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Die vorliegende Arbeit berichtet über ein neuartiges, kombiniertes Messverfahren zur gleichzeitigen Erfassung von Form und Material einer glänzenden Probenoberfläche. Die Materialerkennung erfolgt über die polarisationsoptische Brechzahlbestimmung im Messpunkt mit Mikroellipsometrie. Die Mikroellipsometrie ist ein fokussierendes Ellipsometer, das aus der Polarisationsänderung, bedingt durch die Wechselwirkung Licht – Materie, die materialcharakteristische komplexe Brechzahl eines reflektierenden Materials ermitteln kann. Bei der fokussierenden Ellipsometrie ist die Anordnung der fokussierenden Optiken von Bedeutung. Die hier vorgestellte ellipsometerexterne Fokussierung vermeidet Messfehler durch optische Anisotropien und ermöglicht die multispektrale ellipsometrische Messung. Für die ellipsometrische Brechzahlbestimmung ist zwingend die Kenntnis des Einfallswinkels des Messstrahls und die räumliche Orientierung der Oberflächenneigung zum Koordinatensystem des Ellipsometers notwendig. Die Oberflächenneigung wird mit einem Deflektometer ermittelt, das speziell für den Einsatz in Kombination mit der Ellipsometrie entwickelt wurde. Aus der lokalen Oberflächenneigung kann die Topographie einer Probe rekonstruiert werden. Der Einfallswinkel ist ebenfalls aus den Oberflächenneigungen ableitbar. Die Arbeit stellt die Systemtheorie der beiden kombinierten Messverfahren vor, außerdem werden Beiträge zu Messunsicherheiten diskutiert. Der experimentelle Teil der Arbeit beinhaltet die separate Untersuchung zur Leistungsfähigkeit der beiden zu kombinierenden Messverfahren. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse erlauben die Schlussfolgerung, dass ein Mikro-Deflexions-Ellipsometer erfolgreich realisierbar ist.
Recently Itatani et al. [Nature 432, 876 (2004)] introduced the new concept of molecular orbital tomography, where high harmonic generation (HHG) is used to image electronic wave functions. We describe an alternative reconstruction form, using momentum instead of dipole matrix elements for the electron recombination step in HHG. We show that using this velocity-form reconstruction, one obtains better results than using the original length-form reconstruction. We provide numerical evidence for our claim that one has to resort to extremely short pulses to perform the reconstruction for an orbital with arbitrary symmetry. The numerical evidence is based on the exact solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for 2D model systems to simulate the experiment. Furthermore we show that in the case of cylindrically symmetric orbitals, such as the N2 orbital that was reconstructed in the original work, one can obtain the full 3D wave function and not only a 2D projection of it. Vor kurzem führten Itatani et al. [Nature 432, 876 (2004)] das Konzept der Molelkülorbital-Tomographie ein. Hierbei wird die Erzeugung hoher Harmonischer verwendet, um Bilder von elektronischen Wellenfunktionen zu gewinnen. Wir beschreiben eine alternative Form der Rekonstruktion, die auf Impuls- statt Dipol-Matrixelementen für den Rekombinationsschritt bei der Erzeugung der Harmonischen basiert. Wir zeigen, dass diese "Geschwindigkeitsform" der Rekonstruktion bessere Ergebnisse als die ursprüngliche "Längenform" liefert. Wir zeigen numerische Beweise für unsere Behauptung, dass man zu extrem kurzen Laserpulsen gehen muss, um Orbitale mit beliebiger Symmetrie zu rekonstruieren. Diese Ergebnisse basieren auf der exakten Lösung der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung für 2D-Modellsysteme. Wir zeigen ferner, dass für zylindersymmetrische Orbitale wie das N2-Orbital, welches in der oben zitierten Arbeit rekonstruiert wurde, das volle 3D-Orbital rekonstruiert werden kann, nicht nur seine 2D-Projektion.
This thesis in Thermal Flow Drilling and Flowtap in thin metal sheet and pipes of copper and copper alloys had as objectives to know the comportment of copper and copper alloys sheet metal during the Thermal Flow Drill processes with normal tools, to know the best Speed and Feed machine data for the best bushing quality, to known the best Speed for Form Tapping processes and to know the best bush long in pure copper pipes for water solar interchange equipment. Thermal Flow Drilling (TFD) and Form Tapping (FT) is one of the research lines of the Institute of Production and Logistics (IPL) at University of Kassel. At December 1995, a work meeting of IPL, Santa Catarina University, Brazil, Buenos Aires University, Argentine, Tarapacá University (UTA), Chile members and the CEO of Flowdrill B.V. was held in Brazil. The group decided that the Manufacturing Laboratory (ML) of UTA would work with pure copper and brass alloys sheet metal and pure copper pipes in order to develop a water interchange solar heater. The Flowdrill BV Company sent tools to Tarapacá University in 1996. In 1999 IPL and the ML carried out an ALECHILE research project promoted by the DAAD and CONICyT in copper sheet metal and copper pipes and sheet metal a-brass alloys. The normal tools are lobed, conical tungsten carbide tool. When rotated at high speed and pressed with high axial force into sheet metal or thin walled tube generated heat softens the metal and allows the drill to feed forward produce a hole and simultaneously form a bushing from the displacement material. In the market exist many features but in this thesis is used short and longs normal tools of TFD. For reach the objectives it was takes as references four qualities of the frayed end bushing, where the best one is the quality class I. It was used pure copper and a-brass alloys sheet metals, with different thickness. It was used different TFD drills diameter for four thread type, from M-5 to M10. Similar to the Aluminium sheet metals studies it was used the predrilling processes with HSS drills around 30% of the TFD diameter (1,5 – 3,0 mm D). In the next step is used only 2,0 mm thick metal sheet, and 9,2 mm TFD diameter for M-10 thread. For the case of pure commercial copper pipes is used for ¾” inch diameter and 12, 8 mm (3/8”) TFD drill for holes for 3/8” pipes and different normal HSS drills for predrilling processes. The chemical sheet metal characteristics were takes as reference for the material behaviour. The Chilean pure copper have 99,35% of Cu and 0,163% of Zinc and the Chilean a-brass alloys have 75,6% of Cu and 24,0% of Zinc. It is used two German a-brass alloys; Nº1 have 61,6% of Cu, 36,03 % of Zinc and 2,2% of Pb and the German a-brass alloys Nº2 have 63,1% of Cu, 36,7% of Zinc and 0% of Pb. The equipments used were a HAAS CNC milling machine centre, a Kistler dynamometer, PC Pentium II, Acquisition card, TESTPOINT and XAct software, 3D measurement machine, micro hardness, universal test machine, and metallographic microscope. During the test is obtained the feed force and momentum curves that shows the material behaviour with TFD processes. In general it is take three phases. It was possible obtain the best machining data for the different sheet of copper and a-brass alloys thick of Chilean materials and bush quality class I. In the case of a-brass alloys, the chemical components and the TFD processes temperature have big influence. The temperature reach to 400º Celsius during the TFD processes and the a-brass alloys have some percents of Zinc the bush quality is class I. But when the a-brass alloys have some percents of Lead who have 200º C melting point is not possible to obtain a bush, because the Lead gasify and the metallographic net broke. During the TFD processes the recrystallization structures occur around the Copper and a-brass alloy bush, who gives more hardness in these zones. When the threads were produce with Form Tapping processes with Flowtap tools, this hardness amount gives a high limit load of the thread when hey are tested in a special support that was developed for it. For eliminated the predrilling processes with normal HSS drills it was developed a compound tool. With this new tool it was possible obtain the best machining data for quality class I bush. For the copper pipes it is made bush without predrilling and the quality class IV was obtained. When it is was used predrilling processes, quality classes I bush were obtained. Then with different HSS drill diameter were obtained different long bush, where were soldering with four types soldering materials between pipes with 3/8” in a big one as ¾”. Those soldering unions were tested by traction test and all the 3/8” pipes broken, and the soldering zone doesn’t have any problem. Finally were developed different solar water interchange heaters and tested. As conclusions, the present Thesis shows that the Thermal Flow Drilling in thinner metal sheets of cooper and cooper alloys needs a predrilling process for frayed end quality class I bushings, similar to thinner sheets of aluminium bushes. The compound tool developed could obtain quality class I bushings and excludes predrilling processes. The bush recrystalization, product of the friction between the tool and the material, the hardness grows and it is advantageous for the Form Tapping. The methodology developed for commercial copper pipes permits to built water solar interchange heaters.
For over 1,000 years, the Balinese have developed a unique system of democratic and sustainable water irrigation. It has shaped the cultural landscapes of Bali and enables local communities to manage the ecology of terraced rice fields at the scale of whole watersheds. The Subak system has made the Balinese the most productive rice growers in Indonesia and ensures a high level of food sovereignty for a dense population on the volcanic island. The Subak system provides a vibrant example of a diverse, ecologically sustainable, economically productive and democratic water management system that is also characterized by its nonreliance on fossil fuel derivatives or heavy machinery. In 2012, UNESCO has recognized five rice terraces and their water temples as World Heritage site and supports its conservation and protection. However, the fragile Subak system is threatened for its complexity and interconnectedness by new agricultural practices and increasing tourism on the island.
El cuaderno incluye una gu??a did??ctica para el profesor
The processes underlying the perceptual analysis of visual form are believed to have minimal interaction with those subserving the perception of visual motion (Livingstone and Hubel, 1987; Victor and Conte, 1990). Recent reports of functionally and anatomically segregated parallel streams in the primate visual cortex seem to support this hypothesis (Ungerlieder and Mishkin, 1982; VanEssen and Maunsell, 1983; Shipp and Zeki, 1985; Zeki and Shipp, 1988; De Yoe et al., 1994). Here we present perceptual evidence that is at odds with this view and instead suggests strong symmetric interactions between the form and motion processes. In one direction, we show that the introduction of specific static figural elements, say 'F', in a simple motion sequence biases an observer to perceive a particular motion field, say 'M'. In the reverse direction, the imposition of the same motion field 'M' on the original sequence leads the observer to perceive illusory static figural elements 'F'. A specific implication of these findings concerns the possible existence of (what we call) motion end-stopped units in the primate visual system. Such units might constitute part of a mechanism for signalling subjective occluding contours based on motion-field discontinuities.
In the eighties, John Aitchison (1986) developed a new methodological approach for the statistical analysis of compositional data. This new methodology was implemented in Basic routines grouped under the name CODA and later NEWCODA inMatlab (Aitchison, 1997). After that, several other authors have published extensions to this methodology: Marín-Fernández and others (2000), Barceló-Vidal and others (2001), Pawlowsky-Glahn and Egozcue (2001, 2002) and Egozcue and others (2003). (...)
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
This is the full Module Evaluation Form adopted by the University of Southampton. The latest editable file can be downloaded from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit (LATEU) of the University. Included in this resource is the online version of the form for use in Blackboard, WebCT and other virtual learning environments. If you are using Blackboard, you are advised to use Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Save the Blackboard zip archive to a local drive. Do not rename the file name. Go to the destination course area in Blackboard, open the "Control Panel" and then start the "Survey Manager" (in the "Assessment" group). Use the "Import" command to upload the zip archive. Once this is completed, rename the evaluation form which can then be added to any content area within the course using the dropdown "Add Survey" command.
IMAGINING LTDA, es una empresa de publicidad, que decide aventurarse en un plan de reestructuración antes de ver el cierre como una posible opción. En ese sentido se empieza un total plan donde prácticamente se desarma lo poco que había en la empresa y se empieza de cero. El principal resultado es que se logra desarrollar un modelo de negocio planteado como Agencia de Publicidad Express, que logra integrar una serie de componentes estratégicos, que separados son diferenciales muy débiles, pero juntos se integran y se convierten en un gran diferencial estratégico generador de ventaja competitiva. Haciendo un estudio profundo, de la industria, el sector y la demanda, se puede ver que es un campo muy competido y hacinado sobretodo, sin embargo existen algunas necesidades en canal y cliente muy fuertes, que permiten desarrollar un modelo diferente en publicidad, que es en lo que IMAGINING, decide enfocarse para ser diferente y atacar exclusivamente como agencia a las empresas denominadas como PYME. Todo esto resulta enfocándose en un sistema organizacional que permite una eficiencia y una concentración de decisiones que le permite a la empresa ir consolidándose con la rapidez que el cliente necesita y que solo IMAGINING puede ofrecer. El enfoque de mercado, por supuesto gira en base a las 4 Ps del mercadeo, que diferencian un producto que se hace a través de los estándares de calidad y la forma como se va a promocionar y vender ante las personas, con una política de precios lo suficientemente competitiva y accesible para el mercado que se aspira conquistar. De ahí se deriva un concepto de vender publicidad fácil y objetivamente sin que haya diferencias de uno a otro cliente. Financieramente el modelo resulta ser muy atractivo, y vendiendo relativamente poco se pueden recuperar márgenes de inversión muy altos puesto que la utilidad es muy alta en el negocio y más cuando no se sub contratan las cosas sino se quiere hacer todo directamente como lo hace IMAGINING.
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Resumen tomado de la publicación