998 resultados para Upper Allochthonous Terrane


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Based on sedimentological and geochemical data, the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary sequence at Ocean Drilling Program Site 661 was subdivided into four intervals: Interval I (Campanian age) is characterized by sediments deposited below the calcite compensation depth (CCD) inside a high-productivity area and well-oxygenated bottom waters, indicated by the absence of carbonate, the major occurrence of zeolites and opal-CT, and intense bioturbation. Very fine-grained siliciclastic sediments and the lack of any erosional features suggest a low-energy environment. The terrigenous fraction was probably supplied by winds from the nontropical areas in South Africa. Interval II (Maestrichtian age) is characterized by high-amplitude variations in the carbonate content indicative of a deposition above the CCD, superimposed by (climate-controlled) short-term fluctuations of the CCD. The absence of both zeolites and opal-CT imply a position of Site 661 outside high-productivity areas. The first occurrence of higher amounts of kaolinite (especially during the middle Maestrichtian) suggests the onset of a terrigenous sediment supply from tropical areas. Interval III (between uppermost Cretaceous to early Tertiary) is characterized by the absence of carbonate and zeolites, interpreted as deposition below the CCD and outside an oceanic high-productivity belt. The kaolinite-over-illite dominance suggests a terrigenous sediment supply from tropical areas. Interval IV (between early Tertiary and Miocene age) is characterized by the occurrence of black manganeserich layers, major nodules/pebbles, and erosional surfaces, indicating phases of extremely reduced sediment accumulation and bottom-current activities. In the lower part of this interval (?Eocene age), higher amounts of zeolites occur, which suggest a higher oceanic productivity caused by equatorial upwelling. The source area of the terrigenous sediment fraction at Site 661 was the tropical region of northwest Africa, as suggested by the kaolinite-over-illite dominance.


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A new planktic foraminiferal zonal scheme is presented for subdivision of Upper Cretaceous pelagic carbonate sequences in the circum-Antarctic region. Definition of the zones and subzones is based study of foraminifera from 13 deep-sea sections that were poleward of 50 °S paleolatitude and within the Austral Biogeographic Realm during Late Cretaceous time. The proposed biostratigraphic scheme includes seven Upper Cretaceous zones, with an average stratigraphic resolution of 4.4 m.y., and six subzones, which are all within the Maastrichtian Stage, with an average stratigraphic resolution of 1.4 m.y. The considerably higher resolution in the Maastrichtian Stage is a result of good foraminiferal preservation, availability of high quality magnetostratigraphic sections, and complete composite stratigraphic recovery in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sectors of the Antarctic Ocean. Diminished resolution in the pre-Maastrichtian sediments of southern high latitude sections results from: (1) incomplete recovery of the middle Campanian, lower Santonian and most of the Cenomanian-lower Coniacian intervals, (2) presence of local and regional hiatuses, (3) paleobathymetric shallowing with increasing age at some sites, resulting in impoverished older planktic assemblages, and (4) poorer preservation with increasing burial depth. Cross-latitude correlation of the Campanian and older austral sequences may be improved with future drilling by recovery of sections that span existing stratigraphic gaps. Correlation of high latitude bioevents with chemostratigraphic events and their intercalibration with the magnetostratigraphy and the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale are needed for better chronostratigraphic resolution in existing high latitude sequences.