988 resultados para Urbanization


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The negative impacts of urbanization on biodiversity are well known, and the use of native vegetation in private gardens and streetscapes have been shown to improve the species richness and abundance of native wildlife, thereby improving the biodiversity of the local area. This study poses the question of whether the general public is interested in planting native species, to determine whether a cultural shift in garden planting style is feasible. A total of 3707 questionnaires relating to nature in the backyard were delivered to residents in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia with 417 responses received (11.2% response rate). The results indicate that the public perception of the aesthetic appeal of native gardens is fairly positive and that Melbournians have considerable interest in planting native species in residential gardens and that a large number would like wildlife in their yards. The paper concludes that there is scope to encourage the use of native plants in residential landscaping.


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Unprecedented global human population growth and rapid urbanization of rural and natural lands highlight the urgent need to integrate biodiversity conservation into planning for urban growth. A challenging question for applied ecologists to answer is: What pattern of urban growth meets future housing demand whilst minimizing impacts on biodiversity? We quantified the consequences for mammals of meeting future housing demand under different patterns of compact and dispersed urban growth in an urbanizing forested landscape in south-eastern Australia. Using empirical data, we predicted impacts on mammals of urban growth scenarios that varied in housing density (compact versus dispersed) and location of development for four target numbers of new dwellings. We predicted that compact developments (i.e. high-density housing) reduced up to 6% of the area of occupancy or abundance of five of the six mammal species examined. In contrast, dispersed developments (i.e. low-density housing) led to increased mammal abundance overall, although results varied between species: as dwellings increased, the abundance or occurrence of two species increased (up to ∼100%), one species showed no change, and three species declined (up to ∼39%). Two ground-dwelling mammal species (Antechinus stuartii and Rattus fuscipes) and a tree-dwelling species (Petaurus australis) were predicted to decline considerably under dispersed rather than compact development. The strongest negative effect of dispersed development was for Petaurus australis (a species more abundant in forested interiors) which exhibited up to a 39% reduction in abundance due to forest loss and an extended negative edge effect from urban settlements into adjacent forests. Synthesis and applications. Our findings demonstrate that, when aiming to meet demand for housing, any form of compact development (i.e. high-density housing) has fewer detrimental impacts on forest-dwelling mammals than dispersed development (i.e. low-density housing). This is because compact development concentrates the negative effects of housing into a small area whilst at the same time preserving large expanses of forests and the fauna they sustain. Landscape planning and urban growth policies must consider the trade-off between the intensity of the threat and area of sprawl when aiming to reduce urbanization impacts.


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À partir de la décennie 1970, on voit surgir dans la plupart des métropoles en Occident des quartiers comprenant une grande concentration de ménages gays et d’établissements commerciaux destinés à cette clientèle. Les recherches menées sur le phénomène ont négligé de se pencher sur la façon dont la trajectoire de la communauté homosexuelle locale s’articule au parcours historique, politique et urbain de la ville où le quartier est situé. Ce travail vise à combler cette lacune et à éclairer la trajectoire qui a mené la population gay à s’approprier un espace urbain. Il dresse d’abord un panorama des quartiers étant devenus le secteur homosexuel de la ville et de la vie de ses habitants dans les métropoles de San Francisco, Paris et Montréal, à partir de sources secondaires sur l’urbanisation du quartier et sur la communauté gay locale depuis 1900 jusqu’à nos jours. Ensuite, il compare leur évolution selon une périodisation comportant deux axes principaux : l’époque où les homosexuels avaient un vécu clandestin dans la ville et la période où les gays cherchaient à vivre leur sexualité dans la sphère publique. Le résultat montre une trajectoire similaire où la sortie de la clandestinité aboutisse à un quartier ouvert, gentryfié et touristique qui passe par une formation de ghetto liée au contexte économique et politique national, mais aussi au cadre urbain de la ville. En identifiant les facteurs déterminants, il était possible de concevoir l’existence de figures types de quartier gay rendant possible la vie communautaire : le quartier gay portuaire et militant, le quartier symbole d’une culture et le quartier bastion ethnique.


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La presente investigación propone un análisis sobre la crisis política de Crimea en 2014 a partir del influjo que las migraciones desde Rusia han tenido en la historia reciente. Así, a partir de la evaluación de algunos de los momentos de inmigración más representativos en los últimos dos siglos (1860, 1928 y 1991) se vincula el proceso de construcción de la identidad de los inmigrantes -transversal en diferentes periodos históricos en Crimea- con el desarrollo de los eventos de 2014. Lo anterior permite identificar un cierto legado de la migración hacia Crimea en el desarrollo de la crisis, cuyo resultado principal ha sido la anexión de facto de Crimea a Rusia. Ésta no habría sido posible sin el particular ánimo de afinidad con la idea de Rusia –o Russianness- de la mayoría de los habitantes de la península, cuya presencia en la región se explica en parte, a través de los procesos migratorios antes descritos.


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O presente estudo apresenta as qualidades psicométricas do Questionário de Cooperação Organizacional (QCO). A amostra é constituída por 300 funcionários camarários, dos departamentos de Atendimento e Urbanismo, de 70 Câmaras Municipais de Portugal Continental. Recorreu-se a procedimentos de Análise Factorial Exploratória, método de Máxima Verosimilhança, Scree Test, com método de rotação Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Os resultados demonstram que o QCO é capaz de medir 3 dimensões da cooperação organizacional, explicando 49,36% da variância total. Os valores de consistência interna foram bastante satisfatórios, com a dimensão 1 “Cooperação configurada por regulamentações formais" a apresentar um Alpha de Cronbach de 0,875, a dimensão 2, "Cooperação decorrente da interdependência de indivíduos únicos articulados entre si" com 0,864 e a dimensão 3 "Cooperação através da orientação para a sociedade dos contributos singulares" com 0,787. /ABSTRACT: This study presents the analysis of psychometric properties of the Questionário de Cooperação Organizacional (QCO) (Organizational Cooperation Questionnaire). lt was applied to a sample of 300 employees from the Reception and Urbanization departments of 70 continental portuguese town-halls. Procedures of Exploratory Factorial Analysis, Maximum Likelihood extraction method and Varimax with Kaiser Normalization rotation method were performed. Results indicate that the QCO is capable of measuring 3 organizational cooperation dimensions, which explain 49,36% of the total variance. Reliability statistics were very satisfactory, in which dimension 1 "Cooperation structured by formal regulamentation" has a Cronbach's Alpha of 0,875, dimension 2, "The cooperation originated from the interdependence by the articulation amongst unique individuals" 0,864, and dimension 3 "Orientation to society of singular contribution through cooperation" 0,787.


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Environmental pollution by several heavy metals and metalloids is a severe problem worldwide, as soils became increasingly contaminated, posing a threat to ecosystems and ultimately to human health. Contamination derives from large scale urbanization and industrialization, threatening land ecosystems, surface and groundwater, as well as food safety and human health. Remediation strategies for heavy metal-contaminated sites are necessary to protect from their toxic effects and conserve the environment for future generations. Numerous physicochemical techniques have been adopted including excavation and deposition in landfills, thermal treatment, leaching and electro-reclamation. These techniques are fast but inadequate, costly, cause adverse effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties, and may lead to secondary pollution. In fact, many of these approaches only change the problem from one form or place to another, and do not completely destroy the pollutants. There was an urgent need to develop new technologies which are cost-effective and eco-friendly. In this context, biological remediation has tremendous potential. It uses plants and microorganisms to remove or contain toxic contaminants and is considered as the most effective method because it is a natural process, environmentally-friendly, has a low cost, and wide public acceptance. The present chapter aims to provide a comprehensive review of some of the promising processes mediated by plant and microbes to remediate metal-contaminated environments. Some biological processes used for the decontamination of organic compounds will also be included because of their relevance and potential common use for both purposes.


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Neste trabalho de Projeto efetua-se o desenvolvimento do tema da produção de Resíduos Urbanos (RU) no Alentejo Central, utilizando-se o modelo DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) para a análise das metas da recolha seletiva estabelecidas para 2020. Genericamente, quanto maior é o grau de desenvolvimento económico de um território, maior é a taxa de urbanização e maior é também a quantidade de resíduos urbanos produzidos por habitante. O rendimento e a urbanização são variáveis altamente correlacionadas, quando aumenta o rendimento disponível e os padrões de vida, aumenta também o consumo de bens e serviços de modo correspondente, o que leva ao aumento da quantidade de resíduos gerados. Assim, tendo em conta os impactos locais que os RU abandonados trazem, e com o objetivo de quebrar o elo entre crescimento económico e os impactos ambientais associados à produção de resíduos, são implementadas, nos países com elevados níveis de desenvolvimento, políticas baseadas em modelos integrados de gestão de RU que permitem a recuperação, reciclagem e valorização dos materiais, reservando-se a eliminação (deposição em aterro) para frações não valorizáveis, o que gera empregos e riqueza. Em Portugal vigora o Plano Estratégico para os Resíduos Urbanos (PERSU 2020) que define objetivos e metas nacionais, nomeadamente a meta da recolha seletiva, estabelecendo para 2020 um quantitativo nacional mínimo a recuperar de 47 kg por habitante por ano. Deste modo, importa caracterizar, para o período de 2002 a 2012, como evoluiu a produção de RU em comparação com a evolução do PIB em Portugal. A análise foca-se então na produção de RU na região do Alentejo em particular no Alentejo Central que evidencia um elevado nível per capita em comparação com o resto do país, situando-se mesmo acima das regiões do grande Porto e Lisboa. São apresentadas possíveis razões para o registo destes elevados níveis de produção de RU não se conseguindo, no entanto, avançar com evidências. Como o modelo DEA é utilizado no PERSU 2020 para fundamentar a projeção das metas da recolha seletiva por sistema de gestão de resíduos urbanos, fez-se a sua reprodução, o que permitiu uma análise mais detalhada dos dados e o ensaio de novos resultados considerando, para além do nível de produção de RU, o numero de equipamentos de deposição de recolha seletiva como input do modelo; Abstract: Title of the report: Professional career. Emphasis on the analysis of urban waste production in Alentejo Central - Portugal and the use of the DEA in defining the separate collection target This professional report presents the theme of the Urban Waste (UW) production in Central Alentejo, using the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to analyse the target set for selective collection in 2020. Generally, the higher the degree of economic development of a region, the greater the rate of urbanization and the greater also the amount of municipal waste produced per capita. The variables income and urbanization are highly correlated, if you have an increase in the disposable income and living standards, the consumption of goods and services will increase accordingly, which leads to the increase of the amount of produced waste. Thus, taking into account the local impact that the abandoned UW brings, and in order to break the link between economic growth and the environmental impacts associated with the production of waste, countries with high levels of development implement policies based on integrated UW management models that allow the recovery, recycling and valorisation of materials, restricting the disposal (landfill) to non-recoverable fractions, which creates jobs and wealth. Portugal established a national strategic plan for Urban Waste (PERSU 2020) which defines the goals and national targets, including the selective collection target stating for 2020 a minimum recover of 47 kg per capita per year. Then it is relevant to characterize and compare the evolution of UW production and GDP in Portugal for the period 2002 to 2012. The analysis then focuses on the production of UW in Alentejo, particularly in Central Alentejo region, which shows a high per capita level compared to the rest of the country, placed just above the Greater Porto and Lisbon region. Then we explore several possible reasons for this high level of UW production in this region, but none is successful in producing strong evidence. As the DEA is used in PERSU 2020 to support the projection of the selective collection targets for the municipal waste management systems, in this report we develop the model, which allowed access to the data and a more detailed analyse. Then we introduce and test a new input, the number of separate collection deposition equipment, which gives new results that are compared with the original ones.


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Portugal is characterized by a significant asymmetry in the population distribution/density and economic activity as well as in social and cultural dynamics. This means very diverse landscapes, differences in regional development, sustainability and quality of life, mainly between urban and rural areas. A consequence coherent with the contemporary dynamics: urbanization of many rural areas that loose their productive-agricultural identity and, simultaneously, the reintegration in urban areas of spaces and activities with more rural characteristics. In this process of increasing complexity of organization of the landscape is essential to restore the continuum naturale (between urban and rural areas) allowing closer links to both ways of life. A strategy supported in the landscape, which plays important functions for public interest, in the cultural, social, ecological and environmental fields. At the same time, constitutes an important resource for economic activity, as underlined in the European Landscape Convention. Based on this assumption, and using a multi-method approach, the study aims to analyse a) the links between urban and rural areas in Portugal and b) the reasons why these territories are chosen by individuals as places of work and mobility, residence or evasion, culture and leisure, tranquillity or excitement – meaning overall well-being. Primary information was obtained by a questionnaire survey applied to a convenience sample of the Portuguese population. Secondary data and information will be collected on the official Portuguese Statistics (INE and PORDATA). Understanding the urban-rural links is essential to support policy measures, take advantage from the global changes and challenge many of the existing myths.


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ResumenAnaliza los espacios sociales diferenciados de la ciudad de San José, el crecimiento urbano y el proceso de urbanización, con el interés de conocer las condiciones en que vivían los obreros manufactureros campesinos.AbstractAn analysis of differentiated urban space in the city of San José, together with urban growth and urbanization, for the purpose of understanding the conditions in whish industrial workers of the city lived.


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Esta presentación  tiene como objetivo sintetizar  la experiencia de  la participación de  la ECG en  las propuestas de ordenamiento territorial y la planificación urbana.Se trata es de evaluar la experiencia vista en su conjunto, es decir, nos interesa mas que las cuestiones técnicas, especificas, exponer cómo se ha desarrollado nuestra práctica frente a un objeto general que llamaremos “ordenamiento del territorio” desde la perspectiva de una geografía aplicada que opera en una formación socio política particular, es decir, en Costa Rica.Palabras Claves: Ordenamiento territorial. Planes reguladores. Urbanismo. Gobierno local. Interdisciplinariedad. Metodología positivista.AbstractThis presentation has as its objective to synthesize the experience of the ECG in participating in territorial organizational proposals and urban planning. It attempts to evaluate the experience viewed in its entirety, that is to say, the technical questions interest us less than showing how our practice has developed set against a general objective that we will call «territorial organization « from the perspective of applied geography that functions in a particular sociopolitical formation, that is to say, in Costa Rica.Key Words: Territorial Organization, Regulatory Plans, Urbanization, Local Government, Interdisciplinary, Positivist Methodology.


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Opresente trabaJho tem por objetivo caracterizar algumas transformacóes intra-urbana no bairro Nossa Senhora das Dores, em Santa María, Rio Grande do Sul. Também resgata brevemente a formacao e historia da cidade e seu papel no contexto do Rio Grande do Sul e do Brasil. A elaboracáo do referido trabalho baseou-se em: consultas bibliográficas sobre a historia de Santa María; fotointerpretacao; atividades de campo e em entrevistas volíadas ao bairro, dando énfase as categorías: o Estado e o Capital.ABSTRACT This paper aims to characterize some intra-urban transformations of Nossa Senhora das Dores neighborhood, in Santa María town, Rio Grande do Sul State - Brazil. It also tries to shortly rescue the hístory of said city and its role both in Rio Grande do Sul and in Brazil. The making of said paper was mainly based on the analysis of historical facts and on the spatial processes of urbanization, backing up: the State and Capital


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Changes in beef demand has been driven by the growth of human population, income and urbanization.


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Este avance de investigación pretende ofrecer una visión preliminar de un fenómeno bastante reciente que se está dando en Costa Rica y particularmente en el Valle Central: la urbanización del espacio agrícola. Este proceso se está desarrollando más allá del espacio suburbano y presenta una especialidad diferente, ya que aquí la organización social campesina y las actividades agropecuarias siguen siendo predominantes. Sin embargo, esta extremadamente vinculado con el proceso de metropolizacion que surge en el país. Se está asistiendo, pues, a una reubicación de los espacios residenciales de las clases de mejores ingresos, las cuales influenciadas tal vez por un modelo ideológico importado, buscan poder disfrutar de las ventajas que ofrece el espacio rural pero con la posibilidad de seguir trabajando en la ciudad y seguir gozando de los servicios urbanos. La  rural-urbanización dentro de una estrategia global de estructuración del espacio puede ser considerada como un mecanismo de selección y una apropiación de los mejores lugares donde se dará la futura de expansión urbana. Desde esta perspectiva, resulta interesante llamar la atención de cómo ciertos sectores sociales están proyectando desde ahora la futura expansión del espacio metropolitano.   SUMMARY This preliminary investigative report presents a viewpoint about a very recent phenomenon that is occurring in Costa Rica and especially in the Central Valley: the urbanization of the agrarian space. This process is developing beyond the suburban areas and presents a different spacial structure because in these areas, the rural social structures and the livestock and agricultural activities are still predominant. Nevertheless, such activities are very much related to the urbanization process occurring in the country. As such, we are witnessing a reubication of the residential structure of the high-income classes, of which, influenced perhaps by an improved idiologic model, hope to enjoy the advantages offered by a rural area but also taking advantage of the convenience offered by the urban benefits; plus the opportunity to keep working in the city. The process of rural urbanization conceived in a global strategy of spatial structures, can be considered as a selection and appropriation mechanism of the best areas for the future urban expansion. From this perspective, it is interesting to call attention to the process by which certain social sectors are now projecting the future organization of the metropolitan area.  In reference to the real-estate capital invested in the study areas, and specifically to Costa Rica capital, this investment in the promotion of real-estate, acts as a shelter sector, by changing the course of direction of the capital accumulated in the other economic sectors, especially considering that the real-estate sector insures more secure profits in spite of the relatively insignificant recuperation rate of the capital investment comparison to the industrial sector, where more capital risks occur, above all during an economic crisis.  At present, the zones influenced by rural urbanization are affected by a modification in their productive structure, in other words, what were once agricultural zones, are now converted to residential zones. This produces spectacular changes in the composition of the work force by producing service-oriented employment that leads to the following abandonment of the agricultural activities.  From a social point of view, this rural urbanization pattern provokes a marked spatial segregation, in which an exclusive high income social group with a particularly consuming life style is noted at one level, and on the other, social groups that inhered patterns of rural life with more traditional lifestyles. In reference to the community level in the study areas, localized conflicts have emerged between local people and the new residents. These conflicts are highly conditioned by the insertion in the communities of these new residents.       RESUME   Ce document préliminaire décrit un phénomène assez récent au Costa Rica, qui affecte plus particulièrement la « Vallée Centrale ». il s’agit de l’urbanisation de l’espace agricole.  Ce sont des espaces franchement ruraux, bien au-delà des banlieues, qui sont affectés par ce processus qui, en conséquence, montre des caractères différents: comme se maintien de la organisation social liée aux activités agricoles; en face l’infiltration d’un autre mode de vie dû à sa transformation en espace résidentiel pour classes aux revenus élevés qui, peut-être, influencées par un modèle culturel importé, préfèrent une localisation qui puisée leus offrir à  la fois les avantages de vivre dans un espace rural avec ceux de la ville, lieu de travail suffisamment proche dont elles continuent à pouvoir utiliser ses services. Ce modèle culturel doit être considère en fonction du processus de métropolitain apparu dan le pays. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural, dans une stratégie globale de structuration de l’espace peut se considérer comme un mécanisme de sélection et d’appropriation des meilleurs sites de l’expansion urbaine future.  Dans cette perspective, il est intéressant de constater qu’il existe déjà, de la part certains secteurs sociaux, un projet d’organisation de l’espace métropolitain futur. Le foncier est considéré comme un secteur refuge pour les capitaux nationaux d’où l’intérêt de la spéculation pour ces zones. En effet, ce placement, plus sûr, malgré un plus faible taux de récupération du capital, est préfère à d’ autres- comme l’investissement industriel- plus rentables, mais plus risqués, surtout en temps de crise. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural s’accompagne d’une modification des structures productives : moins d’agriculture et évolution de l’emploi vers le tertiaire liée à la présence de nouveaux résidents. Du point de vue social, cette situation se traduit par une très nette ségrégation spatiale. D’un côte, un group socio-économique aux revenus élèves représentant  la société de consommation ; de l’autre, les ruraux au style de vie plus traditionnel. Il en résulte une certaine tension entre les deux groupes.