999 resultados para Southeast of Brazil


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This research studies two cases of implementation of alternative strategies for municipal government reform in Brazil, decentralisation and People's Councils. The aim is to answer the following general question: `Can decentralisation and People's Councils be a means for democratization of municipal government in Brazil?'. The hypothesis is that initiatives to reform Brazilian municipal governments face problems that are characteristic of the Brazilian political and administrative reality. These problems are considered obstacles for the development of those initiatives and accordingly, for democratization of municipal government in Brazil. After an introduction and outline in Chapter One, Chapter Two discusses four main theories concerning local government. Chapter Three discusses decentralisation and People's Councils are discussed in Chapter Four. Chapter Five presents a historical, political and economic overview of Brazil. Chapter Six deals with Brazilian Federalism and Municipal Government. The main aspects of the Municipal Government are presented as well as the development of municipal autonomy through the various Federal Constitutions and cases of People's Councils and decentralisation in municipalities in Brazil. Chapter Seven presents the political parties responsible for the initiatives, the PSDB (Brazilian Social Democratic Party) in the case of decentralisation, and the PT (Workers' Party) in the case of People's Councils. In Chapter Eight the research strategy and the data collection techniques are described. Chapters Nine and Ten present decentralisation implemented by the PSDB in Belo Horizonte, the Minas Gerais state capital and People's Councils introduced by the PT in the town of Ipatinga in the same state. Conclusions are presented in Chapter Eleven and include a comparison and discussion of the two cases. The thesis shows that these experiments with alternative strategies of local government face problems that are generally current in Brazilian political and administrative reality. Those problems are concerned with unwillingness to decentralise power, clientelism, low levels of participation of civil society and the `political' use of the structures implemented.


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This dissertation examines the monetary models of exchange rate determination for Brazil, Canada, and two countries in the Caribbean, namely, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. With the exception of Canada, the others adopted the floating regime during the past ten years.^ The empirical validity of four seminal models in exchange rate economics were determined. Three of these models were entirely classical (Bilson and Frenkel) or Keynesian (Dornbusch) in nature. The fourth model (Real Interest Differential Model) was a mixture of the two schools of economic theory.^ There is no clear empirical evidence of the validity of the monetary models. However, the signs of the coefficients of the nominal interest differential variable were as predicted by the Keynesian hypothesis in the case of Canada and as predicted by the Chicago theorists in the remaining countries. Moreover, in case of Brazil, due to hyperinflation, the exchange rate is heavily influenced by domestic money supply.^ I also tested the purchasing power parity (PPP) for this same set of countries. For both the monetary as well as the PPP hypothesis, I tested for co-integration and applied ordinary least squares estimation procedure. The error correction model was also used for the PPP model, to determine convergence to equilibrium.^ The validity of PPP is also questionable for my set of countries. Endogeinity among the regressors as well as the lack of proper price indices are the contributing factors. More importantly, Central Bank intervention negate rapid adjustment of price and exchange rates to their equilibrium value. However, its forecasting capability for the period 1993-1994 is superior compared to the monetary models in two of the four cases.^ I conclude that in spite of the questionable validity of these models, the monetary models give better results in the case of the "smaller" economies like the Dominican Republic and Jamaica where monetary influences swamp the other determinants of exchange rate. ^


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Stochastic methods based on time-series modeling combined with geostatistics can be useful tools to describe the variability of water-table levels in time and space and to account for uncertainty. Monitoring water-level networks can give information about the dynamic of the aquifer domain in both dimensions. Time-series modeling is an elegant way to treat monitoring data without the complexity of physical mechanistic models. Time-series model predictions can be interpolated spatially, with the spatial differences in water-table dynamics determined by the spatial variation in the system properties and the temporal variation driven by the dynamics of the inputs into the system. An integration of stochastic methods is presented, based on time-series modeling and geostatistics as a framework to predict water levels for decision making in groundwater management and land-use planning. The methodology is applied in a case study in a Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) outcrop area located in the southeastern part of Brazil. Communication of results in a clear and understandable form, via simulated scenarios, is discussed as an alternative, when translating scientific knowledge into applications of stochastic hydrogeology in large aquifers with limited monitoring network coverage like the GAS.


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The decapod crustacean assemblages from unconsolidated seabed areas located near rocky shores in the Ubatuba region on the south-east coast of Brazil were analysed by investigating the abundance, richness, diversity and dominance of species. The relationships of the sediment and bottom-water temperature to total species abundance, richness and diversity were also evaluated. Monthly samples were taken from January 1998 through December 1999 at sites in Ubatumirim and Mar Virado. At each locality, three areas were defined as either 'exposed', 'sheltered' or 'island'. The highest species abundance was found in the sheltered area of Ubatumirim and the exposed area of Mar Virado, and during autumn. At Ubatumirim, the highest richness occurred in the exposed area and the highest diversity near the island. At Mar Virado, the highest richness and diversity were found near the island. Autumn and winter collections yielded the highest richness but the lowest diversity. The higher diversities, which were measured near the islands and during spring and summer, were consequences of the greater evenness of the data. The areas with the highest diversity also had the most heterogeneous sediment composition, thus reinforcing the hypothesis that areas with more complex substrata support more diverse faunas.


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Background: H19 is a strong candidate gene for influencing birth weight variation and is exclusively imprinted maternally. In an attempt to understand the relationship of this gene polymorphism with low birth weight children, we investigated association of H19/RsaI polymorphism with low birth weight and normal birth weight in children and their mothers. Objectives: The aim of our study was to establish the association between H19 gene polymorphism and LW in children born in Pernambuco, state of Brazil. Patients and Methods: It were selected 89 children, 40 low birth weight (LW) and 49 normal birth weight (NW) and 71 mothers (40 mothers of newborns NW and 31 mothers of newborns LW) attended at Dom Malan Hospital, Petrolina, Pernambuco - Brazil. Peripheral blood samples were collected from patients and genomic DNA was extracted and detected by electrophoresis agarose gel, stained by Blue Green Loading Dye. DNA PCR amplification was done using the primers H1 (sense) and H3 (antisense). PCR products were digested with RsaI and electrophoresed on agarose gel stained by ethidium bromide. Statistical analyses were performed using the program BioEstat version 5.0. Results: The RsaI polymorphism in the H19 gene showed that genotype frequencies did not differ statistically between low birth weight (AA = 12.5%, AB = 45%, BB = 42.5%) and control (AA = 8.6% AB = 36.73%, BB= 55.10% groups) and the allele frequencies were not significantly different (P = 0.2897). We also did not observe any association between maternal H19 allele polymorphism and low birth weight newborns (P =0.7799) or normal birth weight children (P = 0.8976). Conclusions: The small size of sample may be the explanation for these results; future studies with more patients are needed to confirm the effect of H19/RsaI polymorphism on birth weight of LW newborns.


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This paper records the first occurrence of Epistylis sp. on the body surface of Argulus sp. parasitizing Hoplias aimara from the upper Araguari River, in the eastern Amazon region, in the north of Brazil. Of the 16 specimens of H. aimara examined, 93.7% had their pelvic, caudal and pectoral fins and tegument infested by Argulus sp. (n = 73), which in turn were infested by Epistylis sp. The specimens of Epistylis sp. from the body surface of Argulus sp. were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The present study also identified a widening of the geographic distribution of these two species of ectoparasites to the eastern Amazon region of Brazil.


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In the rural areas of Brazil, a farmer runs his agricultural empire with a fierce hand: he exploits his workers and the land to their limits. Lack of sustainable land management leads to the pollution of rivers, changes in rain patterns, and exhaustion of the soil.


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The Caatinga, covering about 800.000 km2, is the predominant vegetation type of the semi-arid region of Brazil. The Caatinga biome comprises several phytophysiognomies and floristic compositions, with many endemic species, especially in Fabaceae, Cactaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Bignoniaceae e Combretaceae. Despite considerable advances, the Brazilian semi-arid needs more studies and inventories of biodiversity, especially the Ceará state. On the basis of these considerations, the present study aims to identify the flora and vegetation, in order to characterize the phytophysiognomy in an area of the Caatinga, in locality of Taperuaba, municipality of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. Field work was conducted in March 2015 and 2016 respectively, in three transects. The life-forms were established in accordance of Raunkiaer´s system. The floristic list is composed of 87 species, distributed in 66 genera and 36 families. The flora comprises 22 Brazilian endemic species. The most representative family was Fabaceae with 15 species, followed by Malvaceae (7) Convolvulaceae (6), Euphorbiaceae (5) and Poaceae (5). The biological spectrum had a high proportion of therophytes (29,9%), chamaephytes (29,9%) and phanerophytes (26,4%). In the area were identified two phytophysiognomies: outcrops communities highlighting succulent phanerophytes (Pilosocereus chrysostele (Vaupel) Byles & G.D. Rowley subsp. cearensis P.J. Braun & Esteves and P. gounellei (F.A.C. Weber) Byles & Rowley), chamaephytes (Encholirium spectabile Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. and Lepidaploa chalybaea (Mart. ex DC.) H. Rob.) and therophytes (Mitracarpus baturitensis Sucre), mixed with communities including small trees and shrubs on deeper soil, composed of Cereus jamacaru DC., a succulent phanerophyte, and many woody phanerophytes, such as Cordia oncocalyx Allemão, Crateva trapia L., Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth., M. tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir., Poincianella bracteosa (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz and P. pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz.


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Abstract Presently, Hop stunt viroid(HSVd) and Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) are the only viroids reported to infect grapevines (Vitis spp.) in Brazil, among the seven viroid species already reported infecting this host in other countries. All grapevine viroid diseases are graft-transmissible and can induce losses especiallywhenassociatedwithviruses.Theaimofthisworkwas to confirm infection by Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1(GYSVd-1) in grapevine samples exhibiting yellow speckle symptoms in the leaves and in asymptomatic samples sequenced by next generation sequencing (NGS). The occurrence of this viroid in Brazil was further investigated in a second study. Total RNAs and dsRNAs were extracted from five symptomatic plants and 16 asymptomatic samples, respectively. Specific primers were used for RT-PCR and amplified DNA fragments were cloned and sequenced by the Sanger method. Eleven complete nucleotide sequences of GYSVd-1 isolates (366 ?367 nt) were obtained from NGS and from RT-PCR amplicons. Comparisons showed high identities (95.9 ?100 %) among ten isolates and an identity of 87.2 ?90.4 % with a divergent isolate (RM-BR). Phylogenetic analyses placed GYSVd-1 isolates in four clusters (types 1, 2, 3 and 4). All GYSVd-1 infections were confirmed by conventional RT-PCR and RT-qPCR using specific oligonucleo-tides and a labeled probe. This is the first report and molecular characterization of GYSVd-1 infecting grapevines in Brazil, and our survey indicates that this viroid could be widespread in the major grape producing regions of Brazil. Keywords GYSVd-1 . Incidence . Next generation sequencing. Secondary structure. Vine.


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The production of fine wines in the Sub-middle of the São Francisco River Valley, Northeast of Brazil, is relatively recent, about twenty-five years ago. This region presents different characteristics, with a tropical semiarid climate, in a flat landscape. Presenting high annual average temperature, solar radiation and water in abundance for irrigation, it?s possible the scaling the grape harvests for winemaking throughout the year, allowing to obtain until two harvests per year. Several factors may affect the aromatic compounds in wines, such as viticulture practices, climatic conditions, cultivars and winemaking process. This study aimed to evaluate the aromatic stability of Syrah and Petit Verdot tropical wines elaborated in two different periods in the year. The grapes were harvested in the first and second semesters of 2009, in June and November. The wines were elaborated and then, they were bottled and analyzed in triplicate, thirty days and one year after bottling, by gas chromatography with ionization detector flame (GC-FID), to evaluate the profile and the stability of the aroma compounds. Principal component analysis was applied to discriminate between wine samples and to find the compounds responsible by the variability. The results showed that Syrah and Petit Verdot tropical wines presented different responses, for stability of higher alcohols, esters and carboxylic acids.


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In the Northeast of Brazil, vines can produce twice a year, because annual average temperature is 26ºC, with high solar radiation and water availability for irrigation. Many cultivars have been tested according to their adaptation to the climate and soil, and the main variety used for red wines is Syrah. This work aimed to evaluate five clones of Syrah, grafted on two rootstocks, in two harvests of the second semester of 2009 and 2010, according to the chemical analyses of the wines.The clones evaluated were 100, 174, 300, 470 and 525, the rootstocks were Paulsen 1103 and IAC 313 (Golia x Vitis caribeae). Grapes were harvested in November 2009 and 2010 and the yield was evaluated. Climate characteristics of each harvest was determined and correlated to the results. Wines were elaborated in glass tanks of 20 L, with alcoholic fermentation at 25ºC for seven days, then wines were pressed and malolactic fermentation was carried out at 18ºC for 20 days. The following parameters were analyzed: alcohol content, dry extract, total anthocyanins, total phenolic index. High performance liquid chromatography was used to determine tartaric, malic, lactic and citric organic acids. Results showed that wines presented different concentrations of classical analyses, phenolics and organic acids according to the harvest date, rootstocks and clones. Principal component analysis was applied on data and clusters with wine samples were formed, explaining the variability, and results are discussed.


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Abstract This study presents registers of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) occurrence to assess its spatial and temporal distribution in Brazil. We used data from collections, especially from the Southern Region, systematic collections in Rio Grande do Sul, occasional collections of caterpillars and adults in different regions of Brazil, as well as literature registers. We conclude that the introduction of H. armigera in Brazil probably occurred before October 2008. We also register that in August 2012 H. armigera was already present from the extreme southern part (Rio Grande do Sul) to the extreme northern part (Amapá) of Brazil.


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Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seasons under a tropical climate on forage quality, aswell the effect of an Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu grazing system on enteric methane (CH4) emissions fromNellore cattle in the Southeast region of Brazil. Sixteen Nellore steers (18 months old and initial weight 318.0 ± 116.59 kg of LW; final weight 469 ± 98.50 kg of LW) were used for a trial period of 10 months, with four collection periods in winter (August), spring (December), summer (February) and autumn (May). Each collection period consisted of 28 days, corresponding to the representative month of each season where the last six days were designed for methane data collection. Animals were randomly distributed within 16 experimental plots, distributed in four random blocks over four trial periods. CH4 emissions were determined using the sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer gas technique measured by gas chromatography and fluxes of CH4 calculated. The forage quality was characterized by higher CP and IVDMD and lower lignin contents in spring, differing specially from winter forage. Average CH4 emissions were between 102.49 and 220.91 g d-1 (37.4 to 80.6 kg ani-1 yr-1); 16.89 and 30.20 g kg-1 DMI; 1.35 and 2.90 Mcal ani-1 d-1; 0.18 and 0.57 g kg-1 ADG-1 and 5.05 and 8.76% of GE. Emissions in terms of CO2 equivalents were between 4.68 and 14.22 g CO2-eq-1 g-1 ADG. Variations in CH4 emissions were related to seasonal effect on the forage quality and variations in dry matter intake.


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Projected change in forage production under a range of climate scenarios is important for the evaluation of the impacts of global climate change on pasture-based livestock production systems in Brazil. We evaluated the effects of regional climate trends on Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia production, predicted by agro-meteorological model considering the sum of degree days and corrected by a water availa bility index. Data from Brazilian weather stations (1963?2009) were considered as the current climate (baseline), and future scenarios, based on contrasting scenarios interms of increased temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations (high and low increases), were determined for 2013?2040 (2025 scenario) and for 2043?2070 (2055 scenario). Predicted baseline scenarios indicated that there are regional and seasonal variations in P. maximum production related to variation intemperature and water availability during the year. Production was lower in the Northeast region and higher in the rainforest area. Total annual productionunder future climate scenarios was predicted toincrease by up to 20% for most of the Brazilian area, mainly due to temperature increase, according to each climate model and scenario evaluated. The highest increase in forage production is expected to be in the South, Southeast and Central-west areas of Brazil. In these regions, future climate scenarios will not lead to changes in the seasonal production, with largerincreases in productivity during the summer. Climate risk is expected to decrease, as the probability of occurrence of low forage productions will be lower. Due to the predicted increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall in the Northeast area, P. maximum production is expected to decrease, mainly when considering scenarios based on the PRECIS model for the 2055 scenario.


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Prosopis rubriflora and Prosopis ruscifolia are important species in the Chaquenian regions of Brazil. Because of the restriction and frequency of their physiognomy, they are excellent models for conservation genetics studies. The use of microsatellite markers (Simple Sequence Repeats, SSRs) has become increasingly important in recent years and has proven to be a powerful tool for both ecological and molecular studies. In this study, we present the development and characterization of 10 new markers for P. rubriflora and 13 new markers for P. ruscifolia. The genotyping was performed using 40 P. rubriflora samples and 48 P. ruscifolia samples from the Chaquenian remnants in Brazil. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of the P. rubriflora markers ranged from 0.073 to 0.791, and no null alleles or deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HW) were detected. The PIC values for the P. ruscifolia markers ranged from 0.289 to 0.883, but a departure from HW and null alleles were detected for certain loci; however, this departure may have resulted from anthropic activities, such as the presence of livestock, which is very common in the remnant areas. In this study, we describe novel SSR polymorphic markers that may be helpful in future genetic studies of P. rubriflora and P. ruscifolia.