998 resultados para action step


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there are inward currents in interstitial cells (IC) isolated from the guinea-pig detrusor and if so, to characterise them using the patch-clamp technique and pharmacological agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, inward currents were studied in IC enzymatically isolated from the detrusor of the guinea-pig bladder. Currents were evoked by stepping positively from a holding potential of - 80 mV. RESULTS: Outward K+ currents were blocked by Cs+ internal solution to reveal inward currents, which activated at voltages more positive than - 50 mV, peaked at 0 mV, reversed near + 50 mV and were half-maximally activated at - 27 mV. The inward currents showed voltage-dependent inactivation and were half-maximally inactivated at - 36 mV. Fitting the activation and inactivation data with a Boltzmann function revealed a window current between - 40 mV and + 20 mV. The decay of the current evoked at 0 mV could be fitted with a single exponential with a mean time-constant of 88 ms. Replacing external Ca2+ with Ba2+ significantly increased this to 344 ms. The current amplitude was augmented by Ba2+, and by Bay K 8644. Inward currents were significantly reduced by 1 microm nifedipine, across the voltage range, but the blockade was more effective on the current evoked at 0 mV than that evoked by a step to - 20 mV, perhaps indicating voltage-dependence of the action of nifedipine or another component of inward current. Increasing the concentration of the drug to 10 microm caused no further significant reduction either at 0 mV or at -20 mV. However, in the presence of 1 microm nifedipine the latter current was significantly reduced by 100 microm Ni2+. Both currents were significantly reduced in Ca2+-free solution. CONCLUSIONS: IC from the guinea-pig detrusor possess inward currents with typical characteristics of L-type Ca2+ current. They also have a component of inward Ca2+ current, which was resistant to nifedipine, but sensitive to Ni2+. Further work is needed to characterise the latter conductance. PMID: 16686735 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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The corrosion of reinforcement in bridge deck slabs has been the cause of major deterioration and high costs in repair and maintenance.This problem could be overcome by reducing the amount of reinforcement and/or altering the location.This is possible because, in addition to the strength provided by the reinforcement, bridge deck slabs have an inherent strength due to the in-plane arching forces set up as a result of restraint provided by the slab boundary conditions. This is known as arching action or Compressive Membrane Action (CMA). It has been recognised for some time that laterally restrained slabs exhibit strengths far in excess of those predicted by most design codes but the phenomenon has not been recognised by the majority of bridge design engineers. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on fifteen reinforced concrete slab strips typical of a bridge deck slab and compares them to predicted strengths using the current codes and CMA theory. The tests showed that the strength of laterally restrained slabs is sensitive to both the degree of external lateral restraint and the concrete compressive strength.The tests particularly highlighted the benefits in strength obtained from very high strength concrete slabs. The theory extends the existing knowledge of CMA in slabs with concrete compressive strengths up to 100 N/mm[2] and promotes more economical and durable bridge deck construction by utilising the benefits of high strength concrete.


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The deterioration of infrastructure, such as bridges, has been one of the major challenges facing both the designers and the owners of such utilities. Sustainable development and a climate of increasing commercialism has led to a requirement for more accurate means of structural analysis. Bridge assessment is one area where this is particularly relevant. It has been known for some time that bridge deck slabs have inherent enhanced strength due to the presence of arching or compressive membrane action (CMA) but only in recent years has there been some acceptance of a rational treatment of this phenomenon for design and assessment purposes. To use the benefits of arching action, this paper presents the results of tests carried out on a reinforced-concrete beam and slab bridge in Northern Ireland that incorporated novel reinforcement type and position. The research was aimed at extending previous laboratory tests on 1/3scale bridge deck edge panels. The measured crack widths and deflections have been compared with the current code requirements.


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This paper presented results from a details and comprehensive simulation using finite element method of the practical operation of an electrical machine. The results it displayed have been used in practice to design more efficient equipment.


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Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are excited with light of wavelength lambda (1) = 632.8 nm on or near a gentle Ag/Ag step structure using focused beam, prism coupling and detected using a bare, sharpened fibre tip. The tip-sample separation is controlled by means of an evanescent optical field at wavelength lambda (2) = 543.5 nm in a photon scanning tunnelling microscope (PSTM). The SPP propagation properties are first characterised on both the thin and thick sections of the Ag film structure either side of the step, both macroscopically, using attenuated total reflection, and microscopically from the PSTM images; the two techniques yield very good agreement. It is found that the SPP propagation length is similar to 10-11 mum across the step in each direction (thick to thin and vice versa) as observed in the PSTM images. Thus, with reference to the propagation lengths of 14.2 and 11.7 mum for the thick and thin planar parts of the Ag film respectively, it is concluded that the SPPs negotiate the step reasonably successfully. Importantly, also, it is shown that images may be produced, displaying SPPs with either an artificially enhanced (similar to 15-20 mum) or truncated (5-8 mum) propagation length across the step. Consideration of such images leads us to suggest the possibility that the photon tunnelling occurs in a local water environment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The long-term impact of dietary carbohydrate type, in particular sucrose, on insulin resistance and the development of diabetes and atherosclerosis is not established. Current guidelines for the healthy population advise restriction of sucrose intake. We investigated the effect of high- versus low-sucrose diet (25 vs. 10%, respectively, of total energy intake) in 13 healthy subjects aged 33 +/- 3 years (mean +/- SE), BMI 26.6 +/- 0.9 kg/m(2), in a randomized crossover design with sequential 6-week dietary interventions separated by a 4-week washout. Weight maintenance, eucaloric diets with identical macronutrient profiles and fiber content were designed. All food was weighed and distributed. Insulin action was assessed using a two-step euglycemic clamp; glycemic profiles were assessed by the continuous glucose monitoring system and vascular compliance by pulse-wave analysis. There was no change in weight across the study. Peripheral glucose uptake and suppression of endogenous glucose production were similar after each diet. Glycemic profiles and measures of vascular compliance did not change. A rise in total and LDL cholesterol was observed. In this study, a high-sucrose intake as part of an eucaloric, weight-maintaining diet had no detrimental effect on insulin sensitivity, glycemic profiles, or measures of vascular compliance in healthy nondiabetic subjects.


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ate studies(2) and fusion energy research(3,4). Laser-driven implosions of spherical polymer shells have, for example, achieved an increase in density of 1,000 times relative to the solid state(5). These densities are large enough to enable controlled fusion, but to achieve energy gain a small volume of compressed fuel (known as the 'spark') must be heated to temperatures of about 10(8) K (corresponding to thermal energies in excess of 10 keV). In the conventional approach to controlled fusion, the spark is both produced and heated by accurately timed shock waves(4), but this process requires both precise implosion symmetry and a very large drive energy. In principle, these requirements can be significantly relaxed by performing the compression and fast heating separately(6-10); however, this 'fast ignitor' approach(7) also suffers drawbacks, such as propagation losses and deflection of the ultra-intense laser pulse by the plasma surrounding the compressed fuel. Here we employ a new compression geometry that eliminates these problems; we combine production of compressed matter in a laser-driven implosion with picosecond-fast heating by a laser pulse timed to coincide with the peak compression. Our approach therefore permits efficient compression and heating to be carried out simultaneously, providing a route to efficient fusion energy production.


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Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (gastric inhibitory polypeptide [GIP]) is an important incretin hormone secreted by endocrine K-cells in response to nutrient ingestion. In this study, we investigated the effects of chemical ablation of GIP receptor (GIP-R) action on aspects of obesity-related diabetes using a stable and specific GIP-R antagonist, (Pro3)GIP. Young adult ob/ob mice received once-daily intraperitoneal injections of saline vehicle or (Pro3)GIP over an 11-day period. Nonfasting plasma glucose levels and the overall glycemic excursion (area under the curve) to a glucose load were significantly reduced (1.6-fold; P <0.05) in (Pro3)GIP-treated mice compared with controls. GIP-R ablation also significantly lowered overall plasma glucose (1.4-fold; P <0.05) and insulin (1.5-fold; P <0.05) responses to feeding. These changes were associated with significantly enhanced (1.6-fold; P <0.05) insulin sensitivity in the (Pro3)GIP-treated group. Daily injection of (Pro3)GIP reduced pancreatic insulin content (1.3-fold; P <0.05) and partially corrected the obesity-related islet hypertrophy and ß-cell hyperplasia of ob/ob mice. These comprehensive beneficial effects of (Pro3)GIP were reversed 9 days after cessation of treatment and were independent of food intake and body weight, which were unchanged. These studies highlight a role for GIP in obesity-related glucose intolerance and emphasize the potential of specific GIP-R antagonists as a new class of drugs for the alleviation of insulin resistance and treatment of type 2 diabetes.