997 resultados para Spin components


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The electronic structure of thin conducting wires with a narrow geometric constriction has been determined by density-functional theory computations in the local spin density approximation. Spontaneous spin polarization arises in nominally paramagnetic wires at sufficiently low density (r(s)>= 15). Real-space spin-polarization maps show a fascinating variety of magnetic structures pinned at the constriction. The frequency-dependent conductivity is different for the spin-up and spin-down channels and significantly lower than in wires of identically vanishing spin polarization.


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The reductive perturbation technique is employed to investigate the modulational instability of dust-acoustic (DA) waves propagating in a four-component dusty plasma. The dusty plasma consists of both positive- and negative-charge dust grains, characterized by a different mass, temperature and density, in addition to a background of Maxwellian electrons and ions. Relying on a multi-fluid plasma model and employing a multiple scales technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger type equation (NLSE) is obtained for the electric potential amplitude perturbation. The occurrence of localized electrostatic wavepackets is shown, in the form of oscillating structures whose modulated envelope is modelled as a soliton (or multi-soliton) solution of the NLSE. The DA wave characteristics, as well as the associated stability thresholds, are studied analytically and numerically. The relevance of these theoretical results with dusty plasmas observed in cosmic and laboratory environments is analysed in detail, by considering realistic multi-component plasma configurations observed in the polar mesosphere, as well as in laboratory experiments.


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Context. Several competing scenarios for planetary-system formation and evolution seek to explain how hot Jupiters came to be so close to their parent stars. Most planetary parameters evolve with time, making it hard to distinguish between models. The obliquity of an orbit with respect to the stellar rotation axis is thought to be more stable than other parameters such as eccentricity. Most planets, to date, appear aligned with the stellar rotation axis; the few misaligned planets so far detected are massive (> 2 MJ). Aims: Our goal is to measure the degree of alignment between planetary orbits and stellar spin axes, to search for potential correlations with eccentricity or other planetary parameters and to measure long term radial velocity variability indicating the presence of other bodies in the system. Methods: For transiting planets, the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect allows the measurement of the sky-projected angle ß between the stellar rotation axis and a planet's orbital axis. Using the HARPS spectrograph, we observed the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for six transiting hot Jupiters found by the WASP consortium. We combine these with long term radial velocity measurements obtained with CORALIE. We used a combined analysis of photometry and radial velocities, fitting model parameters with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. After obtaining ß we attempt to statistically determine the distribution of the real spin-orbit angle ?. Results: We found that three of our targets have ß above 90°: WASP-2b: ß = 153°+11-15, WASP-15b: ß = 139.6°+5.2-4.3 and WASP-17b: ß = 148.5°+5.1-4.2; the other three (WASP-4b, WASP-5b and WASP-18b) have angles compatible with 0°. We find no dependence between the misaligned angle and planet mass nor with any other planetary parameter. All six orbits are close to circular, with only one firm detection of eccentricity e = 0.00848+0.00085-0.00095 in WASP-18b. No long-term radial acceleration was detected for any of the targets. Combining all previous 20 measurements of ß and our six and transforming them into a distribution of ? we find that between about 45 and 85% of hot Jupiters have ? > 30°. Conclusions: Most hot Jupiters are misaligned, with a large variety of spin-orbit angles. We find observations and predictions using the Kozai mechanism match well. If these observational facts are confirmed in the future, we may then conclude that most hot Jupiters are formed from a dynamical and tidal origin without the necessity to use type I or II migration. At present, standard disc migration cannot explain the observations without invoking at least another additional process.


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It has been widely thought that measuring the misalignment angle between the orbital plane of a transiting exoplanet and the spin of its host star was a good discriminator between different migration processes for hot-Jupiters. Specifically, well-aligned hot-Jupiter systems (as measured by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) were thought to have formed via migration through interaction with a viscous disc, while misaligned systems were thought to have undergone a more violent dynamical history. These conclusions were based on the assumption that the planet-forming disc was well-aligned with the host star. Recent work by Lai et al. has challenged this assumption, and proposes that the star-disc interaction in the pre-main sequence phase can exert a torque on the star and change its rotation axis angle. We have estimated the stellar rotation axis of a sample of stars which host spatially resolved debris disks. Comparison of our derived stellar rotation axis inclination angles with the geometrically measured debris-disk inclinations shows no evidence for a misalignment between the two.


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Guanine-rich DNA repeat sequences located at the terminal ends of chromosomal DNA can fold in a sequence-dependent manner into G-quadruplex structures, notably the terminal 150–200 nucleotides at the 3' end, which occur as a single-stranded DNA overhang. The crystal structures of quadruplexes with two and four human telomeric repeats show an all-parallel-stranded topology that is readily capable of forming extended stacks of such quadruplex structures, with external TTA loops positioned to potentially interact with other macromolecules. This study reports on possible arrangements for these quadruplex dimers and tetramers, which can be formed from 8 or 16 telomeric DNA repeats, and on a methodology for modeling their interactions with small molecules. A series of computational methods including molecular dynamics, free energy calculations, and principal components analysis have been used to characterize the properties of these higher-order G-quadruplex dimers and tetramers with parallel-stranded topology. The results confirm the stability of the central G-tetrads, the individual quadruplexes, and the resulting multimers. Principal components analysis has been carried out to highlight the dominant motions in these G-quadruplex dimer and multimer structures. The TTA loop is the most flexible part of the model and the overall multimer quadruplex becoming more stable with the addition of further G-tetrads. The addition of a ligand to the model confirms the hypothesis that flat planar chromophores stabilize G-quadruplex structures by making them less flexible.


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We provide an extensive discussion on a scheme for Hamiltonian tomography of a spin-chain model that does not require state initialization [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 ( 2009) 187203]. The method has spurred the attention of the physics community interested in indirect acquisition of information on the dynamics of quantum many-body systems and represents a genuine instance of a control-limited quantum protocol.


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Using recently proposed measures for non-Markovianity [H.-P. Breuer, E. M. Laine, and J. Piilo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 210401 (2009)], we study the dynamics of a qubit coupled to a spin environment via an energy-exchange mechanism. We show the existence of a point, in the parameter space of the system, where the qubit dynamics is effectively Markovian and that such a point separates two regions with completely different dynamical behaviors. Indeed, our study demonstrates that the qubit evolution can in principle be tuned from a perfectly forgetful one to a deep non-Markovian regime where the qubit is strongly affected by the dynamical backaction of the environmental spins. By means of a theoretical quantum process tomography analysis, we provide a complete and intuitive characterization of the qubit channel.


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We study multipartite correlations and nonlocality in an isotropic Ising ring under transverse magnetic field at both zero and finite temperature. We highlight parity-induced differences between the multipartite Bell-like functions used in order to quantify the degree of nonlocality within a ring state and reveal a mechanism for the passive protection of multipartite quantum correlations against thermal spoiling effects that is clearly related to the macroscopic properties of the ring model.


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Spinor Bose condensates loaded in optical lattices have a rich phase diagram characterized by different magnetic order. Here we apply the density matrix renormalization group to accurately determine the phase diagram for spin-1 bosons loaded on a one-dimensional lattice. The Mott lobes present an even or odd asymmetry associated to the boson filling. We show that for odd fillings the insulating phase is always in a dimerized state. The results obtained in this work are also relevant for the determination of the ground state phase diagram of the S=1 Heisenberg model with biquadratic interaction.


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Perfect state transfer is possible in modulated spin chains [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 187902 (2004)], imperfections, however, are likely to corrupt the state transfer. We study the robustness of this quantum communication protocol in the presence of disorder both in the exchange couplings between the spins and in the local magnetic field. The degradation of the fidelity can be suitably expressed, as a function of the level of imperfection and the length of the chain, in a scaling form. In addition the time signal of fidelity becomes fractal. We further characterize the state transfer by analyzing the spectral properties of the Hamiltonian of the spin chain.


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In this paper we present an approach to quantum cloning with unmodulated spin networks. The cloner is realized by a proper design of the network and a choice of the coupling between the qubits. We show that in the case of phase covariant cloner the XY coupling gives the best results. In the 1 -> 2 cloning we find that the value for the fidelity of the optimal cloner is achieved, and values comparable to the optimal ones in the general N -> M case can be attained. If a suitable set of network symmetries are satisfied, the output fidelity of the clones does not depend on the specific choice of the graph. We show that spin network cloning is robust against the presence of static imperfections. Moreover, in the presence of noise, it outperforms the conventional approach. In this case the fidelity exceeds the corresponding value obtained by quantum gates even for a very small amount of noise. Furthermore, we show how to use this method to clone qutrits and qudits. By means of the Heisenberg coupling it is also possible to implement the universal cloner although in this case the fidelity is 10% off that of the optimal cloner.


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We introduce an approach to quantum cloning based on spin networks and we demonstrate that phase covariant cloning can be realized using no external control but only with a proper design of the Hamiltonian of the system. In the 1-->2 cloning we find that the XY model saturates the value for the fidelity of the optimal cloner and gives values comparable to it in the general N-->M case. We finally discuss the effect of external noise. Our protocol is much more robust to decoherence than a conventional procedure based on quantum gates.


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The effect of fluctuations in the classical control parameters on the Berry phase of a spin 1/2 interacting with an adiabatically cyclically varying magnetic field is analyzed. It is explicitly shown that in the adiabatic limit dephasing is due to fluctuations of the dynamical phase.