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A model of equatorial ocean is used to study the roles of the Pacific western boundary and the Mindanao Current (MC) in the evolution of the equatorial warm pool. The model consists of the single baroclinic mode of a two-layer ocean, with the parameterization of the anomalous increment of the interface representing the SST difference from its long-term-space-mean. The ocean is driven by a wind path in the middle ocean with a real or an artificial geometry assigned at the western and eastern boundaries. In order to test the role of the MC, the western boundary current is introduced into the model by a boundary condition at a position, real and unreal, respectively. The model experiments show that the warm pool, which is insensitive to the longitudinal width of the wind band in middle ocean, results mainly from the accumulation o the eastly-drifted warm water in the equatorial western Pacific. It is the dominant factor for the formation of the warm pool that, at a very low latitude, the Papua New Guinea coast intersects the longitudinally lined Philippine Islands at an obtuse angle. In contrast, the western Atlantic boundary, which inclines poleward from the equator at some 135 degrees, could guide the warm water there moving to a higher latitude. On the other hand, the equatorial warm pool in the western equatorial Pacific is very sensitive to the assignment of th Mindanao Current at 7.5°N and displaces southward, with a stronger southern branch than the northern one. We attribute this asymmetry to the combined effect of the western boundary and the MC upon the equatorial warm away from the equator. A by-product of our solutions is the possible mechanism of the "secondary warm pool" in the eastern Pacific north of the equator. It is suggested that, mainly or partly, the "secondary warm pool" results from the cooperation of the southeast monsoon in eastern Pacific and the eastern boundary hindering the propagation of the Kelvin wave poleward alongshore.


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We studied the morphology of three rare haptorid ciliates, using live observation and silver impregnation: Apertospathula verruculifera n. sp., Longispatha elegans n. gen., n. sp., and Rhinothrix porculus (Penard, 1922) n. gen., n. comb. Simple ethanol fixation (50-70%, v/v) is recommended to reveal the ciliary pattern of "difficult" ciliates, such as R. porculus, by protargol impregnation. The three genera investigated have a distinct feature in common, viz., a lasso-shaped oral bulge and circumoral kinety, where the right half is slightly to distinctly longer than the left and the circumoral kinety is open ventrally. Thus, they are united in a new spathidiid family, the Apertospathulidae n. fam., which probably evolved from a Bryophyllum-like ancestor by partial reduction of the oral bulge and circumoral kinety. Apertospathula verruculifera has a wart-like process, the palpus dorsalis, at the anterior end of the dorsal brush. The right branch of the circumoral kinety is only slightly longer than the left one. Longispatha elegans has a straight oral bulge and circumoral kinety, the right branch of which extends to the posterior end of the body while the left branch ends in the anterior third of the body. Rhinothrix porculus, a curious ciliate with a snout-like dorsal elongation of the oral bulge, the palpus oralis, has a highly characteristic ciliary pattern: the oral pattern is as in Longispatha, but the bulge and circumoral kinety extend spirally to the posterior end of the body while the somatic kinetics course meridionally. This is achieved by inserting some shortened kinetics in the curves of the oral bulge.


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A low molecular weight fucogalactan, obtained from the brown seaweed Laminaria japonica, was separated into three fractions (LF1, LF2 and LF3) by DEAE-Sepharose FF column chromatography. All three fractions contained predominantly fucose, sulfate group and galactose. The results showed that the main fraction LF2 consisted of L-fucose, D-galactose and sulfate at a molar ratio 6:1:9. Structural study on the LF2 was carried out by NMR spectroscopy. The backbone of LF2 was primarily (1 -> 3)-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues (75%) and a few (1 -> 4)-alpha-L-fucopyranose linkages (25%). The branch points were at C-4 of 3-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues by beta-D-galactopyranose unites (35%, molar ratio) or at C-2 of 3-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues by non-reducing terminal fucose unites (65%, molar ratio). Sulfate groups occupied at position C-4 or C-2, sometimes C-2, 4 to fucose residues, and C-3 and/or C-4 to galactose residues. The structure of LF2 was supposed as following: [GRAPHICS] (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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从并联机构与串联机构的运动学等效 ,并联机构本身特征与并联机构实际工作空间出发 ,考虑各分支末端误差对最终运动平台末端误差的影响 ,提出了并联机构位姿误差放大因子分析法·依据位姿误差放大因子具有对误差定量分析的特点 ,该分析方法既可用于机构参数优化 ,又可用于结构精度设计· 最后 ,给出了一个实例说明本方法的有效性·


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What geophysical inversion studied includes the common mathematics physical property of inversion and the constitution and appraisal method of solution in geophysics domain, i.e. using observed physical phenomenon from the earth surface to infer space changing and physical property structure of medium within the earth. Seismic inversion is a branch of geophysical inversion. The basic purpose of seismic inversion is to utilizing seismic wave propagating law in the medium underground to infer stratum structure and space distribution of physical property according to data acquisition, processing and interpretation, and then offer the vital foundation for exploratory development. Poststack inversion is convenient and swift, its acoustic impedance inversion product can reflect reservoir interior changing rule to a certain degree, but poststack data lack abundant amplitude and travel time information included in prestack data because of multiple superimpose and weaken the sensitiveness which reflecting reservoir property. Compared with poststack seismic inversion, prestack seismic inversion has better fidelity and more adequate information. Prestack seismic inversion, including waveform inversion, not only suitable for thin strata physical property inversion, it can also inverse reservoir oil-bearing ability. Prestack seismic inversion and prestack elastic impedance inversion maintain avo information, sufficiently applying seismic gathering data with different incident angle, partial angle stack, gradient and intercept seismic data cube. Prestack inversion and poststack inversion technology were studied in this dissertation. A joint inversion method which synthesize prestack elastic wave waveform inversion, prestack elastic impedance inversion and poststack inversion was proposed by making fully use of prestack inversion multiple information and relatively fast and steady characteristic of poststack inversion. Using the proposed method to extract rock physics attribute cube with clear physical significance and reflecting reservoir characterization, such as P-wave and S-wave impedance, P-wave and S-wave velocity, velocity ratio, density, Poisson ratio and Lame’s constant. Regarding loose sand reservoir in lower member of Minghuazhen formation, 32-6 south districts in Qinhuangdao,as the research object, be aimed at the different between shallow layer loose sand and deep layer tight sand, first of all, acquire physical property parameters suitable for this kind of heavy oil pool according to experimental study, establishing initial pressure and shear wave relational model; Afterwards, performing prestack elastic wave forward and inversion research, summarizing rules under the guidance of theoretical research and numerical simulation, performing elastic impedance inversion, calculating rock physics attributes; Finally, predicting sand body distribution according to rock physics parameters, and predicting favorable oil area combine well-logging materials and made good results.


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With development of industry and acceleration of urbanization, problems of air quality as well as their influences on human health have recently been regarded highly by current international communities and governments. Generally, industrializations can result in exhausting of a lot of industry gases and dusts, while urbanization can cause increasing of modern vehicles. Comparing with traditional chemical methods, magnetic method is simple, rapid, exact, low-cost and non-destructive for monitoring air pollution and has been widely applied in domestic and international studies. In this thesis, with an aim of better monitoring air pollution, we selected plants (highroad-side perennial pine trees (Pinus pumila Regel) along a highroad linking Beijing City and the Capital International Airport, and tree bark and tree ring core samples (willow, Salix matsudana) nearby a smelting industry in northeast Beijing) for magnetic studies. With systemic magnetic measurements on these samples, magnetic response mechanism of contamination(e.g. tree leaves, tree ring)to both short- and long-term environmental pollution has been constructed, and accordingly the pollution range, degree and process of different time-scale human activities could be assessed. A series of rock magnetic experiments of tree leaves show that the primary magnetic mineral of leaf samples was identified to be magnetite, in pseudo-single domain (PSD) grain size range of 0.2-5.0 μm. Magnetite concentration and grain size in leaves are ascertained to decrease with increasing of sampling distance to highroad asphalt surface, suggesting that high magnetic response to traffic pollution is localized within a distance of about 2 m away from highroad asphalt surface. On the other hand, highroad-side trees and rainwater can effectively reduce the concentration of traffic pollution-induced particulate matters (PMs) in the atmosphere. This study is the first time to investigate the relationship of smelting factory activities and vicissitudes of environment with tree rings by magnetic methods. Results indicate that magnetic particles are omnipresent in tree bark and trunk wood. Magnetic techniques including low-temperature experiment, successive acquisition of IRM, hysteresis loops and SIRM measurements suggest that magnetic particles are predominated by magnetite in pseudo-single domain state. Comparison of magnetic properties of tree trunk and branch cores collected from different directions and heights implies that collection of magnetic particles depends on both sampling direction and height. Pollution source-facing tree trunk wood contains significantly more magnetic particles than other sides. These indicate that magnetic particles are most likely intercepted and collected by tree bark first, then enter into tree xylem tissues by translocation during growing season, and are finally enclosed in a tree ring by lignifying. Correlation between magnetic properties such as time-dependent SIRM values of tree ring cores and the annual steel yields of the smelting factory is significant. Considering the dependence of magnetic properties in sampling directions, heights, and ring cores, we proposed that magnetic particles in the xylem cannot move between tree rings. Accordingly, the SIRM and some other magnetic parameters of tree ring cores from the source-facing side could be contributed to historical study of atmospheric pollution produced by heavy metal smelting activities, isoline diagrams of SIRM values of all the tree rings indicate that air pollution is increasing worse. We believed that a synthetic rock magnetic study is an effective method for determining concentration and grain size of ferromagnets in the atmospheric PMs, and then it should be a rapid and feasible technique for monitoring atmospheric pollution.