996 resultados para Total hemocyte counts


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Els nous implants de genoll pretenen millorar la flexió màxima aconseguida amb els implants convencionals. El nostre estudi pretén demostrar que els pacients intervinguts quirúrgicament, per a la implantació d’una artroplàstia total de genoll d’alta flexió, són capaços d’aconseguir un balanç articular i una flexió màxima superior a l’aconseguida pels pacients tractats amb el model convencional. La flexió màxima post-operatòria, a l’any de la intervenció, va ser 13º major en el grup de pacients portadors d’un implant d’alta flexió, respecte al grup de pacients portadors d’un implant convencional. (P & 0,05).


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Estudio clínico prospectivo de 70 pacientes sometidos a tiroidectomía total (TT) El objetivo del estudio es analizar el valor de la determinación de paratirina (PTHi) a las 24 horas de la TT como indicador de riesgo de hipoparatiroidismo definitivo. Cuarenta y cuatro pacientes (62,9%) presentaron hipocalcemia y 27 (38,6%) una deficiencia de PTHi a las 24 h de la TT. Una concentración de PTHi a las 24 h postTT 5,8 pg/mL predice con una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 81,5% la evolución a hipoparatiroidismo definitivo, con un valor predictivo negativo del 100%. Estudi clínic prospectiu de 70 pacients sotmesos a tiroïdectomia total (TT). L’objectiu de l’estudi és analitzar el valor de la determinació de paratirina (PTHi) a les 24 hores de la TT com a indicador de risc d’hipoparatiroïdisme definitiu. Quaranta-quatre pacients (62,9%) presentaren hipocalcèmia i 27 (38,6%) una deficiència de PTHi a les 24 hores de la TT. Una concentración de PTHi a les 24 h postTT 5,8 pg/mL prediu amb una sensibilitat del 100% i una especificitat del 81,5% l’evolució a hipoparatiroïdisme definitiu, amb un valor predictiu negatiu del 100%.


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Mitjançant un estudi observacional prospectiu, hem descrit i classificat la ferida quirúrgica en el postoperatori immediat de 159 pacients que se’ls hi va implantar una artroplàstia total de genoll, mitjançant una escala descriptiva fiable i reproduïble creada pels autors (estudi de validesa). Es va observar que l’aspecte de la ferida quirúrgica en el postoperatori immediat no tenia relació amb la funcionalitat de la pròtesis als 6 mesos de seguiment ni amb el dolor que patia el pacient en l’estància hospitalària. Si que vam observar correlació estadísticament significativa entre el pitjor aspecte de la ferida i l’aparició d’infeccions protèsiques profundes.


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La formació de partícules de polietilè és la principal causa de osteòlisi i per tant de fracàs a l’artroplàstia total de genoll. El nostre objectiu és comparar, in vivo, el nombre de partícules que es formen amb un polietilè convencional amb un altament entrecreuat, esperant que el segon cas el nombre sigui més petit. Utilitzem una tècnica de aïllament de partícules en líquid sinovial ja descrita, que reproduïm a l’estudi preliminar. Presentem un protocol d’estudi prospectiu a doble cec, on s’estudiaran pacients amb artroplàstia de genoll d’un any d’evolució.


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The treatment of hip osteoarthritis with total hip arthroplasty has continuously evolved since it was first introduced in the sixties. The problem of aseptic loosening of the cemented prostheses, mainly in young active patients, has stimulated two different types of research: on one side the improvement of cementing techniques and on the other side the development of cementless osteoinegrable implants. We discuss the problems of these cementless hip prostheses. Recently published anatomic and biomechanic studies have led to the development of personalized custom femoral stems for each patient. The conception technique and first clinical results are described.


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Number of deaths and age-standardised death rates by type of injury for the following regions and year of occurrence:Republic of Ireland 1982, 1983, 1995-2004Northern Ireland 1982, 1983, 1995-2002England 1996-2003Scotland 1982, 1983, 1995-2004Wales 1996-2003


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Number of hospital discharges and age-standardised discharge rates for emergency hospital admissions for injury by sex and type of injury for the following regions and year:Republic of Ireland 2006Northern Ireland 2006England 2006/07Scotland 2006/07Wales 2006 Numbers and rates are based on official hospital statistics from each region. All regions use International Classification of Disease (ICD) version 10 for hospital discharges in these years. Only emergency inpatient hospital spells with an ICD 10 code in the range S000-T739, T750-T759, T780-T789 (in any diagnostic position) and an ICD10 external cause code in the range V01-Y36 (in any diagnostic position) were included. A hospital spell is an unbroken period of time that a person spends as an inpatient in a hospital. The person may change consultant and/or specialty during a spell but is counted only once. See http://www.injuryobservatory.net/analysis-of-inpatient-admissions-data-f... for more details.


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This study aimed to investigate the influence of ankle osteoarthritis (AOA) treatments, i.e., ankle arthrodesis (AA) and total ankle replacement (TAR), on the kinematics of multi-segment foot and ankle complex during relatively long-distance gait. Forty-five subjects in four groups (AOA, AA, TAR, and control) were equipped with a wearable system consisting of inertial sensors installed on the tibia, calcaneus, and medial metatarsals. The subjects walked 50-m twice while the system measured the kinematic parameters of their multi-segment foot: the range of motion of joints between tibia, calcaneus, and medial metatarsals in three anatomical planes, and the peaks of angular velocity of these segments in the sagittal plane. These parameters were then compared among the four groups. It was observed that the range of motion and peak of angular velocities generally improved after TAR and were similar to the control subjects. However, unlike AOA and TAR, AA imposed impairments in the range of motion in the coronal plane for both the tibia-calcaneus and tibia-metatarsals joints. In general, the kinematic parameters showed significant correlation with established clinical scales (FFI and AOFAS), which shows their convergent validity. Based on the kinematic parameters of multi-segment foot during 50-m gait, this study showed significant improvements in foot mobility after TAR, but several significant impairments remained after AA.


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BACKGROUND: The exact pathogenesis of the pediatric disorder periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is unknown. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that PFAPA might be due to dysregulated monocyte IL-1β production linked to genetic variants in proinflammatory genes. METHODS: Fifteen patients with PFAPA syndrome were studied during and outside a febrile episode. Hematologic profile, inflammatory markers, and cytokine levels were measured in the blood. The capacity of LPS-stimulated PBMCs and monocytes to secrete IL-1β was assessed by using ELISA, and active IL-1β secretion was visualized by means of Western blotting. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed to assess cytokine gene expression. DNA was screened for variants of the MEFV, TNFRSF1A, MVK, and NLRP3 genes in a total of 57 patients with PFAPA syndrome. RESULTS: During a febrile attack, patients with PFAPA syndrome revealed significantly increased neutrophil counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, myeloid-related protein 8/14, and S100A12 levels compared with those seen outside attacks. Stimulated PBMCs secreted significantly more IL-1β during an attack (during a febrile episode, 575 ± 88 pg/mL; outside a febrile episode, 235 ± 56 pg/mL; P < .001), and this was in the mature active p17 form. IL-1β secretion was inhibited by ZYVAD, a caspase inhibitor. Similar results were found for stimulated monocytes (during a febrile episode, 743 ± 183 pg/mL; outside a febrile episode, 227 ± 92 pg/mL; P < .05). Genotyping identified variants in 15 of 57 patients, with 12 NLRP3 variants, 1 TNFRSF1A variant, 4 MEFV variants, and 1 MVK variant. CONCLUSION: Our data strongly suggest that IL-1β monocyte production is dysregulated in patients with PFAPA syndrome. Approximately 20% of them were found to have NLRP3 variants, suggesting that inflammasome-related genes might be involved in this autoinflammatory syndrome.


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L'alineació rotacional a l'astroplàstia total de genoll es refereix a la posició dels implants en el pla axial. Un mínim desplaçament afectarà la distribució de la càrrega y variarà l'estabilitat, l'alineació i la cinemàtica de l'articulació. Tot i que hi ha un consens pel que fa als efectes adversos d'una alineació rotacional incorrecta, encara no està clar quines són les referències anatòmiques que cal utilitzar. Les mesures de l'alineació rotacional requereixen un estudi d'alta qualitat. La TC és la modalitat d'imatge d'elecció per a l'estudi postoperatori de l'artroplàstia total de genoll. L'objectiu d'aquest treball es avaluar la capacitat diagnòstica de la TC per a l'estudi de l'alineació rotacional postoperatòria en l'artroplàstia total de genoll i presentar les variacions en el protocol de TC que minimitzen l'artefacte metàl•lic. Aquest estudi avalua la reproductibilitat de l'angle condili posterior, format per l'eix epicondili quirúrgic i la línia bicondilia posterior, mesurant la correlació entre dos observadors. El coeficient de correlació de Pearson mostra una forta correlació positiva (R=0.84) entre els dos observadors. La mitja d'error de les mesures adquirides és de -0.14º amb una desviació estàndar de 2.06º (-0.14 ± 2.06), per la qual cosa la modificació dels paràmetres tècnics de la TC per a la minimització dels artefactes metàl•lics és eficaç per l'avaluació rotacional. No obstant, l'alta magnitud de l'error indica que el radiòleg ha de ser prudent en el diagnòstic de mínimes variacions angulars que impliquin canvis en l'actitud mèdica i terapèutica.


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The increase in resting energy expenditure (REE) reported in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) does not necessarily imply an increase in total energy expenditure (TEE). In this study REE was assessed with open-circuit indirect calorimetry, and free-living 24-hour TEE with the heart rate method. Thirteen patients with CF, aged 8 to 24 years, with adequate nutritional status and moderately decreased pulmonary function, were studied. They were compared with 13 healthy control subjects matched for gender, age, height, and nutritional status. Resting energy expenditure was higher in patients with CF (1512 +/- 88 kcal/day) than in control subjects (1339 +/- 76 kcal/day; p less than 0.01), whereas free-living 24-hour TEE (2345 +/- 127 kcal/day and 2358 +/- 256 kcal/day, respectively) and net mechanical work efficiency of walking on a treadmill (20.4 +/- 0.7% and 19.8 +/- 0.6%, respectively) were similar. Respiratory quotient was higher in patients with CF than in control subjects at rest (0.834 +/- 0.009 vs 0.797 +/- 0.008; p less than 0.05), and tended to remain so during physical exercise, indicating a higher contribution of carbohydrate oxidation to energy expenditure. We conclude that in free living conditions, patients with CF can compensate for their increase in REE by a reduction in spontaneous physical activities or other yet undefined mechanisms.


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We aimed to compare physical activity level and cardiorespiratory fitness in children with different chronic diseases, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), obesity (OB) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), with healthy controls (HC). We performed a cross-sectional study including 209 children: OB: n = 45, T1DM: n = 48, JIA: n = 31, and HC: n = 85. Physical activity level was assessed by accelerometer and cardiorespiratory fitness by a treadmill test. ANOVA, linear regressions and Pearson correlations were used. Children with chronic diseases had reduced total daily physical activity counts (T1DM 497 +/- 54 cpm, p = 0.003; JIA 518 +/- 28, p < 0.001, OB 590 +/- 25, p = 0.003) and cardiorespiratory fitness (JIA 39.3 +/- 1.7, p = 0.001, OB 41.7 +/- 1.2, p = 0.020) compared to HC (668 +/- 35 cpm; 45.3 +/- 0.9 ml kg(-1) min(-1), respectively). Only 60.4% of HC, 51.6% of OB, 38.1% of JIA and 38.5% of T1DM children met the recommended daily 60 min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Low cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with female gender and low daily PA. Children with chronic diseases had reduced physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness. As the benefits of PA on health have been well demonstrated during growth, it should be encouraged in those children to prevent a reduction of cardiorespiratory fitness and the development of comorbidities.


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Background. There is a paucity of data pertaining to the epidemiology and public health impact of Enterobius vermicularis and Strongyloides stercoralis infections. We aimed to determine the extent of enterobiasis, strongyloidiasis, and other helminth infections and their association with asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia, anaemia, nutritional status, and blood cell counts in infants, preschool-aged (PSAC), and school-aged children (SAC) from rural coastal Tanzania.MethodsA total of 1,033 children were included in a cross-sectional study implemented in the Bagamoyo district in 2011/2012. Faecal samples were examined for intestinal helminth infections using a broad set of quality controlled methods. Finger-prick blood samples were subjected to filariasis and Plasmodium parasitaemia testing and full blood cell count examination. Weight, length/height, and/or mid-upper arm circumference were measured and the nutritional status determined in accordance with age.Results E. vermicularis infections were found in 4.2% of infants, 16.7%, of PSAC, and 26.3% of SAC. S. stercoralis infections were detected in 5.8%, 7.5%, and 7.1% of infants, PSAC, and SAC, respectively. Multivariable regression analyses revealed higher odds of enterobiasis in children of all age-groups with a reported anthelminthic treatment history over the past six months (odds ratio (OR): 2.15; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.22 - 3.79) and in SAC with a higher temperature (OR: 2.21; CI: 1.13 - 4.33). Strongyloidiasis was associated with eosinophilia (OR: 2.04; CI: 1.20-3.48) and with Trichuris trichiura infections (OR: 4.13; CI: 1.04-16.52) in children of all age-groups, and with asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia (OR: 13.03; CI: 1.34 - 127.23) in infants. None of the investigated helminthiases impacted significantly on the nutritional status and anaemia, but moderate asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia was a strong predictor for anaemia in children aged older than two years (OR: 2.69; 95% CI: 1.23 ¿ 5.86).Conclusions E. vermicularis and S. stercoralis infections were moderately prevalent in children from rural coastal Tanzania. Our data can contribute to inform yet missing global burden of disease and prevalence estimates for strongyloidiasis and enterobiasis. The association between S stercoralis and asymptomatic Plasmodium parasitaemia found here warrants further comprehensive investigations.