998 resultados para TOUGHENING MECHANISM


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On-stream deactivation during a water gas shift (WGS) reaction over gold supported on a ceria-zirconia catalyst was examined. Although the fresh catalyst has very high low temperature (<200 degrees C) for WGS activity, a significant loss of CO conversion is found under steady-state operations over hours. This has been shown to be directly related to the concentration of water in the gas phase. The same catalyst also undergoes thermal deactivation above 250 degrees C, and using a combined experimental and theoretical approach, a common deactivation mechanism is proposed. In both cases, the gold nanoparticles, which are found under reaction conditions, are thought to detach from the oxide support either through hydrolysis, <200 degrees C, or thermally, > 200 degrees C. This process reduces the metal-support interaction, which is considered to be critical in determining the high activity of the catalyst.


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A mechanism of dual enlargement of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) comprising two steps is described. In the first step, the AuNPs are enlarged by depositing Au atoms on their crystalline faces. In this process, the particles are not only enlarged but they are also observed to multiply: new Au nuclei are formed by the budding and division of the enlarged particles. In the second step, a silver enhancement is subsequently performed by the deposition of silver atoms on the enlarged and newly formed AuNPs to generate bimetallic Au@Ag core-shell structures. The dual nanocatalysis greatly enhances the electron density of the nanostructures, leading to a stronger intensity for colorimetric discrimination as well as better sensitivity for quantitative measurement. Based on this, a simple scanometric assay for the on-slide detection of the food-born pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is developed. After capturing the target bacteria, gold-tagged immunoprobes are added to create a signal on a solid substrate. The signal is then amplified by the dual enlargement process, resulting in a strong color intensity that can easily be recognized by the unaided eye, or measured by an inexpensive flatbed scanner. In this paper, dual nanocatalysis is reported for the first time. It provides a valuable mechanistic insight into the development of a simple and cost-effective detection format.


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GHMP kinases are a group of structurally-related small molecule kinases. They have been found in all kingdoms of life and are mostly responsible for catalysing the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of intermediary metabolites. Although the GHMP kinases are of clinical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological importance, the mechanism of GHMP-kinases is controversial. A catalytic base mechanism was suggested for mevalonate kinase that has a structural feature of the ?-phosphate of ATP close to an aspartate residue; however, for one GHMP member, homoserine kinase, where the residue acting as general base is absent, a direct phosphorylation mechanism was suggested. Furthermore, it has been proposed by some authors that all the GHMP kinases function via the direct phosphorylation mechanism. This controversy in mechanism has limited our ability to exploit these enzymes as drug targets and in biotechnology. Here the phosphorylation reaction mechanism of the human galactokinase, a member of GHMP kinase was investigated using molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory-based QM/MM calculations (B3LYP-D/AMBER99). The reaction coordinates were localized by potential energy scan using adiabatic mapping method. Our results indicate that a highly conserved Glu174 captures Arg105 to the proximity of the a-phosphate of ATP forming a H-bond network, therefore the mobility of ATP in the large oxyanion hole is restricted. Arg228 functions to stabilize the negative charge developed at the ß,?-bridging oxygen of the ATP during bond cleavage. The reaction occurs via direct phosphorylation mechanism and the Asp186 in proximity of ATP does not directly participate in the reaction pathway. Since Arg228 is not conserved among GHMP kinases, reagents which form interactions with Arg228, and therefore can interrupt its function in phosphorylation may be developed into potential selective inhibitors for galactokinase.


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An inverse CeO2/CuO catalyst has been investigated by operando steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA) in combination with diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) under 3% CO +3% H2O reactant mixture at 473 K with the aim of determining intermediates involved in the water gas shift reaction at relatively low temperatures. Among the various species detected in the infrared spectra which may be involved in the reaction, i.e. formates, copper carbonyls and carbonates, a particular type of carbonate species is identified as a reaction intermediate on the basis of detailed analysis of the spectra during isotopic exchange in comparison with the change in the corresponding isotopically labelled CO2 product. 


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Absolute photodetachment cross sections of two anions of astrophysical importance CN- and C3N- were measured to be (1.18 +- (0.03)_stat (0.17)_sys) * 10^-17 cm^2 and (1.43 +- (0.14)_stat (0.37)_sys) * 10^-17 cm^2 respectively at the ultraviolet wavelength of 266 nm (4.66 eV). These relatively large values of the cross sections imply that photodetachment can play a major role in the destruction mechanisms of these anions particularly in photon-dominated regions. We have therefore carried out model calculations using the newly measured cross sections to investigate the abundance of these molecular anions in the cirumstellar envelope of the carbon-rich star IRC+10216. The model predicts the relative importance of the various mechanisms of formation and destruction of these species in different regions of the envelope. UV photodetachment was found to be the major destruction mechanism for both CN- and C3N- anions in those regions of the envelope, where they occur in peak abundance. It was also found that photodetachment plays a crucial role in the degradation of these anions throughout the circumstellar envelope.


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Whilst data recognise both myeloid cell accumulation during choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) as well as complement activation, none of the data has presented a clear explanation for the angiogenic drive that promotes pathological angiogenesis. One possibility that is a pre-eminent drive is a specific and early conditioning and activation of the myeloid cell infiltrate. Using a laser-induced CNV murine model, we have identified that disruption of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and Bruch's membrane resulted in an early recruitment of macrophages derived from monocytes and microglia, prior to angiogenesis and contemporaneous with lesional complement activation. Early recruited CD11b(+) cells expressed a definitive gene signature of selective inflammatory mediators particularly a pronounced Arg-1 expression. Accumulating macrophages from retina and peripheral blood were activated at the site of injury, displaying enhanced VEGF expression, and notably prior to exaggerated VEGF expression from RPE, or earliest stages of angiogenesis. All of these initial events, including distinct VEGF (+) Arg-1(+) myeloid cells, subsided when CNV was established and at the time RPE-VEGF expression was maximal. Depletion of inflammatory CCR2-positive monocytes confirmed origin of infiltrating monocyte Arg-1 expression, as following depletion Arg-1 signal was lost and CNV suppressed. Furthermore, our in vitro data supported a myeloid cell uptake of damaged RPE or its derivatives as a mechanism generating VEGF (+) Arg-1(+) phenotype in vivo. Our results reveal a potential early driver initiating angiogenesis via myeloid-derived VEGF drive following uptake of damaged RPE and deliver an explanation of why CNV develops during any of the stages of macular degeneration and can be explored further for therapeutic gain.


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The presence of NO during the regeneration period of a Pt-Ba/Al O Lean NO Trap (LNT) catalyst modifies significantly the evolution of products formed from the reduction of stored nitrates, particularly nitrogen and ammonia. The use of isotope labelling techniques, feeding NO during the storage period and NO during regeneration allows us to propose three different routes for nitrogen formation based on the different masses detected during regeneration, i.e. N (m/e = 28), N N (m/e = 29) and N (m/e = 30). It is proposed that the formation of nitrogen via Route 1 involves the reaction between hydrogen and NO released from the storage component to form NH mainly. Then, ammonia further reacts with NO located downstream to form N . In Route 2, it is postulated that the incoming NO reacts with hydrogen to form NH in the reactor zone where the trap has been already regenerated. This isotopically labelled ammonia travels through the catalyst bed until it reaches the regeneration front where it participates in the reduction of stored nitrates ( NO ) to form N N. The formation of N via Route 3 is believed to occur by the reaction between incoming NO and H . The modification of the hydrogen concentration fed during regeneration affects the relative importance of H or NH as reductants and thus the production of N via Route 1 and N N via Route 2.


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Primary familial and congenital polycythaemia (PFCP) is a disease characterized by increased red blood cell mass, and can be associated with mutations in the intracellular region of the erythropoietin (EPO) receptor (EPOR). Here we explore the mechanisms by which EPOR mutations induce PFCP, using an experimental system based on chimeric receptors between epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and EPOR. The design of the chimeras enabled EPOR signalling to be triggered by EGF binding. Using this system we analysed three novel EPOR mutations discovered in PFCP patients: a deletion mutation (Del1377-1411), a nonsense mutation (C1370A) and a missense mutation (G1445A). Three different chimeras, bearing these mutations in the cytosolic, EPOR region were generated; Hence, the differences in the chimera-related effects are specifically attributed to the mutations. The results show that the different mutations affect various aspects related to the signalling and metabolism of the chimeric receptors. These include slower degradation rate, higher levels of glycan-mature chimeric receptors, increased sensitivity to low levels of EGF (replacing EPO in this system) and extended signalling cascades. This study provides a novel experimental system to study polycythaemia-inducing mutations in the EPOR, and sheds new light on underlying mechanisms of EPOR over-activation in PFCP patients.


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The unique feature ofmitochondrial complex I is the so-called A/D transition (active-deactive transition). The A-form catalyses rapid oxidation of NADH by ubiquinone (k ~10 min) and spontaneously converts into the D-form if the enzyme is idle at physiological temperatures. Such deactivation occurs in vitro in the absence of substrates or in vivo during ischaemia, when the ubiquinone pool is reduced. The D-form can undergo reactivation given both NADH and ubiquinone availability during slow (k ~1-10 min) catalytic turnover(s). We examined known conformational differences between the two forms and suggested a mechanism exerting A/D transition of the enzyme. In addition, we discuss the physiological role of maintaining the enzyme in the D-form during the ischaemic period. Accumulation of the D-form of the enzyme would prevent reverse electron transfer from ubiquinol to FMN which could lead to superoxide anion generation. Deactivation would also decrease the initial burst of respiration after oxygen reintroduction. Therefore the A/D transition could be an intrinsic protective mechanism for lessening oxidative damage during the early phase of reoxygenation. Exposure of Cys of mitochondrially encoded subunit ND3 makes the Dform susceptible for modification by reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide metabolites which arrests the reactivation of the D-form and inhibits the enzyme. The nature of thiol modification defines deactivation reversibility, the reactivation timescale, the status of mitochondrial bioenergetics and therefore the degree of recovery of the ischaemic tissues after reoxygenation.


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The influence of the layered silicate clay platelets on the nitrogen permeation properties of hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR)/nanoclay nanocomposites has been investigated. Nanocomposites of HNBR modified with different percentages of the organoclay are processed through various routes. Commercially available organoclay (CLOISITE 15A) and various silane-coupling agents are used to improve the dispersion of the nanoclay in HNBR. A total of 10 different formulations of nanocomposites are manufactured. The addition of the organoclay has resulted in a significant enhancement of the nitrogen barrier properties of the manufactured nanocomposite. The mechanism of the reduction in the permeability is explained through the changes in the morphology and its bond to the filler. These changes are confirmed through examination of the morphology using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope, and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis. There has been a drastic reduction up to 55.7% in nitrogen permeability. The reduction in gas permeation in HNBR is attributed to uniformly exfoliated clay platelets. Finally, three different permeability models, namely, the Nielsen model, modified Nielsen model, and Cussler model, have also been considered to predict the permeability behavior of nanocomposites with different volume filler fractions. The experimental values of gas permeability have been compared with theoretical models. It is observed that the modified Nielsen model closely matches with the measured permeation behavior. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.