991 resultados para Walker, Marcus
FUNDAMENTO: Técnicas de imageamento in vivo permitem avaliar sequencialmente a morfologia e a função dos órgãos em diversos modelos experimentais. Desenvolvemos um dispositivo de adaptação de uma gama-câmara clínica para obter imagens tomográficas por emissão de fótons singulares (SPECT) de alta resolução, baseado em colimador pinhole. OBJETIVO: Determinar a acurácia desse sistema na quantificação da área de infarto miocárdico em ratos. MÉTODOS: Treze ratos Wistar machos (250 g) foram submetidos a infarto do miocárdio por oclusão da artéria coronária esquerda. Após 4 semanas, foram adquiridas imagens tomográficas com o sistema desenvolvido, 1,5 hora após a injeção endovenosa de 555MBq de 99mTc-Sestamibi. Na reconstrução tomográfica, utilizamos software especialmente desenvolvido baseado no algoritmo de Máxima Verossimilhança. Comparamos as médias e analisamos a correlação entre a extensão dos defeitos perfusionais detectados pela cintilografia e a extensão da fibrose miocárdica avaliada pela histologia. RESULTADOS: As imagens apresentaram ótima relação órgão-alvo/fundo, com apropriada visualização das paredes e da cavidade do ventrículo esquerdo. Todos os animais exibindo áreas de infarto foram corretamente identificados pelas imagens de perfusão. Não houve diferença entre a área do infarto medida pelo SPECT (21,1 ± 21,2%) e pela histologia (21,7 ± 22,0%; p = 0,45), obtendo forte correlação entre os valores da área de infarto mensurada pelos dois métodos (r = 0,99; p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: O sistema desenvolvido apresentou resolução espacial adequada e elevada acurácia para detecção e quantificação das áreas de infarto miocárdico, sendo uma opção de baixo custo e grande versatilidade na obtenção de imagens em SPECT de alta resolução de órgãos de pequenos roedores.
Safety and CAD, HAZOP, safety optimization
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2011
Involvement of the cardiovascular system in patients with infectious and parasitic diseases can result from both intrinsic mechanisms of the disease and drug intervention. Malaria is an example, considering that the endothelial injury by Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes can cause circulatory disorders. This is a literature review aimed at discussing the relationship between malaria and endothelial impairment, especially its effects on the cardiovascular system. We discuss the implications of endothelial aggression and the interdisciplinarity that should guide the malaria patient care, whose acute infection can contribute to precipitate or aggravate a preexisting heart disease.
Background:Left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction is associated with new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF), and the estimation of elevated LV filling pressures by E/e' ratio is related to worse outcomes in patients with AF. However, it is unknown if restoring sinus rhythm reverses this process.Objective:To evaluate the impact of AF ablation on estimated LV filling pressure.Methods:A total of 141 patients underwent radiofrequency (RF) ablation to treat drug-refractory AF. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed 30 days before and 12 months after ablation. LV functional parameters, left atrial volume index (LAVind), and transmitral pulsed and mitral annulus tissue Doppler (e' and E/e') were assessed. Paroxysmal AF was present in 18 patients, persistent AF was present in 102 patients, and long-standing persistent AF in 21 patients. Follow-up included electrocardiographic examination and 24-h Holter monitoring at 3, 6, and 12 months after ablation.Results:One hundred seventeen patients (82.9%) were free of AF during the follow-up (average, 18 ± 5 months). LAVind reduced in the successful group (30.2 mL/m2 ± 10.6 mL/m2 to 22.6 mL/m2 ± 1.1 mL/m2, p < 0.001) compared to the non-successful group (37.7 mL/m2 ± 14.3 mL/m2 to 37.5 mL/m2 ± 14.5 mL/m2, p = ns). Improvement of LV filling pressure assessed by a reduction in the E/e' ratio was observed only after successful ablation (11.5 ± 4.5 vs. 7.1 ± 3.7, p < 0.001) but not in patients with recurrent AF (12.7 ± 4.4 vs. 12 ± 3.3, p = ns). The success rate was lower in the long-standing persistent AF patient group (57% vs. 87%, p = 0.001).Conclusion:Successful AF ablation is associated with LA reverse remodeling and an improvement in LV filling pressure.
fMRI, color, colour, velocity, speed, contrast, cone contrast, V1, V4, hV4, MT, MT+, V3A, BOLD, Retinotopic Mapping, Contrast Response Function
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2013
Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Nachrüstlösung einer Brandmeldeanlage der Firma Notifier zur Anbindung und Visualisierung an das KNX System. Die Anbindung soll ermöglichen, dass Informationen der Brandmeldeanlage in Form von Feuer- und Statusmeldungen an dem KNX-Bus übertragen und visualisiert werden können. Die positiven Effekte, die daraus resultieren, sind zum einen die mögliche Verknüpfung mit anderen Teilnehmern im KNX-System und zum anderen die daraus resultierende Möglichkeit, alle vorhandenen Systeme in einem Gebäude visualisiert darstellen zu können. Nach der Recherche, zu dem von dem Systemen verwendeten Schnittstellen und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten, wurde die Auswahl der benötigten Bauteile getroffen, um die Anbindung der beiden Systeme zu ermöglichen. Die daraus resultierende Verwendung eines Mikrocontrollers erforderte die Entwicklung und Programmierung dessen Software. Anschließend war es möglich durch hardware- und softwaretechnischen Lösungen eine Anbindung der beiden Systeme zu ermöglichen und das daraus gesteckte Ziel, eine Visualisierung durch Verwendung spezieller Software des KNX, zu erreichen.
Aus: Physical chemistry, chemical physics, Vol. 16.2014, H. 47, S. 26279 - 26287
Runibia Stål, 1861 is redescribed, as well as the species R. dallasi Rider, 1998, R. decorata (Dallas, 1851), R. discoidea (Fabricius, 1787), R. euopta (Walker, 1867) and R. perspicua (Fabricius, 1798). A new species, R. caribeana, is described from Virgin Islands. Strachia alligata Walker, 1867, R. decorata var. alligata, and R. picturata Breddin, 1904 were considered junior synonyms of R. decorata. Lectotypes of R. dallasi, R. euopta and R. alligata were designated. Male and female genitalia for all species are described, except the phallus and ectodermal genital duct for R. dallasi. A key and a geographical distribution map are also provided.