991 resultados para body ideal


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Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is now an established therapy in stage I lung cancer with comparable local control rates to surgical resection. Owing to the conformity of treatment dose delivery and with appropriate fractionation considerations, minimal side-effects to surrounding normal tissues are observed in most patients. SBRT is now being used in the treatment of oligometastatic disease, alone or alongside systemic therapy. At present there is a paucity of evidence available showing a clinical benefit, but several international studies are being set-up or have started recruitment. This overview considers the clinical entity of an oligometastatic state, discusses the role of SBRT in the management of oligometastatic disease and discusses potential novel therapy combinations with SBRT.


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This article reports the development of a novel drum photocatalytic reactor for treating dye effluent streams. The parameters for operation including drum rotation speed, light source distance, catalyst loading and H2O2 doping have been investigated using methylene blue as a model pollutant. Effluent can be generated by a number of domestic and industrial sources, including pharmaceutical, oil and gas, agricultural, food and chemical sectors. The work reported here proposes the application of semiconductor photocatalysis as a final polishing step for the removal of hydrocarbons from effluents sources, initial studies have proved effective in removing residual hydrocarbons from the effluent.


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Variability in metabolic scaling in animals, the relationship between metabolic rate (R) and body mass (M), has been a source of debate and controversy for decades. R is proportional to M-b, the precise value of b much debated, but historically considered equal in all organisms. Recent metabolic theory, however, predicts b to vary among species with ecology and metabolic level, and may also vary within species under different abiotic conditions. Under climate change, most species will experience increased temperatures, and marine organisms will experience the additional stressor of decreased seawater pH ('ocean acidification'). Responses to these environmental changes are modulated by myriad species-specific factors. Body-size is a fundamental biological parameter, but its modulating role is relatively unexplored. Here, we show that changes to metabolic scaling reveal asymmetric responses to stressors across body-size ranges; b is systematically decreased under increasing temperature in three grazing molluscs, indicating smaller individuals were more responsive to warming. Larger individuals were, however, more responsive to reduced seawater pH in low temperatures. These alterations to the allometry of metabolism highlight abiotic control of metabolic scaling, and indicate that responses to climate warming and ocean acidification may be modulated by body-size.


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Biases in preservation shape the fossil record, and therefore impact on our reconstructions of past environments and biodiversity. Given the intensive recent research in the general fields of taphonomy and exceptional preservation, surprisingly, fundamental questions remain unanswered about species-level variation in skeletal preservation potential at low taxonomic levels (e.g. between genera from the same family, or between taxa from related families) across myriad groups with multi-element skeletons. Polyplacophoran molluscs (chitons sensu lato) are known from the late Cambrian to Recent, and possess a distinctive articulated scleritome consisting of eight overlapping calcareous valves. The apparent uniformity of living chitons presents an ideal model to test the potential for taphonomic biases at the alpha-taxon level. The vast majority of fossil chitons are preserved as single valves; few exhibit body preservation or even an articulated shell series. An experimental taphonomic programme was conducted using the Recent polyplacophorans Lepidochitona cinerea and Tonicella marmorea (suborder Chitonina) and Acanthochitona crinita (Acanthochitonina). Experiments in a rock tumbler on disarticulated valves found differential resistance to abrasion between taxa; in one experiment 53.8-61.5% of Lepidochitona valves were recovered but 92% of those from Tonicella and 100% of elements from Acanthochitona. Chiton valves and even partly decayed carcasses are more resistant to transportation than their limited fossil record implies. Different species of living chitons have distinctly different preservation potential. This, problematically, does not correlate with obvious differences in gross valve morphology; some, but not all, of the differences correlate with phylogeny. Decay alone is sufficient to exacerbate differences in preservation potential of multi-element skeletons; some, but not all, of the variation that results is due to specimen size and the fidelity of the fossil record will thus vary intra-specifically (e.g. between ontogenetic stages) as well as inter-specifically. 


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Aim of the study
This paper presents the experiences of undergraduate nursing students who participated in a creative learning project to explore the cells, tissues and organs of the human body through felt making.

Context and Background
This project was funded by a Teaching Innovation Award from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast to explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology. The project was facilitated through collaboration between University Teaching staff and Arts Care, a unique arts and health charity in Northern Ireland.

Twelve year one students participated in four workshops designed to explore the cells, tissues and organs of the human body through the medium of felt. Facilitated by an Arts Care artist, students translated their learning into striking felt images. The project culminated in the exhibition of this unique collection of work which has been viewed by fellow students, teaching staff, nurses from practice, and artists from Arts Care, friends, family and members of the public.

Key Findings and conclusions
The opportunity to learn in a more diverse way within a safe and non-judgmental environment was valued, with students’ reporting a greater confidence in life science knowledge. Self- reflection and group discussion revealed that the project was a unique creative learning experience for all involved – students, teaching staff and artist – resulting in individual and collective benefits far beyond knowledge acquisition. As individuals we each felt respected and recognised for our unique contribution to the project. Working in partnership with Arts Care enabled us to experience the benefits of creativity to well-being and reflect upon how engagement in creative activities can help healthcare professionals to focus on the individual patient’s needs and how this is fundamental to enhancing patient-centred care


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This article explores what the recovery of 2008 TC3 in the form of the Almahata Sitta meteorites may tell us about the source region of ureilites in the main asteroid belt. An investigation is made into what is known about asteroids with roughly the same spectroscopic signature as 2008 TC3. A population of low-inclination near-Earth asteroids is identified with spectra similar to 2008 TC3. Five asteroid families in the Main Belt, as well as a population of ungrouped asteroids scattered in the inner and central belts, are identified as possible source regions for this near-Earth population and 2008 TC3. Three of the families are ruled out on dynamical and spectroscopic grounds. New near-infrared spectra of 142 Polana and 1726 Hoffmeister, lead objects in the two other families, also show a poor match to Almahata Sitta. Thus, there are no Main Belt spectral analogs to Almahata Sitta currently known. Space weathering effects on ureilitic materials have not been investigated, so that it is unclear how the spectrum of the Main Belt progenitor may look different from the spectra of 2008 TC3 and the Almahata Sitta meteorites. Dynamical arguments are discussed, as well as ureilite petrogenesis and parent body evolution models, but these considerations do not conclusively point to a source region either, other than that 2008 TC3 probably originated in the inner asteroid belt.


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Since the late nineteenth-century works of criminologists Lombroso and Lacassagne, tattoos in Europe have been commonly associated with deviant bodies. Like many other studies of tattoos of non-indigenous origin, the locus of our research is the convict body. Given the corporeal emphasis of prison records, we argue that tattoos form a crucial part of the power dynamic. Tattoos in the carceral context embody an inherent paradox of their being a component in the reidentification of 'habitual criminals'. We argue that their presence can be regarded as an expression of convict agency: by the act of imprinting unique identifiers on their bodies, convicts boldly defied the official gaze, while equally their description in official records exacted power over the deviant body. Cursory findings show an alignment with other national studies; corporeal inscriptions in Ireland were more prevalent in men's prisons than women's and associated, however loosely, with certain occupations. For instance, maritime and military motifs find representation. Recidivists were more likely to have tattoos than first-time offenders; inscriptions were described as monotone, rudimentary in design and incorporated a limited range of impressions. Further to our argument that tattoos form an expression of convict defiance of prison authority, we have found an unusual idiosyncrasy in the convict record, that is, that the agency of photography, while undermined in general terms, was manipulated by prison officers.


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Laughter is a ubiquitous social signal in human interactions yet it remains understudied from a scientific point of view. The need to understand laughter and its role in human interactions has become more pressing as the ability to create conversational agents capable of interacting with humans has come closer to a reality. This paper reports on three aspects of the human perception of laughter when context has been removed and only the body information from the laughter episode remains. We report on ability to categorise the laugh type and the sex of the laugher; the relationship between personality factors with laughter categorisation and perception; and finally the importance of intensity in the perception and categorisation of laughter.


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AIMS: We report the outcomes of a large lung stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) programme for primary non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pulmonary metastases. The primary study aim was to identify factors predictive for local control.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In total, 311 pulmonary tumours in 254 patients were treated between 2008 and 2011 with SABR using 48-60 Gy in four to five fractions. Local, regional and distant failure data were collected prospectively, whereas other end points were collected retrospectively. Potential clinical and dosimetric predictors of local control were evaluated using univariate and multivariate analyses.

RESULTS: Of the 311 tumours, 240 were NSCLC and 71 were other histologies. The 2 year local control rate was 96% in stage I NSCLC, 76% in colorectal cancer (CRC) metastases and 91% in non-lung/non-CRC metastases. Predictors of better local control on multivariate analysis were non-CRC tumours and a larger proportion of the planning target volume (PTV) receiving ≥100% of the prescribed dose (higher PTV V100). Among the 45 CRC metastases, a higher PTV V100 and previous chemotherapy predicted for better local control.

CONCLUSIONS: Lung SABR of 48-60 Gy/four to five fractions resulted in high local control rates for all tumours except CRC metastases. Covering more of the PTV with the prescription dose (a higher PTV V100) also resulted in superior local control.