989 resultados para UNDOPED INP


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Ferromagnetism is predicted in undoped diluted magnetic semiconductors illuminated by intense sub-band-gap laser radiation . The mechanism for photoinduced ferromagnetism is coherence between conduction and valence bands induced by the light which leads to an optical exchange interaction. The ferromagnetic critical temperature TC depends both on the properties of the material and on the frequency and intensity of the laser and could be above 1K.


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Traditionally, ice-binding proteins (IBPs), also known as antifreeze proteins (AFPs), have been defined by two universal activities: ice recrystallization inhibition and thermal hysteresis. However, there remains the possibility IBPs have other complementary functions given the diversity found within this protein group. This thesis explores some of these in both natural and applied settings, in the hopes of furthering our understanding of this remarkable group of proteins. Plant IBPs could function as part of a defensive strategy against ice nucleators produced by certain pathogens. To assess this hypothesis, recombinant IBPs from perennial ryegrass and purple false brome were combined with the ice nucleation protein (INP) from the plant pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae. Strikingly, the plant proteins depressed the freezing point of the bacterial INP, while a fish AFP could not, nor did the INPs have any effect on IBP activity. Thus, the interaction between these two different proteins suggests a role in plant defensive strategies against pathogenic bacteria as another IBP function. In addition, the potential use of hyperactive insect IBPs in organ preservation was investigated. Current kidney preservation techniques involve storing the organ at 4 °C for a maximum of 24 h prior to transplantation. Extending this “safe” time would have profound effects on renal transplants, however, ischemic injury is prevalent when storage periods are prolonged. Experiments described here allowed subzero preservation for 72 h with the addition of a beetle IBP to CryoStasis® solution. Kidneys stored using the traditional technique for 24 h and the method developed here for 72 h showed similar levels of biomarker enzymes, underscoring the potential utility of insect IBPs for future transplant purposes. Finally, IBP function in the freeze-tolerant gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis, was examined. Larvae representing the mid-autumn stage displayed ice-binding activity, suggesting an IBP is being expressed, possibly as a protective measure against freezing damage when fall temperatures can unpredictably drop. IBP activity was also observed in the larvae’s host plant, Solidago spp. Mass spectrometry analysis of ice-affinity purified plant extracts provided three candidate pathogenesis-related proteins that could be responsible for the detected activity, further demonstrating additional functions of IBPs.


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We have synthesized ternary InGaAs nanowires on (111)B GaAs surfaces by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Au colloidal nanoparticles were employed to catalyze nanowire growth. We observed the strong influence of nanowire density on nanowire height, tapering, and base shape specific to the nanowires with high In composition. This dependency was attributed to the large difference of diffusion length on (111)B surfaces between In and Ga reaction species, with In being the more mobile species. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis together with high-resolution electron microscopy study of individual InGaAs nanowires shows large In/Ga compositional variation along the nanowire supporting the present diffusion model. Photoluminescence spectra exhibit a red shift with decreasing nanowire density due to the higher degree of In incorporation in more sparsely distributed InGaAs nanowires.


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A significant enhancement in glass formation in a newly developed Zr51Cu20.7Ni12Al16.3 alloy has been achieved by yttrium doping. With just 0.5 at.% yttrium doping, the critical diameter of the as-cast alloys for glass formation has been increased from 3 mm to at least 10 mm. In the undoped, large-sized alloys, massive oxygen stabilized crystalline phases are observed but disappear in yttrium doped alloys. Very small amounts of stable alpha-Y2O3 phases found in the yttrium doped alloys, and their negligible effect on the metallic glasses' properties, provide a superior solution to achieve metallic glasses with a high glass formability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Surface compositional change of GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, InSb, GeSi and CdSe single crystals due to low keV noble gas ion beam bombardment has been investigated by combining X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (LEISS). The purpose of using this complementary analytical method is to obtain more complete experimental evidence of ion beam modification in surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy to improve the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for these effects. Before ion bombardment the sample surfaces were analysed nondestructively by Angular Resolved XPS (ARXPS) and LEISS to get the initial distribution of surface composition. Ion bombardment experiments were carried out using 3keV argon ions with beam current of 1μA for a period of 50 minutes, compositional changes in the surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy were monitored with normal XPS. After ion bombardment the surfaces were re-examined with ARXPS and LEISS. Both XPS and LEISS results showed clearly that ion bombardment will change the compositional distribution in the compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces. In order to explain the observed experimental results, two major theories in this field, Sigmund linear collision cascade theory and the thermodynamic models based on bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion, were investigated. Computer simulation using TRIM code was also carried out for assistance to the theoretical analysis. Combined the results obtained from XPS and LEISS analyses, ion bombardment induced compositional changes in compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces are explained in terms of the bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion.


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Films of amorphous silicon (a-Si) were prepared by r.f. sputtering in a Ne plasma without the addition of hydrogen or a halogen. The d.c. dark electrical conductivity, he optical gap and the photoconductivity of the films were investigated for a range of preparation conditions, the sputtering gas pressure, P, the target-substrate spacing, d, the self-bias voltage, Vsb, on the target and the substrate temperature, Ts. The dependence of the electrical and optical properties on these conditions showed that various combinations of P, d and Vsb, at a constant Ts, giving the same product (Pd/V sb) result in films with similar properties, provided that P, d and Vsb remain vithin a certain range. Variation of Pd/Vsb between about 0.2 and 0.8 rrTorr.cm!V varied the dark conductivity over about 4 orders of magnitude, the optical gap by 0.5 eV and the photoconductivity over 4-5 orders of magnitude. This is attributed to controlling the density-of-states distribution in the mobility gap. The temperature-dependence of photoconductivity and the photoresponse of undoped films are in support of this conclusion. Films prepared at relatively high (Pd/Vsb) values and Ts=300 ºc: exhibited low dark-conductivity and high thermal activation energy, optical gap and photoresponse, characteristic properties of a 'low density-of-states material. P-type doping with group-Ill elements (Al, B and Ga) by sputtering from a composite target or from a predoped target (B-.doped) was investigated. The systematic variation of room-temperature conductivity over many orders of magnitude and a Fermi-level shift of about 0.7 eV towards the valence-band edge suggest that substitutional doping had taken place. The effects of preparation conditions on doping efficiency were also investigated. The post-deposition annealing of undoped and doped films were studied for a temperature range from 250 ºC to 470 ºC. It was shown that annealing enhanced the doping efficiency considerably, although it had little effect on the basic material (a-Si) prepared at the optimum conditions (Pd/Vsb=0.8 mTorr.cm/V and Ts=300 $ºC). Preliminary experiments on devices imply potential applications of the present material, such as p-n and MS junctions.


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The dielectric relaxation behaviour of a series of cyclic and linear poly(dimethylsiloxanes) with overline nn in the range 28 to 99 has been studied, as a function of temperature (142.0K-157.5K) and frequency (12-105Hz). Activation energies for the -relaxation process, Davidson-Cole empirical distribution factors, , and mean-square dipole moments per repeat unit, < 2> , have been calculated. Differences in values of H_act reflected restricted dipolar rotation for the cyclic structures, compared to the linear structures, over the range of molecular weights studied. The dielectric relaxation behaviour of a series of linear oligomers of methyl phenyl siloxane, with n in the range 4 to 10, a series of linear fractions of poly(methyl phenyl siloxane), with overline n_n in the range 31 to 1370, and a cyclic oligomer of mehyl phenyl siloxane, with n = 10, has been studied as a function of temperature (155.5K-264.0K) and frequency (12-105Hz). Activation energies for the -relaxation process, Davidson-Cole and Cole-Cole empirical distribution factors, and , respectively, and mean-square dipole moments per repeat unit have been calculated. The reduced flexibility of short methyl phenyl siloxane chains, compared to dimethyl siloxane chains, was apparent from a comparison of dipole moment ratios. The dilectric relaxation behaviour of poly(methyl hydrogen siloxane) and poly(n-hexyl methyl siloxane) has been studied as a function of temperature and frequency. A polysiloxane liquid crystal has been synthesised and its dielectric relaxation behaviour has been studied, as a function of temperature and frequency, in the liquid crystalline phase and below T_g. Poly(p-phenylene vinylene) and related oligomers have been synthesised and characterised by a variety of experimental techniques. The Kerr effect of two oligomeric fractions, in solution in PPG 2025, has been measured. The electrical conductivities of the undoped and I_2-doped polymer and oligomers have been measured.


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The influence of Cs on the structure and basicity of nanocrystalline MgO was assessed via electron microscopy, CO2 chemisorption, XRD and XPS. Caesium incorporation via co-precipitation under supercritical conditions generates Cs2Mg(CO3)2 nanocrystallites with an enhanced density and strength of surface base sites. Wet impregnation proved less effective for modifying MgO nanocrystals. A strong synergy between Cs and Mg components in the co-precipitated material dramatically enhanced the rate of tributyrin transesterification with methanol relative to undoped MgO and homogeneous Cs2CO3 catalysts. On-stream deactivation of Cs-doped MgO reflects heavy surface carbon deposition and loss of the high activity Cs2Mg(CO3)2 phase due to limited Cs dissolution.


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In this paper we investigate the effects of viscoelasticity on both the strength and resonance wavelength of two fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) inscribed in microstructured polymer optical fibre (mPOF) made of undoped PMMA. Both FBGs were inscribed under a strain of 1% in order to increase the material photosensitivity. After the inscription the strain was released and the FBGs spectra were monitored. We initially observed a decrease of the reflection down to zero after which it began to increase. After that, strain tests were carried out to confirm the results and finally the gratings were monitored for a further 120 days, with a stable reflection response being observed beyond 50 days.


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In this study, two linear coplanar array antennas based on Indium Phosphide (InP) substrate are designed, presented and compared in terms of bandwidth and gain. Slot introduction in combination with coplanar structure is investigated, providing enhanced antenna gain and bandwidth at the 60 GHz frequency band. In addition the proposed array antennas are evaluated in terms of integration with a high-speed photodiode and investigated in terms of matching, providing a bandwidth that reaches 2 GHz. Moreover a potential beam forming scenario combined with photonic up-conversion scheme has been proposed. © 2013 IEEE.


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What actors and processes at what levels of analysis and through what mechanisms have pushed Iran's nuclear program (INP) towards being designated as a proliferation threat (securitization)? What actors and processes at what levels of analysis and through what mechanisms have pushed Iran's nuclear program away from being designated as an existential threat (de-securitization)? What has been the overall balance of power and interaction dynamics of these opposing forces over the last half-century and what is their most likely future trajectory? ^ Iran's nuclear story can be told as the unfolding of constant interaction between state and non-state forces of "nuclear securitization" and "nuclear de-securitization." Tracking the crisscrossing interaction between these different securitizing and de-securitizing actors in a historical context constitutes the central task of this project. ^ A careful tracing of "security events" on different analytical levels reveals the broad contours of the evolutionary trajectory of INP and its possible future path(s). Out of this theoretically conscious historical narrative, one can make informed observations about the overall thrust of INP along the securitization - de-securitization continuum. ^ The main contributions of this work are three fold: First, it brings a fresh theoretical perspective on Iran's proliferation behavior by utilizing the "securitization" theory tracing the initial indications of the threat designation of INP all the way back to the mid 1970s. Second, it gives a solid and thematically grounded historical texture to INP by providing an intimate engagement with the persons, processes, and events of Tehran's nuclear pursuit over half a century. Third, it demonstrates how INP has interacted with and even at times transformed the NPT as the keystone of the non-proliferation regime, and how it has affected and injected urgency to the international discourse on nuclear proliferation specifically in the Middle East.^


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La formazione del ghiaccio nelle nubi avviene prevalentemente per nucleazione eterogenea, grazie alla presenza di nuclei di ghiacciamento (Ice Nucleating Particles, INP), ovvero particelle di aerosol (prevalentemente polveri minerali) in grado di favorire la solidificazione di una gocciolina o il passaggio diretto dalla fase vapore alla fase ghiaccio. Recentemente, l'interesse si è esteso anche all'aerosol di tipo biologico (funghi, spore, etc.), in grado di agire come INP a temperature più elevate rispetto all'aerosol minerale. Il lavoro sperimentale di questa tesi, svolto presso il laboratorio del gruppo Nubi e Precipitazioni dell’ISAC-CNR di Bologna, ha avuto come obiettivo lo studio della capacità della cellulosa di agire come INP. Esso si inserisce in un’attività di ricerca internazionale dedicata allo studio degli INP (progetto Ice NUclei research unIT, INUIT, Germania). Il lavoro sperimentale ha riguardato la messa a punto di due diversi sistemi di generazione dell'aerosol di cellulosa, la caratterizzazione dimensionale delle particelle, la loro osservazione al microscopio elettronico e la preparazione dei filtri per le misure di INP. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che le proprietà nucleanti della cellulosa sono inferiori rispetto alle polveri minerali ma paragonabili ad altri materiali, come la cenere vulcania e l'aerosol marino. Quindi, in aree ricche di vegetazione o dove le polveri minerali non sono abbondanti, la cellulosa potrebbe costituire un importante materiale per la formazione del ghiaccio nelle nubi miste. Misure preliminari hanno evidenziato come le particelle di cellulosa con dimensioni inferiori a 0,5μm risultano meno attive nella nucleazione del ghiaccio rispetto a quelle di dimensioni maggiori. I risultati ottenuti sono stati presentati al Congresso PM2016 (Roma, 17-19 maggio 2016) e saranno presentati in un poster alla prossima European Aerosol Conference (Tours, Francia, 4-6 settembre 2016).


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This work looks at the effect on mid-gap interface state defect density estimates for In0.53Ga0.47As semiconductor capacitors when different AC voltage amplitudes are selected for a fixed voltage bias step size (100 mV) during room temperature only electrical characterization. Results are presented for Au/Ni/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors with (1) n-type and p-type semiconductors, (2) different Al2O3 thicknesses, (3) different In0.53Ga0.47As surface passivation concentrations of ammonium sulphide, and (4) different transfer times to the atomic layer deposition chamber after passivation treatment on the semiconductor surface—thereby demonstrating a cross-section of device characteristics. The authors set out to determine the importance of the AC voltage amplitude selection on the interface state defect density extractions and whether this selection has a combined effect with the oxide capacitance. These capacitors are prototypical of the type of gate oxide material stacks that could form equivalent metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors beyond the 32 nm technology node. The authors do not attempt to achieve the best scaled equivalent oxide thickness in this work, as our focus is on accurately extracting device properties that will allow the investigation and reduction of interface state defect densities at the high-k/III–V semiconductor interface. The operating voltage for future devices will be reduced, potentially leading to an associated reduction in the AC voltage amplitude, which will force a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio of electrical responses and could therefore result in less accurate impedance measurements. A concern thus arises regarding the accuracy of the electrical property extractions using such impedance measurements for future devices, particularly in relation to the mid-gap interface state defect density estimated from the conductance method and from the combined high–low frequency capacitance–voltage method. The authors apply a fixed voltage step of 100 mV for all voltage sweep measurements at each AC frequency. Each of these measurements is repeated 15 times for the equidistant AC voltage amplitudes between 10 mV and 150 mV. This provides the desired AC voltage amplitude to step size ratios from 1:10 to 3:2. Our results indicate that, although the selection of the oxide capacitance is important both to the success and accuracy of the extraction method, the mid-gap interface state defect density extractions are not overly sensitive to the AC voltage amplitude employed regardless of what oxide capacitance is used in the extractions, particularly in the range from 50% below the voltage sweep step size to 50% above it. Therefore, the use of larger AC voltage amplitudes in this range to achieve a better signal-to-noise ratio during impedance measurements for future low operating voltage devices will not distort the extracted interface state defect density.