996 resultados para Universidade - Escola


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Nowadays questions involving the use of social and cult language approach at the school has produced discussions between teachers, thus the use of the linguistics registers different of that considered correct aren’t accept or analyzed in the context of the classroom, although the national curriculum framework recommend it. So, there are many difficulties of socialization by the students principally that ones who come from the surrounding regions, if they use the linguistics approach differently of the accepted as a model. The objective of this paper is to analyze those questions, involving variation and prejudice in the classroom context, from the Sociolinguistics point of view how this science has been applied in the classroom context, considering the curriculum proposals of 1992 and the national curriculum .


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to determine which method (randomor block practice) has been used by physical education teachers working inschool sports with children from six to seven years, making use of descriptiveresearch, we apply a semi-structured questionnaire applied to ten (n=10)Physical Education Teachers, graduates of both sexes (04 men and 06 women)age between 24 and 41 years. Based on data collected across the sourcesfound in our literature we find that there is a teaching methodology for motorlearning among teachers in common showing that factors such as the numberof students in each class and especially the response of this group tasksguide the methodology to be applied is thus based on the skill of the teacher’sperception of the whole.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the first decades of the last century, Brazilian intellectuals played an im- portant role in the new configuration to the country reached. Brazil had then passed by rapid process of moderniza- tion. The educational field was place of contention between different currents of intellectuals. The idea was to create a new society through what is called the New School. In Brazil, unlike in Europe, most of the population had no access to school. Therefore, the New School was not privileged to critique existing school system, but the actual construction of the large Brazilian childhood schooling. Thus, we crea- ted libraries in teaching urban school groups, with the aim of improving the training of primary school teachers in the pedagogical ideas of the New School. This work has for objective to understand the conflicts among Brazi- lian intellectuals on the list of recommended readings for teacher training schools in the first half of the twentieth century. This paper presents an exam- ple of this intellectual dispute through the analysis of a Brazilian school li- brary copy of the 1930s.


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The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the quality of the school and psychosocial aspects involved in the assimilation of educational innovations by teachers in their teaching practices.Innovations cause resistance which endanger the goals of improving education outcomes. This makes the possibilities of basic schooling fail, preventing contribute to the transformation of living conditions of the working classes.


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This study aimed to analyze the teachers´ knowledge of a physical education teacher network state of São Paulo. The interviewed reported having problems regarding the use of the court, especially because there is invasion of the community to smoking marijuana and/ou playing football, revealing the predominance of experiential knowledge to work in a new school, whose location and local culture do not seem to prioritize this social space as learning, dissemination and preservation of other bodily manifestations of the process of human civilization. It was found in such a setting an imbalance of the relative strengths of power between teacher and students, from schools, football and drugs in relation to body movement culture, it being understood that the relationships between these individuals are interdependent and dynamic. Finally, it urges an integrated process in educational, family, social and political fields from the perspective of balancing forces in relation to the use of that space, providing conditions for teaching and propagation of content (games, sports, gymnastics, dances and fights) of the body movement culture.


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This article developed some thoughts on the model of education and elementary education school located in camps and settlements in the Landless Movement (MST), between the last decade of the twentieth century and the beginning of the first decade of this century. The discussions were conducted employing as reference some texts published in the Caderno de Educação nº. 13, named “Dossiê MST Escola” Through a synthesized analysis of these documents, we found that the MST argues for a theoretical and practical education, geared towards the reality of d student, which is based on humanistic principles and of cooperation, being able to create in the student landless movement a critical consciousness capable of make it a subject of transformative action.


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O Golbol é um esporte desenvolvido para deficientes visuais (DV), no qual o intuito é poder oferecer uma possibilidade adaptada de esporte coletivo, que atenda às necessidades sensoriais do indivíduo DV. Nesse trabalho, nosso objetivo se encontra em verificar e comparar por meio de um questionário estruturado, em escala Likert de 4 pontos, o nível médio de respostas dos participantes a respeito da situação do projeto de extensão e da possibilidade de criarmos uma equipe competitiva e representativa a partir das vivências já estipuladas por estes praticantes. Método: Foi aplicada a avaliação em 12 sujeitos, durante uma sessão de atividades no mês de outubro de 2013. Todos os princípios de ética foram respeitado, seguindo as normas e exigências de nosso comitê de ética local. Dos 12 participantes, 05 eram praticantes DVs do projeto e 07 foram os monitores e envolvidos com a supervisão e docência no projeto. Resultados: Dos resultados encontrados, a partir da relação das respostas dos participantes e da análise descritiva dos itens respondidos e percentuais da amostra, destacamos grande pretensão nas práticas do golbol e na formação de uma equipe competitiva, que condiz com a análise das respostas dos monitores do projeto. Conclusão: Os itens analisados no presente estudo indicam que as expectativas dos envolvidos estão alinhadas com os reais objetivos do projeto. No entanto, nota-se a necessidade de pesquisas futuras que subsidiem estratégias e metodologias adequadas a este público e que permitam mais especificidade a partir da criação de uma equipe representativa e de caráter competitivo para esta modalidade.


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Introduction: sexuality is an inherent dimension in the human being, which is present in all stages of his development. However, it becomes relevant during the adolescence as it often sets the beginning of the individuals` sexual life. Objective: this study aimed at identifying the behaviors of adolescents regarding the HIV vulnerability, considering the differences between genders. Methods: it was used a structured questionnaire proposed by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education of Brazil with the title “Do I need to text for HIV?” Sample included 136 high school students in the inner state of São Paulo. Results: the results showed an increase in adolescents’ vulnerability to HIV, that is: 59.5% of the participants are in a vulnerable situation. Regarding the gender, research showed that women (33.1%) are more vulnerable than men (26.5%). Conclusion: it is observed that the lack of information is a reality that increases the vulnerability of adolescents, but it is also observed that the mere acquisition of information does not necessarily guarantee behavior change nor HIV prevention.


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This study aims to evaluate the quality of life of students aged 7 to 12 years in two municipal schools in the municipality of Minas Gerais. One offers full-time care to their students with extracurricular activities and other school offers only the normal. We used the questionnaire AUQEI, Autoquestionnaire Qualité de Vie Enfant Image. The questionnaire was administered to 232 children. Through this study, we observed that the proportion of children with a good Quality of Life was higher in school full time (81%), compared to the normal school hours (58%). Therefore, it is concluded that the school offers an extended workday, is set in an area rich able to develop the maximum potential of children and their personal skills, which will reflect positively on their quality of life.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT