982 resultados para cations


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A eficiência da calagem superficial pode ser melhorada por meio de compostos orgânicos hidrossolúveis liberados por resíduos vegetais. No entanto, não se sabe se os teores desses compostos nos resíduos das culturas podem ser modificados pela aplicação de calcário e gesso em superfície. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos das aplicações de calcário e gesso em superfície sobre os teores de cátions solúveis nos resíduos vegetais das culturas de arroz, feijão e aveia-preta. O experimento foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico de Botucatu (SP). O delineamento foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por quatro doses de calcário dolomítico (0, 1.100, 2.700 e 4.300 kg ha-1) e as subparcelas, pela aplicação ou não de 2.100 kg ha-1 de gesso agrícola. Para as culturas de verão foi utilizado esquema de parcela subsubdividida. As subsubparcelas foram constituídas por dois cultivares de arroz de terras altas (Caiapó e IAC 202), no ano agrícola 2002/03, e dois cultivares de feijão (Pérola e Carioca), em 2003/04. A aveia-preta foi cultivada no inverno dos dois anos, utilizando apenas o cultivar Comum. Os teores de cátions solúveis na parte aérea das culturas de arroz, feijão e aveia-preta foram alterados pela aplicação de calcário e gesso em superfície. A gessagem em superfície aumentou os teores solúveis de Ca e reduziu o de Mg na parte aérea das culturas, principalmente nas primeiras safras após a aplicação. A calagem aumentou os teores de cátions solúveis na parte aérea de todas as culturas. As culturas do feijão e da aveia-preta apresentaram maiores teores de cátions solúveis nos resíduos da parte aérea, avaliados no florescimento.


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The oil industry, experiencing a great economic and environmental impact, has increasingly invested in researches aiming a more satisfactory treatment of its largest effluent, i.e., produced water. These are mostly discarded at sea, without reuse and after a basic treatment. Such effluent contains a range of organic compounds with high toxicity and are difficult to remove, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, salts, heavy metals, etc.. The main objective of this work was to study the solar distillation of produced water pre-treated to remove salts and other contaminants trough of a hybrid system with a pre-heater. This developed apparatus was called solar system, which consists of a solar heater and a conventional distillation solar still. The first device consisted of a water tank, a solar flat plate collector and a thermal reservoir. The solar distillator is of simple effect, with 1m2 of flat area and 20° of inclination. This dissertation was divided in five steps: measurements in the solar system, i.e. temperatures and distillate flow rate and weather data; modeling and simulation of the system; study of vapor-liquid equilibrium of the synthetic wastewater by the aqueous solution of p-xylene; physical and chemical analyses of samples of the feed, distillate and residue, as well as climatology pertinent variables of Natal-RN. The solar system was tested separately, with the supply water, aqueous NaCl and synthetic oil produced water. Temperature measurements were taken every minute of the thermal reservoir, water tank and distillator (liquid and vapor phases). Data of solar radiation and rainfall were obtained from INPE (National Institute for Space Research). The solar pre-heater demonstrated to be effective for the liquid systems tested. The reservoir fluid had an average temperature of 58°C, which enabled the feed to be pre-heated in the distillator. The temperature profile in the solar distillator showed a similar behavior to daily solar radiation, with temperatures near 70°C. The distillation had an average yield of 2.4 L /day, i.e., an efficiency of 27.2%. Mathematical modeling aided the identification of the most important variables and parameters in the solar system. The study of the vapor-liquid equilibrium from Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis indicated heteroazeotropia and the vapor phase resulted more concentrated in p-xylene. The physical-chemical analysis of pH, conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), chlorides, cations (including heavy metals) and anions, the effluent distillate showed satisfactory results, which presents a potential for reuse. The climatological study indicates the region of Natal-RN as favorable to the operation of solar systems, but the use of auxiliary heating during periods of higher rainfall and cloud cover is also recommended


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This study aimed to evaluate the potential use of smectite clays for color removal of textile effluents. The experiments were performed by testing exploratory/planning method factorial and fractional factorial where the factors and levels are predetermined. The smectite clays were used originating from gypsum hub of the region Araripe-PE, and the dye used was Reactive Yellow BF-4G 200%. The smectite clay was collected and transported to the Laboratory of Soil Physics of UFRPE, where it held its preparation through air drying, lump breaking and classification in sieve to then submit it to the adsorption process. Upon completion of 22 complete factorial design it was concluded that the values of (96, 96,5 and 95,8%) corresponding to the percentage of of removal for "in-kind", chemically and thermally activated, respectively and adsorbed amounts of (4,80, 4,61 and 4,74 mg/g) for three clays. Showed that the activation processes used did not increase the adsorption capacity of smectite clay. The kinetic data were best fitted to the Freundlich isotherm, with an exponential distribution of active sites and that shows above the Langmuir equation for adsorption of cations and anions by clays. The kinetic model that best adapted to the results was the pseudosecond order model. In the factorial design study 24-1, at concentrations up to 500 mg/L obtains high percentage of color removal (92,37, 90,92 and 93,40%) and adsorbed amount (230,94, 227,31 and 233,50 mg/g) for three clays. The kinetic data fitted well to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The kinetic model that best adapted to the results was the pseudosecond order model


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The city of Natal comprises an area of about 170 km² (65,63 squares miles). The Dunas-Barreiras Aquifer is the most important reservoir of the coastal basin of RN. It is being responsible for the water supplying of about 70% of the population, however, due to the sewage disposal system by cesspools and drains, it is presently affected in a great extent by nitrates contamination. Thus, the present work proposes to research the utilization of contaminated water by nitrates of this fountainhead and find cost of the potable water through the ionic exchange technology. This technology consists in the removal of mineral salts by the exchange of cations for one ion of hydrogen (H+), through the passage of water by cationic resin bed and, secondly, by the exchange of the anions for hydroxyl ions (OH-) through a anionic resin bed. The obtained results have showed the waters derived from fountains, big water holes and shallow wells were microbiologically contaminated, while the waters derived from deep wells (above 70 m 76,58 yards) were free of contamination. Thus, only these ones are suitable to the use of ionic technology. The experiments were conducted with the resin IMAC-HP-555 such as kinetic, thermodynamic, and adsorption by fixed bed studies, being obtained several project variables for the experimental column, as follow: work temperature of 25oC; resin maximum capacity maximum e mean of adsorption ==0,01692 g NO3-1/g R e 0,0110 g NO3-1/g R, respectively. On the experimental column were performed breakthrough tests which pointed for an average ideal average speed of work of 13.2 m / h, with an average efficiency of 45% of adsorption, an optimal concentration of NaCl desorption of 8%, and an ideal desorption time of 80 minutes for the equilibrium conditions of water from the Dunas-Barreiras aquifer. Scale projection for ion-exchange column for denitrification, for these variables, using a computer modeling programme, to project the column of ion exchange ROREX-420/2000, obtained a cost for the drinking water denitrified by this system of R$ 0,16 / m3


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A lectin with hemagglutinating activity has been isolated from an aqueous extract of the symbiotic phenotype of Dictyonema glabratum and its cyanobacterial photobiont Scytonema sp. The purified lectin had a pi of 6.8 and its molecular mass was investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, gel filtration and SDS-PAGE, which indicated its native conformation as a dimer formed by two identical subunits of 16540 Da. The lectin is a glycoprotein with a low degree of glycosylation, containing galactose, xylose, glucose and mannose as neutral monosaccharides, in addition to glucosamine, which could indicate both N- and O-linkages. Amino acid analysis showed the predominance of nonpolar residues such as phenylalanine. Agglutination of human erythrocytes required divalent cations, which is affected by addition of EDTA. The lectin was more stable at 30 degreesC or less for at least 1 h and between pH 5.0 and 7.0. Among the various compounds tested for hemagglutination inhibition, N-acetylgalactosamine was the most active. The potential role of this lectin in recognition of the compatible cyanobacterial photobiont is discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)