993 resultados para Solo urbano - Uso - São Paulo (SP)


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The cultivation of grapes is one of the most traditional cultures and the world's oldest one. In Brazil, cultivars occupy an area of approximately 90 thousand hectares, covering the south, southeast and northeast, in latitudes ranging from 30 º 56 '15''S up to 5 º 11' 15''S. The culture of the vine may be the target of the attack of some diseases and pests, and currently the main concern for growers is the subterranean mealybug, Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Hemiptera: Margarodidae), known as pearl-ground. This arthropod infests the roots causing a progressive languish of the vine, even causes its death. In southern Brazil it is known that some species of ants can disperse pearl-ground for short distances, however, there is no information about that in the State of Sao Paulo. Thus, it is extremely important to perform studies with this focus on wine regions in this State. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the species of underground ant community in different grape varieties found in vineyards in the town of São Roque – SP, Brazil. With that purpose, samples were collected within one year. We used underground pitfalls spread across twelve points. In each of the points were placed two traps, one containing honey and the other containing sardine as attractive. The results revealed the presence of three morphospecies of ants in Niágara Rosada and four in other grape varieties, there was no significant difference in the species richness among the cultivars (Kruskal-Wallis - 0.33, p = 0.5). In both trials, the most frequent species was Brachymyrmex sp.4, suggesting that there is no dominance of distinct species of Niágara Rosada and the other grape varieties. There was no dissimilarity in species richness of the ones visiting honey or sardines (Kruskal-Wallis - 0.08, p = 0.7) and the analysis of variance indicated a great similarity in species richness between the rainy and dry seasons (Kruskal-Wallis - 0.09, p = 0.7)


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No ano de 2008, a Secretaria do Estado de São Paulo propôs para todas as escolas estaduais o uso do material didático para todas as disciplinas, inclusive para a educação física, com proposta de atividade para o Ensino Fundamental e o Ensino Médio. Nas aulas de educação física encontram-se professores rola bola, que oferecem a bola aos alunos e não se preocupam com qualquer tipo de intervenção. Também, encontrams-se professores que procuram ampliar os conhecimentos dos alunos, aprofundando os conteúdos de educação física. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto do material didático na opinião dos professores do 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com cinco professores, que utilizam o material didático proposto pela Secretaria do Estado de São Paulo. Após a análise dos dados, verificou-se que os professores apresentam a mesma opinião no que diz respeito ao que se deve mudar no material didático; dois professores acreditam que é possível aplicar o material na íntegra. Alguns professores afirmaram que às vezes é necessária a ajuda dos alunos na realização de algumas atividades. Outros concordam que o material chega quase sempre atrasado e isso prejudica o planejamento, atrasando o desenvolvimento dos conteúdos.


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There is a demand to incorporate the nature in the city in order to meet the wishes of the entire population. The valuation of water, a key component of the quality of the landscape, becomes a key element in this context both for its ecological potential because of their potential for recreational activities. The areas that suffer most impacts are the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and this paper will be a weighting on the urban interface - PPA. With the study area the basin of the stream of Limoeiro, in the context of the Friendship Fountain Balneary, especially the source contained between residential neighborhoods Maré Mansa and Parque Imperial, the city of Presidente Prudente and Álvares Machado, Sao Paulo, this paper aims to search and use of knowledge about technologies and techniques of environmental restoration, with emphasis on bioengineering, through an environmental characterization of the basin, with a view the incorporation of nature in the lives of the urban population. The methodology includes: literature review priority issues related to the PPAs, linear parks, relevant environmental legislation, environmental characterization of the watershed of the stream Limoeiro; study of technologies and techniques for environmental remediation of soil bioengineering and implementation of parks linear, development of proposals for the environmental recovery of PPA in the basin of the stream Limoeiro, focusing on emerging... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This paper analyzes the accessibility of the elderly population in relation to urban transportation in the city of Rio Claro - SP. After a study of the physiology, infrastructure, history and legislation of the city, there were collected and analyzed data obtained through semi-structured interviews with the elderly population that makes use of public transport with the aim of identifying the user's profile as well as their impressions and criticism of the service. The Department of Transport and Urban Mobility of Rio Claro provided general information related to public transport in the city. After all the survey, it can be seen that, although a significant portion of the elderly population make use of public transport, there are problems related to the structure of the city, which hinders the movement of buses, and the accessibility of the elderly, caused by physical characteristics of the vehicles, attitude of the motorists and aspects of public administration of the town. These data support the conclusion that there is often a disregard for the rights of the elderly and that it not only should as it can be corrected


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This study aims to examine rural development in the State of São Paulo, comparing the administrative regions of Campinas, Registro, and São Jose dos Campos. In addition, it will be studied new concepts and new actors in rural Brazil together with actions and changes in the European Union regarding the rural development, as well as structural and social changes of the old dichotomy CITY – COUNTRYSIDE


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The studies related to research on new antimicrobial products have received special attention from researchers, especially given the emergence of microbial strains resistant to conventional antimicrobials. Thus, the present study was aimed to test the antimicrobial action of hydro-alcoholic extracts of plants collected in Cerrado region of Botucatu, following the species: Achyrocline satureioides (Lam) DC (macela), Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart) Coville (barbatimão), Miconia rubiginosa (Bonpl.) DC (quaresma-branca), Davilla elliptica A. St-Hil (lixinha), Siparuna guianensis (negramina) e Solanum lycocarpum A.St-Hil (lobeira). The plants were always collected in the morning, in areas near the town of Botucatu, and extracts were prepared using a solvent such as methanol 70% from materials dried (50°C) and ground into mill knives. The extraction was performed for 48 hours at refrigerator temperature, followed by filtration, removal of methanol solvent in a rotary evaporator, determination of the dry weight of the extracts (mg / mL) and phytochemical analysis of the same. The sensitivity tests for 10 S. aureus, 11 E. coli and 11 P. aeruginosa, isolated from human clinical cases were performed by diluting volumes of the extracts in Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) and determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) (mg / mL). According to the results and statistical analysis, it was found that depending on the bacteria tested, and in descending order of antibacterial activity for S. aureus: Lixinha sheet > Barbatimão sheet > Quaresma-Branca > Macela > Lixinha fruit > Barbatimão shell > Lobeira > Negramina; E. coli: Lixinha sheet > Barbatimão sheet > Lixinha fruit = barbatimão peel > Quaresma-Branca > Macela = Lobeira > Negramina and P. aeruginosa: Lixinha leaf > Barbatimão bark > Barbatimão leaf > Lixinha fruit > Macela > Lobeira > Quaresma - Branca = Negramina... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The city of São Paulo has, since the beginning of the expansion of its urban sprawl, represented relations of conflicts and contradictions between society and nature. Once the way society relates to nature is defined by how the social agents themselves correlate in certain social and historical contexts, the ways of interaction between the social and natural elements will be different according to the forms of production and appropriation of the urban space. Even more evident is the case of the great national metropolis, given its demographic dimensions and historical conditions, the process of urban expansion follows a logic where spaces of better quality for housing are occupied by those of better financial conditions. Thus, although there are exceptions, the poorest people live in places less desirable, in less resilient environments of lower environmental quality, relating to nature and its phenomena with greater risks. These risks are reflected here as recurring flooding, mudslides and landslides for which the rain is constantly blamed. So we have a situation where it is clear that a weather phenomenon differently interacts with different social groups. In this context, the study was conducted to compare extreme events occurred in two regions of São Paulo: the Freguesia do O, in the north side, and M'Boi Mirim, in the south side. Both are regions with large number of risk areas and are in the same urban climate unit. However, they present different conditions of social vulnerability. With the investigation of each extreme rain event occurred in the two regions, in the period of 2000-2010, supplemented by field research, we tried to observe how far the rain, with his intensity and volume, can, in fact, be related to the accidents.


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As ilhas do litoral do estado de São Paulo estão isoladas desde o final do Pleistoceno, depois da última elevação do nível do mar (cerca de 10.000 anos). Elas apresentam condições diferentes do que as do continente, como por exemplo, a disponibilidade de recursos e pressão de predação. Os anfíbios apresentam pele permeável e assim, de modo geral, são intolerantes à salinidade do mar. Desta forma, as populações de anfíbios insulares podem apresentar variações em comportamentos em relação às populações do continente. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar os hábitos alimentares das populações insulares e continentais de Thoropa taophora, uma espécie endêmica da Mata Atlântica que ocorre em costões rochosos e riachos. Neste estudo, utilizamos os espécimes adultos da coleção de Anfíbios do Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, UNESP, Rio Claro (CFBH), provenientes de duas localidades no continente (Barra do Una e praia de Toque-Toque, município de São Sebastião, SP); e de sete Ilhas do litoral do Estado de São Paulo (Ilha dos Gatos, Ilha de Toque-Toque Grande, Ilha do Prumirim, Ilha Redonda, Ilha de Porcos Pequena, Ilha das Couves e Ilha das Ilhas). Em laboratório, foram medidos a massa corpórea (MC), o comprimento rostro-cloacal (CRC), e a largura da cabeça (LC) de cada indivíduo. O conteúdo estomacal e intestinal foi analisado qualitativa e quantitativamente. Para todas as populações de T. taophora, Formicidae foi o item alimentar mais consumido. Outras categorias como Coleoptera, Araneae e Blattodea também foram representativas. Não houve diferença na riqueza de presas entre as populações de T. taophora. Machos de todas as populações comeram mais formigas do que as fêmeas, no entanto não houve diferença entre a riqueza de presas entre machos e fêmeas. Este estudo foi pioneiro para entender quais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This work focuses on analyzing the organization of the Workers Cooperative Recyclable Products of Presidente Prudente (COOPERLIX) and selective collection of municipal service. Aiming to analyze the issue of solid waste and the work of collectors of recyclable materials in an organized Economic Development Outreach (ESS). Throughout the work was carried out theoretical approaches on the issue of solid waste, the precarious work of scavengers, some laws, among others, were conducted several field studies over the years 2011 and 2012 in COOPERLIX, with the realization meetings and debates on various subjects; tools were also used Geographic Information Systems mainly in the production of selective collection of municipal map, now at 100% of the urban area of Presidente Prudente. Finally, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the situation of the productive and financial COOPERLIX during those two years, checking their capability and weaknesses


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Os marcadores genéticos mais utilizados para fins de identificação humana são regiões autossômicas de repetições consecutivas curtas (Short Tandem Repeats - STRs) e para interpretar a análise de DNA, os resultados de um caso necessitam ser comparados com os dados de uma pertinente população. O objetivo do trabalho, portanto, foi caracterizar o perfil genético da população de Araraquara, (São Paulo, Brasil) pela análise de 15 STRs autossômicos (D3S1358, TH01, D21S11, D18S51, Penta E, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSF1PO, Penta D, VWA, D8S1179, TPOX and FGA) inclusos no kit PowerPlex 16 (Promega) e correlacionar esses dados com a história de formação da população. Não foram observados desvio do equilíbrio de Hardy - Weinberg após correção de Bonferroni. Parâmetros forenses apresentaram valores elevados, sendo os marcadores mais polimórficos o Penta E, D18S51 e FGA. A árvore UPGMA (Unweighted Pair- Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) baseada na medida de distância genética mostrou a população de Araraquara agrupada com as populações da região sudeste do Brasil, próxima do grupo europeu e distante das populações Africana e Ameríndia. Estimativas de mistura revelaram que a contribuição parental para a população de Araraquara foi 76% européia, 18% africana e 6% ameríndia