1000 resultados para Serra Geral Formation
O uso de métodos de diagnoses para determinação de faixas normais de nutrientes é uma prática eficiente por ser desenvolvida em regiões específicas, não sendo extrapolada para as demais regiões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação de faixas normais de nutrientes para o algodoeiro, mediante a utilização dos métodos Chance Matemática (ChM), Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS) e Diagnose da Composição Nutricional (CND). Foi realizado em lavouras comerciais de algodão, no ano agrícola de 2004/2005, no município de São Desidério (BA). Utilizaram-se como base de dados os teores totais de nutrientes de 65 amostras de folha completa e a produtividade de algodão em caroço oriundo de talhões com média de 120 ha. Para ajuste do método, a população foi dividida em duas classes: uma com produtividade acima de 4.250 kg ha-1 e outra com produtividade abaixo desta . Os maiores valores de ChM para o N foram obtidos nas classes 3 e 5 (32,0 a 35,5 g kg-1). Esses valores concordam com os obtidos pelos métodos DRIS (32,7 a 35,4 g kg-1) e CND (32,8 a 35,4 g kg-1). Os maiores valores de ChM para obtenção de produtividades maiores que 4.250 kg ha-1 para o P foram observados na classe 3: entre 2,3 e 2,6 g kg-1. Com relação ao K, as classes que apresentaram os maiores valores de Chance Matemática foram 14,6 a 21,2 g kg-1. A utilização dos métodos DRIS, CND e ChM, em lavouras comerciais em geral, possibilitou a obtenção de menor amplitude da faixa normal dos nutrientes, em comparação com os valores obtidos pelos métodos convencionais, nível crítico e faixa de suficiência, encontrados na literatura.
Jusqu'à aujourd'hui la recherche en psychothérapie a essentiellement exploré quatre questions clés : 1) la psychothérapie est-elle efficace?; 2) quelle forme de psychothérapie est la plus efficace ? ; 3) quelle forme de psychothérapie est efficace pour quel patient? et 4) qu'est-ce qui permet à la psychothérapie d'être efficace? Si l'efficacité de la psychothérapie est désormais reconnue, la recherche empirique n'a jamais permis de désigner une approche psychothérapeutique comme étant la plus efficace de toutes. Les questions de l'indication différentielle des formes de psychothérapie selon les pathologies, et celles concernant les processus de la thérapie, qui permettraient d'en prédire le résultat, n'ont pas trouvé à ce jour de réponse définitive.
Morphologically differentiated Spodosols usually occur in the Coastal Plain of the South of Bahia and North of Espírito Santo. They are found in profiles known as "muçungas", i.e. sandy soils that accumulate water. In these areas, two kinds of Spodosols, different from those in the Restinga area, can be found: Spodosols with E albic horizon (white muçunungas) and without this horizon (black muçunungas). Eight soil profiles with spodic characteristics were collected and described in order to evaluate differences in the formation process of Barreiras and Restinga Spodosols in the South of Bahia. The soil profiles were also characterized chemically, physically and mineralogically. Additionally, texture and chemical analysis, Fe and Al extraction by sodium dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (DBC), acid ammonium oxalate and sodium pyrophosphate, ammonium oxalate extract optic density (DOox), sulphuric acid attack, and X ray difractometry of the clay fraction were performed. In the Spodosols of the Barreiras area, fragipan was found the spodic layers. Cemented B spodic horizon were observed in the white muçunungas, and granular structure and dark color from the surface in the black muçunungas. There was no fragipan or hard spodic horizon in the Restinga Spodosol. This soil is acid, dystrophic and alic, with sandy texture and high clay percentages in the spodic horizons. The CEC, based on H + Al, is predominantly represented by the organic matter. The most representative components of the mineral phase of the clay fraction are kaolinite and possibly vermiculite traces with interlayered hydroxy. Chemical, physical, morphological and mineralogical differences were observed between the Barreiras and Restinga environments. The black and white muçunungas differ in morphologic and chemical properties only.
El Grupo Scala Dei, localizado en el margen meridional oriental de la cuenca del Ebro, representa la respuesta sedimentaria a los cabalgamientos desarrollados en las Cadenas Costeras Catalanas. En la Serra de la Llena los 1600 m de materiales aluviales se organizan en cuatro megasecuencias principales (M,-M,) separadas por discordancias angulares. Los nuevos datos paleomastológicos indican un influjo de materiales terrígenos gruesos durante un período que abarca desde un Luteciense superior-Bartoniense en la base, hasta un Catiense medio-superior. La sedimentación en la Serra del Montsant continua hasta la parte media del Catiense superior. La tasa media de acumulación (expresada en términos de centímetros cada mil años- kilo años- K. a,), en la Serra de la Llena, es de 13 crn1K.a. para la megasecuencia inferior (M,), de 7,5 cm/ K.a. para M,-M, y de 6 cm /K.a. para la última y mas fina (M,). La disposición general de los depósitos de la Serra de la Llena con una doble flexión monoclinal buzante al NW indica un control tectónico de la deposición mediante dos estructuras diferentes en profundidad. Las discordancias progresivas desarrolladas en los anteflancos de los anticlinales indican una moción continuada, así como un equilibrio entre la tasa de levantamiento vertical y la tasa de acumulación de sedimentos. Las discordancias progresivas se han desarrollado principalmente en función de la componente tectónica vertical y por la rotación continuada del flanco de antepaís de los anticlinales.
The stratigraphic basis of this work has allowed the use of larger foraminifers in the biostratigraphic characterisation of the new Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ). This part of the volume presents a description of the sedimentary cycles formed by the transgressive-regressive systems of the Lutetian and Bartonian in the southeastern sector of the Ebro Foreland Basin. Concerning the Lutetian deposits studied in the Amer-Vic and Empordà areas, four sedimentary cycles have been characterised. The first and second are found within the Tavertet/Girona Limestone Formation (Reguant, 1967; Pallí, 1972), while the third and fourth cycles cover the Coll de Malla Marl Formation (Clavell et al., 1970), the Bracons Formation (Gich, 1969, 1972), the Banyoles Marl Formation (Almela and Ríos, 1943), and the Bellmunt Formation (Gich, 1969, 1972). In the Bartonian deposits studied in the Igualada area, two transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycles have been characterised in the Collbàs Formation (Ferrer, 1971), the Igualada Formation (Ferrer, 1971), and the Tossa Formation (Ferrer, 1971). The Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZs) recognised within the Lutetian are the following: SBZ 13, from the Early Lutetian, in the transgressive system of the first cycle; SBZ 14, from the Middle Lutetian, in the second cycle and the lower part of the transgressive system of the third cycle; SBZ 15, from the Middle Lutetian, in the remaining parts of the third system; SBZ 16, from the Late Lutetian, throughout the fourth cycle. The association of larger foraminifers in the first and second cycles of the Bartonian in the Igualada area has been used as the basis for the definition of SBZs 17 and 18 recognised in the Bartonian of the western Tethys.
In the region of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, peat bog is formed in hydromorphic environments developed in sunken areas on the plain surfaces with vegetation adapted to hydromorphic conditions, favoring the accumulation and preservation of organic matter. This pedoenvironment is developed on the regionally predominant quartzite rocks. Peat bog in the Environmental Protection Area - APA Pau-de-Fruta, located in the watershed of Córrego das Pedras, Diamantina,Brazil, was mapped and three representative profiles were morphologically characterized and sampled for physical, chemical and microbiological analyses. The organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acids (HA) and humin (H). Two profiles were sampled to determine the radiocarbon age and δ13C. The structural organization of the three profiles is homogeneous. The first two layers consist of fibric, the two subsequent of hemic and the four deepest of sapric peat, showing that organic matter decomposition advances with depth and that the influence of mineral materials in deeper layers is greater. Physical properties were homogeneous in the profiles, but varied in the sampled layers. Chemical properties were similar in the layers, but the Ca content, sum of bases and base saturation differed between profiles. Contents of H predominated in the more soluble organic matter fractions and were accumulated at a higher rate in the surface and deeper layers, while HA levels were higher in the intermediate and FA in the deeper layers. Microbial activity did not vary among profiles and was highest in the surface layers, decreasing with depth. From the results of radiocarbon dating and isotope analysis, it was inferred that bog formation began about 20 thousand years ago and that the vegetation of the area had not changed significantly since then.
A descrição de processos hidrológicos é relativamente complexa, principalmente da variação do conteúdo de água no solo, devido à influência de fatores edáficos, topográficos, climáticos e de vegetação. Em condições de campo, a estimativa do conteúdo de água no solo requer um plano de amostragem adequado, considerando as variações no tempo e no espaço. Visando representar adequadamente o conteúdo de água no solo com reduzido esforço amostral e custo, o conceito de estabilidade temporal tem sido muitas vezes empregado. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de analisar a estabilidade temporal do conteúdo de água na camada superficial do solo (0-0,20 m de profundidade), sob diferentes usos do solo, em uma bacia hidrográfica experimental da região da Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais, nos períodos de estiagem e chuvoso, estimando os pontos mais representativos para essa determinação. Houve maior estabilidade temporal do conteúdo de água no solo na área de vegetação de várzea, menor na área ocupada por Mata Atlântica e intermediária na área de pastagem. Ocorreram, também, variações significativas da diferença relativa média entre os períodos de medição, concluindo-se que as características de cada área devem ser consideradas particularmente para escolha dos pontos. Na área de pastagem, foi possível identificar apenas um ponto para monitoramento tanto para o período chuvoso como para o de estiagem. Por outro lado, nas áreas de Mata Atlântica e vegetação de várzea foram identificados dois pontos, sendo um especificamente para o período chuvoso e outro para o período de estiagem, sendo recomendada uma análise individual específica para cada estação.
Within current-density-functional theory, we have studied a quantum dot made of 210 electrons confined in a disk geometry. The ground state of this large dot exhibits some features as a function of the magnetic field (Beta) that can be attributed in a clear way to the formation of compressible and incompressible states of the system. The orbital and spin angular momenta, the total energy, ionization and electron chemical potentials of the ground state, as well as the frequencies of far-infrared edge modes are calculated as a function of Beta, and compared with available experimental and theoretical results.
Bactérias diazotróficas não simbióticas (BDNS) atuam no desenvolvimento das plantas por meio da fixação biológica de nitrogênio e também pela produção e liberação de substâncias reguladoras do crescimento vegetal. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a densidade e diversidade fenotípica desse grupo de bactérias em fragmentos de solo da Reserva Biológica Serra dos Toledos e entorno, em Itajubá/MG. Essa reserva localiza-se na Área de Proteção Ambiental da Mantiqueira, constituindo-se em uma importante área de recarga e de abrigo à flora e fauna endêmicas. Amostras de solo superficial foram coletadas em áreas com diferentes declividades na reserva, em épocas representativas das estações de inverno (setembro/2006) e verão (abril/2007). A densidade, avaliada pelo número mais provável, utilizando os meios de cultura NFb, JNFb e Fam, para Azospirillum spp., Herbaspirillum spp. e A. amazonense, respectivamente, variou de 0,12 a 75,60 (NMP x 10(5)) bactérias g-1 solo seco. Foram obtidos 172 e 174 isolados, respectivamente para as amostras de inverno e verão, dos quais 30 e 55 % apresentaram similaridade igual ou superior a 70 % com as estirpes-tipo Azospirillum brasilense, A. amazonense, A. lipoferum, Herbaspirillum seropedicae e Burkholderia brasilensis. O resultado do comportamento dos isolados com base na tolerância à salinidade nem sempre foi semelhante ao obtido pelas características fenotípicas culturais a 70 % de similaridade, sendo indicado para estudos complementares de diversidade desses organismos. As BDNS apresentam potencial de utilização em estudos de avaliação da qualidade e sustentabilidade de ecossistemas. No entanto, apesar da alta densidade e diversidade fenotípica em solos da reserva, maiores valores foram obtidos no entorno, evidenciando o efeito positivo da cobertura vegetal do tipo gramíneas sobre elas, independentemente da variação climática.
Apesar de ainda existirem ecossistemas altomontanos no Paraná em excelente estado de conservação, iminentes ameaças antrópicas e a fragilidade desses ambientes têm sido motivos de preocupação. Este trabalho teve os seguintes objetivos: caracterizar solos de área representativa dos campos e florestas altomontanas ocorrentes na Serra da Igreja; apontar quais os possíveis fatores pedológicos que resultam nessas diferentes fitotipias; e caracterizar algumas das suas funcionalidades ambientais (estoque de C e de água). Os principais solos encontrados nos campos foram Organossolos Fólicos fíbricos/sápricos (líticos e típicos) e Organossolos Háplicos fíbricos/sápricos (típicos e térricos) e, nas florestas altomontanas, Gleissolos Háplicos alíticos típicos. Ambas as classes são de solos distróficos, extremamente ácidos, com alta saturação por Al trocável e altos teores de C orgânico total. A distribuição das florestas altomontanas está fortemente controlada por vales e colos de cumeeiras, os quais estão sujeitos a processos morfogenéticos que resultam em solos com horizontes minerais. Já os campos estão estabelecidos em topos, onde processos pedogenéticos promoveram espessamento de horizontes hísticos, os quais, em função de suas características intrínsecas, aliadas aos fortes ventos, parecem conter com sucesso o avanço da floresta sobre o campo. Os estoques de C por unidade de área nos solos dos campos são superiores aos dos solos das florestas altomontanas, sendo ambos considerados altos quando comparados aos dados de outros ecossistemas, sendo duas a três vezes maiores do que os encontrados em solos de ecossistemas de altitudes mais baixas na mesma latitude. Também foi constatada alta capacidade de retenção hídrica devido à porosidade total verificada nos horizontes hísticos, os quais têm o potencial de reter em média 12 vezes seu volume em água.
The anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene is overexpressed, mutated or amplified in most neuroblastoma (NB), a pediatric neural crest-derived embryonal tumor. The two most frequent mutations, ALK-F1174L and ALK-R1275Q, contribute to NB tumorigenesis in mouse models, and cooperate with MYCN in the oncogenic process. However, the precise role of activating ALK mutations or ALK-wt overexpression in NB tumor initiation needs further clarification. Human ALK-wt, ALK-F1174L, or ALK-R1275Q were stably expressed in murine neural crest progenitor cells (NCPC), MONC-1 or JoMa1, immortalized with v-Myc or Tamoxifen-inducible Myc-ERT, respectively. While orthotopic implantations of MONC- 1 parental cells in nude mice generated various tumor types, such as NB, osteo/ chondrosarcoma, and undifferentiated tumors, due to v-Myc oncogenic activity, MONC-1-ALK-F1174L cells only produced undifferentiated tumors. Furthermore, our data represent the first demonstration of ALK-wt transforming capacity, as ALK-wt expression in JoMa1 cells, likewise ALK-F1174L, or ALK-R1275Q, in absence of exogenous Myc-ERT activity, was sufficient to induce the formation of aggressive and undifferentiated neural crest cell-derived tumors, but not to drive NB development. Interestingly, JoMa1-ALK tumors and their derived cell lines upregulated Myc endogenous expression, resulting from ALK activation, and both ALK and Myc activities were necessary to confer tumorigenic properties on tumor-derived JoMa1 cells in vitro.
The mechanisms of blood vessel maturation into distinct parts of the blood vasculature such as arteries, veins, and capillaries have been the subject of intense investigation over recent years. In contrast, our knowledge of lymphatic vessel maturation is still fragmentary. In this study, we provide a molecular and morphological characterization of the major steps in the maturation of the primary lymphatic capillary plexus into collecting lymphatic vessels during development and show that forkhead transcription factor Foxc2 controls this process. We further identify transcription factor NFATc1 as a novel regulator of lymphatic development and describe a previously unsuspected link between NFATc1 and Foxc2 in the regulation of lymphatic maturation. We also provide a genome-wide map of FOXC2-binding sites in lymphatic endothelial cells, identify a novel consensus FOXC2 sequence, and show that NFATc1 physically interacts with FOXC2-binding enhancers. These data provide novel insights into the molecular program of lymphatic vascular specification and suggest that FOXC2 and NFATc1 are potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Peats are an important reserve of humified carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. The interest in the use of humic substances as plant growth promoters is continuously increasing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioactivity of alkaline soluble humic substances (HS), humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) isolated from peats with different decomposition stages of organic matter (sapric, fibric and hemic) in the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, state of Minas Gerais. Dose-response curves were established for the number of lateral roots growing from the main plant axis of tomato seedlings. The bioactivity of HA was greatest (highest response in lateral roots at lowest concentration) while FA did not intensify root growth. Both HS and HA stimulated root hair formation. At low concentrations, HS and HA induced root hair formation near the root cap, a typical hormonal imbalance effect in plants. Transgenic tomato with reporter gene DR5::GUS allowed the observation that the auxin-related signalling pathway was involved in root growth promotion by HA.
One of the main negative anthropic effects on soil is the formation of crusts, resulting in soil degradation. This process of physical origin reduces soil water infiltration, causing increased runoff and consequently soil losses, water erosion and/or soil degradation. The study and monitoring of soil crusts is important for soil management and conservation, mainly in tropical regions where research is insufficient to explain how soil crusts are formed and how they evolve. The purpose of this study was to monitor these processes on soils with different particle size distributions. Soil crusts on a sandy/sandy loam Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Hapludult), sandy loam Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Hapludox) and a clayey Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (Rhodic Kandiudalf) were monitored. The soil was sampled and data collected after 0, 3, 5 and 10 rain storms with intensities above 25 mm h-1, from December 2008 to May 2009. Soil chemical and particle size distribution analysis were performed. The changes caused by rainfall were monitored by determining the soil roughness, hydraulic conductivity and soil water retention curves and by micromorphological analysis. Reduced soil roughness and crust formation were observed for all soils during the monitored rainfall events. However, contrary to what was expected according to the literature, crust formation was not always accompanied by reductions in total porosity, hydraulic conductivity and soil water retention.