986 resultados para Television advertising


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BACKGROUND: Television (TV) viewing is one of the most pervasive sedentary pursuits among children and adolescents. Research studies have shown that higher TV viewing hours are associated with a number of negative effects such as being overweight and obese, attention and behavioural problems, and impaired academic performance. Most interventions to reduce time spent watching TV have been school-based and little is known about the strategies that families use to control TV watching time. METHODS: Six focus groups with Māori, Pacific and non-Māori non-Pacific parents were conducted to examine New Zealand parents' perceptions of their children's TV watching. Focus groups explored attitudes towards TV viewing, strategies used to reduce viewing, and opinion on two different electronic monitors that can be used to restrict TV viewing. Focus group discussions were transcribed and a content analysis was conducted. RESULTS: Parents described TV as playing a dominant role in their family's lives, and highlighted several barriers to reducing children's TV viewing, such as parents not willing to reduce their own TV watching, a lack of safe alternatives to TV and the need to use TV as a babysitting tool. Limiting access to TV, making TV viewing a reward and finding alternative activities were current strategies parents employed to limit TV viewing; however, the barriers highlighted by parents make implementing such strategies difficult. Attitudes towards electronic monitor use to reduce TV viewing were mixed, but suggest further investigation of these devices is needed. CONCLUSIONS: Electronic devices that restrict the amount and content of TV viewing have some potential to support interventions and merit further investigation. It is imperative for interventions aimed at reducing TV viewing to consider the role TV plays within a family context, ensuring parental perceptions around the benefits and barriers of reducing TV are accounted for.


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OBJECTIVES: This pilot study evaluated the feasibility (recruitment, retention, and acceptability) and preliminary efficacy of a six-week home-based electronic time monitor intervention on New Zealand children's television watching in 2008. METHODS: Twenty-nine children aged 9 to 12 years who watched more than 20 h of television per week (62% male, mean age 10.4 years) were randomised to either the intervention or the control group. The intervention group received an electronic TV time monitor for 6 weeks and advice to restrict TV watching to 1 h per day or less. The control group was given verbal advice to restrict TV watching. RESULTS: Participant retention at 6 weeks was 93%. Semi-structured interviews with intervention families confirmed moderate acceptability of TV time monitors and several perceived benefits including better awareness of household TV viewing and improved time planning. Drawbacks reported included disruption to parents' TV watching and increased sibling conflict. Time spent watching television decreased by 4.2 h (mean change [SD]: -254 [536] min) per week in the intervention group compared with no change in the control group (-3 [241] min), but the difference between groups was not statistically significant, p=0.77. Both groups reported decreases in energy intake from snacks and total screen time and increases in physical activity measured by pedometer and between-group differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Electronic TV time monitors are feasible to use for home-based TV watching interventions although acceptability varies between families. Preliminary findings from this pilot suggest that such devices have potential to decrease children's TV watching but a larger trial is needed to confirm effectiveness. Future research should be family-orientated; take account of other screen time activities; and employ TV time monitors as just one of a range of strategies to decrease sedentary behaviour.


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BACKGROUND: In the general population, excessive sedentary behaviour is associated with increased all-cause mortality. Few studies have examined this relationship in people with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Using a sample of people with CVD who were excluded from an analysis of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study, we examined the relationship between sedentary behaviour and 13-year all-cause mortality.

METHODS: In the original AusDiab study, television viewing time was used as a marker of sedentary behaviour in 609 adults (≥45 years of age) with CVD. During 6,291 person-years of follow-up (median follow-up 13 years), there were 294 deaths (48% of sample). Using the time scale of attained age, the Cox proportional hazards model predicting all-cause mortality adjusted for sex, self-rated general health, leisure-time physical activity, smoking status, education, household income, body mass index, lipid levels, blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus was used.

RESULTS: Compared with a TV viewing time of <2hours per day, the fully adjusted hazard ratios for all-cause mortality were 1.18 (95% CI, 0.88 to 1.57) for ≥2 to <4hours per day and 1.52 (95% CI, 1.09 to 2.13) for >4hours per day.

CONCLUSIONS: Sedentary behaviour was associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality in people with CVD, independent of physical activity and other confounders. In addition to the promotion of regular physical activity, cardiac rehabilitation efforts which also focus on reducing sedentary behaviour may be beneficial.


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BACKGROUND: Since 2008, Australia has seen the rapid emergence of marketing for online and mobile sports wagering. Previous research from other areas of public health, such as tobacco and alcohol, has identified the range of appeal strategies these industries used to align their products with culturally valued symbols. However, there is very limited research that has investigated the tactics the sports wagering industry uses within marketing to influence the consumption of its products and services.

METHOD: This study consisted of a mixed method interpretive content analysis of 85 sports wagering advertisements from 11 Australian and multinational wagering companies. Advertisements were identified via internet searches and industry websites. A coding framework was applied to investigate the extent and nature of symbolic appeal strategies within advertisements.

RESULTS: Ten major appeal strategies emerged from this analysis. These included sports fan rituals and behaviours; mateship; gender stereotypes; winning; social status; adventure, thrill and risk; happiness; sexualised imagery; power and control; and patriotism. Symbols relating to sports fan rituals and behaviours, and mateship, were the most common strategies used within the advertisements.

DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS: This research suggests that the appeal strategies used by the sports wagering industry are similar to those strategies adopted by other unhealthy commodity industries. With respect to gambling, analysis revealed that strategies are clearly targeted to young male sports fans. Researchers and public health practitioners should seek to better understand the impact of marketing on the normalisation of sports wagering for this audience segment, and implement strategies to prevent gambling harm.


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In post-socialist China, gender norms are marked by rising divorce rates (Kleinman et al.), shifting attitudes towards sex (Farrer; Yan), and a growing commercialisation of sex (Zheng). These phenomena have been understood as indicative of market reforms unhinging past gender norms. In the socialist period, the radical politics of the time moulded women as gender neutral even as state policies emphasised their feminine roles in maintaining marital harmony and stability(Evans). These ideas around domesticity bear strong resemblance to pre-socialist understandings of womanhood and family that anchored Chinese society before the Communists took power in 1949. In this pre-socialist understanding, women were categorised into a hierarchy that defined their rights as wives, mothers, concubines, and servants (Ebrey and Watson; Wolf and Witke). Women who transgressed these categories were regarded as potentially dangerous and powerfulenough to break up families and shake the foundations of Chinese society (Ahern). This paper explores the extent to which understandings of Chinese femininity have been reconfigured in the context of China’s post-1979 development, particularly after the 2000s.


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La diffusione di smartphone e dispostivi mobili a cui si è assistito nell’ultima decade ha portato con sé lo sviluppo di nuovi sistemi e tecnologie basate sulla localizzazione. Questi sistemi vengono chiamati Location Based Systems (LBS) ed il loro successo è stato reso possibile dai sensori come GPS, antenna WiFi e accelerometro che hanno permesso agli sviluppatori di creare contenuti e servizi basati sulla posizione dell’utente. Una delle tecnologie su cui si basano i LBS è chiamata Geofencing e consiste nella creazione di aree virtuali (dette geofence) per delimitare luoghi di interesse (Point of Interests) e notificare l’utente quando entra, esce o si trova nelle vicinanze di una delle aree delimitate. Questa caratteristica viene utilizzata soprattutto per realizzare applicazioni che ricordano all’utente di svolgere delle azioni, per esempio un’app di promemoria che ricorda all’utente di comprare il latte quando si trova vicino ad un supermercato. Dal punto di vista economico, uno degli utilizzi piu` promettenti `e il co- siddetto Context Aware Advertising: i possessori di dispositivi mobili che si trovano a camminare nelle vicinanze di un negozio o un centro commer- ciale possono essere considerati possibili clienti e ricevere delle notifiche con pubblicit`a o questionari. Nel seguente lavoro verrà analizzato nel dettaglio cos’è il Geofencing, le sue applicazioni e le tecnologie sulla quale si basa. Verranno presi in considerazione alcuni problemi relativi all’utilizzo delle tecnologie di posizionamento, con particolare attenzione ai consumi di batteria. Verrà inoltre descritta la progettazione e l’implementazione di una piattaforma che permette ai possessori di attività commerciali di creare e gestire dei POI nonché di monitorare gli spostamenti dei possibili clienti. Dopo aver installato l’applicazione mobile sul proprio smartphone, i clienti potranno ricevere notifiche una volta oltrepassati i confini di un geofence.


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Das Ziel der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit ist es zu überprüfen in wie weit Werbung und Videospiele miteinander vereinbar sind und ob Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz im Zusammenhang stehen (in Bezug auf In-Game-Advertising). Zunächst erfolgt eine Recherche der theoretischen Grundlagen über In-Game-Advertising. Hierbei werden als erstes Begriffe und Rahmenbedingungen definiert und erklärt. Weiter wird die Geschichte der Videospielindustrie erläutert. Anschließend wird das aktuelle Nutzungsverhalten von Videospielen behandelt und die Zielgruppe analysiert. Danach erfolgt eine Analyse des Marktes. Dabei werden Daten verwendet, welche sich auf die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart beziehen. Eine kurze Prognose ist auch enthalten. Das Potenzial in der Videospielbranche wird kurz geklärt. Die Begrifflichkeiten Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz werden im Anschluss erläutert. Bevor am Ende die Kernhypothese überprüft werden kann, wird In-Game-Advertising anhand von zwei Videospielen beschrieben. Diese bilden die Grundlage für die empirische Analyse. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dieser empirischen Analyse. Anhand der Antworten eines Onlinefragebogens werden die Hypothesen, welche sich unter anderen aus der Recherche ergeben haben, erörtert. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz im Zusammenhang stehen, aber nicht so stark wie angenommen. In-Game-Advertising hat eine Zukunft, wenn bestimmte Rahmenbedingungen im Vorfeld der Implementierung beachtet und eingehalten werden. Am Ende der Arbeit erfolgt ein Fazit, in dem die Arbeit kurz zusammengefasst wird, mit einer kurzen Prognose in Sachen In-Game-Advertising.


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The cell phone has become a means of finding persuasive content, making friends and accessing information. For this reason it is of great interest in analyzing is use by young people during their formative years. Regarding this point, the objectives of the research are: to obtain percentage data on the distraction call phones cause among students; to define their habits re fun activities and their study responsibility in their personal and academic lives; and to identify leisure-expressive and referential trends. It was decided to analyze the Spanish discourse found on Twitter. To do so, a quantitative and qualitative methodology was used, with a linguistic pattern extraction tool which allows us to obtain categories of meaning. The sample was 10,000 tweets in Spanish, with key words such as “cell” and “study” and all possible derivatives. The data were gathered between 30 May and the 6 June 2014, which coincides with the start of the exam period in Spain. Finally, the potential applications of the research to the specific field of publicity and advertising is discussed as a possible solution to the current needs of the brands, which have to find participative formats taking into account the students’ leisure trends.


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Audit report on Iowa Public Television for the year ended June 30, 2016


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Audit report on Iowa Public Television for the year ended June 30, 2009