994 resultados para Terrestrial ecosystem


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Apex predators perform important functions that regulate ecosystems worldwide. However, little is known about how ecosystem regulation by predators is influenced by human activities. In particular, how important are top-down effects of predators relative to direct and indirect human-mediated bottom-up and top-down processes? Combining data on species' occurrence from camera traps and hunting records, we aimed to quantify the relative effects of top-down and bottom-up processes in shaping predator and prey distributions in a human-dominated landscape in Transylvania, Romania. By global standards this system is diverse, including apex predators (brown bear and wolf), mesopredators (red fox) and large herbivores (roe and red deer). Humans and free-ranging dogs represent additional predators in the system. Using structural equation modelling, we found that apex predators suppress lower trophic levels, especially herbivores. However, direct and indirect top-down effects of humans affected the ecosystem more strongly, influencing species at all trophic levels. Our study highlights the need to explicitly embed humans and their influences within trophic cascade theory. This will greatly expand our understanding of species interactions in human-modified landscapes, which compose the majority of the Earth's terrestrial surface.


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Summary: The composition of species pools can vary in space and time. While many studies are focused on understanding which factors influence the make-up of species pools, the question to which degree biogeographic variation in species composition propagates to biogeographic variation in ecological function is rarely examined. If different local species assemblages operate in ways that maintain specific ecological processes across continents, they can be regarded as functionally equivalent. Alternatively, variation in species assemblages might result in the loss of ecological function if different species fulfil different functions, and thereby fail to maintain the ecological process. Here, we test whether ecological function is affected by differences in the composition of species pools across a continental scale, comparing a tropical with a temperate pool. The model systems are assemblages of vertebrates foraging on ocean beaches, and the ecological function of interest is the consumption of wave-cast carrion, a pivotal process in sandy shore ecosystems. We placed fish carcasses (n = 179) at the beach-dune interface, monitored by motion-triggered cameras to record scavengers and quantify the detection and removal of carrion. Scavenging function was measured on sandy beaches in two distinct biogeographic regions of Australia: tropical north Queensland and temperate Victoria. The composition of scavenging assemblages on sandy beaches varied significantly across the study domain. Raptors dominated in the tropics, while invasive red foxes were prominent in temperate assemblages. Notwithstanding the significant biogeographic change in species composition, ecological function - as indexed by carcass detection and removal - was maintained, suggesting strong functional replacement at the continental scale. Species pools of vertebrate scavengers that are assembled from taxonomically distinct groups (birds vs. mammals) and located in distinct climatic regions (temperate vs. tropical) can maintain an ecological process via replacement of species with comparable functional traits.


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By emphasizing Australian carnivores as exemplars of flesh-eaters in other parts of the world, this book will be an important reference for researchers, wildlife managers and students worldwide.


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Aim: Globally, urbanization is one of the most widespread, intense and ecologically destructive forms of landscape transformation, and it is often concentrated in coastal areas. Theoretically, species losses attributable to urbanization are predicted not to alter overall ecosystem function if functional redundancy (i.e. replacement of function by alternative species) compensates for such losses. Here, we test this expectation by measuring how coastal urbanization affects scavenger guilds on sandy beaches and whether changes in guild composition result either in an overall loss of scavenging efficiency, or in functional compensation under alternative guild structures, maintaining net ecosystem functioning. Location: Fourteen beaches along the east coast of Australia with variable levels of urbanization. Methods: Scavenging communities and rates of carrion removal were determined using motion-triggered cameras at the beach-dune interface. Results: A substantial shift in the community structure of vertebrate scavengers was associated with gradients in urbanization. Iconic and functionally important raptors declined precipitously in abundance on urban beaches. Importantly, other vertebrates usually associated with urban settings (e.g. dogs, foxes, corvids) did not functionally replace raptors. In areas where < 15% of the abutting land had been developed into urban areas, carcass removal by scavengers was often complete, but always > 70%. Conversely, on beaches bordering coastal cities with < 40% of natural vegetation remaining, two-thirds of fish carcasses remained uneaten by scavengers. Raptors removed 70-100% of all deployed fish carcasses from beaches with < 8% urban land cover, but this number dropped significantly with greater levels of urbanization and was not compensated by other scavenger species in urban settings. Main conclusions: There is limited functional redundancy in vertebrate scavenger communities of sandy beach ecosystems, which impacts the system's capacity to mitigate the ecological consequences of detrimental landscape transformations.


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Carbon cycling on the east coast of Australia has the potential to be strongly affected by El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) intensification and coastal development (industrialization and urbanization). We performed paleoreconstructions of estuarine sediments from a seagrass-dominated estuary on the east coast of Australia (Tuggerah Lake, New South Wales) to test the hypothesis that millennial-scale ENSO intensification and European settlement in Australia have increased the transfer of organic carbon from land into coastal waters. Our data show that carbon accumulation rates within coastal sediments increased significantly during periods of maximum millennial-scale ENSO intensity ("super-ENSO") and coastal development. We suggest that ENSO and coastal development destabilize and liberate terrestrial soil carbon, which, during rainfall events (e.g., La Niña), washes into estuaries and becomes trapped and buried by coastal vegetation (seagrass in this case). Indeed, periods of high carbon burial were generally characterized as having rapid sedimentation rates, higher content of fine-grained sediments, and increased content of wood and charcoal fragments. These results, though preliminary, suggest that coastal development and ENSO intensificationboth of which are predicted to increase over the coming centurycan enhance capture and burial of terrestrial carbon by coastal ecosystems. These findings have important relevance for current efforts to build an understanding of terrestrial- marine carbon connectivity into global carbon budgets.


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Seagrasses are among the Earth's most efficient and long-term carbon sinks, but coastal development threatens this capacity. We report new evidence that disturbance to seagrass ecosystems causes release of ancient carbon. In a seagrass ecosystem that had been disturbed 50 years ago, we found that soil carbon stocks declined by 72%, which, according to radiocarbon dating, had taken hundreds to thousands of years to accumulate. Disturbed soils harboured different benthic bacterial communities (according to 16S rRNA sequence analysis), with higher proportions of aerobic heterotrophs compared with undisturbed. Fingerprinting of the carbon (via stable isotopes) suggested that the contribution of autochthonous carbon (carbon produced through plant primary production) to the soil carbon pool was less in disturbed areas compared with seagrass and recovered areas. Seagrass areas that had recovered from disturbance had slightly lower (35%) carbon levels than undisturbed, but more than twice as much as the disturbed areas, which is encouraging for restoration efforts. Slow rates of seagrass recovery imply the need to transplant seagrass, rather than waiting for recovery via natural processes. This study empirically demonstrates that disturbance to seagrass ecosystems can cause release of ancient carbon, with potentially major global warming consequences.


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This article presents data-rich findings of a comprehensive follow-up study on the patron-driven/demand-driven ebook acquisitions (DDA) plan chronicled in two prior articles from the DDA ebook plan's October 2011 inception. Into the third fiscal year, print vs. ebook usage preferences have begun to emerge, and the results broken out by discipline are presented.


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Negócios sociais, empresas autossuficientes com objetivos principalmente sociais estão a surgir e a mudar o cenário económico mundial. No Brasil, o campo de Empreendedorismo Social promete ajudar a resolver os vários problemas sociais do país, mas tal promessa depende do desenvolvimento de um ecossistema de suporte. No entanto, a pesquisa desenvolvida no tópico ainda é limitada, especialmente quando considerando pesquisa em contextos macro como estruturas de suporte ao negócio. O presente estudo explora o ecossistema de suporte aos negócios sociais no Brasil, oferecendo uma análise qualitativa preliminar da eficácia da rede de suporte existente para os negócios sociais, de acordo com as perceções de empreendedores sociais e prestadores de suporte. O estudo é desenvolvido baseando-se no modelo conceptual de Turrini et al. (2010) sobre os determinantes de eficácia de redes a fim de facilitar a captura de padrões. Desta forma, cada variável de eficácia de redes é desenvolvida no contexto da presente investigação e as principais conclusões relativas ao ecossistema de suporte para negócios sociais no Brasil são destacadas. Os resultados sugerem um rápido crescimento da disponibilidade de suporte para negócios sociais, mas indicam que estes serviços ainda são em número limitado e concentrados no Sudeste do país. Adicionalmente, os serviços de suporte são percecionados pelos empreendedores sociais como serviços de alta qualidade e embora se observe um sentimento generalizado de que a colaboração entre organizações de suporte tem sido importante para a construção do campo, os resultados indicam que um maior nível de interação e formalização entre prestadores de suporte levaria a maiores níveis de criação de sinergias e potenciaria a construção do ecossistema. Por último, é observado um sentimento generalizado de que o crescente nível de recursos financeiros, consciência pública e apoio do governo ao campo impactarão positivamente o desenvolvimento do ecossistema.


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A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Three species of phylogenetically related semi-terrestrial crabs (Superfamily Grapsoidea - Sesarma rectum, Goniopsis cruentata and Neohelice granulata (formerly: Chasmagnathus granulatus) with different degrees of terrestriality were studied to quantify the accumulation of copper (Cu) in hemolymph, gills, hepatopancreas and antennal gland, and its excretion through the faeces. These crabs were fed for 15 days practical diets containing 0 (A), 0.5 (B), 1.0 (C), and 1.5% (D) of added CuCl2 (corresponding to 0, 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7% of Cu2+, respectively). The amount of food ingested was directly proportional to the degree of terrestriality: S. rectum, the most terrestrial species, ate around 2-3 times more than the other crabs, whereas G. cruentata ate 1.5-2 times more than N. granulata, the least terrestrial. The amount of Cu excreted in the feces was proportional to Cu ingestion, and was 76.8% and 64.2% higher for Sesarma fed diet D compared to G. cruentata and N. granulata, respectively. Sesarma also displayed higher Cu concentration in the haemolymph, gills and antennal glands, but not in the hepatopancreas. A detoxifying mechanism followed by elimination was probably present at this last organ, preventing Cu accumulation. More terrestrial crabs, such as Sesarma, may accumulate more Cu in hemolymph and tissues, showing a correlation between metal accumulation and increased terrestriality. In this aspect, contaminated feed sources with Cu may have more impact in conservation of terrestrial crabs. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The decomposition process exercises an extensive control over the carbon cycle, affecting its availability and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. The understanding of leaf decomposition patterns above the soil and fine roots decomposition below the soil is necessary and essential to identify and quantify more accurately the flow of energy and matter in forest systems. There is still a lack of studies and a large gap in the knowledge about what environmental variables act as local determinants over decomposition drivers. The knowledge about the decomposition process is still immature for Brazilian semiarid region. The aim of this study was to analyze the decomposition process (on leaves and fine roots) of a mixture of three native species for 12 months in a semiarid ecosystem in Northeast Brazil. We also examined whether the rate of decomposition can be explained by local environmental factors, specifically plant species richness, plant density and biomass, soil macro-arthropods species richness and abundance, amount of litterfall and fine root stock. Thirty sampling points were randomly distributed within an area of 2000 m x 500 m. To determine the decomposition rate, the litterbag technique was used and the data analysis were made with multiple regressions. There was a high degradation of dead organic matter along the experiment. Above ground plant biomass was the only environmental local factor significantly related to leaf decomposition. The density of vegetation and litter production were positively and negatively related to decay rates of fine roots, respectively. The results suggest that Caatinga spatial heterogeneity may exert strong influences over the decomposition process, taking into account the action of environmental factors related to organic matter exposure of and the consequent action of solar radiation as the decomposition process main controller in this region