999 resultados para afterschool program


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Intervention studies aimed at promoting increased physical activity have been trialled in many different settings including primary care, worksites and the community. Churches are also potential settings for physical activity promotion. However, little is known about the effectiveness of this setting for promoting physical activity, particularly in Australia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a mind, body and spiritually based health promotion program in increasing physical activity and promoting mental and spiritual health. Nineteen women completed the 8-week intervention, and 30 women in a non-health related 8-week program at the same church comprised a comparison group. Pre- and post-program surveys assessed outcome measures. Between-group differences over time were examined using one-way MANOVA's. Physical activity was higher in the intervention group than the comparison group. In contrast to the comparison group, both mental health (depression symptoms) and spiritual health improved significantly more among intervention participants. The data highlight the potential for a church-based setting and holistic approach to health promotion as a successful means of increasing physical activity and promoting mental and spiritual health among Australian women.


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Purpose: To evaluate the impact of parent education groups on youth suicide risk factors. The potential for informal transmission of intervention impacts within school communities was assessed.

Methods: Parent education groups were offered to volunteers from 14 high schools that were closely matched to 14 comparison schools. The professionally led groups aimed to empower parents to assist one another to improve communication skills and relationships with adolescents. Australian 8th-grade students (aged 14 years) responded to classroom surveys repeated at baseline and after 3 months. Logistic regression was used to test for intervention impacts on adolescent substance use, deliquency, self-harm behavior, and depression. There were no differences between the intervention (n = 305) and comparison (n = 272) samples at baseline on the measures of depression, health behavior, or family relationships.

Results: Students in the intervention schools demonstrated increased maternal care (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 1.9), reductions in conflict with parents (AOR .5), reduced substance use (AOR .5 to .6), and less delinquency (AOR .2). Parent education group participants were more likely to be sole parents and their children reported higher rates of substance use at baseline. Intervention impacts revealed a dose-response with the largest impacts associated with directly participating parents, but significant impacts were also evident for others in the intervention schools. Where best friend dyads were identified, the best friend’s positive family relationships reduced subsequent substance use among respondents. This and other social contagion processes were posited to explain the transfer of positive impacts beyond the minority of directly participating families.

Conclusions: A whole-school parent education intervention demonstrated promising impacts on a range of risk behaviors and protective factors relevant to youth self-harm and suicide.


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ISSUE ADDRESSED: Achieving sustainability is often considered a key objective of health promotion efforts despite a lack of consensus as to what sustainability is.

A review of the international health promotion literature was conducted to identify understandings of sustainability in health promotion.

RESULTS:Three distinct understandings of sustainability in respect of programs, health promotion agencies and program effects were identified.

Despite a strong emphasis on program sustainability in the health promotion field, clear criteria for why programs should be continued is required rather than assuming that it is the best option. Arguably more important than the maintenance of either programs or the agencies which support them is the ability to produce sustainable program effects.


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Introduction: The beliefs and opinions of individual nurses are key factors in clinical decisions. Emergency nurses’ clinical decisions related to paediatric fever establish emergency department norms, provide role-modelling for both peers and parents, underpin clinical management of febrile children, and influence fever management advice given to parents. Aim: This study aimed to examine: (i) the opinions of emergency nurses regarding paediatric fever, and (ii) the effect of an evidence-based education program on the opinions of emergency nurses regarding paediatric fever. Method: This study used a prospective pre-test/post-test design. The primary outcome measure was emergency nurses’ opinions measured using the ‘General Opinions about Fever Management in Children’ survey. The intervention for the study was two tutorials. Pre-test data was collected in June 2005 and post-test data was collected during August 2005. Results: Thirty-one emergency nurses participated in the study. There were a number of positive changes in emergency nurses’ opinions regarding paediatric fever as a function of an evidence-based educational intervention. Major domains of change were relationship between temperature and illness severity/risk of harm, use and effects of antipyretic medication and febrile convulsions.  Conclusion: Emergency nurses are an important source of information for parents leaving the emergency department with a febrile child. Opinions can be a major influence in nurses’ clinical decisions and many fever  management strategies used by health care professionals are reflective of individual beliefs rather than the best available evidence. The results of this study showed a number of positive changes in emergency nurses’ opinions regarding paediatric fever as a function of an evidence-based educational intervention.


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This paper empirically examines the extent to which loyalty program attributes explain variations in satisfaction with the retail offer. Two dimensions of loyalty program attributes are introduced including hard attributes and soft attributes. Store satisfaction is examined in terms of the elements of the retail offer. The results suggest that emphasis on hard and soft attributes enhance customer satisfaction with a retailers’ merchandise, trading format, customer service and customer communication. Additionally, hard attributes have a more significant influence than soft attributes on satisfaction with all elements of the retail offer excluding merchandise.


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This paper reports on a study of how prospective and current MBA students (n = 699) made tradeoffs between tuition price and other variables in choosing a university program in the Australian market. Two price segments were identified: price-negative and price-positive. The price-positive segment constituted 13 per cent of the sample. The behaviour of the two price segments is interpreted in relation to the allocative and informational roles of price. Price-positive respondents were found to be more concerned with the reputational characteristics of universities and programs in making their choice. Age, enrolment mode, and residential state were found to be associated with segment membership. The results suggest that an MBA by distance education can be regarded as a prestige product for some market segments.


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Event leverage provides information about what outcomes occur as a result of an event. Unlike event impact studies, event leverage analysis identifies why particular outcomes occurred, and the processes that can be used to optimise desired event outcomes. While research has been directed towards understanding how events can be leveraged to provide optimal economic outcomes for host communities, there is little research that examines social leverage within the context of events. The research presented in this paper is part of a larger study that investigated social leverage within the context of the 2006 Commonwealth Games, held in Melbourne, Australia. This paper presents preliminary results relating to two Victorian regions with regard to one the over-arching social policy, Equal First, and a subsidiary program called, Adopt-a-Second-Team. Participant observations and stakeholder interviews were employed to explore the development, operationalisation, implementation and outcomes of Equal First and Adopt-a-Second-Team. The results suggest that although each region achieved outcomes that were consistent with the directions of Equal First, each implemented the Adopt-a-Second-Team differently. The two case studies presented in this paper highlight that the model of implementation developed by the City of Port Phillip may provide a benchmark in social leverage of events. Implications for leveraging social impacts and managing social legacies of events through an approach that includes consideration of policy development and operationalisation from the event organising body and program implementation from the perspective of local community event organisers are discussed.


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As part of a larger Simplification Project for program quality assurance processes conducted at RMIT University, this paper chronicles the refinement of one aspect: program assessment and reporting. This involved the realignment of criteria used in program quality assurance with those developed in higher-level strategic and business planning processes. In addition, the project attempted to address the lack of alignment between annual program processes and subsequent decisions made about the future of programs, particularly in profile planning processes.
A revised Program Annual Report process was developed that aimed to achieve simplicity and alignment while re-engaging program leaders and heads of schools with the quality agenda. A concerted effort was made to develop a process that improved on previously poor vertical communication inherent in program quality assurance. This paper explores the ways in which this was achieved by a) linking people to data through the use of agreed and contextualised performance indicators, and b) linking people to process through more meaningful input into planning and opportunity for dialogue.


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Early in 2001, after a damning public report by the Auditor-General, the Australian Federal Government abandoned its highly promoted “whole of government” IT infrastructure outsourcing initiative. This about-face was greeted in the press with reports that the initiative was a “fiasco”. Yet a four-year case study conducted by the authors suggests a more complex picture. Like many other “selective” outsourcers of IT, the Federal Government had been led to believe that it was adopting a relatively low risk strategy that would, if well managed, lead to significant cost savings and operational benefits. Instead, despite having implemented many widely promoted “best practices”, the Federal Government found a substantial discrepancy between what outsourcing promised to deliver, and what was actually achieved. In this respect their experiences were no different from those of many other large IT organizations engaged in selective IT outsourcing, who responded to a substantial contemporaneous survey. This case study examines why the Government’s expectations were not achieved, and arrives at conclusions that have important implications for decision makers confronted with choices about sourcing IT service delivery.


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Leadership, professional and other transferable skills are embedded in the expected attributes of Australian research postgraduates at the successful completion of their degrees. This paper reports on the development of an evaluation process for a postgraduate transferable skills program at The University of Melbourne, Australia. Existing and emerging evaluation practices and processes are examined in light of the literature on what constitutes 'good' evaluation of the type of program under consideration. The development of the process to go beyond the commonly used participant satisfaction surveys and to improve evaluation practices is described in detail. The results of the evaluation to date are provided and discussed in terms of their usefulness in incorporating particular improvements to the program. The implications for the evaluation of other programs of this type are considered.