996 resultados para Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-Azar)
Foi conseguida a criação em laboratório do flebotomus intermedius e foram obtidos, de ovos colhidos em natureza, alguns F. longipapis. 231 femeas F. intermedius alimentadas em cães experimentalmente infectados pela Leishmania chagasi não se infectaram, emquanto que de 43 femeas alimentadas em um cão naturalmente infectado, 12 se infectaram; de 8 F. longipalpis que sugaram este cão, 6 se infectaram. O triturado de 3 F. intermedius apresentando flagelados com forma de leptomonas foi inoculado em um hamster, e o de 4 F. intermedius em outro. O segundo hamster, examinado nove meses após a primeira inoculação, mostrou-se infectado.
Antes de nossas pesquisas, nas zonas emque trabalhamos, haviam sido asinalados cinco casos vivos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana, três no Ceará e dois em Pernambuco. Alem desses, oito tinham sido evidenciados por viscerotomia na Baía, município de Jacobina. Já se tinha conhecimento tambem, de um caso de Doença de Chagas no Ceará. Na confecção do presente trabalho visitamos regiões dos Estados do Ceará, Pernambuco e Baía, onde realizamos rápidos inquéritos epidemiológicos sobre as duas protozooses. No Ceará, região do Cariri, encontramos dois novos casos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana, cujo diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo exame de esfregaços de polpa esplênica, e cinco de Doença de Chagas, evidenciandos pelos xenodiagnóstico. Foram capturados Flebotomus longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, F. villelai Mangabeira., F. limai Fonseca e F. nordestinus Mangabeira, assim com Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.), 13.5% dos quais infectados. Examinamos animais domésticos (cães e gatos) e silvestres com resultado negativo. Em Pernambuco, município de Exú, fizemos um inquérito sobre os dois casos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana anteriormente assinalados, não encontrando outros. foram capturados F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, alem de Panstrongylus magistus (Burm.) e Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva; nenhum deles estava infectado. Dos animais domésticos foram autopsiados três cães sendo encontrado um com leishmanias no fígado e no baço. O exame de 43 animais silvestres nada revelou. Na Baía, município de Jacobina, encontramos, na zona periférica da cidade, um caso de Leishmaniose visceral Americana e, em outras localidades do município, três outros casos, cujos diagnósticos foram confirmados pelo exame de esfregaços de polpa esplênica; encontramos, também dois casos de Doença de Chagas, evidenciados pelo xenodiagnóstico. Foram capturados F. evandroi Costa Lima, F. lenti Mangabeira e F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva; Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.) (65.5% infectados) e um exemplar de Eutriatoma maculata (Erich.). Encontramos, tambem, em oco de pau, longe das habitações, um exemplar de P. megistus (Burm.) infectado. Examinamos quatro animais domésticos (cães e gatos), tendo sido encontrado um cão portador de S. cruzi.
Foi realizado um inquérito entomológico no período de agosto a dezembor de 1977 na área de procedência de caso autóctone de leishmaniose visceral, encosta do Rio da Prata, bairro de Bangu, Rio de Janeiro. Utilizando-se capturadores manuais foram investigados os peri-domicílios de 13 das 27 habitações da área, tendo-se selecionado quatro locais de capturas que haviam demonstrado serem de maior produtividade. Em 22 capturas (73,3 horas - capturador), coletou-se 1.585 flebotomíneos, sendo 828 (52,2%) Lutzomyia intermediata, 684 (43,1%) Lutzomyia longipalpis, 57 (3,6%) Lutzomyia migonei, 5 (0,3%) Lutzomya cortelezzii e Lutzomyia fischeri, 3 (0,2%) Lutzomyia micropyga, 1(0,1%) LUtzomyia firmatoi e 2 (0,2%) Brumptomyia sp. L. longipalpis predominou nos locais de captura acima de 100 metros de altitude, tanto em abrigos de animais do tipo galinheiro como chiqueiro. A maioria deles foi capturada no horário entre 18 e 21 horas mas eventualmente foram também capturados entre 15 e 17 horas. L. intermedia predominou abaixo de 100 metros e em chiqueiro, sendo encontrados em galinheiro menos freqüentemente que L. longipalpis. Os autores ressaltam a necessidade de adoção de medidas de controle na localidade, dado o risco potencial de transmissão de leishmaniose visceral em área próxima a grande concentração urbana.
Twenty one opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) from disturbed primary forest in the vicinity of Manaus, and seven from an isolated island of secondary vegetation within the city of Manaus, were examined for the presence of Leishmania. Of the opossums from the primary forests, 13 (61.9%) were found to be positive for Leishmania braziliensis guyanenesis. One additional opossum was found to be positive for Le. mexicana amazonensis. A simple and economical trapping technique for opossums is presented here, and a control method in special cases is suggested.
En 98 casos de Leishmaniasis cutánea y cutáneo-mucosa, se encontró relación importante entre infiltrado plasmocitario y la presencia del parásito; en cuanto el infiltrado linfocitario y/o granulomatoso, aparecia en los casos donde el parásito estaba ausente. Por otra parte no se encontró diferencia entre los tipos histopatológicos predominantes en relación con el tiempo de evolución de las lesiones. Estos aspectos son una contribución para la interpretación de material de biopsias en las áreas endémicas de Leishmianiasis.
An "in vitro" system has been developed for study of host cell-parasite interaction in visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis. Avirulent promastigotes of L. brasiliensis and L. donovani, from strains originally isolated from human cases and mantained by serial culture in Davis' Medium were allowed to infect cultured macrophages from rat peritoneal exudate. Challenge of the macrophages by parasites took place in 199 medium, at 33ºC for L. brasiliensis and at 37ºC for L. donovani. Although the rat is resistant to infections by Leishmania spp., the promastigotes not only invaded the host cells, but transformed into amastigotes and later mutiplied, from 10 min after challenge to 24 hours later.
Miniature light traps used to collect Phlebotominae in a focus of dermal leishmaniasis in the eastern part of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Over a period of seven months, the other Diptera captured in 179 light trap samples were identified to family level. The traps were placed in eight localities which constituted three different biotopes: three woodland aresas, cultivated land, and a peridomestic site. A comparison is made between the totals of Dipeterans collected in each biotope, the total numbers of families collected in each biotope and the estimated indices of diversity. Dendograms representing the degrees of association between families of Diptera in different biotopes are presented. Some families of Diptera are uniformly distributed throughout the study area; a few families seem to have become adapted to areas where human activity has induced the greatest ecological changes. The impact between Dipterans and human well-being is discussed. The availabel evidence indicates that transmission of dermal leishmaniasis does not occur in areas where sand flies can be captured in greatest densities.
During an outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a locality (Las Rosas, Cojedes State, venezuela) previously non-endemic, 12.9% of humans, 7% of dogs and 21.4% of donkeys (Equus asinus) had lesions with paraites. The agent in the three hosts was identified as Leishmania braziliensis, subspecies braziliensis at least in man and donkey. The probable vector was Lutzomyia panamensis. No infection was found in a small sample of wild mammals examined. The outbreak was apparently linked with the importation of donkeys with ulcers, from endemic areas. The Authors call attention to the fact that not only in the foci of "uta", but also in areas of the other forms of American cutaneous leishmaniasis, dogs are frequently found infected. They emphasize the necessity of searching for the infection in donkeys and of performing hemocultures and xenodiagnosis with sandflies in human, canine and equine cases, to verify their possible role as sources of infection, and not merely as dead ends in the epidemiological chain of the disease.
Uma análise retrospectiva de 63 casos de Leishmaniose visceral (L.V.) revelou a presença, em 33 deles, de infecção bacteriana associada. Infecções do trato respiratório foram observadas em 13 (39,3%) pacientes, comprometimento de pele em 4 (12%), do trato urinário em 4 (12%), do ouvido em 3 (9%), e de orofaringe em 2 (6%). Sete (21%) pacientes apresentaram infecção concomitante em múltiplos sítios. Documentação bacteriológica através de isolamneto do agente etiológico foi obtida em 10, não havendo predominância estatisticamente significante de bactérias Gram positivas ou negativas. Houve 9 casos de óbito nestes 63 pacientes, sendo que em 8 deles a infecção bacteriana fazia parte do quadro clínico final. A análise das taxas de globulinas séricas revelou que infecção esteve presente de modo significativo (p < 0.05) em 15/20 (75%) dos pacientes com níveis de globulina sérica [menor ou igual a] 4,0g%. Não houve diferença significativa (p > 0.05) com relação ao número de neutrófilos entre os grupos com e sem infecção bacteriana. Concluiu-se, portanto, que infecção bacteriana é um achado freqüente em pacientes com L.V. e se constitui num sinal de mau prognóstico da doença.
The authors were able to infect phlebotomine sandflies on a human case of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis by feeding females of Lutzomyia longipalpis on a patient with a lesion due to Leishmania mexicana amazonensis.
An epidemiological survey of the vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis ("espúndia" type) was caried out in the Alto Beni region of Bolivia, an area of Andean foothills at the Eastern limit of the Amazonian lowlands. The climate is typical wet tropical (15ºS latitude). Anthropophilic phlebotomine sandfly species were sampled at 20 sites, all forested. The importance of species from the Psychodopygus group, already suspected as a vector in the transmission of Leishmania from the braziliensis complex, was confirmed by: 1) the aggressiveness and diversity of the species encountered (83% of catches, nine species), 2) the discovery of a new anthropophilic species, P. yucumensis and 3) the isolation of a strain of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis indistinguishable from human strains from the same area, from two species, P. llanosmartinsi and P. yucumensis.
In an endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Rio de Janeiro State where a mule had been found infected, a systematic search among equines was performed, resulting in the detection of Leishmania parasites in skin lesions of 30.8% of the animals, which included horses and mules. The eventual role of equines in the epidemiology of the human disease is being investigated.
A study on the ecology of phlebotomine sandfly fauna in a restricted focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in northern Venezuela was undertaken in order to investigate the species responsible for the transmission. The study area and catching methods for phlebotomine sandflies are described. A total of 9,061 females and 1,662 males were collected during a year-term study. 12 species of Lutzomya and 1 species of Brumptomya sp. were identified. Absolute and relative abundance and ocurrence for each species were determined. The rel ative occurrence allowed to distinguish the common species, viz. L. panamensis, L. ovallesi, L. gomezi, L. tinidadensis, L. atroclavata, L. cayennensis, L. shannoni and L. olmeca bicolor from the rare species vis., L. punctigeniculata, L. rangeliana, L. evansi and L. dubitans. General comments on the species composition of the sandfly fauna in this locality are made.
The ecology of phlebotomine sandflies in an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Northern Venezuela (San Esteban, Carabobo State) was investigated through a year-term study. Three different habitats: viz. a house, a pridomestic area and a sylvatic area, were covered and the species composition, the abundance and occurrence of each species were analyzed in relation to the habitats, catching methods and hour of catching. L. panamensis, L. gomezi and L. ovallesi are the species which bite man, although almost exclusively at night. All of them hide by day and are common in the sylvatic area. Moreover, L. panamensis and L. gomezi successfully approach the house and seem to settle in the peridomestic area. L. shannoni and L. olmeca bicolor also approach and accidentally bite man. L. trinidadensis, L. atroclavata and L. cayennensis are the common non-antrhopophilic species in the area.
A one year-long study (March 1979-March 1980) was carried out at San Esteban, an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Northern Venezuela, with the aim of observing the seasonal fluctuation of the local phlebotomine sandflies species. The influence of climatic factors (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) on population dynamics was analyzed in three collecting sites - a house, a peridomestic area and a sylvatic region. Among anthropophilic species, L. panamensis behaved as a wetseason species, the mean minimum relative humidity being the critical factor influencing the total number of individuals. When the population density of this fly decreased, it was successfully replaced by L. ovallesi, a dry-season species. On the other hand, seasonal variations of L. gomezi were more strongly affected by the temperature.