996 resultados para Weighted integral inequalities


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In this paper, a general class of Halanay-type non-autonomous functional differential inequalities is considered. A new concept of stability, namely global generalized exponential stability, is proposed. We first prove some new generalizations of the Halanay inequality. We then derive explicit criteria for global generalized exponential stability of nonlinear non-autonomous time-delay systems based on our new generalized Halanay inequalities. Numerical examples and simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.


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An Association Rule (AR) is a common knowledge model in data mining that describes an implicative cooccurring relationship between two disjoint sets of binary-valued transaction database attributes (items), expressed in the form of an "antecedent⇒ consequent" rule. A variant of the AR is the Weighted Association Rule (WAR). With regard to a marketing context, this paper introduces a new knowledge model in data mining -ALlocating Pattern (ALP). An ALP is a special form of WAR, where each rule item is associated with a weighting score between 0 and 1, and the sum of all rule item scores is 1. It can not only indicate the implicative co-occurring relationship between two (disjoint) sets of items in a weighted setting, but also inform the "allocating" relationship among rule items. ALPs can be demonstrated to be applicable in marketing and possibly a surprising variety of other areas. We further propose an Apriori based algorithm to extract hidden and interesting ALPs from a "one-sum" weighted transaction database. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. © 2008 IEEE.


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In this article, an exponential stability analysis of Markovian jumping stochastic bidirectional associative memory (BAM) neural networks with mode-dependent probabilistic time-varying delays and impulsive control is investigated. By establishment of a stochastic variable with Bernoulli distribution, the information of probabilistic time-varying delay is considered and transformed into one with deterministic time-varying delay and stochastic parameters. By fully taking the inherent characteristic of such kind of stochastic BAM neural networks into account, a novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is constructed with as many as possible positive definite matrices which depends on the system mode and a triple-integral term is introduced for deriving the delay-dependent stability conditions. Furthermore, mode-dependent mean square exponential stability criteria are derived by constructing a new Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with modes in the integral terms and using some stochastic analysis techniques. The criteria are formulated in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities, which can be checked efficiently by use of some standard numerical packages. Finally, numerical examples and its simulations are given to demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed results.


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This paper presents new discrete inequalities for single summation and double summation. These inequalities are based on multiple auxiliary functions and include the Jensen discrete inequality and the discrete Wirtinger-based inequality as special cases. An application of these discrete inequalities to analyse stability of linear discrete systems with an interval time-varying delay is studied and a less conservative stability condition is obtained. Three numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the obtained stability condition.


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This article analyses the administrative and research capture of child support data as a case study of how institutional data collection processes are performative in perpetuating gendered inequalities. We compare interviews with 19 low-income single mothers and their longitudinal survey responses from the same research to reveal how low-income women strategically or inadvertently ‘smoothed’ their experiences when responding to data collection processes. This directly resulted in material and symbolic costs in the form of reduced welfare benefits and limited evidence with which to lobby for policy reform. These processes in turn provided benefits to fathers and the state in the form of reduced child support liabilities and enforcement action, and welfare outlays, respectively. We conclude that current administrative and research data collection practices provide a limited and gendered evidence base for administrative justice and policy reform.


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Objective Migrants constitute 26% of the total Australian population and, although disproportionately affected by chronic diseases, they are under-represented in health research. The aim of the present study was to describe trends in Australian Research Council (ARC)- and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)-funded initiatives from 2002 to 2011 with a key focus on migration-related research funding.Methods Data on all NHMRC- and ARC-funded initiatives between 2002 and 2011 were collected from the research funding statistics and national competitive grants program data systems, respectively. The research funding expenditures within these two schemes were categorised into two major groups: (1) people focused (migrant-related and mainstream-related); and (2) basic science focused. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the data and report the trends in NHMRC and ARC funding over the 10-year period.Results Over 10 years, the ARC funded 15 354 initiatives worth A$5.5 billion, with 897 (5.8%) people-focused projects funded, worth A$254.4 million. Migrant-related research constituted 7.8% of all people-focused research. The NHMRC funded 12 399 initiatives worth A$5.6 billion, with 447 (3.6%) people-focused projects funded, worth A$207.2 million. Migrant-related research accounted for 6.2% of all people-focused initiatives.Conclusions Although migrant groups are disproportionately affected by social and health inequalities, the findings of the present study show that migrant-related research is inadequately funded compared with mainstream-related research. Unless equitable research funding is achieved, it will be impossible to build a strong evidence base for planning effective measures to reduce these inequalities among migrants.What is known about the topic? Immigration is on the rise in most developing countries, including Australia, and most migrants come from low- and middle-income countries. In Australia, migrants constitute 26% of the total Australian population and include refugee and asylum seeker population groups. Migrants are disproportionately affected by disease, yet they have been found to be under-represented in health research and public health interventions.What does this paper add? This paper highlights the disproportions in research funding for research among migrants. Despite migrants being disproportionately affected by disease burden, research into their health conditions and risk factors is grossly underfunded compared with the mainstream population.What are the implications for practitioners? Migrants represent a significant proportion of the Australian population and hence are capable of incurring high costs to the Australian health system. There are two major implications for practitioners. First, the migrant population is constantly growing, therefore integrating the needs of migrants into the development of health policy is important in ensuring equity across health service delivery and utilisation in Australia. Second, the health needs of migrants will only be uncovered when a clear picture of their true health status and other determinants of health, such as psychological, economic, social and cultural, are identified through empirical research studies. Unless equitable research funding is achieved, it will be impossible to build a strong evidence base for planning effective measures to reduce health and social inequalities among migrant communities.


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We introduce Thurstonian Boltzmann Machines (TBM), a unified architecture that can naturally incorporate a wide range of data inputs at the same time. Our motivation rests in the Thurstonian view that many discrete data types can be considered as being generated from a subset of underlying latent continuous variables, and in the observation that each realisation of a discrete type imposes certain inequalities on those variables. Thus learning and inference in TBM reduce to making sense of a set of inequalities. Our proposed TBM naturally supports the following types: Gaussian, intervals, censored, binary, categorical, muticategorical, ordinal, (in)-complete rank with and without ties. We demonstrate the versatility and capacity of the proposed model on three applications of very different natures; namely handwritten digit recognition, collaborative filtering and complex social survey analysis. Copyright 2013 by the author(s).


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, transversal na vertente quantitativa para a avaliação da prevalência da dor na mulher em um centro de atenção à saúde integral da mulher de um município de São Paulo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de um questionário estruturado com questões fechadas para caracterização da população e da dor, bem como, por instrumentos específicos para avaliação do impacto da dor nas atividades de vida diária. A dor demonstrou-se prevalente na população estudada e gerou novos parâmetros para a implementação de estratégias no manejo e alivio da dor, por meio, da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, transversal na vertente quantitativa para a avaliação da prevalência da dor na mulher em um centro de atenção à saúde integral da mulher de um município de São Paulo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de um questionário estruturado com questões fechadas para caracterização da população e da dor, bem como, por instrumentos específicos para avaliação do impacto da dor nas atividades de vida diária. A dor demonstrou-se prevalente na população estudada e gerou novos parâmetros para a implementação de estratégias no manejo e alivio da dor, por meio, da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem.


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar um método recursivo para a determinação da resposta forçada de sistema de segunda ordem na forma de uma íntegra de concolução, proveniente da utilização de propriedades de transição da resposta impulso de tais sistemas. Descrevem-se também diversos métodos analíticos e numéricos desenvolvidos para o cálculo da resposta forçada, bem como as limitações de cada método. As vantagens do método recursivo proposto são notáveis já que não é requerido o cálculo de autovalores das matrizes nem a redução à primeira ordem, e nem o uso de hipóteses adicionais sobre natureza dos coeficientes matriciais do sistema. Como aplicação do método proposto, considera-se o cálculo da resposta dinâmica de estruturas flexíveis sujeitas a excitações arbitrárias tais como terremotos.


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Trata dos resultados obtidos pela Coordenação Norte do Projeto QUALlS II Fundação Zerbini, mediante ações de saúde implementadas junto às famílias portadoras de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e/ou diabetes melito. Aborda o comportamento das equipes de saúde da família com base na Teoria de Liderança Transformacional e aponta possível relação entre este e as mudanças obtidas no cotidiano das famílias estudadas


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Examina, mediante a realização de estudo empírico no âmbito do mercado de capitais, se a decisão de tornar obrigatória a divulgação de dados contábeis calculados consoante a sistemática de correção monetária integral veio a contribuir para o aprimoramento da publicação de resultados, na sua função basilar de propiciar informação de utilidade para os usuários


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Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de metabolismo com suínos em crescimento para avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico sobre a digestibilidade de grão de soja integral. No ensaio 1 foram utilizados 18 animais distribuídos em 6 dietas, à base de amido de milho e grão de soja, em um arranjo fatorial 3*2, composto por três tratamentos de calor submetidos ao grão (cru, AUTOCLAVADO e AUTOCLAVADO o dobro tempo) e dois níveis de lisina (85 e 100% das exigências do NRC (1988)). No ensaio 2 foram utilizados 18 suínos distribuídos em 18 dietas, à base de amido de milho e grão de soja (autoclavado ou autoclavado o dobro tempo) em um arranjo fatorial 3x3x2, composto por três níveis de lisina (80, 100 e 120% NRC (1988)), três suplementações de aminoácidos (0, metionina e treonina) dois tempos de tratamento térmico (autoclavado e dobro do tempo). No ensaio 1 foi observado efeito do tratamento térmico (P< 0,004) e do nível de lisina (P= 0,009) sobre o ganho de peso e do tratamento térmico (P= 0,006) sobre o consumo de matéria seca. Não foram observados efeitos do tratamento térmico e do nível de lisina sobre os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca, da proteína e da energia das dietas. No ensaio 2 foi observado efeito do nível de lisina (P= 0,008) sobre a excreção fecal de proteína bruta e de energia bruta (P= 0,003) e do tratamento térmico sobre a excreção fecal da energia bruta (P= 0,04).