995 resultados para alfa-amilase


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Effects of amylase addition on extruder parameters, cost of extrusion, kibble quality and digestibility of dog food were measured in two separate experiments. In experiment 1, 120 kilo-novo-alpha-amilase-unit (KNU)/kg of heat stable alpha-amylase produced by Bacillus licheniformis was added in liquid form during a preconditioning period. In experiment 23684 KNU/kg of heat stable alpha-amylase produced by Aspergillus oryzae was mixed with the ingredients before extrusion. The diets were processed in a single screw extruder and submitted to digestibility and on experiment 1 also to palatability tests. Digestibility was tested using 12 dogs, six per diet. Data were submitted to analysis of variance followed by F-test. Amylase addition altered extrusion parameters in both experiments (P<0.05), with higher output (kg of dry matter [DM]/h: 28% and 43% higher in experiments 1 and 2) and less electric energy consumption (kW to produce 100 kg DM: 22% and 29% lower in experiments 1 and 2). Kibble appearance and quality [density (g/L), cutting force (g), and starch gelatinization degree (%)] did not change with enzyme treatment (P>0.05). Likewise, enzyme addition did not change nutrient digestibility, fecal dry matter or food palatability (P<0.05). Taken together our results suggest that amylase promoted the breakdown of amylose chains, thereby reducing the dough viscosity and resistance inside the extruder which allowed for higher product flow and less electricity energy consumption without altering food quality. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, is an important omnivorous fish in the reservoirs of the semi-arid region of Brazil. Throughout its growth tilapia s feeding behavior changes from a visual predator of zooplankton to a filter-feeder, collecting suspended particulate matter, including planktonic organisms, through pumping. This feature results in different impacts of tilapia on plankton community as the fish grows. Aiming to quantify the functional response of different sizes of Nile tilapia on zooplankton experiments in microcosms scale in the laboratory and in mesocosm scale in the field were carried out. The data were fitted to four different models of functional response. The best fits were obtained for nonlinear models in laboratory experiments. While the experiments in mesocosms were the best settings for responses of type I (juvenile and adult tilapia) and type III (fry). The Manly's alpha index was used to evaluate the feeding selectivity of tilapia on the three main groups of the zooplankton in the experiments in mesocosms. The results show that: (i) rotifers were the preferred prey of fingerlings,(ii) copepods were rejected by fry and juvenile tilapia and (iii) adult fish fed non-selectively on copepods, cladocerans and rotifers. The functional response models obtained in this research can be applied to population models and help in modeling the dynamics of interactions between Nile tilapia and the planktonic communities in the reservoirs of the semi-arid


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No presente trabalho foram utilizadas quatro fêmeas suínas, adultas, mestiças, não-gestantes e sem sinais clínicos de estro, criadas e mantidas sob condições industriais de criação. Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de ritmicidade biológica circadiana para tiroxina e 17-alfa -OH progesterona. Os ensaios para dosagens hormonais foram executados utilizando-se a técnica de radioimunoensaio (RIE) em fase sólida e para isso foi empregado conjunto de reagentes comerciais (COAT-A-COUNT R). As análises séricas de tiroxina mostraram valores mais elevados ao redor das 15 horas, decrescendo a partir dai até atingir níveis menores no intervalo da zero às 4 horas. Quanto a 17-alfa -OH progesterona, observaram-se níveis mais elevados por volta das 3 horas, decrescendo gradativamente ao longo do dia, até atingir menor concentração no intervalo das 12 às 15 horas.


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Descriptive exploratory study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed on the Medical Regulation Central of SAMU/Natal, aiming to identify the level of professional satisfaction of the members of the nursing team working at SAMU/Natal; and verify the degree of importance attributed by the professionals to each of the components Professional Satisfaction: autonomy, interaction, professional status , work requirements, organizational rules and remuneration. The population was of 60 professionals, with data collected from january to february 2005. We used an instrument translated and validated by Lino (1999) to the portuguese language, the Professional Satisfaction Rate (PSR). The results demonstrate that there was a slight predominance of the female gender (54,9%); aged between 36 and 45 years old (60,8%); married (58,8%), 82,4% with children, 30,8% aged between 05 and 09. Regarding formation, we observed that 78,4% were nursing technicians and 21,6% nurses, formed for 11 to 15 years (17,5%). From the 11 nurses, 09 (81,8%) informed they have specialization, 29,4% of the team has been working for 11 to 15 years on the urgency area, 58.8% works for more than 02 years on SAMU, 72,6% of the team members have fixed work schedules. There was homogeneity on the work shifts: 41,2% on the day shift and 53% on the night shift. Regarding the reason to be working on SAMU, 64% chose to work in the service, and among these 76,3% predominantly perform direct care to the patients, 96,1% like and are satisfied to work in the service. Regarding the remuneration, 90,9% informed they receive 05 to 10 minimum wages; 70% of the technicians informed they receive -2 to 05 minumum wages, 50,1% informed they receive no additional benefit. The analysis of PSR through Cronbach s Alpha Coeficient resulted on the value of 0,94 and through Kendall s Tau Coeficient on 0,87, demonstrating to be a trustworthy instrument to measure the level of professional satisfaction of the SAMU nursing team, in our environment. As for the level of importance attributed to the components of professional satisfaction, we indentified that the nursing team considered the Autonomy component as the most important, followed by the component Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, Work Requirements, Organizational Rules and Professional Status . Regarding the current level of professional satisfaction, we identified they were most satisfied with the Professional Status , Autonomy, Interaction, Remuneration, Work Requirements and Organizational Rules. The real professional satisfaction level, calculated through statistics, however, tells these professionals are more satisfied with Autonomy, Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, professional Status and Organizational Rules. The PSR in our work was of 8,6, indicating the SAMU Natal nursing team has little satisfaction on their work environment


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The Nursing Process (NP) is considered as the dynamics of the systemized and inter-related actions of human care. We believe that the nursing manager, as the representative of all the nursing care provided in the hospital setting, is an important agent for the implementation of institutional policies, such as the NP, in the service. However, there is little information in the literature about the NP in the perspective of the nurse manager. The objective of this study was to analyze the viability of the Nursing Process in the hospital context based on the attitudes of the nurse managers toward the Process. We conducted a descriptive-exploratory research study, of quantitative approach, with a population of 45 nurse managers that worked in the state hospitals located in Natal, RN and in the university hospitals of the UFRN. Two instruments were used for the collection of data: a nursing process questionnaire, constructed for use in this study, and the scale for the measurement of the attitudes titled Positions on the Nursing Process. The population is predominantly feminine (91,0%) and have relative nursing practice experience (Mean=17,6 years). However, they have little experience in management (Mean=8,6 years). They express little knowledge of the PE nursing terms and little experience with the Process. They have a positive atitude toward the NP (Mean = 110,9); are favorable to its developement in the service (86,7%); 48,9% indicated little possibility of institutionalization in the service and 37,8% indicated large possibility. The Spearman test for association between the variables of attitude about the NP and the possibility of its institutionalization demonstrated a weak negative association in the total individual scores of the attitudes (-,316) as in the 20 itens of the instrument, with coefficients varying from 0,014 to 0,464. Factorial analysis of the instrument identified three underlying factors to the attitudes of the managers in this study: relevance, operationalization and collaboration, with Cronbach Alpha coeficients of 0,955, 0,844 and 0,807, respectively, and 0,956 for the whole instrument, indicating that the scale and its factorial subscales have internal consistency. We conclude that there is a weak tendency for the managers with a favorable attitude to have a negative perception about the possibility of institutionalization of the NP in the service. The favorable position does not appear to be sufficient for the viability of this methodology in the hospital sector, results that is worrisome for nursing. This situation suggests that the difficulties with the institution of the NP in the hospitals may be related to other factors, including the organizational conditions. We believe that the institucionalization of the NP in a servisse where it is not known and not practiced, constitutes the introduction of an innovative work technology that involves many demands, among them the adherence of the persons to the proposed innovation. This demands time and the institutional adjustments and the human resources necessary. In this process, the involvement of the health professional of the institution is necessary. This situation brings to light the discussions of professional autonomy, the action limits and perspectives, the redefinition of roles, delimiation (or consensus) of the objects of study and of the work processes, among others.


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Sistemas autossustentáveis favorecem as populações microbianas devido à conservação e ao aumento da matéria orgânica no solo. Além disso, as plantas que fazem parte desses sistemas promovem o efeito rizosférico, por meio da zona de influência das raízes, que resulta no aumento da atividade e na modificação da população microbiana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da rotação de culturas de inverno sobre sequências de verão, em sistema de semeadura direta, nos atributos bioquímicos (amilase, urease, celulase e protease) e químicos (carbono orgânico total - COT, carboidratos totais e proteínas totais) em solo rizosférico (SR) e não rizosférico (SNR). Este estudo foi constituído de três culturas de inverno: milho (Zea mays L.), girassol (Helianthus anuus L.) e guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp), que estavam em rotação sobre três sequências de verão: soja/soja (Glycine max L.), milho/milho e soja/milho, e duas posições no solo: solo aderido às raízes das plantas (SR) e solo da entrelinha de plantio (SNR). As atividades da amilase, celulase, protease e urease no SR foram 16, 85, 62 e 100 % maiores do que no SNR; para COT e proteínas totais a diferença foi de 21 %. Das culturas de inverno, o milho foi a que mais estimulou as atividades das enzimas amilase, celulase, urease e protease no SR, bem como a atividade das enzimas amilase, urease e protease no SNR. de modo geral, os teores de proteínas totais não foram influenciados pelas culturas de inverno e pelas sequências de verão; os carboidratos totais foram influenciados pelas culturas de inverno milho e girassol. Para o COT houve influência apenas da sequência de verão milho/milho. Os atributos bioquímicos e químicos avaliados neste estudo podem ser utilizados como indicadores das alterações no solo promovidas pelas culturas de inverno e pelas sequências de verão.


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Exploratory descriptive study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed in the nefrology outpatient service from the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal/RN, aiming to identify aspects that concern Quality of Life (QOL) on transplanted and hemodialysis patients, as measured by WHOQOL-bref and describe the aspects that differentiate QL between the two groups as measured by the same instrument. The population was of 62 renal patients in hemodialysis and 58 transplantd, with data collected from february to march 2006. The instrument used was WHOQOL-bref, translated to and validated for Portuguese by the multicentric group of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Brazil. The results show predominance of the masculine gender both in the post-transplant group (55,17%), as well as in the hemodialysis group (51,61%); the age strip of 28 to 43 prevailed, among which were 53,45% transplanted and 48,99% hemodialysis patients; 79,93% of the hemodialysis patients and 62,07% of the transplanted were provenient from ouside the capital of the state; from the hemodialysis population, 59,68% were married, while among the transplanted 48,28% were single; 58,06% of the hemodialisys patients had 1 to 3 children, while the majority of the transplanted, 44,83%, had no children; regarding scholarity level on both groups, there was a predominance of incomplete fundamental school, representing 62,9% of the hemodialysis patients and 46,6% of the transplanted; regarding work status, 98,39% of those in hemodialysis informed not to be working, and the same applied to the transplanted, with 75,86%; regarding treatment time, most patients of both populations were in the 1- to 4-year interval, of which were 62,9% of the hemodialisys patients and 53,45% of the transplanted. The analysis of WHOQOL-bref reliability through Crobach s Alpha coefficient had a value of 0,8816, demonstrating good internal consistency for the instrument. Regarding description of QOL tests, the average scores of the post-transplant were (Q-1) 18,14 e (Q-2) 18,69, and 12,3 (Q-1) and 11,29 (Q-2) for the group in hemodialisys. Regarding the aspects that differentiate QOL on the two groups observed through average scores from the Domains: Physical, 15,91 for the post-transplant group and 12,71 for the hemodialisys group; Psychological, 16,75 for the post-transplant group and 14,84 for the hemodialisys group; Social Relations, 17,79 on the post-transplant group and 16,58 on the hemodialisys group; Environment, 14,16 on the post-transplant group and 12,38 on the hemodialisys group. On every evaluated item, the post-transplant group achieved higher scores when compared to the hemodialisys group. The diference in QOL for both populations was significant on all items evaluated with a p<0,005


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Empathy is a basic facilitating element of the therapeutic helping relationship and the humanization process in health care. The objectives of this study were to identify the empathy level of health professionals working in the obstetrical sector of a university hospital recognized for its humanistic care and the perceptions of the women under their care regarding the empathic behavior shown by these professionals during hospitalization. We conducted a quanti/qualitative study with 47 health professionals that worked in the obstetrical sector (13 obstetricians, 12 nurses, 22 nurse technicians) and an intentional sample of 101 women that received cared from these professionals during the study period. We collected data by means of the Jefferson Empathy Scale for Health Professioals (JEPS-HR) and the Patient´s Perception of Health Professional Empathy (PPHPE), and two additional open questions designed to obtain the subjective opinion about the empathic behavior during the care. We utilized thematic analysis for the data obtained through the open questions and descriptive and inferential statistics for the quantitative data. We identified five thematic categories that represent the aspects valued by the professionals in their relationship with the women under their care: emotional involvement, communication, warm environment, integral vision and technical/scientific knowledge. The mean score on the JEPS-HR reported for the health professionals was 120,40, being that the maximum possible was 140.The Cronbach Alpha for the JEPS-HR was 0,83, indicating an acceptable level of reliability for this population. We consider therefore, that these professionals presented an acceptable empathy level when compared to other populations observed with the JEPS-HR. The results also indicated that women had statistically significant (p ≤ 0,05) higher scores than men and that professionals with higher working hours tended to have lower scores in the empathy scale (r = -0,288; p ≤ 0,05). The analysis of the subjective responses of the women indicated that they were satisfied with the humanistic care provided by the professionals but they also point out the existence of some power relationships. There were no significant differences in the empathy level of the medical or nursing team perceived by the women who registered means of 41,90 and 41,20 respectively on the PPHPE. In view of these results and considering the relevance of the element of empathy for care based on humanistic values, we reiterate the importance of further in-service training for the health team of the hospital in focus, on the topics of empathy and global aspects of humanized care for the implementation of its mission


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Este trabalho foi realizado para avaliar o efeito da adição de enzima e/ou probiótico, bem como do estresse calórico sobre a atividade de enzimas digestivas de frangos de corte aos 7, 14, 28 e 42 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas com 6 tratamentos primários, constituindo um esquema fatorial 6x2 (rações x temperatura) e 4 tratamentos secundários (idades de amostragem), com 2 repetições. Não foi verificado efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre a atividade específica das enzimas, exceto para as atividades de amilase aos 14 dias e tripsina aos 28 dias de idade, nas quais a adição de enzima proporcionou maiores atividades. Já a idade de criação afetou significativamente todas as enzimas quantificadas, sendo que a atividade específica de lipase diminuiu e as atividades específicas de amilase, tripsina e quimotripsina aumentaram com a idade das aves. A temperatura ambiente (calor) também afetou a produção enzimática de acordo com a idade dos frangos de corte, com um aumento na atividade de lipase e redução na tripsina e amilase.


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O experimento foi conduzido para avaliar a eficiência de enzimas exógenas em dietas sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte. Um total de 1440 pintos de corte machos (Cobb 500®) foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2 (duas dietas com diferentes densidades nutricionais; com e sem a adição enzimática) com 8 repetições de 45 aves em cada unidade experimental. As dietas com diferentes densidades nutricionais foram: controle positivo (níveis normais) e um controle negativo (com redução de 4,3 e 4,5% de energia metabolizável; 16,7 e 17,7% de cálcio e 35 e 42,7% de fósforo, nas fases inicial e de crescimento, respectivamente). A suplementação enzimática consistiu da combinação das enzimas fitase (100g t-1) e amilase, xilanase e protease (500g t-1). Foi avaliado o desempenho das aves nas fases de 1 a 21 e 1 a 42 dias de idade. Na fase total de criação, as aves alimentadas com a dieta controle negativo com adição enzimática tiveram consumo de ração (5,97%), peso médio (8,47%), ganho de peso (8,64%) e conversão alimentar (2,92%) melhores (P<0,05), comparados às aves alimentadas com dieta controle negativo, sem a suplementação de enzimas. Além disso, as aves alimentadas com a dieta controle negativo com adição enzimática apresentaram consumo de ração, peso vivo médio e ganho de peso similar (P>0,05) ao grupo alimentado com a dieta controle positivo com ou sem enzima. A adição de enzimas exógenas em dieta de frangos de corte com redução de energia metabolizável, cálcio e fósforo, proporciona um consumo de ração, peso vivo médio e ganho de peso similar a uma dieta com níveis nutricionais adequados.


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This master's thesis aims to ascertain how the Stakeholders interactions influence the adoption of green marketing strategies from the perspective of the Alpha Company, a furniture industry located in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The methodology has a qualitative approach and uses the exploratorydescriptive case study method as model of formal and systematic study. Following the theoretical and conceptual propositions of Polonsky (1995), Michell, Angle and Wood (1997) and Frooman (1999) as a reference base. This study identifies and assesses the importance degree of the relevant stakeholders, shows their expectations and needs and describes the tactics used by the company for the implementation of green marketing strategies. The study describes the reality of a furniture industry in Rio Grande do Norte, and shows his philosophy and background; identifies present stakeholders that influence the decision process of the company and also, analyzes the degree of importance of each group showing their needs and expectations and, finally, it states the changes in the organization with the implementation of green marketing strategies. The results it s concluded that stakeholders are taken into consideration in the adoption of green marketing strategies, even without a proper strategic perception from the company, an imperative to advance towards the adoption of the green marketing philosophy. This case study explores knowledge that may be used and suited to small companies that act in the strategic segment-trend of green marketing


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Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar a suplementação enzimática (amilase, pentosanase, celulase, protease e a-galactosidase) em rações à base de milho e farelo de soja para suínos. No Exp 1, foram determinadas as digestibilidades aparentes da energia, matéria seca, proteína e das fibras das rações, com ou sem o complexo enzimático, para suínos machos castrados, com 19,96 ± 2,90 kg de peso vivo. Foi utilizado o método da coleta total de fezes e as rações foram formuladas com níveis reduzidos de energia, proteína e aminoácidos. No Exp 2, foram mensurados o desempenho, a excreção de sólidos totais e voláteis, matéria mineral, nitrogênio, macro e microminerais nas fezes, em relação ao desempenho, de suínos machos castrados dos 50 aos 151 dias de idade, com peso médio inicial de 18,34 ± 1,35 kg. Foram utilizadas três dietas, sendo uma ração formulada para atender ou exceder as exigências nutricionais dos animais, de acordo com o NRC (1998), e outras duas com níveis reduzidos de energia, proteína e aminoácidos, suplementadas ou não com o complexo enzimático. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados. A suplementação enzimática em rações contendo milho e farelo de soja não promoveu incrementos na digestibilidade de nutrientes, não melhorou o desempenho dos animais e também não reduziu a excreção de resíduos pelas fezes. Mais estudos são necessários para testar novas matrizes e diferentes níveis do complexo enzimático.


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Os experimentos foram conduzidos para avaliar a digestibilidade ileal (CDILEAL) e total (CDTOTAL) do amido e a atividade das enzimas amilase (ATAM) e maltase (ATMAL) em coelhos de 35 e 45 dias alimentados com amido proveniente do milho ou da raspa de mandioca. em cada ensaio foram utilizados 20 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia Branco, sendo dez machos e dez fêmeas, alojados individualmente em gaiolas de arame e distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Ao final do período experimental, os animais foram abatidos para retirada de uma amostra do conteúdo digestivo de uma porção do jejuno e do íleo. Os CDILEAL e CDTOTAL do amido da raspa de mandioca (59,25±1,38% e 99,89±0,04%, respectivamente) foram superiores ao do milho (54,21±1,51% e 99,21±0,05%, respectivamente). O CDTOTAL dos animais com 45 dias de idade foi superior ao dos com 35 dias (99,75±0,04% vs 99,35±0,05%). A ATAM, no conteúdo do jejuno e do íleo, foi maior nos animais com 45 dias (0,952±0,118 mmol de glicose/mg/min e 0,647±0,093 mmol de glicose/mg/min, respectivamente) do que nos de 35 (0,469±0,111 mmol de glicose/mg/min e 0,375±0,088 mmol de glicose/mg/min, respectivamente). A ATMAL foi maior nos animais alimentados com raspa de mandioca do que nos que receberam milho (0,061±0,007 mmol de glicose/mg/min vs 0,032±0,007 mmol de glicose/mg/min). Conclui-se que o amido da raspa de mandioca é mais digestível que o do milho, e o sistema enzimático dos coelhos com 35 dias de idade ainda não está suficientemente desenvolvido para que ocorra otimização da digestão do amido.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da combinação de fitase e do complexo amilase, protease e xilanase, em dietas de milho e soja, formuladas com redução e sem redução dos níveis de energia, cálcio e fósforo sobre o desempenho e a digestibilidade ileal de nutrientes, em frangos de corte. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 2x2, com duas dietas-controle: com redução e sem redução dos nutrientes, e duas suplementações das enzimas (sem adição e com adição de fitase e complexo enzimático), com dez repetições de 40 aves. A digesta ileal foi coletada aos 43 dias de idade, para determinação da energia digestível e dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da proteína bruta, matéria seca, cálcio e fósforo. O desempenho apresentou interação em todos os parâmetros analisados. As aves do tratamento com redução dos nutrientes mostraram pior desempenho em relação às aves da dieta sem redução dos nutrientes. Não houve efeito da matéria seca na digestibilidade e na retenção de cálcio. A adição da combinação enzimática melhorou a digestibilidade da proteína e a retenção de fósforo. Houve interação quanto à energia digestível, com efeito apenas nas dietas sem redução dos nutrientes, com maiores valores nas dietas suplementadas.


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The increasing demand for high performance wireless communication systems has shown the inefficiency of the current model of fixed allocation of the radio spectrum. In this context, cognitive radio appears as a more efficient alternative, by providing opportunistic spectrum access, with the maximum bandwidth possible. To ensure these requirements, it is necessary that the transmitter identify opportunities for transmission and the receiver recognizes the parameters defined for the communication signal. The techniques that use cyclostationary analysis can be applied to problems in either spectrum sensing and modulation classification, even in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments. However, despite the robustness, one of the main disadvantages of cyclostationarity is the high computational cost for calculating its functions. This work proposes efficient architectures for obtaining cyclostationary features to be employed in either spectrum sensing and automatic modulation classification (AMC). In the context of spectrum sensing, a parallelized algorithm for extracting cyclostationary features of communication signals is presented. The performance of this features extractor parallelization is evaluated by speedup and parallel eficiency metrics. The architecture for spectrum sensing is analyzed for several configuration of false alarm probability, SNR levels and observation time for BPSK and QPSK modulations. In the context of AMC, the reduced alpha-profile is proposed as as a cyclostationary signature calculated for a reduced cyclic frequencies set. This signature is validated by a modulation classification architecture based on pattern matching. The architecture for AMC is investigated for correct classification rates of AM, BPSK, QPSK, MSK and FSK modulations, considering several scenarios of observation length and SNR levels. The numerical results of performance obtained in this work show the eficiency of the proposed architectures