994 resultados para Via 3 Febbr. 1831


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The applications of the primary allyl amines afforded by the acetyl derivative of Baylis-Hillman adducts of acrylate for the synthesis of heterocycles using robust reactions are described. In the first strategy a one-pot synthesis of 5-benzyl-4(3H)-pyrimidinones have been achieved via N-formylation of the amines in the presence of neat formamide followed by ammonium formate-mediated cyclization. These pyrimidinones have been demonstrated to be excellent precursor to the 4-pyridinamine derivatives. In the second strategy the synthesis of 2-benzylidene-2,3-dihydro-pyrrolizin-1-ones have been accomplished via treatment of allyl amine with dimethoxyfuran followed by saponification and PPA-mediated intramolecular cyclization.


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Gastro-intestinal nematodes in ruminants, especially Haemonchus contortus, are a global threat to sheep and cattle farming. The emergence of drug resistance, and even multi-drug resistance to the currently available classes of broad spectrum anthelmintics, further stresses the need for new drugs active against gastro-intestinal nematodes. A novel chemical class of synthetic anthelmintics, the Amino-Acetonitrile Derivatives (AADs), was recently discovered and the drug candidate AAD-1566 (monepantel) was chosen for further development. Studies with Caenorhabditis elegans suggested that the AADs act via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) of the nematode-specific DEG-3 subfamily. Here we identify nAChR genes of the DEG-3 subfamily from H. contortus and investigate their role in AAD sensitivity. Using a novel in vitro selection procedure, mutant H. contortus populations of reduced sensitivity to AAD-1566 were obtained. Sequencing of full-length nAChR coding sequences from AAD-susceptible H. contortus and their AAD-1566-mutant progeny revealed 2 genes to be affected. In the gene monepantel-1 (Hco-mptl-1, formerly named Hc-acr-23H), a panel of mutations was observed exclusively in the AAD-mutant nematodes, including deletions at intron-exon boundaries that result in mis-spliced transcripts and premature stop codons. In the gene Hco-des-2H, the same 135 bp insertion in the 5' UTR created additional, out of frame start codons in 2 independent H. contortus AAD-mutants. Furthermore, the AAD mutants exhibited altered expression levels of the DEG-3 subfamily nAChR genes Hco-mptl-1, Hco-des-2H and Hco-deg-3H as quantified by real-time PCR. These results indicate that Hco-MPTL-1 and other nAChR subunits of the DEG-3 subfamily constitute a target for AAD action against H. contortus and that loss-of-function mutations in the corresponding genes may reduce the sensitivity to AADs.


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Future generations of mobile communication devices will serve more and more as multimedia platforms capable of reproducing high quality audio. In order to achieve a 3-D sound perception the reproduction quality of audio via headphones can be significantly increased by applying binaural technology. To be independent of individual head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) and to guarantee a good performance for all listeners, an adaptation of the synthesized sound field to the listener's head movements is required. In this article several methods of head-tracking for mobile communication devices are presented and compared. A system for testing the identified methods is set up and experiments are performed to evaluate the prosand cons of each method. The implementation of such a device in a 3-D audio system is described and applications making use of such a system are identified and discussed.


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Approximately three years ago, composite stereolithography (SL) resins were introduced to the marketplace, offering performance features beyond what traditional SL resins could offer. In particular, the high heat deflection temperatures and high stiffness of these highly filled resins have opened the door to several new rapid prototyping (RP) applications, including wind tunnel test modelling and, more recently, rapid tooling.


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One hundred eighty-nine mixed breed beef heifers from 13 consignors enrolled in the MACEP heifer development project were utilized in this study. Heifers were synchronized by feeding 0.5 mg melengestrol acetate (MGA) per head per day for 14 days followed by an injection of prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a; 25 mg Lutalyse®) 17 days after the last MGA feeding. Each heifer was fitted with a Heatwatch® transmitter on the morning of PGF2a administration to facilitate detection of estrus. Vaginal conductivity measurements were taken using an Ovatec® probe every 12 hours for 96 hours beginning at the time of PGF2a injection. Heifers randomly assigned to produce a female calf were inseminated near the onset of estrus (as indicated by probe values of £ 55 on the decline). Heifers randomly assigned to produce a male calf were inseminated approximately 24 hours after the onset of estrus (as indicated by probe values of ³ 60 on the incline). All heifers not inseminated by 96 hours after PGF2a were mass inseminated in an attempt to impregnate as many heifers as possible. Heifers that were diagnosed as pregnant as a result of the artificial insemination were subjected to ultrasonography for fetal sex determination. Only 70 of the 189 heifers (37.0%) exhibited estrus according to Heatwatch® and incidence of estrus was influenced by heifer average daily gain, reproductive tract score, and disposition score. Heifers receiving a disposition score of 3 (78.7) had a higher (P<.05) probe reading at AI than those receiving a disposition score of 1 or 2 (70.8 and 72.5, respectively). Heifers with probe readings at insemination of 80 - 84 and > 84 had lower (P<.05) pregnancy rates to AI (13.6 and 0.0%, respectively) than heifers with probe readings in the ranges of < 60, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 - 74, and 75 - 79 (35.7, 40.9, 31.4, 35.3, and 26.9% respectively). Heifers that were bred when probe values were increasing had a lower (P<.05) percentage of male fetuses (34.4%) than those bred during a period of decreasing probe values (69.2% male fetuses). These results demonstrate that a vaginal conductivity probe may be a useful tool to determine an insemination time that could potentially alter calf sex ratio.


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OBJECTIVES We sought to evaluate the strategy success and short term clinical outcomes of direct stenting via 5 French (F) diagnostic catheters using a novel bare metal stent with integrated delivery system (IDS) (Svelte Medical Systems, New Providence, NJ) and compare the results to a conventionally treated matched group. METHODS Fifteen consecutive patients with lesions deemed suitable for direct stenting using a bare metal stent were included. The primary endpoint was the strategy success defined as the ability to successfully treat a target lesion via a 5 F diagnostic catheter with a good angiographic result (TIMI III flow, residual stenosis ≤20%). Procedure and fluoroscopy times, contrast agent use, cost, and short-term clinical outcomes were compared to a matched group treated via conventional stenting. RESULTS The primary endpoint was reached in 14/15 patients (93%). There were no significant differences in procedural (58.6 min ± 12.7 vs. 57.4 min ± 14.2) or fluoroscopy times (10.0 min ± 4.3 vs.10.1 min ± 3.9) or contrast agent use (193.7 ml ± 54.8 vs. 181.4 ml ± 35.6). However, there were significant reductions in materials used in the study group compared to the control group equating to cost savings of almost US $600 per case (US $212.44 ± 258.09 vs. US $804.69 ± 468.11; P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS Direct stenting using a novel bare metal stent with an IDS via 5 F diagnostic catheters is a viable alternative to conventional stenting in selected patients and is associated with significant cost savings.


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BACKGROUND Cardiac sodium channel β-subunit mutations have been associated with several inherited cardiac arrhythmia syndromes. OBJECTIVE To identify and characterize variations in SCN1Bb associated with Brugada syndrome (BrS) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). METHODS All known exons and intron borders of the BrS-susceptibility genes were amplified and sequenced in both directions. Wild type (WT) and mutant genes were expressed in TSA201 cells and studied using co-immunoprecipitation and whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. RESULTS Patient 1 was a 44-year-old man with an ajmaline-induced type 1 ST-segment elevation in V1 and V2 supporting the diagnosis of BrS. Patient 2 was a 62-year-old woman displaying a coved-type BrS electrocardiogram who developed cardiac arrest during fever. Patient 3 was a 4-month-old female SIDS case. A R214Q variant was detected in exon 3A of SCN1Bb (Na(v)1B) in all three probands, but not in any other gene previously associated with BrS or SIDS. R214Q was identified in 4 of 807 ethnically-matched healthy controls (0.50%). Co-expression of SCN5A/WT + SCN1Bb/R214Q resulted in peak sodium channel current (I(Na)) 56.5% smaller compared to SCN5A/WT + SCN1Bb/WT (n = 11-12, P<0.05). Co-expression of KCND3/WT + SCN1Bb/R214Q induced a Kv4.3 current (transient outward potassium current, I(to)) 70.6% greater compared with KCND3/WT + SCN1Bb/WT (n = 10-11, P<0.01). Co-immunoprecipitation indicated structural association between Na(v)β1B and Na(v)1.5 and K(v)4.3. CONCLUSION Our results suggest that R214Q variation in SCN1Bb is a functional polymorphism that may serve as a modifier of the substrate responsible for BrS or SIDS phenotypes via a combined loss of function of sodium channel current and gain of function of transient outward potassium current.


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BACKGROUND Resistance to chemotherapy in lung adenocarcinoma remains a major obstacle. We examined the potential role of Octamer-binding transcription factor-4B (OCT4B) in enhancing sensitivity of lung adenocarcinoma cells to cisplatin. MATERIALS AND METHODS RNAi interference was used to examine the role of OCT4B in cisplatin-treated A549 cells. Cells were transfected with OCT4B siRNA prior to a 48-h cisplatin treatment. Propidium iodide (PI) and caspase-3 staining were used to determine cell viability and apoptosis. Cell-cycle analysis was performed to evaluate alterations in phase distribution. RESULTS OCT4B suppression in cells increased the number of non-viable, PI(+), and apoptotic, caspase-3(+) cells in the presence and absence of cisplatin treatment. Importantly, cisplatin treatment of OCT4B-suppressed cells resulted in a marked transition of cells from G0/G1 to G2/M phase. CONCLUSION Silencing of OCT4B confers sensitivity to cisplatin treatment in A549 cells via cell-cycle regulation, increased proliferation and enhancement of cisplatin-induced apoptosis. OCT4B clearly protects A549 cells from apoptosis.


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Background: Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappaB Ligand (RANKL), a member of the TNF superfamily, contributes to the imbalance of bone resorption and immunoregulation in rheumatoid arthritis. In mice, collagen induced arthritis was exacerbated by IL-3 and anti-IgER antibodies, two mediators activating basophils that are known as effector cells of allergy. Interestingly, our unpublished microarray data revealed that IL-3 induces RANKL mRNA in human basophils. Here we further investigate under which conditions human basophils express surface and/or soluble RANKL. Methods: One part of purified human basophils was co-stimulated with IL-3 and either IgE-dependent or IgE-independent stimuli. The other part of purified basophils was first primed with IL-3 and subsequently triggered with IgE-dependent or IgE-independent stimuli. Expression of surface and soluble RANKL were detected by flow cytometry, ELISA and real-time PCR. Results: By flow cytometry we show that IL-3 induces de novo expression of surface RANKL on human basophils in a time and dose dependent manner. Co-stimulation of basophils with IL-3 and an IgE-dependent stimulus reduces IL-3-induced expression of surface RANKL in a dose dependent manner while IgE-independent stimuli have no effect. In contrast, both IgE-dependent and IgE-independent stimuli enhance expression of surface and soluble RANKL in basophils that were first primed with IL-3 and then triggered. Real-time PCR analysis shows that surface hRANKL1 and soluble hRANKL3 are induced by IL-3 and reduced by co-stimulation with IL-3 and an IgE-dependent stimulus and thus confirms our flow cytometry data. Conclusion: RANKL expression in human basophils is not only dependent on IL-3 and IgE-dependent/IgE-independent stimuli but also on the sequence of their addition to cell culture. Based on our data, we suggest that basophils might have previously unidentified functions in bone resorption or immunoregulation via RANKL.


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We propose a new method for fully-automatic landmark detection and shape segmentation in X-ray images. Our algorithm works by estimating the displacements from image patches to the (unknown) landmark positions and then integrating them via voting. The fundamental contribution is that, we jointly estimate the displacements from all patches to multiple landmarks together, by considering not only the training data but also geometric constraints on the test image. The various constraints constitute a convex objective function that can be solved efficiently. Validated on three challenging datasets, our method achieves high accuracy in landmark detection, and, combined with statistical shape model, gives a better performance in shape segmentation compared to the state-of-the-art methods.


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In this paper, we propose a fully automatic, robust approach for segmenting proximal femur in conventional X-ray images. Our method is based on hierarchical landmark detection by random forest regression, where the detection results of 22 global landmarks are used to do the spatial normalization, and the detection results of the 59 local landmarks serve as the image cue for instantiation of a statistical shape model of the proximal femur. To detect landmarks in both levels, we use multi-resolution HoG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) as features which can achieve better accuracy and robustness. The efficacy of the present method is demonstrated by experiments conducted on 150 clinical x-ray images. It was found that the present method could achieve an average point-to-curve error of 2.0 mm and that the present method was robust to low image contrast, noise and occlusions caused by implants.