987 resultados para Sulphonitrate ammonium


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Ta2O5-SiO2 catalysts were prepared by a sol-gel method using tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and tantalum (V) ethoxide as the sources of silicon and tantalum, and two families of quaternary ammonium salts, [CnH(2n+1)(CH3)(3)N]Br (n = 14, 16, 18) and [(CnH(2n+1))(4)N]Br (n = 10, 12, 16, 18) as surfactants. The catalysts were compared for the selective suffoxidation of 4,6-dimethyl-2-thiomethylpyrimidine using peroxide as an oxidising agent in a range of ionic liquids and organic solvents. The sol-gel catalysts were also compared with tantalum on MCM-41 prepared by grafting. The catalysts were characterized from adsorption-desorption isotherms of N-2, XRD patterns, small-angle X-ray scattering, IR spectra from adsorbed pyridine and CDCl3, XPS spectra, and Si-29 magic angle spinning (MAS) NNIR experiments. The effect of recycling on the catalyst leaching and selectivity/activity was also studied. High activities and selectivities were found in [NTf2](-) based ionic liquids and organic solvents with good recyclability of the catalyst. Tantalum was found in the solution after reaction; however, this was determined to be due to entrapment of catalyst particulates, as opposed to leaching of the active metal. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In constant, search for micro/mesoporous materials, gallium phosphates, have attracted continued interest due to the large pore size reported for some of these solids in comparison with analogous aluminum phosphates. However up to now, the porosity of gallium phosphates collapsed upon template removal or exposure to the ambient moisture. In the present work, we describe high-surface thermally stable mesoporous gallium phosphates synthesized from gallium propoxide and PCl3 and different templating agents such as amines (dipropylamine, piperidine and aminopiperidine) and quaternary ammonium salts (C16H33(CH3)3NBr and C16PyCl). These highly reactive precursors have so far not been used as gallium and phosphate sources for the synthesis of gallophosphates. Conceptually, our present synthetic procedure is based on the fast formation of gallium phosphate nanoparticles via the reaction of gallium propoxide with PCl3 and subsequent construction of the porous material with nanoparticles as building blocks. The organization of the gallophosphate nanoparticles in stable porous structures is effected by the templates. Different experimental procedures varying the molar composition of the sol-gel, pH and the pretreatment of gallium precursor were assayed, most of them leading to satisfactory materials in terms of thermal stability and porosity. In this way, a series of gallium phosphates with surface are above 200 m(2) g(-1), and narrow pore size from 3 to 6 nm and remarkable thermal stability (up to 550 degrees C) have been prepared. In some cases, the structure tends to show some periodicity and regularity as determined by XRD. The remarkable stability has allowed us to test the catalytic activity of gallophosphates for the aerobic oxidation of alkylaromatics with notable good results. Our report reopens the interest for gallophosphates in heterogeneous catalysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel approach has been developed to determine ranitidine in paediatric samples using dried blood spots (DBS) on Guthrie cards (Whatman 903). A selective and sensitive HPLC-MS/MS assay has been developed and validated using small volumes of blood (30µl). A 6mm disc was punched from each DBS and extracted with methanolic solution of the internal standard (IS) nizatidine. This was further subjected to solid phase extraction (SPE), followed by reversed phase HPLC separation, using a XBridge™ C18 column and mobile phase 10mM ammonium acetate/methanol (98:2 v/v) with a flow rate of 0.3mL/min. This was combined with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass detection using electrospray ionisation (ESI). The calibration curve for ranitidine was found linear over the range 10-500ng/mL (r=0.996). The limit of quantification (LOQ) of the method was validated at 10ng/mL. Accuracy and precision values for within and between days were


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The FRAP reagent contains 2,4,6-tris(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine, which forms a blue-violet complex ion in the presence of ferrous ions. Although the FRAP (ferric reducing/antioxidant power) assay is popular and has been in use for many years, the correct molar extinction coefficient of this complex ion under FRAP assay conditions has never been published, casting doubt on the validity of previous calibrations. A previously reported value of 19.800 is an underestimate. We determined that the molar extinction coefficient was 21,140. The value of the molar extinction coefficient was also shown to depend on the type of assay and was found to be 22,230 under iron assay conditions, in good agreement with published data. Redox titration indicated that the ferrous sulfate heptahydrate calibrator recommended by Benzie and Strain, the FRAP assay inventors, is prone to efflorescence and, therefore, is unreliable. Ferrous ammonium sulfate hexahydrate in dilute sulfuric acid was a more stable alternative. Few authors publish their calibration data, and this makes comparative analyses impossible. A critical examination of the limited number of examples of calibration data in the published literature reveals only that Benzie and Strain obtained a satisfactory calibration using their method. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A mechanism for eggshell production in Schistosoma mansoni has been proposed (Wells & Cordingley, 1991), and suggests that the release of eggshell protein globules from the vitelline cells occurs under alkaline conditions within the ootype followed by their subsequent fusion to form the eggshell. Fusion and tanning of these components produces eggshell which autofluoresces. The present study was carried out to determine whether a similar process operates in Fasciola hepatica. A number of drug treatments were used to disrupt key steps in the maturation of vitelline cells. Treatment with the calcium ionophore lasalocid (1 x 10(-5) M) led to the premature release of eggshell globules from the vitelline cells but not their fusion. Incubation in monensin (1 x 10(-6) M), a sodium ionophore and ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) (5 x 10(-2) M), a weak base, resulted in the premature fusion of eggshell protein globules within the vitelline cells and premature tanning of the eggshell protein material. The copper-containing enzyme, phenol oxidase, is thought to be involved in the tanning process during the production of eggs. Diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC, 1 x 10(-3) M) is a phenol oxidase inhibitor and treatment with this compound, in combination treatments with monensin and NH4Cl, prevented fusion of the vitelline cell globules and tanning of the shell protein material. The results of the study suggest that the mechanism for eggshell formation in F. hepatica is similar to that proposed for S. mansoni and may be common to other trematodes as well.


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The relationship between biodiversity and ecological processes is currently the focus of considerable research effort, made all the more urgent by the rate of biodiversity loss world-wide. Rigorous experimental approaches to this question have been dominated by terrestrial ecologists, but shallow-water marine systems offer great opportunities by virtue of their relative ease of manipulation, fast response times and well-understood effects of macrofauna on sediment processes. In this paper, we describe a series of experiments whereby species richness has been manipulated in a controlled way and the concentrations of nutrients (ammonium, nitrate and phosphate) in the overlying water measured under these different treatments. The results indicate variable effects of species and location on ecosystem processes, and are discussed in the context of emerging mainstream ecological theory on biodiversity and ecosystem relations. Extensions of the application of the experimental approach to species-rich, large-scale benthic systems are discussed and the potential for novel analyses of existing data sets is highlighted. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nearby charges affect the electronic energy levels of chromophores, with the extent of the effect being determined by the magnitude of the charge and degree of charge-chromophore separation. The molecular configuration dictates the charge chromophore distance. Hence, in this study, we aim to assess how the location of the charge influences the absorption of a set of model protonated and diprotonated peptide ions, and whether spectral differences are large enough to be identified. The studied ions were the dipeptide YK, the tripeptide KYK (Y = tyrosine; K = lysine) and their complexes with 18-crown-6-ether (CE). The CE targets the ammonium group by forming internal ionic hydrogen bonds and limits the folding of the peptide. In the tripeptide, the distance between the chromophore and the backbone ammonium is enlarged relative to that in the dipeptide. Experiments were performed in an electrostatic ion storage ring using a tunable laser system, and action spectra based on lifetime measurements were obtained in the range from 210 to 310 nm. The spectra are all quite similar though there seems to be some changes in the absorption band between 210 and 250 nm, while in the lower energy band all ions had a maximum absorption at similar to 275 nm. Lifetimes after photoexcitation were found to shorten upon protonation and lengthen upon CE complexation, in accordance with the increased number of degrees of freedom and an increase in activation energies for dissociation as the mobile proton model is no longer operative.


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Diverse parameters, including chaotropicity, can limit the function of cellular systems and thereby determine the extent of Earth's biosphere. Whereas parameters such as temperature, hydrophobicity, pressure, pH, Hofmeister effects, and water activity can be quantified via standard scales of measurement, the chao-/kosmotropic activities of environmentally ubiquitous substances have no widely accepted, universal scale. We developed an assay to determine and quantify chao-/kosmotropicity for 97 chemically diverse substances that can be universally applied to all solutes. This scale is numerically continuous for the solutes assayed (from +361kJkg-1mol-1 for chaotropes to -659kJkg-1mol-1 for kosmotropes) but there are key points that delineate (i) chaotropic from kosmotropic substances (i.e. chaotropes =+4; kosmotropes =-4kJkg-1mol-1); and (ii) chaotropic solutes that are readily water-soluble (log P<1.9) from hydrophobic substances that exert their chaotropic activity, by proxy, from within the hydrophobic domains of macromolecular systems (log P>1.9). Examples of chao-/kosmotropicity values are, for chaotropes: phenol +143, CaCl2 +92.2, MgCl2 +54.0, butanol +37.4, guanidine hydrochloride +31.9, urea +16.6, glycerol [>6.5M] +6.34, ethanol +5.93, fructose +4.56; for kosmotropes: proline -5.76, sucrose -6.92, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) -9.72, mannitol -6.69, trehalose -10.6, NaCl -11.0, glycine -14.2, ammonium sulfate -66.9, polyethylene glycol- (PEG-)1000 -126; and for relatively neutral solutes: methanol, +3.12, ethylene glycol +1.66, glucose +1.19, glycerol [<5M] +1.06, maltose -1.43 (kJkg-1mol-1). The data obtained correlate with solute interactions with, and structure-function changes in, enzymes and membranes. We discuss the implications for diverse fields including microbial ecology, biotechnology and astrobiology.


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High activity and stability during oxidation of methanol under the relatively anode environment are two main evaluation criterias for an effective anode electrocatalyst in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Mesoporous WC samples with hollow structure were prepared by gas-solid reaction at the atmosphere of CH(4)/H(2) by using airflow spray dried ammonium metatungstate (AMT). The platinum supported on this material by impregnation-vapor phase deoxidation method served as a less expensive electro anode catalyst. XRD and SEM results showed that Pt particles were well dispersed on the surface of WC. The results showed that the Pt/WC-PME exhibited an attractive catalytic activity, and methanol oxidation process in Pt/WC-PME is affected by liquid-phase mass transfer. The results also indicated that the oxidation can be improved by raising temperatures.


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Arsenic (As) is mobilized from delta and floodplain aquifer sediments throughout S.E. Asia via reductive dissolution of As bound to iron (Fe) oxyhydroxides. The reductive driving force is organic carbon, but its source and constitution is uncertain. Here batch incubation experiments were conducted to investigate the role of organic matter (OM) carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio on the mobilization of arsenic, Fe and N from As dosed, Fe oxyhydroxide coated sands. As mobilization into pore waters from the sand was strongly regulated by the C:N ratio of the OM, and also the concentration of OM present. The lower the C:N, the more As released. Fe and ammonium release were similarly dependent on the quality and quantity of OM, but Fe mobilization was more rapid and ammonium release slower than As suggesting that the mobilization of these 3 moieties although interdependent, were not directly linked. It was concluded that low C:N ratios for OM responsible for reducing aquifers were As in groundwater is observed were likely.


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We compared the ability of five strains of the ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Hymenoscyphus ericae to utilise glutamine, ammonium or nitrate at high or low carbon (C) availability. The pattern of intraspecific variation in growth was affected by C availability. When C supply was high, growth differences between strains were explained by the total amount of nitrogen (N) taken up, suggesting variation in uptake kinetics. Under C-limiting conditions, strain differences were linked with their nitrogen use efficiency, implying intraspecific differences in N metabolism. The relationship between growth on glutamine and pH shifts in the media indicated that there was intraspecific variation in glutamine transporters. In addition, the correlation between pH changes and the amount of glutamine-N recovered as ammonium in the media indicated that there were intraspecific variations within the enzymatic pathways involved in glutamine metabolism. Our findings, compared with those of a previous study involving the same ericoid strains, draw attention to the temporal variation in nitrogen source utilisation by ericoid mycorrhizal fungi when maintained in axenic culture.


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The dual template synthesis of zeolite SSZ-13 by use of trimethyl-adamantanammonium hydroxide and a diquaternary-ammonium mesoporogen induces considerable mesoporosity without impeding zeolite microporosity. The strongly improved accessibility of Bronsted sites in mesoporous SSZ-13 increases its stability during application as an acid catalyst in the methanol-to-olefins reaction.