986 resultados para competitive interactions


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Experiments are conducted to examine the mechanisms behind the coupling between corner separation and separation away from the corner when holding a high-Machnumber M∞ = 1.5 normal shock in a rectangular channel. The ensuing shock wave interaction with the boundary layer on the wind tunnel floor and in the corners was studied using laser Doppler anemometry, Pitot probe traverses, pressure sensitive paint and flow visualization. The primary mechanism explaining the link between the corner separation size and the other areas of separation appears to be the generation of compression waves at the corner, which act to smear the adverse pressure gradient imposed upon other parts of the flow. Experimental results indicate that the alteration of the -region, which occurs in the supersonic portion of the shock wave/boundary layer interaction (SBLI), is more important than the generation of any blockage in the subsonic region downstream of the shock wave. © Copyright 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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Multiple flame-flame interactions in premixed combustion are investigated using direct numerical simulations of twin turbulent V-flames for a range of turbulence intensities and length scales. Interactions are identified using a novel automatic feature extraction (AFE) technique, based on data registration using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. Information on the time, position, and type of interactions, and their influence on the flame area is extracted using AFE. Characteristic length and time scales for the interactions are identified. The effect of interactions on the flame brush is quantified through a global stretch rate, defined as the sum of flamelet stretch and interaction stretch contributions. The effects of each interaction type are discussed. It is found that the magnitude of the fluctuations in flamelet and interaction stretch are comparable, and a qualitative sensitivity to turbulence length scale is found for one interaction type. Implications for modeling are discussed. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Experiments have been conducted to examine the mechanisms behind the coupling between corner separation and centreline separation when holding a normal shock in a rectangular channel. The study has focused on a M ∞ = 1.5 normal shock held in a wind tunnel with a parallel rectangular cross-section. The primary mechanism explaining the link between the corner separation size and the centreline separation appears to be the generation of compression waves which act to smear the adverse pressure gradient imposed upon other parts of the flow. In addition, the origin of the λ-foot leading leg appears to be depended upon the size of the corner separations. Experimental results indicate that the alteration of the λ-region, which occurs in the supersonic portion of the SBLI, is more important than the generation of any blockage in the subsonic region downstream of the shock wave. Copyright © 2012 by H. Babinsky, D.M.F. Burton.


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Humans have the arguably unique ability to understand the mental representations of others. For success in both competitive and cooperative interactions, however, this ability must be extended to include representations of others' belief about our intentions, their model about our belief about their intentions, and so on. We developed a "stag hunt" game in which human subjects interacted with a computerized agent using different degrees of sophistication (recursive inferences) and applied an ecologically valid computational model of dynamic belief inference. We show that rostral medial prefrontal (paracingulate) cortex, a brain region consistently identified in psychological tasks requiring mentalizing, has a specific role in encoding the uncertainty of inference about the other's strategy. In contrast, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex encodes the depth of recursion of the strategy being used, an index of executive sophistication. These findings reveal putative computational representations within prefrontal cortex regions, supporting the maintenance of cooperation in complex social decision making.


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Within strategic technology management and innovation, often stakeholders extrapolate past industry dynamics, trends and patterns into the future. One frequently used concept is that of 'lifecycles' - an analogy of a sequence of stages encountered by living organisms. Lifecycle terms - such as technology, product, industry - are frequently used interchangeably and without clear definition. Within the interdisciplinary context of technology management and forecasting, this juxtaposition of dynamics can create confusion rather than simplification. This paper explores some of the dynamics typically associated with technology-based industries, illustrated with data from the early US automotive industry. A wide range of dimensions are seen to have potential to influence the path of industry development, and technology roadmapping architecture is used to present a simplified visualisation of some of these. Stakeholders need to consider the units of analysis, causality and synchronicity of relevant different dynamics, rather than isolated lifecycles. Some graphical curves represent simple aggregation of components; other dynamics have significant impact, but incur time lags, rather than being superimposed. To optimise alignment of the important dimensions within any technology development, and for future strategy decisions, understanding these interactions is critical. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The influence of Lewis number on turbulent premixed flame interactions is investigated using automatic feature extraction (AFE) applied to high-resolution flame simulation data. Premixed turbulent twin V-flames under identical turbulence conditions are simulated at global Lewis numbers of 0.4, 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2. Information on the position, frequency, and magnitude of the interactions is compared, and the sensitivity of the results to sample interval is discussed. It is found that both the frequency and magnitude of normal type interactions increases with decreasing Lewis number. Counternormal type interactions become more likely as the Lewis number increases. The variation in both the frequency and the magnitude of the interactions is found to be caused by large-scale changes in flame wrinkling resulting from differences in the thermo-diffusive stability of the flames. During flame interactions, thermo-diffusive effects are found to be insignificant due to the separation of time scales. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A separated oblique shock reflection on the floor of a rectangular cross-section wind tunnel has been investigated at M=2.5. The study aims to determine if and how separations occurring in the corners influence the main interaction as observed around the centreline of the floor. By changing the size of the corner separations through localised suction and small corner obstructions it was shown that the shape of the separated region in the centre was altered considerably. The separation length along the floor centreline was also modified by changes to the corner separation. A simple physical model has been proposed to explain the coupling between these separated regions based on the existence of compression or shock waves caused by the displacement effect of corner separation. These corner shocks alter the adverse pressure gradient imposed on the boundary-layer elsewhere which can lead to local reductions or increases of separation length. It is suggested that a typical oblique shock wave/boundary-layer interaction in rectangular channels features several zones depending on the relative position of the corner shocks and the main incident shock wave. Based on these findings the dependence of centre-line separation length on effective wind tunnel width is hypothesised. This requires further verification through experiments or computation. © 2013 by H. Babinsky.


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The design of accessible and inclusive contexts: work and daily living environments 6. Business advantages and applications of inclusive design 7. Legislation, standards and government awareness of inclusive design