989 resultados para Sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate
A genomic region containing the fatty acid biosynthetic (fab) genes was isolated from the sugarcane leaf-scald pathogen Xanthomonasalbilineans. The order and predicted products of fabG (beta -ketoacyl reductase), acpP (acyl carrier protein), fabF(ketoacyl synthase II) and downstream genes in X. albilineans are very similar to those in Escherichia coli, with one exception. Sequence analysis, confirmed by insertional knockout and specific substrate feeding experiments, shows that the position occupied by pabC (encoding aminodeoxychorismate lyase) in other bacteria is occupied instead by pabB (encoding aminodeoxychorismate synthase component I) in X. albilineans. Downstream of pabB, X. albilineans resumes the arrangement common to characterized Gram-negative bacteria, with three transcriptionally coupled genes, encoding an ORF340 protein of undefined function, thymidylate kinase and delta' subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (HolB). Different species may obtain a common advantage from coordinated regulation of the same biosynthetic pathways using different genes in this region. (C) 2000 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A search for new antiparasitic agents from a strain of the fungus Aspergillus carneus isolated from an estuarine sediment collected in Tasmania, Australia, yielded the known terrestrial fungal metabolite marcfortine A ( 1) as an exceptionally potent antiparasitic agent. This study also yielded a series of new depsipeptides, aspergillicins A - E ( 2 - 6) and the known terrestrial fungal metabolite acyl aszonalenin ( 7). Marcfortine A ( 1) and acyl aszonalenin ( 7) were identified by spectroscopic analysis, with comparison to literature data. Complete stereostructures were assigned to aspergillicins A - E ( 2 - 6) on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis, together with ESIMS analysis of the free amino acids generated by acid hydrolysis, and HPLC analysis of Marfey derivatives prepared from the acid hydrolysate. The peptide amino acid sequence for all aspergillicins was unambiguously assigned by MSn ion-trap ESI mass spectrometry.
Concern about the growing demand of food and fuel has focused the attention on countries with conditions to provide for global requirements. Also, the build-up of an environmental awareness has compelled several governments to implement programs for the addition of biofuels to oil derivatives. Considering their relevance as world and South American producers, this study makes a characterization of the sucro-energetic sectors of Brazil and Colombia, based on a view of agro-industrial systems, industrial organization and transaction cost economy. The approach followed considered of a secondary information survey and in-depth interviews. The main differences found are centered on institutional development level and production volumes. However, the use of the same raw material, sugarcane, trade opening policies, cultural approaches and regional integration, are factors that could generate links of commercial exchange and technological cooperation between the two countries.
The Brazil consolidated itself as the largest world producer of sugarcane, sugar and ethanol. The creation of the Programa Nacional do Alcool - PROALCOOL and the growing use of cars with flexible motors were some of the factors that helped to motivate still more the production. Evolutions in the agricultural and industrial research did the Brazilian competitiveness in sugar and ethanol globally elevated, what is evidenced when comparing the amount produced at the country and the production costs, which turned a big one differential. Therefore, the administration of costs is of great relevance to the sugar and ethanol companies, for representing a significant rationalization in the production processes, with economy of resources and the reach of better earnings, besides reducing the operational risk pertinent at the fixed costs of production. Thus, the present work has for objective to analyze the costs structure of sugar and ethanol companies of the Center-south area of the country through an empiric-analytical study based in methodologies and concepts extracted of the costs accounting. It is verified that great part of the costs and operational expenses have variable behavior, a positive factor for the sector reducing the operational risk of the activity. The main restraint of this study is the sample of five years and 10% of the number of plants in Brazil that although they represent 30% of the national production, don`t allow the generalization of the model.
Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis produced high levels of alpha-amylase and glucoamylase under solid state fermentation, with several agricultural residues, such as wheat bran, cassava flour, sugar cane bagasse, rice straw, corncob and crushed corncob as carbon sources. These materials were humidified with distilled water, tap water, or saline solutions-Segato Rizzatti (SR), Khanna or Vogel. The best substrate for amylase production was wheat bran with SR saline solution (1:2 v/v). Amylolytic activity was still improved (14.3%) with a mixture of wheat bran, corncob, starch and SR saline solution (1:1:0.3:4.6 w/w/w/v). The optimized culture conditions were initial pH 5, at 45 degrees C during 6 days and relative humidity around 76%. The crude extract exhibited temperature and pH optima around 65 degrees C and 4-5, respectively. Amylase activity was fully stable for 1 h at temperatures up to 75 degrees C, and at pH values between 2.5 and 7.5.
The production of beta-fructofuranosidases by Aspergillus niveus, cultivated under submerged fermentation using agroindustrial residues, was investigated. The highest productivity of beta-fructofuranosidases was obtained in Khanna medium supplemented with sugar cane bagasse as carbon source. Glucose enhanced the production of the intracellular enzyme, whereas that of the extracellular one was decreased. The intracellular beta-fructofuranosidase was a trimeric protein of approximately 141 kDa (gel filtration) with 53.5% carbohydrate content, composed of 57 kDa monomers (SDS-PAGE). The optimum temperature and optimum pH were 60 degrees C and 4.5, respectively. The purified enzyme showed good thermal stability and exhibited a half-life of 53 min at 60 degrees C. beta-Fructofuranosidase activity was slightly activated by Cu(2+), Mn(2+), Mg(2+), and Na(+) at 1 mM concentration. The enzyme hydrolyzed sucrose, raffinose, and inulin, with K(d) values of 5.78 mM, 5.74 mM, and 1.74 mM, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The development of biomonitoring programs based on the macroinvertebrate community requires the understanding of species distribution patterns, as well as of the responses of the community to anthropogenic stressors. In this study, 49 metrics were tested as potential means of assessing the condition of 29 first- and second-order streams located in areas of differing types of land use in So Paulo State, Brazil. Of the sampled streams, 15 were in well-preserved regions in the Atlantic Forest, 5 were among sugarcane cultivations, 5 were in areas of pasture, and 4 were among eucalyptus plantations. The metrics were assessed against the following criteria: (1) predictable response to the impact of human activity; (2) highest taxonomic resolution, and (3) operational and theoretical simplicity. We found that 18 metrics were correlated with the environmental and spatial predictors used, and seven of these satisfied the selection criteria and are thus candidates for inclusion in a multimetric system to assess low-order streams in So Paulo State. These metrics are family richness; Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) richness; proportion of Megaloptera and Hirudinea; proportion of EPT; Shannon diversity index for genus; and adapted Biological Monitoring Work Party biotic index.
Background Diet seems to represent, directly or indirectly, 35% of all cancer reports. In this study, the influence of dietary protein on the growth of melanoma B16F10 was evaluated through analyses of cell cycle phases and proliferative capacity. Methods Flow cytometry and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) technique were applied in mice bearing B16F10 melanoma cells fed on different dietary proteins. All data were submitted to statistical analyses. Results The G0/G1 phase increased for the animal groups fed bovine collagen hydrolysate (BCH) or BCH-P1 + whey protein isolate (WPI), compared with mice receiving only WPI, for all dietary groups treated and nontreated with paclitaxel. Mice that received BCH + WPI treated with paclitaxel showed the highest percentage of apoptosis compared with WPI group. AgNORs, total nucleolar organizer regions (NORs)/cells and dot number/cell for all dietary protein groups nontreated with paclitaxel were higher than for the WPI. The only two dietary protein groups treated with paclitaxel that presented higher total NORs and dot number/cell than the WPI group were BCH + WPI and BCH-P1 + WPI. Conclusions A significantly lower proliferative capacity and larger number of cells in the G0/G1 phase were observed for the dietary protein groups combining the two collagen hydrolysates, BCH or BCH-P1 with WPI, treated with paclitaxel. Castro GA, Maria DA, Rodrigues CJ, Sgarbieri VC. Analysis of cell cycle phases and proliferative capacity in mice bearing melanoma maintained on different dietary proteins.
Recent studies have demonstrated the occurrence of elevated levels of higher chlorinated PCDDs in the coastal environment of Queensland, Australia. This study presents new data for OCDD contamination and full PCDD/F profile analysis in the environment of Queensland. Marine sediments, irrigation drain sediments and topsoil were collected from sites that were expected to be influenced by specific land-use types. High OCDD concentrations were associated mainly with sediments collected near the mouth of rivers which drain into large catchments in the tropical and subtropical regions. Further, analysis of sediments from irrigation drains could be clearly differentiated on the basis of OCDD contamination, with high concentrations in samples from sugarcane drains collected from coastal regions, and low concentrations in drain sediments from drier inland cotton growing areas. PCDD/F congener-specific analysis demonstrated almost identical congener profiles in all samples collected along the coastline. This indicates the source to be widespread. Profiles were dominated by higher chlorinated PCDDs, in particular OCDD whereas 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDFs were below the limit of quantification in the majority of samples. The full PCDD/F profile analysis of samples strongly resemble those reported for lake sediments from Mississippi and kaolinite samples from Germany, Strong similarities to these samples with respect to congener profiles and isomer patterns may indicate the presence of a similar source and/or formation process that is yet unidentified. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Albicidins, a family of potent antibiotics and phytotoxins produced by the sugarcane leaf scald pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans, inhibit DNA replication in bacteria and plastids. A gene located by Tn5-tagging was confirmed by complementation to participate in albicidin biosynthesis. The gene (xabB) encodes a large protein (predicted Mr 525695), with a modular architecture indicative of a multifunctional polyketide synthase (PKS) linked to a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). At 4801 amino acids in length, XabB is the largest reported PKS–NRPS. Twelve catalytic domains in this multifunctional enzyme are arranged in the order N terminus–acyl-CoA ligase (AL)–acyl carrier protein (ACP)–ß-ketoacyl synthase (KS)–ß-ketoacyl reductase (KR)–ACP–ACP–KS–peptidyl carrier protein (PCP)–condensation (C)–adenylation–PCP–C. The modular architecture of XabB indicates likely steps in albicidin biosynthesis and approaches to enhance antibiotic yield. The novel pattern of domains, in comparison with known PKS–NRPS enzymes for antibiotic production, also contributes to the knowledge base for rational design of enzymes producing novel antibiotics.
Two putative promoters from Australian banana streak badnavirus (BSV) isolates were analysed for activity in different plant species. In transient expression systems the My (2105 bp) and Cv (1322 bp) fragments were both shown to have promoter activity in a wide range of plant species including monocots (maize, barley, banana, millet, wheat, sorghum), dicots (tobacco, canola, sunflower, Nicotiana benthamiana, tipu tree), gymnosperm (Pinus radiata) and fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia). Evaluation of the My and Cv promoters in transgenic sugarcane, banana and tobacco plants demonstrated that these promoters could drive high-level expression of either the green fluorescent protein (GFP) or the beta -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (uidA) in vegetative plant cells. In transgenic sugarcane plants harbouring the Cv promoter, GFP expression levels were comparable or higher (up to 1.06% of total soluble leaf protein as GFP) than those of plants containing the maize ubiquitin promoter (up to 0.34% of total soluble leaf protein). GUS activities in transgenic in vitro-grown banana plants containing the My promoter were up to seven-fold stronger in leaf tissue and up to four-fold stronger in root and corm tissue than in plants harbouring the maize ubiquitin promoter. The Cv promoter showed activities that were similar to the maize ubiquitin promoter in in vitro-grown banana plants, but was significantly reduced in larger glasshouse-grown plants. In transgenic in vitro-grown tobacco plants, the My promoter reached activities close to those of the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), while the Cv promoter was about half as active as the CaMV 35S promoter. The BSV promoters for pregenomic RNA represent useful tools for the high-level expression of foreign genes in transgenic monocots.
A successful embryo-rescue and culture protocol was developed for use with several indigenous Vigna species and mungbean cultivars grown in Australia. Germination of Vigna immature embryos and their subsequent development into plants was influenced by the time at which the embryos were isolated and by which medium additives were placed in the embryo-rescue medium. A medium containing MS basal nutrients with sucrose (88 mM), casein hydrolysate (500 mg L-1) and agar (8 g L-1) but devoid of plant-growth regulators was found to be the best for germination of immature embryos for all four Vigna species investigated. The protocol for successful germination of non-hybrid immature embryos was applied to the recovery of interspecific hybrids involving mungbean and five native Vigna species that had previously been found difficult to hybridise. Several putative hybrid plants were obtained including a confirmed interspecific cross between V. luteola (Jacq.) Benth and V. marina (Burm.) Merrill.
Past studies from our laboratory have shown that whole immature, or mature sliced, zygotic embryos are a very good starting explant for coconut somatic embryogenesis. The highest rate of somatic embryogenesis was obtained when certain polyamines were added into the culture medium as well as activated charcoal (AC) to absorb unwanted phenolics. These past studies also showed that the development and maturation of the somatic embryos produced could be improved by the addition of abscisic acid (ABA), alone or with one of several osmotically active agents, into the culture medium. In the present study this well characterised somatic embryogenic system for zygotic tissues is being modified and applied to somatic tissues. This recent approach should be a better method for the rapid production of clonal, true-to-type coconut palms. The present research approach is focused on young leaf section explants which have been found to be very responsive to callus production. Young leaf sections produced optimum callus when cultured on media containing 2,4-D (150 μM) and the amount produced could be increased by soaking the sections in sterile water (15 to 60 minutes) or ascorbic acid (15 to 30 minutes) prior to culturing. Further improvement in callus production, as well as a reduction in the time taken for callogenesis was obtained when casein hydrolysate and/or certain polyamines were added to the callus induction medium. The development of the somatic embryos was improved by using ABA and polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the maturation medium. Despite these initial successes in improving coconut somatic embryogenesis, further studies are now being considered to shorten the time to achieve somatic embryogenesis, to better germinate somatic embryos and to improve the rate of somatic seedling conversion into plantlets.