997 resultados para Topological K-equivalence
Research on the construction of logical overlay networks has gained significance in recent times. This is partly due to work on peer-to-peer (P2P) systems for locating and retrieving distributed data objects, and also scalable content distribution using end-system multicast techniques. However, there are emerging applications that require the real-time transport of data from various sources to potentially many thousands of subscribers, each having their own quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. This paper primarily focuses on the properties of two popular topologies found in interconnection networks, namely k-ary n-cubes and de Bruijn graphs. The regular structure of these graph topologies makes them easier to analyze and determine possible routes for real-time data than complete or irregular graphs. We show how these overlay topologies compare in their ability to deliver data according to the QoS constraints of many subscribers, each receiving data from specific publishing hosts. Comparisons are drawn on the ability of each topology to route data in the presence of dynamic system effects, due to end-hosts joining and departing the system. Finally, experimental results show the service guarantees and physical link stress resulting from efficient multicast trees constructed over both kinds of overlay networks.
The effectiveness of service provisioning in largescale networks is highly dependent on the number and location of service facilities deployed at various hosts. The classical, centralized approach to determining the latter would amount to formulating and solving the uncapacitated k-median (UKM) problem (if the requested number of facilities is fixed), or the uncapacitated facility location (UFL) problem (if the number of facilities is also to be optimized). Clearly, such centralized approaches require knowledge of global topological and demand information, and thus do not scale and are not practical for large networks. The key question posed and answered in this paper is the following: "How can we determine in a distributed and scalable manner the number and location of service facilities?" We propose an innovative approach in which topology and demand information is limited to neighborhoods, or balls of small radius around selected facilities, whereas demand information is captured implicitly for the remaining (remote) clients outside these neighborhoods, by mapping them to clients on the edge of the neighborhood; the ball radius regulates the trade-off between scalability and performance. We develop a scalable, distributed approach that answers our key question through an iterative reoptimization of the location and the number of facilities within such balls. We show that even for small values of the radius (1 or 2), our distributed approach achieves performance under various synthetic and real Internet topologies that is comparable to that of optimal, centralized approaches requiring full topology and demand information.
A procedure that uses fuzzy ARTMAP and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) categorizers to evaluate intrinsic and extrinsic speaker normalization methods is described. Each classifier is trained on preprocessed, or normalized, vowel tokens from about 30% of the speakers of the Peterson-Barney database, then tested on data from the remaining speakers. Intrinsic normalization methods included one nonscaled, four psychophysical scales (bark, bark with end-correction, mel, ERB), and three log scales, each tested on four different combinations of the fundamental (Fo) and the formants (F1 , F2, F3). For each scale and frequency combination, four extrinsic speaker adaptation schemes were tested: centroid subtraction across all frequencies (CS), centroid subtraction for each frequency (CSi), linear scale (LS), and linear transformation (LT). A total of 32 intrinsic and 128 extrinsic methods were thus compared. Fuzzy ARTMAP and K-NN showed similar trends, with K-NN performing somewhat better and fuzzy ARTMAP requiring about 1/10 as much memory. The optimal intrinsic normalization method was bark scale, or bark with end-correction, using the differences between all frequencies (Diff All). The order of performance for the extrinsic methods was LT, CSi, LS, and CS, with fuzzy AHTMAP performing best using bark scale with Diff All; and K-NN choosing psychophysical measures for all except CSi.
A neural network is introduced which provides a solution of the classical motor equivalence problem, whereby many different joint configurations of a redundant manipulator can all be used to realize a desired trajectory in 3-D space. To do this, the network self-organizes a mapping from motion directions in 3-D space to velocity commands in joint space. Computer simulations demonstrate that, without any additional learning, the network can generate accurate movement commands that compensate for variable tool lengths, clamping of joints, distortions of visual input by a prism, and unexpected limb perturbations. Blind reaches have also been simulated.
© 2015, Institute of Mathematical Statistics. All rights reserved.In order to use persistence diagrams as a true statistical tool, it would be very useful to have a good notion of mean and variance for a set of diagrams. In [23], Mileyko and his collaborators made the first study of the properties of the Fréchet mean in (D
La mancha ojo de rana (MOR), causada por Cercospora sojina K. Hara, se encuentra dentro del complejo de enfermedades fúngicas de fin de ciclo (EFC), que afectan al cultivo de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) preferentemente en los estadíos reproductivos. Es una enfermedad común en la soja en la mayor parte de las regiones sojeras del mundo, incluyendo Argentina. Con los objetivos de (i) estudiar el efecto de MOR sobre rendimiento y calidad industrial del grano de soja y (ii) analizar la respuesta a distintos momentos de aplicación de estrobilurina+triazol durante el ciclo reproductivo del cultivo para disminuir el daño de esta enfermedad evitando pérdidas del rendimiento y de calidad del grano, se realizó un ensayo durante la campaña agrícola 2010-2011, en la localidad de Oncativo (Cordoba), que involucró 2 genotipos contrastantes en susceptibilidad a MOR. Se realizaron para cada cultivar cuatro tratamientos con una mezcla de triazol y estrobilurina: T1= aplicación en R3; T2= aplicación en R3+R5; T3= testigo enfermo (sin aplicación de fungicida) y T4= testigo sano (aplicacion cada 20 dias a partir de R1). Se determinó el nivel de incidencia y severidad de la enfermedad, rendimiento, número de grano por m2 (NGm2), peso de mil semillas (PMA), concentración de proteína (Pr) y aceite (Ac) del grano. Se observaron distintos niveles de severidad de MOR entre los tratamientos del cultivar DM3700. Todos los tratamientos que involucraron a DM3810 mostraron hojas sin manchas de MOR. Se encontró una correlación negativa entre la severidad de MOR y el rendimiento alcanzado por el cultivo. Los valores más elevados de severidad (37,3 por ciento de manchas foliares) se correspondieron con los rendimientos mas bajos (2117 kg ha-1) en el cultivar DM3700. Todos los tratamientos aplicados a DM3810 exhibieron los rendimientos mas elevados y no se diferenciaron estadisticamente entre si (3478 kg ha-1). DM3700 alcanzó rendimientos similares a DM3810 sólo cuando se aplicó la mezcla de fungicidas en T1 y T4, no diferenciándose entre si ambos tratamientos y mostrando un incremento en el rendimiento de aproximadamente 35,5 por ciento comparado con su testigo enfermo. Ambos componentes del rendimiento disminuyeron en el testigo enfermo DM3700; sin embargo, las reducciones en el NGm2 fueron más pronunciadas que las del PMAj y; por lo tanto, disminuciones en el NGm2 parecían ser el principal componente de la pérdida de rendimiento. No se observaron incrementos de rendimiento, NGm2 y/o PMAj atribuídos a la mezcla estrobilurinas + triazoles en los tratamientos que involucraron a DM3810 ante ausencia de MOR. La severidad máxima alcanzada por MOR en el genotipo mas susceptible (37,3 por ciento) de area foliar dañada en el tratamiento enfermo de DM3700) no fue suficiente como para causar disminución significativa en la acumulación del aceite. Según nuestro conocimiento este trabajo es el primero en demostrar que genotipos susceptibles a MOR disminuyen su rendimiento, pero no la calidad química del grano, si la severidad es . 37,3 por cientoy pueden ser controlados con una única aplicación de estrobilurina+triazol en R3. Concluyéndose que la elección de genotipos poco susceptibles a MOR (como DM3810) es efectiva para controlar C. sojina, sin beneficios adicionales en el rendimiento debidos a la aplicacion de fungicidas.
Given a relation α (a binary sociogram) and an a priori equivalence relation π, both on the same set of individuals, it is interesting to look for the largest equivalence πo that is contained in and is regular with respect to α. The equivalence relation πo is called the regular interior of π with respect to α. The computation of πo involves the left and right residuals, a concept that generalized group inverses to the algebra of relations. A polynomial-time procedure is presented (Theorem 11) and illustrated with examples. In particular, the regular interior gives meet in the lattice of regular equivalences: the regular meet of regular equivalences is the regular interior of their intersection. Finally, the concept of relative regular equivalence is defined and compared with regular equivalence.
A practical CFD method is presented in this study to predict the generation of toxic gases in enclosure fires. The model makes use of local combustion conditions to determine the yield of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon, soot and oxygen. The local conditions used in the determination of these species are the local equivalence ratio (LER) and the local temperature. The heat released from combustion is calculated using the volumetric heat source model or the eddy dissipation model (EDM). The model is then used to simulate a range of reduced-scale and full-scale fire experiments. The model predictions for most of the predicted species are then shown to be in good agreement with the test results