997 resultados para VOLUNTARY TASK


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While many tend to think of memory systems in the brain as a single process, in reality several experiments have supported multiple dissociations of different forms of learning, such as spatial learning and response learning. In both humans and rats, the hippocampus has long been shown to be specialized in the storage of spatial and contextual memory whereas the striatum is associated with motor responses and habitual behaviors. Previous studies have examined how damage to hippocampus or striatum has affected the acquisition of either a spatial or response navigation task. However even in a very familiar environment organisms must continuously switch between place and response strategies depending upon circumstances. The current research investigates how these two brain systems interact under normal conditions to produce navigational behavior. Rats were tested using a task developed by Jacobson and colleagues (2006) in which the two types of navigation could be controlled and studied simultaneously. Rats were trained to solve a plus maze using both a spatial and a response strategy. A cue (flashing light) was employed to indicate the correct strategy on a given trial. When no light was present, the animals were rewarded for making a 90º right turn (motor response). When the light was on, the animals were rewarded for going to a specific goal location (place strategy). After learning the task, animals had a sham surgery or dorsal striatum or hippocampus damaged. In order to investigate the individual role of each brain system and evaluate whether these brain regions compete or cooperate for control over strategy, we utilized a within-animal comparisons. The configuration of the maze allowed for the comparison of behavior in individual animals before and after specific brain areas were damaged. Animals with hippocampal lesions showed selective deficits on place trials after surgery and learned the reversal of the motor response more rapidly than striatal lesioned or sham rats. Unlike previous findings regarding maze learning, animals with striatal lesions showed deficits in both place and response trials and had difficulty learning the reversal of motor response. Therefore, the effects of lesions on the ability to switch back and forth between strategies were more complex than previously suggested. This work may reveal important new insight on the integration of hippocampal and striatal learning systems, and facilitate a better understanding of the brain dynamics underlying similar navigational processes in humans.


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Recently, some industries have collectively agreed not to produce models that do not meet an energy efficiency (and hence an environmental) standard. This paper presents a simple model that can be used to examine a voluntary collective agreement to limit or completely eliminate the low efficiency model of a given product (e.g., a low efficiency washing machine). We show that, when there is competition between firms, a collective agreement to limit or even eliminate production of the polluting model can actually increase profits for all firms in the industry. This suggests that a collective agreement of this type might actually be beneficial to firms, while at the same time improving environmental quality. However, the implicit enforcement that comes from the public nature of the commitment is necessary to ensure this outcome. This suggests that, by promoting such agreements, policymakers may be able to achieve substantial environmental gains with relatively little inducement. The impact on social welfare will then depend on whether these gains are sufficiently large to offset consumer losses from reductions in product variety and the associated price increases.


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Objectives. The central objective of this study was to systematically examine the internal structure of multihospital systems, determining the management principles used and the performance levels achieved in medical care and administrative areas.^ The Universe. The study universe consisted of short-term general American hospitals owned and operated by multihospital corporations. Corporations compared were the investor-owned (for-profit) and the voluntary multihospital systems. The individual hospital was the unit of analysis for the study.^ Theoretical Considerations. The contingency theory, using selected aspects of the classical and human relations schools of thought, seemed well suited to describe multihospital organization and was used in this research.^ The Study Hypotheses. The main null hypotheses generated were that there are no significant differences between the voluntary and the investor-owned multihospital sectors in their (1) hospital structures and (2) patient care and administrative performance levels.^ The Sample. A stratified random sample of 212 hospitals owned by multihospital systems was selected to equally represent the two study sectors. Of the sampled hospitals approached, 90.1% responded.^ The Analysis. Sixteen scales were constructed in conjunction with 16 structural variables developed from the major questions and sub-items of the questionnaire. This was followed by analysis of an additional 7 structural and 24 effectiveness (performance) measures, using frequency distributions. Finally, summary statistics and statistical testing for each variable and sub-items were completed and recorded in 38 tables.^ Study Findings. While it has been argued that there are great differences between the two sectors, this study found that with a few exceptions the null hypotheses of no difference in organizational and operational characteristics of non-profit and for-profit hospitals was accepted. However, there were several significant differences found in the structural variables: functional specialization, and autonomy were significantly higher in the voluntary sector. Only centralization was significantly different in the investor owned. Among the effectiveness measures, occupancy rate, cost of data processing, total manhours worked, F.T.E. ratios, and personnel per occupied bed were significantly higher in the voluntary sector. The findings indicated that both voluntary and for-profit systems were converging toward a common hierarchical corporate management approach. Factors of size and management style may be better descriptors to characterize a specific multihospital group than its profit or nonprofit status. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Primary motor cortex (M1) is involved in the production of voluntary movement and contains a complete functional representation, or map, of the skeletal musculature. This functional map can be altered by pathological experiences, such as peripheral nerve injury or stroke, by pharmacological manipulation, and by behavioral experience. The process by which experience-dependent alterations of cortical function occur is termed plasticity. In this thesis, plasticity of M1 functional organization as a consequence of behavioral experience was examined in adult primates (squirrel monkeys). Maps of movement representations were derived under anesthesia using intracortical microstimulation, whereby a microelectrode was inserted into the cortex to electrically stimulate corticospinal neurons at low current levels and evoke movements of the forelimb, principally of the hand. Movement representations were examined before and at several times after training on behavioral tasks that emphasized use of the fingers. Two behavioral tasks were utilized that dissociated the repetition of motor activity from the acquisition of motor skills. One task was easy to perform, and as such promoted repetitive motor activity without learning. The other task was more difficult, requiring the acquisition of motor skills for successful performance. Kinematic analysis indicated that monkeys used a consistent set of forelimb movements during pellet extractions. Functional mapping revealed that repetitive motor activity during the easier task did not produce plastic changes in movement representations. Instead, map plasticity, in the form of selective expansions of task-related movement representations, was only produced following skill acquisition on the difficult task. Additional studies revealed that, in general, map plasticity persisted without further training for up to three months, in parallel with the retention of task-related motor skills. Also, extensive additional training on the small well task produced further improvements in performance, and further changes in movement maps. In sum, these experiments support the following three conclusions regarding the role of M1 in motor learning. First, behaviorally-driven plasticity is learning-dependent, not activity-dependent. Second, plastic changes in M1 functional representations represent a neural correlate of acquired motor skills. Third, the persistence of map plasticity suggests that M1 is part of the neural substrate for the memory of motor skills. ^


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Empresas como HEXA S.A. desean introducir SIG como elemento para incrementar el valor agregado de los proyectos de consultoría que realizan. Tal es el caso del trabajo encomendado por ellos al CIFOT titulado Esquema hidromorfológico de la cuenca del río Tunuyán Superior y clasificación de Usos del Suelo del Oasis Centro Oeste; Provincia de Mendoza. Se unifica en un único modelo digital una serie de cartas topográficas (IGM) digitalizan diversos niveles de información (curvas de nivel, hidrografía de la cuenca del río Tunuyán), red de caminos y su jerarquía. A partir de la base de datos lograda, se generan mapas temáticos de cada cuenca, apoyados con imágenes satelitales Landsat TM, que permiten identificar cobertura nivo- glacial y usos del suelo en el Oasis. Con esta información la empresa obtiene un modelo de simulación del Río Tunuyán para predecir el caudal que conduciría el río ante determinadas nevadas, por ejemplo. Se propone además un modelo de SIG para el monitoreo de la zona.


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Por lo general, estamos acostumbrados a leer y pensar la poesía de acuerdo a determinados ritmos, sin embargo en una poesía como la del cubano José Kozer -que opta voluntariamente por la maquinación y el robo- el lirismo resulta ineficaz. Las nociones de robo, fracaso y decadencia alumbran toda la poesía de Kozer y se proponen como una especie de destino voluntario y manifiesto ante cierta tradición poética triunfalista moderna. La tarea que cabría al poeta entonces es la ardua labor del talmudista quien, en un acto de devoción, inclina la cabeza para escribir comentarios en los márgenes de un libro eterno que es, a la vez, todos los libros. Este ensayo se propone reflexionar sobre estos aspectos del universo kozeriano sobre todo a partir de sus posibles vinculaciones con el neobarroco latinoamericano


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Por lo general, estamos acostumbrados a leer y pensar la poesía de acuerdo a determinados ritmos, sin embargo en una poesía como la del cubano José Kozer -que opta voluntariamente por la maquinación y el robo- el lirismo resulta ineficaz. Las nociones de robo, fracaso y decadencia alumbran toda la poesía de Kozer y se proponen como una especie de destino voluntario y manifiesto ante cierta tradición poética triunfalista moderna. La tarea que cabría al poeta entonces es la ardua labor del talmudista quien, en un acto de devoción, inclina la cabeza para escribir comentarios en los márgenes de un libro eterno que es, a la vez, todos los libros. Este ensayo se propone reflexionar sobre estos aspectos del universo kozeriano sobre todo a partir de sus posibles vinculaciones con el neobarroco latinoamericano


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Por lo general, estamos acostumbrados a leer y pensar la poesía de acuerdo a determinados ritmos, sin embargo en una poesía como la del cubano José Kozer -que opta voluntariamente por la maquinación y el robo- el lirismo resulta ineficaz. Las nociones de robo, fracaso y decadencia alumbran toda la poesía de Kozer y se proponen como una especie de destino voluntario y manifiesto ante cierta tradición poética triunfalista moderna. La tarea que cabría al poeta entonces es la ardua labor del talmudista quien, en un acto de devoción, inclina la cabeza para escribir comentarios en los márgenes de un libro eterno que es, a la vez, todos los libros. Este ensayo se propone reflexionar sobre estos aspectos del universo kozeriano sobre todo a partir de sus posibles vinculaciones con el neobarroco latinoamericano


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Feather pecking is a behaviour by which birds damage or destroy the feathers of themselves (self-pecking) or other birds (allo feather pecking), in some cases even plucking out feathers and eating these. The self-pecking is rarely seen in domestic laying hens but is not uncommon in parrots. Feather pecking in laying hens has been described as being stereotypic, i.e. a repetitive invariant motor pattern without an obvious function, and indeed the amount of self-pecking in parrots was found to correlate positively with the amount of recurrent perseveration (RP), the tendency to repeat responses inappropriately, which in humans and other animals was found to correlate with stereotypic behaviour. In the present experiment we set out to investigate the correlation between allo feather pecking and RP in laying hens. We used birds (N = 92) from the 10th and 11th generation (G10 and G11) of lines selectively bred for high feather pecking (HFP) and low feather pecking (LFP), and from an unselected control line (CON) with intermediate levels of feather pecking. We hypothesised that levels of RP would be higher, and the time taken (standardised latency) to repeat a response lower, in HFP compared to LFP hens, with CON hens in between. Using a two-choice guessing task, we found that lines differed significantly in their levels of RP, with HFP unexpectedly showing lower levels of RP than CON and LFP. Latency to make a repeat did not differ between lines. Latency to make a switch differed between lines with a shorter latency in HFP compared to LFP (in G10), or CON (in G11). Latency to peck for repeats vs. latency to peck for switches did not differ between lines. Total time to complete the test was significantly shorter in HFP compared to CON and LFP. Thus, our hypotheses were not supported by the data. In contrast, selection for feather pecking seems to induce the opposite effects than would be expected from stereotyping animals: pecking was less sequenced and reaction to make a switch and to complete the test was lower in HFP. This supports the hyperactivity-model of feather pecking, suggesting that feather pecking is related to a higher general activity, possibly due to changes in the dopaminergic system.


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The rules governing the trade of goods in global markets have shifted toward non-tariff measures related to environmental and chemical safety. Unlike traditional environmental/safety requirements, the scope of modern regulations covers products’ environmental performance and chemical safety. To comply with these modern regulations, production practices along the entire supply chain must be realigned to manage certain chemical substances incorporated into the final product. This paper examines the implications of product-related environmental and chemical safety regulations on different firms operating in Thailand.