999 resultados para Transient Outward Potassium Current


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Individuals with disabiliiies are increasingly accessing post secondary education opportunities to further develop their educational and career goals. This study examines the current facilitative practices of Canadian university activity-based physical education degree programs on the participation of individuals with disabilities. A critical orientation and descriptive/interpretative approach allows insight into unique stories and experiences of physical education practitioners and special needs professionals as they attempt to provide equitable educational experiences within a least restrictive environment. Leading practitioners are used to triangulate and strengthen the validity of the data while providing direction and advocacy for future development and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. The study concludes with seven recommendations, each providing university activity-based physical education degree programs with viable opportunities for helping create equitable opportunities for individuals with disabilities.


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A flow injection hydride generation direct current plasma atomic emission spectrometric (FI-HG-DCP-AES) method was developed for the determination of lead at ng.ml-l level. Potassium ferricyanide (K3Fe(CN)6) was used along with sodium tetrahydroborate(III) (NaBH4) to produce plumbane (PbH4) in an acid medium. The design of a gas-liquid separator (hydride generator) was tested and the parameters of the flow injection system were optimized to achieve a good detection limit and sample throughput. The technique developed gave a detection limit of 0.7 ng.ml-l(3ob). The precision at 20 ng.ml"* level was 1.6 % RSD with 1 1 measurements (n=l 1). Volume of sample loop was 500 |J.l. A sample throughput of 120 h"^ was achieved. The transition elements, Fe(II), FeOH), Cd(n), Co(II), Mn(n), Ni(II) and Zn(n) do not interfere in this method but 1 mg,l'l Cu(II) will suppress 50 % of the signal from a sample containing 20 ng.ml'l Pb. This method was successfully applied to determine lead in a calcium carbonate (CaC03) matrix of banded coral skeletons from Si-Chang Island in Thailand.


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This study examined how Outward Bound Western Canada (OBWC) course outcomes are achieved by exploring the relationships among course components, students' characteristics, and course outcomes. OBWC is a wilderness-based adventure education organization that helps students achieve outcomes such as increased self-awareness, self-confidence, motivation, interpersonal skills, concern for others, and concern for the environment. This study explored the ways in which the various components of courses and the characteristics of students contribute to determining the outcomes students experience as a result of their courses. The purpose of the study was to gain a better understanding of how OBWC course outcomes are achieved in order to strengthen adventure education theory, enhance practice at OBWC and other adventure education organizations, and provide a foundation for further research on this topic. As an interpretive case study, this study sought to describe how OBWC course outcomes are achieved and to provide interpretations of the research findings. Data was gathered from OBWC students and instructors using the quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques of questionnaire, interview, and observation. Data collected from 98 participants ensured a considerable breadth to the study, while interviews with a number of participants also enabled the collection of in-depth data. Analysis and triangulation of the data from the various sources allowed discernment of the research findings. A comprehensive and detailed picture of how course outcomes are achieved emerged from the findings. Twenty-nine course components were found to influence course outcomes, including various aspects of course activities, the physical environment, instructors, and the group. The findings indicated that certain course components were most influential in determining increases to students' self-awareness, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-esteem, self-concept, motivation, self-responsibility, interpersonal skills, concern for others, and concern for the environment. A number of course components were found to indirectly contribute to positive course outcomes by helping maximize the effectiveness of other components, by increasing students' motivation while on course, or by facilitating the processing and transference of new information. The findings also suggested that several course components either directly or indirectly affected course outcomes in negative ways. In addition, the gender, age, population, and expectations of students were found to play a role in determining the course outcomes they experienced and in determining which course components caused those outcomes. Interpretation of the findings resulted in the generation of research-based theory. The main theoretical argument derived from the results of the study was that course outcomes are influenced by a combination of course components and characteristics of students. More specifically, the theory generated by the study indicated that five groupings of factors contribute to course outcomes, including course activities, the physical environment, instructors, the group, and students' characteristics. The study was considered in relation to existing adventure education literature and larger theoretical issues. The generated theory and research findings were then used to develop suggestions for improving practice at OBWC and other adventure education organizations, as well as for enhancing future research studies.


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A method using L-cysteine for the determination of arsenous acid (As(III)), arsenic acid (As(V)), monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) by hydride generation was demonstrated. The instrument used was a d.c. plasma atomic emission spectrometer (OCP-AES). Complete recovery was reported for As(III), As(V), and DMAA while 86% recovery was reported for MMAA. Detection limits were determined, as arsenic for the species listed previously, to be 1.2, 0.8, 1.1, and 1.0 ngemL-l, respectively. Precision values, at 50 ngemL-1 arsenic concentration, were f.80/0, 2.50/0, 2.6% and 2.6% relative standard deviation, respectively. The L-cysteine reagent was compared directly with the conventional hydride generation technique which uses a potassium iodide-hydrochloric acid medium. Recoveries using L-cysteine when compared with the conventional method provided the following results: similar recoveries were obtained for As(III), slightly better recoveries were obtained for As(V) and MMAA, and significantly better recoveries for DMAA. In addition, tall and sharp peak shapes were observed for all four species when using L-cysteine. The arsenic speciation method involved separation by ion exchange .. high perfonnance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with on-line hydride generation using the L.. cysteine reagent and measurement byOCP-AES. Total analysis time per sample was 12 min while the time between the start of subsequent runs was approximately 20 min. A binary . gradient elution program, which incorporated the following two eluents: 0.01 and 0.5 mM tri.. sodium citrate both containing 5% methanol (v/v) and both at a pH of approximately 9, was used during the separation by HPLC. Recoveries of the four species which were measured as peak area, and were normalized against As(III), were 880/0, 290/0, and 40% for DMAA, MMAA and As(V), respectively. Resolution factors between adjacent analyte peaks of As(III) and DMAA was 1.1; DMAA and MMAA was 1.3; and MMAA and As(V) was 8.6. During the arsenic speciation study, signals from the d.c. plasma optical system were measured using a new photon-signal integrating device. The_new photon integrator developed and built in this laboratory was based on a previously published design which was further modified to reflect current available hardware. This photon integrator was interfaced to a personal computer through an AID convertor. The .photon integrator has adjustable threshold settings and an adjustable post-gain device.


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Improvements have been made on the currently available hydride generator system manufactured by SpectraMetrics Incorporated, because the system was found to be unsatisfactory with respect to the following: 1. the drying agent, anhydrous calcium chloride, 2. the special sample tube, 3. the direction of argon flow through the Buchner funnel when it came to dealing with real sample, that is, with reference only to aqueous extracts of soil samples. Changes that were made on the system included the replacement of anhydrous calcium chloride with anhydrous calcium sulphate and the replacement of the special sample tube with a modified one made from silica. Re-directing the flow of argon through the top of the Buchner funnel appeared to make the system compatible with aqueous extracts of soil samples. The interferences from 1000 ~g/mL of nickel(II) , cobalt(II), iron(III), copper(II) have been eliminated with the aid of 1.4 M hydrochloric acid and 1% (weight/volume) L-cystine. Greater than 90% recovery of 0.3 ~g/mL arsenic signal was achieved in each case. Furthermore, 103% of arsenic signal was accomplished in the presence of 1000 ~g/mL cadmium with 5 M Hel. tVhen each of the interferents was present in solution at 1000 ppm, a recovery of 85% was achieved by using 5 M hydrochloric acid and 3% (weight/volume) L-cystine. Without L-cystine and when 1.4 M hydrochloric acid was used, the recoveries were 0% (Ni), 0% (Co), 88% (Fe), 15% (Cu), 18% (Cd). Similarly, a solution containing 1000 ppm of each interferent gave a zero percent recovery of arsenic. The reduction of trivalent and pentavalent arsenic at a pH less than one has also been investigated and shown to be quantitative if peak areas are measured. The reproducibility determination of a 0.3 Vg/mL standard arsenic solution by hydride generation shows a relative standard deviation of 3.4%. The detection limits with and without Porapak Q have been found to be 0.6 ng/mL and 1.0 ng/mL, respectively.


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Analytical methods for the determination of trace amounts of germanium, tin and arsenic were established using hydride generation coupled with direct current plasma atomic emission spectrometry. A continuous gas flowing batch system for the hydride generation was investigated and was applied to the determination of germanium(Ge), tin(Sn), antimony(Sb) and lead(Pb) (Preliminary results suggest that it is also applicable to arsenic)As) ). With this system, the reproducibility of signals was improved and the determination was speeded up, compared with the conventional batch type hydride generation system. Each determination was complete within one minute. Interferences from a number of transition metal ions, especially from Pd(II), Pt(IV), Ni(II), Cu(II), Co(II), and Fe(II, III), have proven to be very serious under normal conditions, in the determination of germanium, tin, and arsenic. These interference effects were eliminated or significantly reduced in the presence of L-cystine or L-cysteine. Thus, a 10-1000 fold excess of Ni(II), Cu(II), Co(II), Fe(II), Pt(IV), Pd(II), etc. can be tolerated without interference, In the presence of L-cystine or L-cysteine, compared with absence of interference reducing agent. The methods for the determination of Ge, Sn, and As were examined by the analyses of standard reference materials. Interference effects from the sample matrix, for example, in transition metal-rich samples, copper, iron and steel, were eliminated by L-cystine (for As and Sn) and by LI cysteine (for Ge). The analysis of a number of standard reference materials gave excellent results of As and Sn contents in agreement with the certified values, showing there was no systematic interference. The detection limits for both germanium and tin were 20 pg ml- I . Preliminary studies were carried out for the determination of antimony and lead. Antimony was found to react with NaBH4, remaInIng from the previous determinations, giving an analytical signal. A reversed injection manner, i.e., injection of the NaBH4 solution prior to the analyte solution was used to avoid uncertainty caused by residual NaBH4 present and to ensure that an excess of NaB H4 was available. A solution of 0.4% L-cysteine was found to reduce the interference from selected transition metal ions, Co(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pt(IV). Hydrochloric acid - hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid - ammonium persulphate, and potassium dichromate malic acid reaction systems for lead hydride generation were compared. The potassium dichromate - malic acid reaction medium proved to be the best with respect to reproducibility and minimal interference. Cu(II), Ni(II), and Fe(II) caused strong interference In lead determinations, which was not reduced by L-cysteine or Lcystine. Sodium citrate, ascorbic acid, dithizone, thiosemicarbazide and penicillamine reduced interferences to some extent. Further interference reduction studies were carried out uSIng a number of amino acids, glycine, alanine, valine, leucine and histidine, as possible interference reducing agents in the determination of germanium. From glycine, alanine, valine to leucine, the interference reduction effect in germanium determinations decreased. Histidine II was found to be very promising In the reduction of interference. In fact, histidine proved more efficient than L-cystine and L-cysteine In the reduction of interference from Ni(II) in the determination of germanium. Signal enhancement by easily ionized elements (EIEs), usually regarded as an interference effect in analysis by DCP-AES, was studied and successfully applied to advantage in improving the sensitivity and detection limit in the determination of As, Ge, Sn, Sb, and Pb. The effect of alkali and alkaline-earth elements on the determination of the above five hydride forming elements was studied. With the appropriate EIE, a signal enhancement of 40-115% was achieved. Linear calibration and good reproducibility were also obtained in the presence of EIEs. III


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The Niagara P e n i n s u l a Supports a f l o u r i s h i n g grape and wine i n d u s t r y , where much of the potassium f e r t i l i z e r a p p l i e d to the vineyard s o i l s may not show up in the f r u i t or vines but is fixed by the clay m i n e r a l s in the s o i l . Soil samples were c o l l e c t e d on a n o r t h - s o u t h l i ne through a high d e n s i t y of v i n e y a r d s and examined by x - r a y d i f f r a c t i o n to determine the r e l a t i o n s h i p of potassium with r e s p e c t to c l a y minerals p r e s e n t . The i n v e s t i g a t i o n shows the p h y l l o s i l i c a t e m i n e r a l s present t o be i l l i t e , c h l o r i t e and v e r m i c u l i t e . The v e r m i c u l i t e p r e s e n t is not t h e usual M g - v e r m i c u l i t e , but a K - v e r m i c u l i t e which can be c o n s i d e r e d as a degraded i l l i t e - - t h a t i s , an i l l i t e which has l o s t potassium i o n s . The r e s u l t i n g K - d e f i c i e n t mineral possesses a very l i m i t e d expansion l a t t i ce and is capable of c a p t u r i n g potassium ions and c o n v e r t i n g back t o the i l l i t e form. A g r i c u l t u r a l l y , t h i s causes potassium d e f i c i e n c y in p l a n t s.


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This project examines students in a private school in southwestern Ontario on a 17 -day Costa Rica Outward Bound Rainforest multielement course. The study attempted to discover whether voluntary teenage participants could increase their self-perceptions of life effectiveness by participating in a 17-day expedition. A total of9 students participated in the study. The experimental design that was implemented was a mixed methods design. Participants filled in a Life Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ) at four predesignated times during the study. These time intervals occurred (a) before the trip commenced, (b) the first day of the trip, ( c) the last day of the trip, and (d) 1 month after the trip ended. Fieldnotes and recordings from informal group debriefing sessions were also used to gather information. Data collected in this study were analyzed in a variety of ways by the researcher. Analyses that were run on the data included the Friedman test for covariance, means, medians, and the Wilcoxon Pairs Test. The questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively, and the fieldnotes were analyzed qualitatively. Nonparametric statistical analysis was implemented as a result of the small group size of participants. Both sets of data were grouped and discussed according to similarities and differences. The data indicate that voluntary teenage participants experience significant changes over time in the areas of time management, social competency, emotional control, active initiative, and self-confidence. The types of outcomes from this study illustrate that Outward Bound-type opportunities should be offered to teenagers in Ontario schools as a means to bring about self-development.


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Abstract This descriptive study sought to identify the similarities and differences between the various educational institutions offering therapeutic recreation curriculum across Canada. The study utilized mixed methods, including open and closed-ended questions on a survey and document analysis. The research participants were from 14 educational institutions located across the nation. Results from this study identify similarities and differences in the curriculum used to prepare students pursuing a career in the TR field. Core competencies and standards of practice for the field of therapeutic recreation were defined and discussed. Accreditation and the accrediting bodies in the field of TR are reviewed because of their significant impact on curriculum. Implications regarding certification and regulation pertaining to the education for therapeutic recreation practitioners were discussed along with suggestions for future research.


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Two time-resolved EPR techniques, have been used to study the light induced electron transfer(ET) in Type I photosynthetic reaction centers(RCs). First, pulsed EPR was used to compare PsaA-M688H and PsaB-M668H mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Synechosystis sp. PCC 6803.The out-of-phase echo modulation curves combined with other EPR and optical data show that the effect of the mutations is species dependent. Second, transient and pulsed EPR data are presented which show that PsaA-A660N and PsaB-A640N mutations in C. reinhardtii alter the relative quantum yield of ET in the A- and B-branches of PS I. Third, transient EPR studies on RCs from Heliobacillus mobilis that have been exposed to oxygen show partial inhibition of ET. In the RCs in which ET still occurs, the ET kinetics and EPR spectra show evidence of oxidation of some but not all of the, BChl g and BChl g' to Chl a.


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This study sought to explore the current state of Grades 4 to 8 science education in Ontario from the perspective of Junior/Intermediate (J/I) teachers. The study’s methodology was a sequential 2-phased mixed methods explanatory design denoted as QUAN (qual)  qual. Data were collected from an online survey and follow-up interviews. J/I teachers (N = 219) from 48 school boards in Ontario completed a survey that collected both quantitative and qualitative data. Interviewees were selected from the survey participant population (n = 6) to represent a range of teaching strategies, attitudes toward teaching science, and years of experience. Survey and interview questions inquired about teacher attitudes toward teaching science, academic and professional experiences, teaching strategies, support resources, and instructional time allotments. Quantitative data analyses involved the descriptive statistics and chi-square tests. Qualitative data was coded inductively and deductively. Academic background in science was found to significantly influence teachers’ reported level of capability to teach science. The undergraduate degrees held by J/I science teachers were found to significantly influence their reported levels of capability to teach science. Participants identified a lack of time allocated for science instruction and inadequate equipment and facilities as major limitations on science instruction. Science in schools was reported to be of a “second-tiered” value to language and mathematics. Implications of this study include improving undergraduate and preservice experiences of elementary teachers by supporting their science content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge.


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Ce livre est la conclusion d’un projet de recherche de deux ans portant sur les technologies en génétique humaine. Les développements récents en matière de collecte, d’analyse et de conservation du matériel génétique ont soulevé des questions juridiques complexes et ont attiré l’attention de plusieurs avocats, scientifiques et du public. Ce livre présente une analyse de ces questions et une comparaison de la position et de la politique canadienne avec celle en émergence dans divers pays