996 resultados para Tallien, Teresa Cabarrús, Madame, 1773-1835
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds Joseph Belknap for use by student Samuel Sewall (Harvard AB 1776), signed by Charles Chauncey, Thomas Waite, Jonathan Williams, and Daniel Marsh.
Parchment hardcover bound volume containing quarter bill tallies for the Classes of 1757-1773 arranged first by seniority, and later alphabetically, and covering the bill period ending on March 11, 1759 through the period ending December 8, 1769. Billing categories are occasionally added or removed in the volume, including a Hebrew Grammar category in 1764, and one for the Hancock Professor in 1765. After each quarter's tallies, an additional section provides the totals for all students in each of the categories, and deductions for building repairs.
Handwritten receipt signed by Joseph Willard, John Marsh, John Marsh, Andrew Eliot Jr., John Wadsworth, and S. Hall acknowledging money received between August 20th and 23rd, 1773. A handwritten transcription of the Corporation vote on September 7, 1772 that, "the Tutors be allowed in addition to their salary twenty pounds," is signed as a true copy by President Samuel Locke at the beginning of the document.
Pen and ink drawing of proposed alterations to the chapel in University Hall which were completed in August 1835. Includes measurements to scale.
Almanac with minimal and sporadic annotations on the calendar pages by John Winthrop. The title page is inscribed "Man wants but little here below, / nor wants that little long" in Winthrop's hand. There are a few entries noting household activities and the weather including a drought.
Almanac containing two laid-in pages and calendar pages typically annotated with one or two notes at the bottom recording household activities in Hannah and John Winthrops' hands. Laid into the volume are two pieces of paper with a tabulation of butter in Hannah Winthrop's hand, and baptisms and deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1773 in John Winthrop's hand, and a chart of burials and baptisms for the first parish in Cambridge for the years 1764-1771.