162个地面实测站(其中南大洋30个,北冰洋132个)的观测比较一致。基于卫星资料分析的结果和数值模拟结果合并得到了全球大洋的8个主要分潮同潮图。在此基础上通过全球潮汐能量耗散的计算得到潮能通量的分布,并得到全球M2、S2、K1和O1分潮的潮汐能量耗散率为2.431TW、0.401TW、0.336TW和0.176TW。 本文还利用卫星资料对南海潮汐进行了研究,在中国南海,获得了主要的半日潮、全日潮、四分日分潮和长周期分潮(M2,S2,N2,K2,K1,O1,P1,Q1,M4, MS4,Sa, Ssa)的经验同潮图。与南海沿岸94个地面验潮站的数据符合得比较好,M2,S2,K1及O1等4个主要分潮的平均振幅差为2~4 cm,均方根偏差分别是9~11 cm.其它4个主要分潮N2,K2,P1,Q1的平均振幅差为1~2 cm,均方根偏差为2~4 cm。此外,本文还利用卫星高度计资料潮汐分析结果沿卫星轨道进行高通滤波,分离得出中国近海的M2,S2,K1及O1分潮的内潮信息。


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In this paper, we viewed the diel vertical migration (DVM) of copepod in the context of the animal's immediate behaviors of everyday concerns and constructed an instantaneous behavioral criterion effective for DVM and non-DVM behaviors. This criterion employed the function of 'venturous revenue' (VR), which is the product of the food intake and probability of the survival, to evaluate the gains and losses of the behaviors that the copepod could trade-off. The optimal behaviors are to find the optimal habitats to maximize VR. Two types of VRs are formulated and tested by the theoretical analysis and simulations. The sensed VR, monitoring the real-time changes of trade-offs and thereby determining the optimum habitat, is validated to be the effective objective function for the optimization of the behavior; whereas, the realized VR, quantifying the actual profit obtained by an optimal copepod in the sensed-VR-determined habitat, defines the life history of a specific age cohort. The achievement of a robust copepod overwintering stock through integrating the dynamics of the constituent age cohorts subjected to the instantaneous behavioral criterion for DVM clearly exemplified a possible way bridging the immediate pursuit of an individual and the end success of the population. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Phosphorus is a key element and plays an important role in global biogeochemical cycles. The evolution of sedimentary environment is also influenced by phosphorus concentrations and fractions as well as phosphate sorption characteristics of the marine sediments. The geochemical characteristics of phosphorus and their environmental records were presented in Jiaozhou Bay sediments. Profiles of different forms of phosphorus were measured as well as the roles and vertical distributions of phosphorus forms in response to sedimentary environment changes were investigated. The results showed that inorganic phosphorus ( IP) was the major fraction of total phosphorus ( TP); phosphorus which is bound to calcium, iron and occluded phosphorus, as well as the exchangeable phosphorus were the main forms of IP, especially calcium-phosphorus, including detrital carbonate-bound phosphorus ( Det - P) and authigenic apatite-bound phosphorus ( ACa - P), are the uppermost constituent of IP in Jiaozhou Bay sediments. Moreover, the lead-210 chronology technology was employed to estimate how much phosphorus was buried ultimately in sediments. And the research showed that the impacts of human activities have increased remarkably in recent years especially between the 1980s and 2000. According to research, the development of Jiaozhou Bay environment in the past hundred years can be divided into three stages; (I) before the 1980s characterized by the relatively low sedimentation rate, weak land-derived phosphorus inputs and low anthropogenic impacts; (2) from the 1980s to around 2000, accelerating in the 1990s, during which high sedimentation rates, high phosphorus abundance and burial fluxes due to the severe: human activities impacted on the whole environmental system; (3) after 2000, the period of the improvement of environment, the whole system has been improved including the decreasing sedimentation rates, concentration and the burial fluxes of phosphonas.


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Thus far, grassland ecosystem research has mainly been focused on low-lying grassland areas, whereas research on high-altitude grassland areas, especially on the carbon budget of remote areas like the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau is insufficient. To address this issue, flux of CO2 were measured over an alpine shrubland ecosystem (37 degrees 36'N, 101 degrees 18'E; 325 above sea level [a. s. l.]) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, for 2 years (2003 and 2004) with the eddy covariance method. The vegetation is dominated by formation Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. To interpret the biotic and abiotic factors that modulate CO2 flux over the course of a year we decomposed net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) into its constituent components, and ecosystem respiration (R-eco). Results showed that seasonal trends of annual total biomass and NEE followed closely the change in leaf area index. Integrated NEE were -58.5 and -75.5 g C m(-2), respectively, for the 2003 and 2004 years. Carbon uptake was mainly attributed from June, July, August, and September of the growing season. In July, NEE reached seasonal peaks of similar magnitude (4-5 g C m(-2) day(-1)) each of the 2 years. Also, the integrated night-time NEE reached comparable peak values (1.5-2 g C m(-2) day(-1)) in the 2 years of study. Despite the large difference in time between carbon uptake and release (carbon uptake time < release time), the alpine shrubland was carbon sink. This is probably because the ecosystem respiration at our site was confined significantly by low temperature and small biomass and large day/night temperature difference and usually soil moisture was not limiting factor for carbon uptake. In general, R-eco was an exponential function of soil temperature, but with season-dependent values of Q(10). The temperature-dependent respiration model failed immediately after rain events, when large pulses of R-eco were observed. Thus, for this alpine shrubland in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, the timing of rain events had more impact than the total amount of precipitation on ecosystem R-eco and NEE.


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The vegetation of the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is dominated by alpine meadow and desert-steppe with sparse forests scattered within it. To obtain a better understanding of the phylogeography of one constituent species of the forests in this region, we examined chloroplast trnT-trnF and trnS-trnG sequence variation within Juniperus przewalskii, a key endemic tree species. Sequence data were obtained from 392 trees in 20 populations covering the entire distribution range of the species. Six cpDNA haplotypes were identified. Significant population subdivision was detected (G(ST) = 0.772, N-ST = 0.834), suggesting low levels of recurrent gene flow among populations and significant phylogeographic structure (N-ST > G(ST), P < 0.05). Eight of the nine disjunct populations surveyed on the high-elevation northeast plateau were fixed for a single haplotype (A), while the remaining, more westerly population, contained the same haplotype at high frequency together with two low frequency haplotypes (C and F). In contrast, most populations that occurred at lower altitudes at the plateau edge were fixed or nearly fixed for one of two haplotypes, A or E. However, two plateau edge populations had haplotype compositions different from the rest. In one, four haplotypes (A, B, D and E) were present at approximately equivalent frequencies, which might reflect a larger refugium in the area of this population during the last glacial period. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the most widely distributed haplotype A is not ancestral to other haplotypes. The contrasting phylogeographic structures of the haplotype-rich plateau edge area and the almost haplotype-uniform plateau platform region indicate that the plateau platform was recolonized by J. przewalskii during the most recent postglacial period. This is supported by the findings of a nested clade analysis, which inferred that postglacial range expansion from the plateau edge followed by recent fragmentation is largely responsible for the present-day spatial distribution of cpDNA haplotypes within the species.


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A new eremophilenolide 1beta, 10beta-epoxy-6beta-acetoxy-3beta-angeloyloxy-8beta-hydrox y-eremophil-7(11)-en-8, 12alpha-olide (1), together with liguhodgsonal (2), esculetin (3) and beta-sitosterol (4), was isolated from the aerial parts of Ligularia sagitta. The structure of the new constituent (1) was elucidated by spectroscopic methods and confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.


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Pharmacologically active xanthone compounds isolated from Swertia przewalskii pissjauk were well separated by capillary electrophoresis (CE) within 5 min, using a running buffer of 25 mM disodium tetraborate at pH 9.0. Quantitative determination was shown to be possible because regression equations revealed a linear relationship between the peak area of each constituent and its concentration, with correlation coefficients of 0.9972-0.9994. The relative standard deviations were between 0.44%-0.73% for migration times and 2.52%-4.28% for peak areas. The dissociation constant of 1,7-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-8-hydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyxanthone, 1,8-dihydroxy-3, 7-dimethoxy-xanthone and 1,7-dihydroxy-3,8-dimethoxyxanthone were also measured by the CE method, giving a value of 9.04, 8.94, and 8.59, respectively.


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虽然新的制造系统不断涌现 ,企业仍然对CIM给予很大广泛的认可。本文讨论了CIM设计中的一些关键问题。首先 ,根据业务过程重组来实施CIM至关重要 ,其次 ,必须采用CIM的功能体系结构规范和容纳各种功能系统 ,以便更好地执行业务流过程。同时 ,需要有相应的集成基础结构来支持整个企业的数据管理。


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提出了一种新的集成的I2 DEF方法 ,并介绍了与之配套的设计开发工具 ,用以支持大型复杂信息系统的设计与开发 ,它可以成功地解决计算机集成制造系统设计开发过程中遇到的许多问题。本文指出了我国CIMS工程存在的问题 ,分析了这些问题产生的原因 ,并结合企业实际给出了应用I2 DEF方法的解决方案。