987 resultados para Side-effects


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Rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) have become widely established outside their native range through accidental or deliberate release. Potential economic impacts on agriculture, conservation concerns, and mixed public opinion regarding the species have highlighted the need to develop effective but humane management options. Fertility control might provide such a solution if a safe and environmentally benign contraceptive was available. The chemical 20,25-diazacholesterol dihydrochloride (diazacon) has previously been used to reduce reproductive output in avian species through reduction of blood cholesterol and cholesterol-dependent reproductive hormones. We orally dosed captive rose-ringed parakeets with a solution of either 9 mg/kg or 18 mg/kg of diazacon for up to 10 days and found that a dose of 18 mg/kg for 10 days temporarily reduced blood cholesterol levels with no adverse side effects. We evaluated this dose level in a captive population in semi-natural conditions during the 2008 breeding season and found a significant decrease in fertility. We concluded that diazacon has potential for fertility control in this species if a suitable formulation and delivery system is developed for free-living populations.


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Noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques are being increasingly investigated as a therapeutic approach for neuropsychiatric disorders. One method is to combine NIBS with pharmacotherapy to enhance the clinical effects or avoid an increase in drug dosages to decrease the incidence of side effects. However, few studies to date have investigated the relative and combined efficacy of NIBS with pharmacotherapy. Based on a literature review of previous studies and meta-analyses for major depression, we identified four randomized, controlled trials that tested the combination of NIBS with a new drug and two trials that directly compared NIBS versus pharmacotherapy. There was no study designed to address the relative efficacy of each intervention against placebo and against combined therapy. We discuss the methods and rationale of NIBS-pharmacotherapy trials, addressing some methodological aspects, including factorial design, recruitment, blinding, blinding assessment, placebo effect and quantitative aspects, such as power analysis, statistics and interaction effects. Our review of the methodology underlying NIBS-drug trials provides insights for the further clinical research development of NIBS in major depression.


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Dapsone use is frequently associated to hematological side effects such as methemoglobinemia and hemolytic anemia, which are related to N-hydroxylation mediated by the P450 enzyme system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of L-arginine supplementation, a precursor for the synthesis of nitric oxide, as single or multiple dose regimens on dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia. Male Wistar rats were treated with L-arginine at 5, 15, 30, 60 and 180 mg/kg doses (p.o., gavage) in single or multiple dose regimens 2 hours prior to dapsone administration (40 mg/kg, i.p.). The effect of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME was investigated by treatment with multiple doses of 30 mg/kg (p.o., gavage) 2 hours before dapsone administration. Blood samples were collected 2 hours after dapsone administration. Erythrocytic methemoglobin levels were assayed by spectrophotometry. The results showed that multiple dose supplementations with 5 and 15 mg/kg L-arginine reduced dapsone-induced methemoglobin levels. This effect is mediated by nitric oxide formation, since the reduction in methemoglobin levels by L-arginine is blocked by simultaneous administration with L-NAME, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor.


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Introduction: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors are the most frequently prescribed drugs for treatment of lipid imbalance, but they have side effects, such as myopathy. Our aim was to assess the effect of simvastatin on the inflammatory process induced by skeletal muscle injury. Methods: Rats were divided into experimental groups [control group, simvastatin (20 mg/kg) group, group treated with simvastatin (20 mg/kg) and subjected to injury, and group subjected to injury only]. Histological analysis and analyses of creatine kinase activity and C-reactive protein were performed. Results: Animals treated with simvastatin exhibited significantly greater morphological and structural skeletal muscle damage in comparison to the control group and injured animals without treatment. Conclusions: Although simvastatin has a small anti-inflammatory effect in the early stage after a muscle strain injury, the overall picture is negative, as simvastatin increases the extent of damage to muscle morphology. Further studies are needed. Muscle Nerve 46: 908-913, 2012


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VEGF inhibition can promote renal vascular and parenchymal injury, causing proteinuria, hypertension and thrombotic microangiopathy. The mechanisms underlying these side effects are unclear. We investigated the renal effects of the administration, during 45 days, of sunitinib (Su), a VEGF receptor inhibitor, to rats with 5/6 renal ablation (Nx). Adult male Munich-Wistar rats were distributed among groups S+V, sham-operated rats receiving vehicle only; S+Su, S rats given Su, 4 mg/kg/day; Nx+V, Nx rats receiving V; and Nx+Su, Nx rats receiving Su. Su caused no change in Group S. Seven and 45 days after renal ablation, renal cortical interstitium was expanded, in association with rarefaction of peritubular capillaries. Su did not worsen hypertension, proteinuria or interstitial expansion, nor did it affect capillary rarefaction, suggesting little angiogenic activity in this model. Nx animals exhibited glomerulosclerosis (GS), which was aggravated by Su. This effect could not be explained by podocyte damage, nor could it be ascribed to tuft hypertrophy or hyperplasia. GS may have derived from organization of capillary microthrombi, frequently observed in Group Nx+Su. Treatment with Su did not reduce the fractional glomerular endothelial area, suggesting functional rather than structural cell injury. Chronic VEGF inhibition has little effect on normal rats, but can affect glomerular endothelium when renal damage is already present.


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Femtosecond lasers have been widely used in laser surgery as an instrument for contact-free tissue removal of hard dental, restorative materials, and osseous tissues, complementing conventional drilling or cutting tools. In order to obtain a laser system that provides an ablation efficiency comparable to mechanical instruments, the laser pulse rate must be maximal without causing thermal damage. The aim of this study was to compare the different morphological characteristics of the hard tissue after exposure to lasers operating in the femtosecond pulse regime. Two different kinds of samples were irradiated: dentin from human extracted teeth and bovine femur samples. Different procedures were applied, while paying special care to preserving the structures. The incubation factor S was calculated to be 0.788 +/- 0.004 for the bovine femur bone. These results indicate that the incubation effect is still substantial during the femtosecond laser ablation of hard tissues. The plasma-induced ablation has reduced side effects, i.e., we observe less thermal and mechanical damage when using a superficial femtosecond laser irradiation close to the threshold conditions. In the femtosecond regime, the morphology characteristics of the cavity were strongly influenced by the change of the effective number of pulses. (C) 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.4.048001]


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The authors report the use of photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate (Metvix (R)) in a patient with nodular and infiltrative basal cell carcinoma in the right lower eyelid. Side effects on the eye were evaluated weekly. After 12 weeks of treatment, to confirm cure the patient was submitted to a 2-mm punch biopsy, the anatomopathological findings of which were negative for neoplasia. Photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate was shown to be an attractive alternative to surgical excision(-)the current gold standard treatment worldwide.


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Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been applied to almost all types of nonmelanoma skin cancer and numerous superficial benign skin disorders. Strategies to improve the accumulation of photosensitizer in the skin have been studied in recent years. Although the hydrophilic phthalocyanine zinc compound, zinc phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (ZnPcSO4) has shown high photodynamic efficiency and reduced phototoxic side effects in the treatment of brain tumors and eye conditions, its use in topical skin treatment is currently limited by its poor skin penetration. In this study, nanodispersions of monoolein (MO)-based liquid crystalline phases were studied for their ability to increase ZnPcSO4 uptake by the skin. Lamellar, hexagonal and cubic crystalline phases were prepared and identified by polarizing light microscopy, and the nanodispersions were analyzed by dynamic light scattering. In vitro skin penetration studies were performed using a Franz's cell apparatus, and the skin uptake was evaluated in vivo in hairless mice. Aqueous dispersions of cubic and hexagonal phases showed particles of nanometer size, approximately 224 +/- 10 nm and 188 +/- 10 nm, respectively. In vitro skin retention experiments revealed higher fluorescence from the ZnPcSO4 in deeper skin layers when this photosensitizer was loaded in the hexagonal nanodispersion system when compared to both the cubic phase nanoparticles and the bulk crystalline phases (lamellar, cubic and hexagonal). The hexagonal nanodispersion showed a similar penetration behavior in animal tests. These results are important findings, suggesting the development of MO liquid crystal nanodispersions as potential delivery systems to enhance the efficacy of topical PDT.


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Epilepsy is the most common serious neurological disorder worldwide. Approximately 70% of patients with epilepsy have their seizures controlled by clinical and pharmacological treatment. This research evaluated the possible influence of interchangeability among therapeutic equivalents of LTG on the clinical condition and quality of life of refractory epileptic patients. The study was divided into three periods of 42 days, and an equivalent therapeutic LTG randomly dispensed for each period (two similars - formulations A and B, and the reference product - formulation C). The mean dose of LTG was 5.5 mg/kg/day. The presence of side effects tends to have a greater deleterious effect on quality of life of refractory epileptics compared to variations in number of seizures or changes in plasma concentrations. The results showed that independently of the drug prescribed, interchangeability among therapeutic equivalents can negatively impact epilepsy control.


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A glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the highest grade glioma tumor (grade IV) and is the most malignant form of astrocytomas. Grade IV tumors, which are the most malignant and aggressive, affect people between the ages of 45 and 70 years. A GBM exhibits remarkable characteristics that include excessive proliferation, necrosis, genetic instability, and chemoresistance. Because of these characteristics, GBMs are difficult to treat and have a poor prognosis with a median survival of less than one year. New methods to achieve widespread distribution of therapeutic agents across infiltrative gliomas significantly improve brain tumor therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and hyperthermia (HPT) are well-established tumor therapies with minimal side effects while acting synergistically. This study introduces a new promising nanocarrier for the synergistic application of PDT and magnetic hyperthermia therapy against human glioma cell line T98 G, with cellular viability reduction down to as low as 17% compared with the control. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3671775]


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Previous studies have shown that heparin induces vascular relaxation via integrin-dependent nitric oxide (NO)-mediated activation of the muscarinic receptor. The aim of this study was to identify the structural features of heparin that are necessary for the induction of vasodilatation. To address this issue, we tested heparin from various sources for their vasodilatation activities in the rat aorta ring. Structural and chemical characteristics of heparin, such as its molecular weight and substitution pattern, did not show a direct correlation with the vasodilation activity. Principal component analysis (PCA) of circular dichroism (CD), 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and vasodilation activity measurements confirmed that there is no direct relationship between the physico-chemical nature and vasodilation activity of the tested heparin samples. To further understand these observations, unfractionated heparin (UFH) from bovine intestinal mucosa, which showed the highest relaxation effect, was chemically modified. Interestingly, non-specific O- and N-desulfation of heparin reduced its anticoagulant, antithrombotic, and antihemostatic activities, but had no effect on its ability to induce vasodilation. On the other hand, chemical reduction of the carboxyl groups abolished heparin-induced vasodilation and reduced the affinity of heparin toward the extracellular matrix (ECM). In addition, dextran and dextran sulfate (linear non-sulfated and highly sulfated polysaccharides, respectively) did not induce significant relaxation, showing that the vasodilation activity of polysaccharides is neither charge-dependent nor backbone unspecific. Our results suggest that desulfated heparin molecules may be used as vasoactive agents due to their low side effects. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 13591367, 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.