989 resultados para TEMPLATE


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The community pharmacy service medicines use review (MUR) was introduced in 2005 ‘to improve patient knowledge, concordance and use of medicines’ through a private patient–pharmacist consultation. The MUR presents a fundamental change in community pharmacy service provision. While traditionally pharmacists are dispensers of medicines and providers of medicines advice, and patients as recipients, the MUR considers pharmacists providing consultation-type activities and patients as active participants. The MUR facilitates a two-way discussion about medicines use. Traditional patient–pharmacist behaviours transform into a new set of behaviours involving the booking of appointments, consultation processes and form completion, and the physical environment of the patient–pharmacist interaction moves from the traditional setting of the dispensary and medicines counter to a private consultation room. Thus, the new service challenges traditional identities and behaviours of the patient and the pharmacist as well as the environment in which the interaction takes place. In 2008, the UK government concluded there is at present too much emphasis on the quantity of MURs rather than on their quality.[1] A number of plans to remedy the perceived imbalance included a suggestion to reward ‘health outcomes’ achieved, with calls for a more focussed and scientific approach to the evaluation of pharmacy services using outcomes research. Specifically, the UK government set out the main principal research areas for the evaluation of pharmacy services to include ‘patient and public perceptions and satisfaction’as well as ‘impact on care and outcomes’. A limited number of ‘patient satisfaction with pharmacy services’ type questionnaires are available, of varying quality, measuring dimensions relating to pharmacists’ technical competence, behavioural impressions and general satisfaction. For example, an often cited paper by Larson[2] uses two factors to measure satisfaction, namely ‘friendly explanation’ and ‘managing therapy’; the factors are highly interrelated and the questions somewhat awkwardly phrased, but more importantly, we believe the questionnaire excludes some specific domains unique to the MUR. By conducting patient interviews with recent MUR recipients, we have been working to identify relevant concepts and develop a conceptual framework to inform item development for a Patient Reported Outcome Measure questionnaire bespoke to the MUR. We note with interest the recent launch of a multidisciplinary audit template by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) in an attempt to review the effectiveness of MURs and improve their quality.[3] This template includes an MUR ‘patient survey’. We will discuss this ‘patient survey’ in light of our work and existing patient satisfaction with pharmacy questionnaires, outlining a new conceptual framework as a basis for measuring patient satisfaction with the MUR. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the NHS Surrey Research Ethics Committee on 2 June 2008. References 1. Department of Health (2008). Pharmacy in England: Building on Strengths – Delivering the Future. London: HMSO. www. official-documents.gov.uk/document/cm73/7341/7341.pdf (accessed 29 September 2009). 2. Larson LN et al. Patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care: update of a validated instrument. JAmPharmAssoc 2002; 42: 44–50. 3. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2009). Pharmacy Medicines Use Review – Patient Audit. London: RPSGB. http:// qi4pd.org.uk/index.php/Medicines-Use-Review-Patient-Audit. html (accessed 29 September 2009).


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The medicines use review (MUR) service was introduced in England and Wales in 2005 to improve patients’ knowledge and use of medicines through a private, patient–pharmacist consultation. The pharmacist completes a standard form as a record of the MUR consultation and the patient receives a copy. The 2008 White Paper, Pharmacy in England[1] notes some MURs are of poor or questionable quality and there are anecdotal reports that pharmacists elect to conduct ‘easy’ MURs with patients on a single prescribed medicine only.[2] In 2009, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) launched a multi-disciplinary audit template to review the effectiveness of MURs and improve their quality.[3] Prior to this, we conducted a retrospective MUR audit in a 1-month period in 2008. Our aims were to report on findings from this audit and the validity of using MUR forms as data for audit.


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The nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) is the major class of neurotransmitter receptors that is involved in many neurodegenerative conditions such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The N-terminal region or Ligand Binding Domain (LBD) of nAChR is located at pre- and post-synaptic nervous system, which mediates synaptic transmission. nAChR acts as the drug target for agonist and competitive antagonist molecules that modulate signal transmission at the nerve terminals. Based on Acetylcholine Binding Protein (AChBP) from Lymnea stagnalis as the structural template, the homology modeling approach was carried out to build three dimensional model of the N-terminal region of human alpha(7)nAChR. This theoretical model is an assembly of five alpha(7) subunits with 5 fold axis symmetry, constituting a channel, with the binding picket present at the interface region of the subunits. alpha-netlrotoxin is a potent nAChR competitive antagonist that readily blocks the channel resulting in paralysis. The molecular interaction of alpha-Bungarotoxin, a long chain alpha-neurotoxin from (Bungarus multicinctus) and human alpha(7)nAChR seas studied. Agonists such as acetylcholine, nicotine, which are used in it diverse array of biological activities, such as enhancements of cognitive performances, were also docked with the theoretical model of human alpha(7)nAChR. These docked complexes were analyzed further for identifying the crucial residues involved in interaction. These results provide the details of interaction of agonists and competitive antagonists with three dimensional model of the N-terminal region of human alpha(7)nAChR and thereby point to the design of novel lead compounds.


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Most newly sequenced proteins are likely to adopt a similar structure to one which has already been experimentally determined. For this reason, the most successful approaches to protein structure prediction have been template-based methods. Such prediction methods attempt to identify and model the folds of unknown structures by aligning the target sequences to a set of representative template structures within a fold library. In this chapter, I discuss the development of template-based approaches to fold prediction, from the traditional techniques to the recent state-of-the-art methods. I also discuss the recent development of structural annotation databases, which contain models built by aligning the sequences from entire proteomes against known structures. Finally, I run through a practical step-by-step guide for aligning target sequences to known structures and contemplate the future direction of template-based structure prediction.


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Ancient DNA (aDNA) research has long depended on the power of PCR to amplify trace amounts of surviving genetic material from preserved specimens. While PCR permits specific loci to be targeted and amplified, in many ways it can be intrinsically unsuited to damaged and degraded aDNA templates. PCR amplification of aDNA can produce highly-skewed distributions with significant contributions from miscoding lesion damage and non-authentic sequence artefacts. As traditional PCR-based approaches have been unable to fully resolve the molecular nature of aDNA damage over many years, we have developed a novel single primer extension (SPEX)-based approach to generate more accurate sequence information. SPEX targets selected template strands at defined loci and can generate a quantifiable redundancy of coverage; providing new insights into the molecular nature of aDNA damage and fragmentation. SPEX sequence data reveals inherent limitations in both traditional and metagenomic PCR-based approaches to aDNA, which can make current damage analyses and correct genotyping of ancient specimens problematic. In contrast to previous aDNA studies, SPEX provides strong quantitative evidence that C U-type base modifications are the sole cause of authentic endogenous damage-derived miscoding lesions. This new approach could allow ancient specimens to be genotyped with unprecedented accuracy.


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Background Large-scale genetic profiling, mapping and genetic association studies require access to a series of well-characterised and polymorphic microsatellite markers with distinct and broad allele ranges. Selection of complementary microsatellite markers with non-overlapping allele ranges has historically proved to be a bottleneck in the development of multiplex microsatellite assays. The characterisation process for each microsatellite locus can be laborious and costly given the need for numerous, locus-specific fluorescent primers. Results Here, we describe a simple and inexpensive approach to select useful microsatellite markers. The system is based on the pooling of multiple unlabelled PCR amplicons and their subsequent ligation into a standard cloning vector. A second round of amplification utilising generic labelled primers targeting the vector and unlabelled locus-specific primers targeting the microsatellite flanking region yield allelic profiles that are representative of all individuals contained within the pool. Suitability of various DNA pool sizes was then tested for this purpose. DNA template pools containing between 8 and 96 individuals were assessed for the determination of allele ranges of individual microsatellite markers across a broad population. This helped resolve the balance between using pools that are large enough to allow the detection of many alleles against the risk of including too many individuals in a pool such that rare alleles are over-diluted and so do not appear in the pooled microsatellite profile. Pools of DNA from 12 individuals allowed the reliable detection of all alleles present in the pool. Conclusion The use of generic vector-specific fluorescent primers and unlabelled locus-specific primers provides a high resolution, rapid and inexpensive approach for the selection of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci that possess non-overlapping allele ranges for use in large-scale multiplex assays.


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The 5' terminus of picornavirus genomic RNA is covalently linked to the virus-encoded peptide 313 (VTg). Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is unique in encoding and using 3 distinct forms of this peptide. These peptides each act as primers for RNA synthesis by the virus-encoded RNA polymerase 3D(pol). To act as the primer for positive-strand RNA synthesis, the 3B peptides have to be uridylylated to form VPgpU(pU). For certain picornaviruses, it has been shown that this reaction is achieved by the 3D(pol) in the presence of the 3CD precursor plus an internal RNA sequence termed a cis-acting replication element (cre). The FMDV ere has been identified previously to be within the 5' untranslated region, whereas all other picornavirus cre structures are within the viral coding region. The requirements for the in vitro uridylylation of each of the FMDV 313 peptides has now been determined, and the role of the FMDV ere (also known as the 3B-uridylylation site, or bus) in this reaction has been analyzed. The poly(A) tail does not act as a significant template for FMDV 3B uridylylation.


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Nucleotides in the terminal loop of the poliovirus 2C cis-acting replication element (2C(CRE)), a 61 nt structured RNA, function as the template for the addition of two uridylate (U) residues to the viral protein VPg. This uridylylation reaction leads to the formation of VPgpUpU, which is used by the viral RNA polymerase as a nucleotide-peptide primer for genome replication. Although VPg primes both positive- and negative-strand replication, the specific requirement for 2C(CRE)-mediated uridylylation for one or both events has not been demonstrated. We have used a cell-free in vitro translation and replication reaction to demonstrate that 2C(CRE) is not required for the initiation of the negative-sense strand, which is synthesized in the absence of 2C(CRE)-mediated VPgpUpU formation. We propose that the 3' poly(A) tail could serve as the template for the formation of a VPg-poly(U) primer that functions in the initiation of negative-sense strands.


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The synthesis of new Cu-VOx nanotubes has been achieved by exchanging a Cu(II) salt against the protonated template in the parent dodecylamine-VOx nanotubes. The intercalation of Cu(II) species induces some significant morphological and structural changes within the material, but the tubular shape is still well preserved. Controlled thermolysis under nitrogen of the Cu(II) species initially dispersed within the multiwalls induces the growth and sintering of copper nanoparticles, which are formed without destroying the tubular morphology of the host carrier. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Melt-phase nucleophilic ring-opening polymerisation of macrocyclic aromatic ethers and thioethers at high temperatures within the cylindrical pores of an anodic-alumina membrane, followed by dissolution of the template, enables replication of the membrane's internal pore structure and so affords high-performance aromatic polymers with well-defined fibrillar or tubular morphologies.


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Electrodeposition from a lyotropic liquid crystal template medium was used to produce nanostructured platinum microelectrodes with high specific surface area and high mass transport efficiency. Compared to polished and conventional platinized microelectrodes, well-ordered nanostructured platinum microelectrodes exhibited enhanced electrocatalytic properties for oxygen and ascorbic acid, whilst well-ordered nanostructured platinum microelectrodes offered improved electrocatalytic properties for oxygen reduction compared to disordered nanostructured platinum microelectrodes.


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The emergence of the mechanical bond during the past 25 years is giving chemistry a fillip in more ways than one. While its arrival on the scene is already impacting materials science and molecular nanotechnology, it is providing a new lease of life to chemical synthesis where mechanical bond formation Occurs as a consequence of the all-important templation Orchestrated by molecular recognition and self-assembly. The way in which covalent bond formation activates noncovalent bonding interactions, switching on molecular recognition that leads to self-assembly, and the template-directed synthesis of mechanically interlocked molecules-of which the so-called catenanes and rotaxanes may be regarded as the prototypes-has introduced a level of integration into chemical synthesis that has not previously been attained jointly at the supramolecular and molecular levels. The challenge now is to carry this I vel of integration during molecular synthesis beyond relatively small molecules into the realms of precisely functionalized extended molecular Structures and superstructures that perform functions in a collective manner as the key sources of instruction, activation, and performance in multi-component integrated Circuits and devices. These forays into organic chemistry by a scientific nomad are traced through thick and thin from the Athens of the North to the Windy City by Lake Michigan with interludes on the edge of the Canadian Shield beside Lake Ontario, in the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire, on the Plains of Cheshire beside the Wirral, in the Midlands in the Heartland of Albion, and in the City of Angels beside the Peaceful Sea. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two new silver-antimony sulfides, [C2H9N2][Ag2SbS3] (1) and [C2H9N2](2)[Ag5Sb3S8] (2), have been prepared solvothermally in the presence of ethylenediamine and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, and elemental analysis. Compound 1 crystallizes in the space group Pn (a = 6.1781(1) Angstrom, b =11.9491(3) Angstrom, c = 6.9239(2) Angstrom, =111.164(1)degrees) and 2 in the space group Pm (a = 6.2215(2) Angstrom, b = 15.7707(7) Angstrom, c = 11.6478(5) Angstrom, beta = 92.645(2)degrees). The structure of 1 consists of chains of fused five-membered Ag2SbS2 rings linked to form layers, between which the template molecules reside. Compound 2 contains honeycomb-like sheets of fused silver-antimony-sulfide six-membered rings linked to form double layers. The idealized structure can be considered to be an ordered defect derivative of that of lithium bismuthide, Li3Bi, and represents a new solid-state structure type.


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Two new antimony sulphides have been prepared solvothermally and characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. [Co(en)(3)][Sb4S7] (1) was prepared at 140 degreesC from COS, Sb2S3 and S in the presence of ethylenediamine, whilst heating a mixture of Sb2S3, Co and S in tris(2aminoethyl)amine, N(CH2CH2NH2)(3), at 180 degreesC fegults in the formation of [C6H20N4][Sb4S7] (2). Both materials contain [Sb4S7](2-) chains formed from linkage of cyclic Sb3S63- units by SbS33- pyramids. In (1), the [Sb4S7] chains are linked by secondary Sb-S interactions to form sheets, between which the. charge balancing [Co(en)(3)](2+) cations reside. The structure of (2) involves interconnection of pairs of [Sb4S7](2-) chains through Sb2S2 rings to form isolated [Sb4S7](2-) double chains which are interleaved by protonated template molecules. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights resereved.