999 resultados para Video-endoscopy


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Maternal dissociative symptoms which can be comorbid with interpersonal violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder (IPV-PTSD) have been linked to decreased sensitivity and responsiveness to children's emotional communication. This study examined the influence of dissociation on neural activation independently of IPV-PTSD symptom severity when mothers watch video-stimuli of their children during stressful and non-stressful mother-child interactions. Based on previous observations in related fields, we hypothesized that more severe comorbid dissociation in IPV-PTSD would be associated with lower limbic system activation and greater neural activity in regions of the emotion regulation circuit such as the medial prefrontal cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). Twenty mothers (of children aged 12-42 months), with and without IPV-PTSD watched epochs showing their child during separation and play while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Multiple regression indicated that when mothers diagnosed with IPV-PTSD watched their children during separation compared to play, dissociative symptom severity was indeed linked to lowered activation within the limbic system, while greater IPV-PTSD symptom severity was associated with heightened limbic activity. Concerning emotion regulation areas, there was activation associated to dissociation in the right dlPFC. Our results are likely a neural correlate of affected mothers' reduced capacity for sensitive responsiveness to their young child following exposure to interpersonal stress, situations that are common in day-to-day parenting.


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Indigenous media as a phenomenon cannot be reduced to a reaction to western hegemony and colonial legacies, but is often rooted in the context of resistance, empowerment, self-determination and the reclaiming of symbolic representation. Therefore I would like to reflect on different cases of indigenous film and participatory video work in an attempt to highlight the multiple dynamics that arise due to the desideratum of self-representation and to finally locate us as anthropologists in that context.


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In this work, we propose a novel network coding enabled NDN architecture for the delivery of scalable video. Our scheme utilizes network coding in order to address the problem that arises in the original NDN protocol, where optimal use of the bandwidth and caching resources necessitates the coordination of the forwarding decisions. To optimize the performance of the proposed network coding based NDN protocol and render it appropriate for transmission of scalable video, we devise a novel rate allocation algorithm that decides on the optimal rates of Interest messages sent by clients and intermediate nodes. This algorithm guarantees that the achieved flow of Data objects will maximize the average quality of the video delivered to the client population. To support the handling of Interest messages and Data objects when intermediate nodes perform network coding, we modify the standard NDN protocol and introduce the use of Bloom filters, which store efficiently additional information about the Interest messages and Data objects. The proposed architecture is evaluated for transmission of scalable video over PlanetLab topologies. The evaluation shows that the proposed scheme performs very close to the optimal performance


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The widespread use of wireless enabled devices and the increasing capabilities of wireless technologies has promoted multimedia content access and sharing among users. However, the quality perceived by the users still depends on multiple factors such as video characteristics, device capabilities, and link quality. While video characteristics include the video time and spatial complexity as well as the coding complexity, one of the most important device characteristics is the battery lifetime. There is the need to assess how these aspects interact and how they impact the overall user satisfaction. This paper advances previous works by proposing and validating a flexible framework, named EViTEQ, to be applied in real testbeds to satisfy the requirements of performance assessment. EViTEQ is able to measure network interface energy consumption with high precision, while being completely technology independent and assessing the application level quality of experience. The results obtained in the testbed show the relevance of combined multi-criteria measurement approaches, leading to superior end-user satisfaction perception evaluation .


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Objective: In schizophrenia, abnormalities in nonverbal behaviors have always been considered as highly relevant. However, due to methodological limitations, nonverbal behavior was rarely quantified objectively. Recent methodological advances now allow a quantification of body movement from ordinary video recordings. We showed that patients’ objectively measured amount of movement in social role-play interactions was closely associated with their symptom profiles (Kupper, Ramseyer, Hoffmann, & Tschacher, Schizophrenia Research 2010). In the present study, a replication of these results in the context of semi-standardized PANSS (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) interviews was intended. Methods: 17 patients with schizophrenia were analyzed during the initial 15-min sequence of a videotaped PANSS interview using Motion Energy Analysis (MEA). The amount of patients’ movement was then correlated with their PANSS symptom scores. Results: Sizeable and significant correlations between negative symptoms and reduced movements (r = -.68, p<0.01) and reduced movement speed (r = -.80, p<0.001) were found. Moreover, cognitive symptoms were related to reduced movement speed (r = -.70, p<.01). Conclusion: Negative symptoms were reliably indicated by patients’ nonverbal behavior in psychopathology interviews. Hence, the main result of our earlier study, examining patients’ nonverbal behavior in role play tests, was replicated for the less structured interactions in psychopathological interviews. Results could encourage the use of MEA in a wide range of videotaped social interactions of patients with schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders.


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The aim of this study was to test the effects of a sustained nystagmus on the head impulse response of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in healthy subjects. VOR gain (slow-phase eye velocity/head velocity) was measured using video head impulse test goggles. Acting as a surrogate for a spontaneous nystagmus (SN), a post-rotatory nystagmus (PRN) was elicited after a sustained, constant-velocity rotation, and then head impulses were applied. 'Raw' VOR gain, uncorrected for PRN, in healthy subjects in response to head impulses with peak velocities in the range of 150°/s-250°/s was significantly increased (as reflected in an increase in the slope of the gain versus head velocity relationship) after inducing PRN with slow phases of nystagmus of high intensity (>30°/s) in the same but not in the opposite direction as the slow-phase response induced by the head impulses. The values of VOR gain themselves, however, remained in the normal range with slow-phase velocities of PRN < 30°/s. Finally, quick phases of PRN were suppressed during the first 20-160 ms of a head impulse; the time frame of suppression depended on the direction of PRN but not on the duration of the head impulse. Our results in normal subjects suggest that VOR gains measured using head impulses may have to be corrected for any superimposed SN when the slow-phase velocity of nystagmus is relatively high and the peak velocity of the head movements is relatively low. The suppression of quick phases during head impulses may help to improve steady fixation during rapid head movements.


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Video-oculography devices are now used to quantify the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) at the bedside using the head impulse test (HIT). Little is known about the impact of disruptive phenomena (e.g. corrective saccades, nystagmus, fixation losses, eye-blink artifacts) on quantitative VOR assessment in acute vertigo. This study systematically characterized the frequency, nature, and impact of artifacts on HIT VOR measures. From a prospective study of 26 patients with acute vestibular syndrome (16 vestibular neuritis, 10 stroke), we classified findings using a structured coding manual. Of 1,358 individual HIT traces, 72% had abnormal disruptive saccades, 44% had at least one artifact, and 42% were uninterpretable. Physicians using quantitative recording devices to measure head impulse VOR responses for clinical diagnosis should be aware of the potential impact of disruptive eye movements and measurement artifacts.


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OBJECTIVE Vestibular neuritis is often mimicked by stroke (pseudoneuritis). Vestibular eye movements help discriminate the two conditions. We report vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain measures in neuritis and stroke presenting acute vestibular syndrome (AVS). METHODS Prospective cross-sectional study of AVS (acute continuous vertigo/dizziness lasting >24 h) at two academic centers. We measured horizontal head impulse test (HIT) VOR gains in 26 AVS patients using a video HIT device (ICS Impulse). All patients were assessed within 1 week of symptom onset. Diagnoses were confirmed by clinical examinations, brain magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion-weighted images, and follow-up. Brainstem and cerebellar strokes were classified by vascular territory-posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) or anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). RESULTS Diagnoses were vestibular neuritis (n = 16) and posterior fossa stroke (PICA, n = 7; AICA, n = 3). Mean HIT VOR gains (ipsilesional [standard error of the mean], contralesional [standard error of the mean]) were as follows: vestibular neuritis (0.52 [0.04], 0.87 [0.04]); PICA stroke (0.94 [0.04], 0.93 [0.04]); AICA stroke (0.84 [0.10], 0.74 [0.10]). VOR gains were asymmetric in neuritis (unilateral vestibulopathy) and symmetric in PICA stroke (bilaterally normal VOR), whereas gains in AICA stroke were heterogeneous (asymmetric, bilaterally low, or normal). In vestibular neuritis, borderline gains ranged from 0.62 to 0.73. Twenty patients (12 neuritis, six PICA strokes, two AICA strokes) had at least five interpretable HIT trials (for both ears), allowing an appropriate classification based on mean VOR gains per ear. Classifying AVS patients with bilateral VOR mean gains of 0.70 or more as suspected strokes yielded a total diagnostic accuracy of 90%, with stroke sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 92%. CONCLUSION Video HIT VOR gains differ between peripheral and central causes of AVS. PICA strokes were readily separated from neuritis using gain measures, but AICA strokes were at risk of being misclassified based on VOR gain alone.


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BACKGROUND A caesarean scar defect is a late complication of caesarean birth with a wide range of prevalence between 56 and 84 % depending on which diagnostic tool and which definition is used [1]. The referred symptoms which include postmenstrual spotting and infertility are fortunately rare. Moreover, severe complications such as caesarean scar pregnancy and uterine rupture in the following pregnancy may occur. Given the increasing incidence of caesarean births, the potential morbidity associated with caesarean scars is likely to become more important. Recently, a few repair techniques were described in the literature including the hysteroscopic resection of scarred tissue or the laparoscopic repair with or without robotic assistance [2, 3]. METHODS Between June 2009 and February 2014, 21 women with caesarean scar defects were operated with the Rendez-vous technique, a minimally invasive surgery combining the laparoscopic and hysteroscopic approach. Data were retrospectively collected. The indications for this surgery included secondary infertility, previous caesarean scar pregnancy, recurrent miscarriage and postmenstrual spotting. Prior to operation, a transvaginal ultrasound was performed to examine the uterine wall defect. RESULTS The patient characteristics are provided in Table 1. In all cases, the operation was successfully completed laparoscopically. The median operation time was 125 min. One case was complicated by recurrence of the scar defect 6 weeks after the operation. No other intra- or post-operative complications were observed, and the median in-patient stay was 3 days. CONCLUSIONS The benefits of the technique include the feasibility and safety of the procedure, the "Halloween sign" (Fig. 1) which indicates the exact extent and localization of the scar defect and the immediate assessment of repair through the hysteroscopy at the end of the surgery. However, before further studies evaluate the efficacy of this method, the routine repair of caesarean scar defects cannot be recommended. A video of the technique is presented.


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Purpose To this day, the slit lamp remains the first tool used by an ophthalmologist to examine patient eyes. Imaging of the retina poses, however, a variety of problems, namely a shallow depth of focus, reflections from the optical system, a small field of view and non-uniform illumination. For ophthalmologists, the use of slit lamp images for documentation and analysis purposes, however, remains extremely challenging due to large image artifacts. For this reason, we propose an automatic retinal slit lamp video mosaicking, which enlarges the field of view and reduces amount of noise and reflections, thus enhancing image quality. Methods Our method is composed of three parts: (i) viable content segmentation, (ii) global registration and (iii) image blending. Frame content is segmented using gradient boosting with custom pixel-wise features. Speeded-up robust features are used for finding pair-wise translations between frames with robust random sample consensus estimation and graph-based simultaneous localization and mapping for global bundle adjustment. Foreground-aware blending based on feathering merges video frames into comprehensive mosaics. Results Foreground is segmented successfully with an area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.9557. Mosaicking results and state-of-the-art methods were compared and rated by ophthalmologists showing a strong preference for a large field of view provided by our method. Conclusions The proposed method for global registration of retinal slit lamp images of the retina into comprehensive mosaics improves over state-of-the-art methods and is preferred qualitatively.


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Introduction. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) are used study the association between dietary intake and disease. An instructional video may potentially offer a low cost, practical method of dietary assessment training for participants thereby reducing recall bias in FFQs. There is little evidence in the literature of the effect of using instructional videos on FFQ-based intake. Objective. This analysis compared the reported energy and macronutrient intake of two groups that were randomized either to watch an instructional video before completing an FFQ or to view the same instructional video after completing the same FFQ. Methods. In the parent study, a diverse group of students, faculty and staff from Houston Community College were randomized to two groups, stratified by ethnicity, and completed an FFQ. The "video before" group watched an instructional video about completing the FFQ prior to answering the FFQ. The "video after" group watched the instructional video after completing the FFQ. The two groups were compared on mean daily energy (Kcal/day), fat (g/day), protein (g/day), carbohydrate (g/day) and fiber (g/day) intakes using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. Demographic, height, and weight information was collected. Dietary intakes were adjusted for total energy intake before the comparative analysis. BMI and age were ruled out as potential confounders. Results. There were no significant differences between the two groups in mean daily dietary intakes of energy, total fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber. However, a pattern of higher energy intake and lower fiber intake was reported in the group that viewed the instructional video before completing the FFQ compared to those who viewed the video after. Discussion. Analysis of the difference between reported intake of energy and macronutrients showed an overall pattern, albeit not statistically significant, of higher intake in the video before versus the video after group. Application of instructional videos for dietary assessment may require further research to address the validity of reported dietary intakes in those who are randomized to watch an instructional video before reporting diet compared to a control groups that does not view a video.^


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Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a motivational weight management DVD on knowledge of obesity related diseases, readiness, motivation, and self-efficacy to lose weight, connectedness to their care provider, and patients return to clinic. Design. A randomized control trial was conducted in which 40 overweight/obese adolescents and their parents/caregivers were randomly assigned to standard care alone or standard care plus DVD. Subjects completed a set of pre- and post-questionnaire measures. A group of 22 patients was also formed as a historical control group in order to account for the potential effect of extra attention given to subjects prospectively enrolled. Methods. The adolescents and their parent/caregiver were placed into a patient room. Consent was obtained and a set of written pre-questionnaires were given to both the parent and the adolescent. Standard care was provided to all patients by the Registered Dietitian and physician; the DVD was shown in addition to standard care among the intervention group. A set of post-questionnaires were given and compensation was provided. Analysis. Groups were compared to determine equivalence at baseline. Analysis of covariance was used to evaluate changes over time, while controlling for pre-test scores and race/ethnicity. Results. Parents who viewed the DVD experienced greater changes in correct knowledge as compared to parents who did not view the DVD. Conclusion. Our study found only one substantial benefit of the DVD beyond standard clinical practices. This is an important area for change as it increased awareness of obesity as a serious disease and has future clinical implications.^