998 resultados para Soil policies


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The United Kingdom (UK) for last few decades has been faced with a growing need for health personnel and has therefore attracted professionals, particularly overseas nurses. The country has been characterised by a historical migration policy favourable to the recruitment of foreign health staff. However, in the context of deep shortage and high level of diseases and health system weakness, the international health professional recruitment from Sub Saharan Africa has created unprecedented ethical controversies which have pushed the UK to the centre of discussions because of its liberal policies towards international recruitment that have been considered as aggressive. While the 'brain drain' controversy is well known, less attention has been devoted to the specific international health migration controversy and the pivotal role of the UK in the diffusion of ethical code of practice. Using mainly the perspective of the policy analysis of controversy (Roe 1994) and the analysis of discourses (de Haas 2008), our paper comes back respectively to the nature of the controversy and the pivotal role of the UK. It also analyses how the implementation of UK ethical policies - Code of Practice, banned countries list of recruitment, restrictive immigration policies - have been considered as inefficient and unethical in their contents and their targets.


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In this work, using the EPR spectroscopy, we analysed the thermal stability of some organic-mineral compounds found in a Gleysoil from Rio Janeiro. It was observed a complete disappearance of the EPR signal around 600 °C for the < 2 µm fraction and a residual EPR signal of semiquinone free radical for the 2-20 µm and 20-53 µm fractions at the same temperature. Also, the experiments showed that the 2-20 µm fraction had a larger concentration of semiquinone free radical per g of carbon and a smaller line width indicated a larger humification of this fraction. This is an evidence that the soil organic matter of this fraction (2-20 µm) is more stable than the other ones.


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The fiscal policy rule implicit in the Stability and Growth Pact, has been rationalised as a way to ensure that national fiscal policies remain sustainable within the EU, thereby endorsing the independence of the ECB. We empirically examine the sustainability of European fiscal policies over the period 1970-2001. The intertemporal government budget constraint provides a test based on the cointegration relation between government revenues, expenditures and interest payments. Sustainability is analysed at both the national level and for a European panel. Results show that European fiscal policy has been sustainable overall, yet national experiences differ considerably.


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Les policies són potser un dels sectors de l’administració que més incidència directa té sobre la ciutadania en les seves decisions quotidianes i que, per tant, més han d’evolucionar cap aquests models descentralitzats i horitzontals de decisió i de funcionament en xarxa. Aquesta responsabilitat de millora i adaptació és competència immediata dels comandaments intermedis i als Caps d’aquests Cossos, que hauran de disposar de les capacitats, habilitats i coneixements necessaris (competències) per dur-los a terme. Caldria, doncs, plantejar-nos si un sistema basat en la gestió per competències podria ser idoni per ser aplicat de forma integral: des del reclutament o selecció passant per la definició de perfils competencials per als llocs de treball, per posteriorment poder fer l’avaluació d’acompliment del lloc i atribuir en aquest resultat alguna mena de recompensa o reconeixement en forma de carrera professional vertical o horitzontal. En aquest treball ens centrarem en les dues primeres etapes, és a dir, estudiarem si la gestió per competències podria millorar els mètodes de reclutament i, de forma especial, en la definició del perfil professional idoni, per als Caps i els comandaments intermedis de la Policia Local, per a la qual cosa es durà a terme un treball de camp amb els responsables polítics i comandaments de diferents policies locals de Catalunya.


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This study is focused on the dominance exerted by the invasive Argentine ant over native ants in a coastal Mediterranean area. Theimpact of this invasive ant on native ant assemblages and its consequences on total ant biomass and on the intensity of habitat explorationwere evaluated. Foraging ants were observed and their trajectories recorded during 5-minute periods in two study zones, one invaded andthe other non-invaded. Ant species detected, ant worker abundance, ant biomass and the intensity of soil surface searching done by antswere compared between the two zones. The Argentine ant invasion provoked a drastic reduction of the ant species richness. Apparentlyonly one native ant species is able to coexist with the Argentine ant, the cryptic Plagiolepis pygmaea. Ant worker abundance was also modified after the invasion: the number of Argentine ant workers detected, which represented 92% of the invaded zone, was two times higher than the number of native ant workers detected in the non-invaded zone. The total ant biomass was inversely affected, becoming four times lower in the invaded zone highly dominated by Linepithema humile. The higher number of Argentine ant workers and their fast tempo of activity implied an alteration of the intensity of soil surface searching: scanning by the Argentine ants in the invaded zone was higher than that done by the native ants in the non-invaded zone, and the estimated time for a complete soil surface scan was 64 minutes in the invaded zone and 108 minutes in the non-invaded zone. Consequently, resources will be discovered faster by ants in the invaded zone than in the non-invaded zone. The increase of the mean temperature and the decrease of the relative humidity from May to August reduced the ant activity in the two study zones but this reduction was greater in the invaded zone


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Soil properties on the Cap de Creus Peninsula, NE Spain depend primarily on scarce agricultural practices and early abandonment. In the study area, 90% of which is mainly covered by Cistus shrubs, 8 environments representing variations in land use/land cover and soil properties at different depths were identified. In each environment variously vegetated areas were selected and sampled. The soils, collected at different depths, were classified as Lithic Xerorthents according to the United States Department of Agriculture system of soil classification (USDA-NRCS 1975). Differences in soil properties were largely found according to the evolution of the plant canopy and the land use history. To identify underlying patterns in soil properties related to environmental evolution, factor analysis was performed and factor scores were used to determine how the factor patterns varied between soil variables, soil depths and selected environments. The three-factor model always accounted for 80% of the total variation in the data at the different soil depths. Organic matter was the more relevant soil property at 0–2 cm depth, whereas active minerals (silt and clay) were found to be the most relevant soil parameters controlling soil dynamics at the other depths investigated. Results showed that vineyards and olive tree soils are poorly developed and present worse conditions for mineral and organic compounds. Analysis of factor scores allowed independent assessment of soils, depth and plant cover and demonstrated that soils present the best physico-chemical characteristics under Erica arborea and meadows. In contrast, soils under Cistus monspeliensis were less nutrient rich and less well structured


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Soil respiration (SR) is a major component of ecosystems' carbon cycles and represents the second largest CO2 flux in the terrestrial biosphere. Soil temperature is considered to be the primary abiotic control on SR, whereas soil moisture is the secondary control factor. However, soil moisture can become the dominant control on SR in very wet or dry conditions. Determining the trigger that makes soil moisture as the primary control factor of SR will provide a deeper understanding on how SR changes under the projected future increase in droughts. Specific objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the seasonal variations and the relationship between SR and both soil temperature and moisture in a Mediterranean riparian forest along a groundwater level gradient; (2) to determine soil moisture thresholds at which SR is controlled by soil moisture rather than by temperature; (3) to compare SR responses under different tree species present in a Mediterranean riparian forest (Alnus glutinosa, Populus nigra and Fraxinus excelsior). Results showed that the heterotrophic soil respiration rate, groundwater level and 30 cm integral soil moisture (SM30) decreased significantly from the riverside moving uphill and showed a pronounced seasonality. SR rates showed significant differences between tree species, with higher SR for P. nigra and lower SR for A. glutinosa. The lower threshold of soil moisture was 20 and 17% for heterotrophic and total SR, respectively. Daily mean SR rate was positively correlated with soil temperature when soil moisture exceeded the threshold, with Q10 values ranging from 1.19 to 2.14; nevertheless, SR became decoupled from soil temperature when soil moisture dropped below these thresholds.


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Irrigation has traditionally constituted one of the most characteristic and emblematic agricultural mosaics of the Mediterranean as a key factor of socio-economic dynamism of the territorial matrix. In recent years there has been an important scientific, intellectual and social environment mobilization around water uses and, in particular, around the main socio-economic use of resource: irrigation, which is undergoing an intense and accelerated transformation process. Thus, in parallel with the decline of traditional irrigation systems, located in areas with natural availability of water, fertile soil and appropriate topographic conditions, the socio-economic changes in the last decade have stimulated the appearance of new irrigated areas with environmental, social and economic disparate characteristics. As a result, the irrigation management model has been conditioned to respond to the new parameters of water scarcity and resource efficiency. In addition, policies and actors have evolved over time as a consequence of disparate priorities –and often conflicting– in terms of irrigation, making necessary the gear of different discourses. In this context, the Model of social commitment of irrigation proposed by the Institutional and Social Innovations in Irrigation Mediterranean Management (ISIIMM) can become a starting example


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We studied the adsorption of glyphosate (GPS) onto soil mineral particles, using FT-IR and Mössbauer spectroscopy. From IR measurements for samples collected under native vegetation of a forest reserve, bands at 1632 and 1407 cm-1 could be attributed to the interaction between the carboxylic group of GPS and structural Al3+ and Fe3+ on the surface of mineral particles; bands at 1075 and 1000 cm-1 were observed only for cultivated soil. Mössbauer spectra for these soils were definitely fitted using a broad central doublet in addition to the magnetic component. This multiple quadrupolar component may be attributed to all non-magnetic Fe3+ contributions, including that of the GPS/Fe3+ complex.


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Distribution and stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) compartments after Pinus monoculture introduction in a native pasture area of a Cambisol, Santa Catarina, Brazil, were investigated. Pinus introduction increased soil acidity, content of exchangeable Al+3 and diminished soil nutrients. Nevertheless, soil C stock increased in all humic fractions of the 0-5 cm layer after Pinus afforestation. In the subsurface, the vegetation change only promoted SOM redistribution from the NaOH-extractable humic substances to a less hydrophobic humin fraction. Under Pinus, soil organo-mineral interactions were relevant up to a 15 cm depth, while in pasture environment, this mechanism occurred mainly in the surface layer.