987 resultados para Wilkinson, Alfred E.


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In this study, we investigated the expression profiles and clinicopathological significance of miR-126 in large cohort of patients with colorectal cancers as well the cellular repercussions of miR-126 in colon cancer cells along with its targets in-vitro. Down regulation of miR-126 expression was associated with histological subtypes, peri-neural tumour infiltration, microsatellite instability and pathological staging of colorectal cancers (p<0.05). Low miR-126 expression was also associated with poorer survival in patients with colorectal cancer. Analysis of matched tissues from the same patient revealed that approximately 70% of the tested patients had similar levels of expression of miR-126 in primary cancer and cancer metastases in both lymph node and distant metastases. In addition, induced overexpression of miR-126 showed reduced cell proliferation, increased apoptosis and decreased accumulation of cells in the G0-G1 phase of the colon cancer cells. Furthermore, SW480(+miR-126) cells showed reduced BCL-2 and increased P53 protein expression. To conclude, deregulation of miR-126 in colorectal cancer at the tissue and cellular levels as well as its correlation with various clinicopathological parameters confirm the cancer suppressive role of miR-126 in colorectal cancer.


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We report numerical and analytic results for the spatial survival probability for fluctuating one-dimensional interfaces with Edwards-Wilkinson or Kardar-Parisi-Zhang dynamics in the steady state. Our numerical results are obtained from analysis of steady-state profiles generated by integrating a spatially discretized form of the Edwards-Wilkinson equation to long times. We show that the survival probability exhibits scaling behavior in its dependence on the system size and the "sampling interval" used in the measurement for both "steady-state" and "finite" initial conditions. Analytic results for the scaling functions are obtained from a path-integral treatment of a formulation of the problem in terms of one-dimensional Brownian motion. A "deterministic approximation" is used to obtain closed-form expressions for survival probabilities from the formally exact analytic treatment. The resulting approximate analytic results provide a fairly good description of the numerical data.


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Background: Social and material deprivation is associated with poor health, decreased subjective well-being, and limited opportunities for personal development. To date, little is known about the lived experiences of Finnish low-income youths and the general purpose of this study is to fill this gap. Despite the extensive research on socioeconomic income disparities, only a few scholars have addressed the question of how low socioeconomic position is experienced by disadvantaged people themselves. Little is known about the everyday social processes that lead to decreased well-being of economically and socially disadvantaged citizens. Data: The study is based on the data of 65 autobiographical essays written by Finnish low-income youths aged 14-29 (M=23.51, SD=3.95). The research data were originally collected in a Finnish nationwide writing contest “Arkipäivän kokemuksia köyhyydestä” [Everyday Experiences of Poverty] between June and September of 2006. The contest was partaken by 850 Finnish writers. Methods and key concepts: Autobiographical narratives (N=65) of low-income youths were analyzed based on grounded theory methodology (GTM). The analysis was not built on specific pre-conceived categorizations; it was guided by the paradigm model and so-called “sensitizing concepts”. The concepts this study utilized were based on the research literature on socioeconomic inequalities, resilience, and coping. Socioeconomic inequalities refer to unequal distribution of resources, such as income, social status, and health, between social groups. The concept of resilience refers to an individual’s capacity to cope despite existing risk factors and conditions that are harmful to health and well-being. Coping strategies can be understood as ways by which a person tries to cope with psychological stress in a situation where internal or externals demands exceed ones resources. The ways to cope are cognitive or behavioral efforts by which individual tries to relieve the stress and gain new resources. Lack of material and social resources is associated with increased exposure to health-related stressors during the life-course. Aims: The first aim of this study is to illustrate how youths with low socioeconomic status perceive the causes and consequences of their social and material deprivation. The second aim is to describe what kind of coping strategies youths employ to cope in their everyday life. The third aim is to build an integrative conceptual framework based on the relationships between causes, consequences, and individual coping strategies associated with deprivation. The analysis was carried out through systematic coding and orderly treatment of the data based on the grounded theory methodology. Results: Finnish low-income youths attributed the primary causes of deprivation to their family background, current socioeconomic status, sudden life changes, and contextual factors. Material and social deprivation was associated with various kinds of negative psychological, social, and material consequences. Youths used a variety of coping strategies that were identified as psychological, social, material, and functional-behavioral. Finally, a conceptual framework was formulated to link the findings together. In the discussion, the results were compared and contrasted to the existing research literature. The main references of the study were: Coping: Aldwin (2007); Lazarus & Folkman (1984); Hobfoll (1989, 2001, 2002). Deprivation: Larivaara, Isola, & Mikkonen (2007); Lister (2004); Townsend (1987); Raphael (2007). Health inequalities: Dahlgren & Whitehead (2007); Lynch. et al. (2000); Marmot & Wilkinson (2006); WHO (2008). Methods: Charmaz (2006); Flick (2009); Strauss & Corbin (1990). Resilience: Cutuli & Masten (2009); Luthar (2006).


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In the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we consider possible ''phase turbulent'' regimes, where asymptotic correlations are controlled by phase fluctuations rather than by topological defects. Conjecturing that the decay of such correlations is governed by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model of growing interfaces, we derive the following results: (1) A scaling ansatz implies that equal-time spatial correlations in 1d, 2d, and 3d decay like e(-Ax2 zeta), where A is a nonuniversal constant, and zeta=1/2 in 1d. (2) Temporal correlations decay as exp(-t(2 beta)h(t/L(z))), with the scaling law <(beta)over bar> = <(zeta)over bar>/z, where z = 3/2, 1.58..., and 1.66..., for d = 1,2, and 3 respectively. The scaling function h(y) approaches a constant as y --> 0, and behaves like y(2(beta-<(beta)over bar>)), for large y. If in 3d the associated KPZ model turns out to be in its weak-coupling (''smooth'') phase, then, instead of the above behavior, the CGLE exhibits rotating long-range order whose connected correlations decay like 1/x in space or 1/t(1/2) in time. (3) For system sizes, L, and times t respectively less than a crossover length, L(c), and time, t(c), correlations are governed by the free-field or Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation, rather than the KPZ model. In 1d, we find that L(c) is large: L(c) similar to 35,000; for L < L(c) we show numerical evidence for stretched exponential decay of temporal correlations with an exponent consistent with the EW value beta(EW)= 1/4.


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The origin of Borneo's elephants is controversial. Two competing hypotheses argue that they are either indigenous, tracing back to the Pleistocene, or were introduced, descending from elephants imported in the 16th-18th centuries. Taxonomically, they have either been classified as a unique subspecies or placed under the Indian or Sumatran subspecies. If shown to be a unique indigenous population, this would extend the natural species range of the Asian elephant by 1300 km, and therefore Borneo elephants would have much greater conservation importance than if they were a feral population. We compared DNA of Borneo elephants to that of elephants from across the range of the Asian elephant, using a fragment of mitochondrial DNA, including part of the hypervariable d-loop, and five autosomal microsatellite loci. We find that Borneo's elephants are genetically distinct, with molecular divergence indicative of a Pleistocene colonisation of Borneo and subsequent isolation. We reject the hypothesis that Borneo's elephants were introduced. The genetic divergence of Borneo elephants warrants their recognition as a separate evolutionary significant unit. Thus, interbreeding Borneo elephants with those from other populations would be contraindicated in ex situ conservation, and their genetic distinctiveness makes them one of the highest priority populations for Asian elephant conservation.


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Accurate system planning and performance evaluation requires knowledge of the joint impact of scheduling, interference, and fading. However, current analyses either require costly numerical simulations or make simplifying assumptions that limit the applicability of the results. In this paper, we derive analytical expressions for the spectral efficiency of cellular systems that use either the channel-unaware but fair round robin scheduler or the greedy, channel-aware but unfair maximum signal to interference ratio scheduler. As is the case in real deployments, non-identical co-channel interference at each user, both Rayleigh fading and lognormal shadowing, and limited modulation constellation sizes are accounted for in the analysis. We show that using a simple moment generating function-based lognormal approximation technique and an accurate Gaussian-Q function approximation leads to results that match simulations well. These results are more accurate than erstwhile results that instead used the moment-matching Fenton-Wilkinson approximation method and bounds on the Q function. The spectral efficiency of cellular systems is strongly influenced by the channel scheduler and the small constellation size that is typically used in third generation cellular systems.


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We have studied the kinetics of photoinduced effects in nanolayered Se/As2S3 film by in situ optical absorption measurements, which reveal that photodarkening in these films is followed by photoinduced diffusion. An increase in disorder during photodarkening and its subsequent decrease during photoinduced diffusion were also observed. The observation of photodarkening of Se at room temperature when confined between As2S3 layers suggests that the glass transition temperature of Se shifts to higher energy. The analysis shows that the atoms which take part in photodarkening play a vital role in photoinduced diffusion. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements show the atomic movements during photoinduced diffusion. It also shows that some of the As–S bonds are converted into As–Se bonds. Since it is energetically difficult to break an As–S bond to form an As–Se bond, we assume that the new bond formations are taking place by the bond rearrangement mechanism.


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