979 resultados para Site-directed mutagenesis
El jaciment ibèric d' Alorda Park està situat a la costa central de Catalunya, a uns 30 km al nordest de Tarragona. El jaciment, l'ocupació del qual es data principalment entre el s. VI i el III aC, ha estat excavat extensament des de 1983. Els treballs d'excavació han lliurat sis metae i disset catilli de molins rotatius, la major part dels quals han estat reutilitzats per a usos secundaris. D' altra banda, cap molí rotatiu ha estat trobat in situ a l'interior d'una casa, de manera que es dedueix que la molta amb aquests instruments era probablement una activitat practicada en instal·lacions communals o bé per especialistes. Pel que fa a la funcionalitat d'aquestes peces, les anàlisis de residus indiquen que eren utilitzades per a la molta de cereals i, en un sol cas, de faves. Pel que fa a la cronologia, el més antic d'aquests exemplars data de mitjan segle V aC, i la utilització dels molins de rotació continua fins a finals de l'ocupació de l'assentament. Al llarg d'aquests tres segles, els molins rotatius d' Alorda Park sofreixen una evolució morfològica els trets essencials de la qual han pogut ser establerts. Els exemplars presentats són morfologicament similars a altres molins iberics de la costa central de Catalunya, pero es diferencien considerablement dels models documentats al País Valencia, a Ullastret i a la Gal·lia meridional. Aquest fet sembla indicar l'existència de tradicions locals ben caracteritzades, que hauran de ser precisades per les recerques futures. Finalment, cal observar que, segons les analisis de residus, els altres instruments lítics o de triturat descoberts al jaciment (molins de vaivé, morters) han estat utilitzats per a la transformació de materies primeres.
Antisense oligonucleotides (ODNs) specific for VEGFR-2-(17 MER) and inhibiting HUVEC proliferation in-vitro were screened. One efficient sequence was selected and incorporated in different types of nanoemulsions the potential toxicity of which was evaluated on HUVEC and ARPE19 cells. Our results showed that below 10 microl/ml, a 2.5% mid-chain triglycerides cationic DOTAP nanoemulsion was non-toxic on HUVEC and retinal cells. This formulation was therefore chosen for further experiments. In-vitro transfection of FITC ODNs in ARPE cells using DOTAP nanoemulsions showed that nanodroplets do penetrate into the cells. Furthermore, ODNs are released from the nanoemulsion after 48 h and accumulate into the cell nuclei. In both ex-vivo and in-vivo ODN stability experiments in rabbit vitreous, it was noted that the nanoemulsion protected at least partially the ODN from degradation over 72 h. The kinetic results of fluorescent ODN (Hex) distribution in DOTAP nanoemulsion following intravitreal injection in the rat showed that the nanoemulsion penetrates all retinal cells. Pharmacokinetic and ocular tissue distribution of radioactive ODN following intravitreal injection in rabbits showed that the DOTAP nanoemulsion apparently enhanced the intraretinal penetration of the ODNs up to the inner nuclear layer (INL) and might yield potential therapeutic levels of ODN in the retina over 72 h post injection.
The Lpin1 gene encodes the phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP1) enzyme Lipin 1, which plays a critical role in lipid metabolism. In this study we describe the identification and characterization of a rat with a mutated Lpin1 gene (Lpin11Hubr ), generated by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis. Lpin11Hubr rats are characterized by hindlimb paralysis that is detectable from the second postnatal week. Sequencing of Lpin1 identified a missense mutation in the 5'-end splice site of exon 18 resulting in mis-splicing, a reading frame shift and a premature stop codon. As this mutation does not induce nonsense-mediated decay, it allows the production of a truncated Lipin 1 protein lacking PAP1 activity. As a consequence, Lpin11Hubr rats develop hypomyelination rather than the pronounced demyelination defect characteristic of Lpin1fld/fld mice, which carry a null allele for Lpin1. Furthermore, histological and molecular analyses revealed that this lesion improve in older Lpin11Hubr rats as compared to young Lpin11Hubr rats and Lpin1fld/fld mice. The observed differences between the murine Lpin1fld/fld mutant, with a complete loss of Lipin 1 function, and the Lpin1Hubr rat, with a truncated PAP1 activitydeficient form of Lipin 1, provide additional evidence for suggested non-enzymatic Lipin1 function residing outside of its PAP1 domain. While we are cautious in making a direct parallel between the presented rodent model and human disease, our data may provide new insight into pathogenicity of recently identified human Lpin1 mutations. *These authors contributed equally.