988 resultados para Sierra Nevada (Andalusia)


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We indicate nomenclatural types (lectotypes and isolectotypes) for 10 taxa of the genus Cistus, Halimium and Helianthemum described from Andalusia and northern Morocco by botanists of the first half of the 20th century such as Font Quer, Pau, Cuatrecasas and Sennen. These types are conserved in the Spanish herbaria mentioned above, and some of them belong to the exsiccatae"Iter maroccanum" and"Plantes d"Espagne". Keywords: Nomenclatural types, Cistaceae, Andalusia, northern Morocco.


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The fungi of occidental Catalonia after recent prospections I. This work intends to collect the mycological data gathered during the last four years as a result of the project "Fungal biodiversity of Catalonia", in the western and southern, mainly lowland areas of this country. The climate is mainly dry (400-600 mm/year) and warm. The survey, that covers 160 localities, has enabled the identification of 37 species of Myxomycota, 5 of Zygomycora, 159 of Ascomyctra, 101 mitosporic fungi, 8 Teliomycetes, 1 Ustomycetes, 16 Phragmobasidiomycetes and 92 Apliyllopllorates, that are included in this paper. Because of space limitations, the remaining 326 agarics and 44 Gasteromycetes will be published in the next number of this journal. This work is a contribution to a best understanding of the fungal flora, chorology, ecology and phenology of the West-Mediterranean dry lowlands.


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En el presente trabajo estudiamos la flora liquenológica del Barranco de Linares (provincia de Huelva). Han sido recolectadas 79 especies, de las cuales probablemente Thelidium pyrenophorum (Ach.) Mudd, lecidea vorticosa (Floerke) Koerb. y Buellia disciformis (Fr.) Mudd, sean indicadas por primera vez para España. Varias de las citas son nuevas para Andalucía Occidental.


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Nos referiremos en primer lugar a D. multiaffinis Pau (Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 21:142. 1921). Descrito de la Sierra de Espadan, pocos han sido los autores posteriores que han tenido en cuenta este nombre. Únicamente, O. DE BOLÓS& J. VIGO (Butll. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 38: 88.1974) lo subordinan como variedad a D. pungens L. dentro de la subespecie multiceps (Costa ex Willk.) Bolos & Vigo y, más recientemente, M. Laínz propone la...


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El tratamiento de las enfermedades reumáticas está condicionado por el hecho que, en su mayoría, son procesos de carácter crónico, y que salvo en contadas excepciones, como por ejemplo las artritis infecciosas, no existen tratamientos curativos. Por ello, el objetivo lógico de curar se debe de sustituir por aliviar y conservar.


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The archaeological site of Cuyacabras (Quintanar de la Sierra, Burgos) is one of main early medieval reference settlements in Upper Arlanza basin lands and it attracts a great amount of visitors. The monumental featured half-caved church and the necropolis consisting of several burials dug into the rock present around the whole area are material evidences of an ancient hill town which has remained uninhabited from middle XIIIth century. New fieldworks on this whole site, excavated during the sixties, have been focused on improving the scientific impact of the site and setting up to date the records and information entries for the necropolis. All obtained data emphasize the weakness of several principles used to put in value the settlement, and they also suggest a revision of several-year-old discussions on one hand, and on the other one, they encourage scholars to propound new up to date theories which will fi t better with our knowledge"s current context.


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The present study explores the statistical properties of a randomization test based on the random assignment of the intervention point in a two-phase (AB) single-case design. The focus is on randomization distributions constructed with the values of the test statistic for all possible random assignments and used to obtain p-values. The shape of those distributions is investigated for each specific data division defined by the moment in which the intervention is introduced. Another aim of the study consisted in testing the detection of inexistent effects (i.e., production of false alarms) in autocorrelated data series, in which the assumption of exchangeability between observations may be untenable. In this way, it was possible to compare nominal and empirical Type I error rates in order to obtain evidence on the statistical validity of the randomization test for each individual data division. The results suggest that when either of the two phases has considerably less measurement times, Type I errors may be too probable and, hence, the decision making process to be carried out by applied researchers may be jeopardized.


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The present work deals with quantifying group characteristics. Specifically, dyadic measures of interpersonal perceptions were used to forecast group performance. 46 groups of students, 24 of four and 22 of five people, were studied in a real educational assignment context and marks were gathered as an indicator of group performance. Our results show that dyadic measures of interpersonal perceptions account for final marks. By means of linear regression analysis 85% and 85.6% of group performance was respectively explained for group sizes equal to four and five. Results found in the scientific literature based on the individualistic approach are no larger than 18%. The results of the present study support the utility of dyadic approaches for predicting group performance in social contexts.


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In the first part of the study, nine estimators of the first-order autoregressive parameter are reviewed and a new estimator is proposed. The relationships and discrepancies between the estimators are discussed in order to achieve a clear differentiation. In the second part of the study, the precision in the estimation of autocorrelation is studied. The performance of the ten lag-one autocorrelation estimators is compared in terms of Mean Square Error (combining bias and variance) using data series generated by Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that there is not a single optimal estimator for all conditions, suggesting that the estimator ought to be chosen according to sample size and to the information available of the possible direction of the serial dependence. Additionally, the probability of labelling an actually existing autocorrelation as statistically significant is explored using Monte Carlo sampling. The power estimates obtained are quite similar among the tests associated with the different estimators. These estimates evidence the small probability of detecting autocorrelation in series with less than 20 measurement times.


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If single case experimental designs are to be used to establish guidelines for evidence-based interventions in clinical and educational settings, numerical values that reflect treatment effect sizes are required. The present study compares four recently developed procedures for quantifying the magnitude of intervention effect using data with known characteristics. Monte Carlo methods were used to generate AB designs data with potential confounding variables (serial dependence, linear and curvilinear trend, and heteroscedasticity between phases) and two types of treatment effect (level and slope change). The results suggest that data features are important for choosing the appropriate procedure and, thus, inspecting the graphed data visually is a necessary initial stage. In the presence of serial dependence or a change in data variability, the Nonoverlap of All Pairs (NAP) and the Slope and Level Change (SLC) were the only techniques of the four examined that performed adequately. Introducing a data correction step in NAP renders it unaffected by linear trend, as is also the case for the Percentage of Nonoverlapping Corrected Data and SLC. The performance of these techniques indicates that professionals" judgments concerning treatment effectiveness can be readily complemented by both visual and statistical analyses. A flowchart to guide selection of techniques according to the data characteristics identified by visual inspection is provided.