1000 resultados para Sensores refratométricos
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work proposes the use of a simple voltage divider circuit composed by one potentiometer and one resistor to simulate the behavior of the electrical output signal of linear and nonlinear sensors. It is a low cost way to implement practical experiments in classroom and it also enables the analysis of interesting topics of electricity. This work induces naturally to a class guide where students can build and characterize a voltage divider to explore several concepts about sensors output signal. As the result of this teaching activity it is expected that students understand fundamentals of voltage divider, potentiometer operation, fundamental sensor characteristics, transfer function, and, besides, associate directly concepts of physics and mathematics with a practical approach.
Automated Production Systems Development involves aspects concerning the integration of technological components that exist on the market, such as: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), robot manipulators, various sensors and actuators, image processing systems, communication networks and collaborative supervisory systems; all integrated into a single application. This paper proposes an automated platform for experimentation, implemented through typical architecture for Automated Production Systems, which integrates the technological components described above, in order to allow researchers and students to carry out practical laboratory activities. These activities will complement the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students in the classroom, thus improving their training and professional skills. A platform designed using this generic structure will allow users to work within an educational environment that reflects most aspects found in Industrial Automated Manufacturing Systems, such as technology integration, communication networks, process control and production management. In addition, this platform offers the possibility complete automated process of control and supervision via remote connection through the internet (WebLab), enabling knowledge sharing between different teaching and research groups.
Processos automatizados, como a furação, podem melhorar com o uso de métodos de controle e supervisão, com destaque para sensores e redes neurais artificiais. Neste estudo, foram utilizados diferentes sensores instalados em máquina-ferramenta para o registro dos sinais de força de avanço, potência elétrica, aceleração e sinal acústico, durante a furação de corpos de prova compostos por uma liga de titânio seguida de uma liga de alumínio. Os sinais e os diâmetros dos furos medidos na furação das amostras foram utilizados no treinamento da rede neural artificial. Os erros foram apresentados e analisados. Os resultados demonstraram alta capacidade da rede em estimar o diâmetro do furo nas diferentes condições de usinagem com erros baixos e até mesmo desprezíveis para a maior parte das aplicações industriais, mostrando assim eficiência do método proposto.
Com a evolução dos sensores de captura de impressões digitais e a crescente demanda por sistemas mais seguros, torna-se possível e necessário o uso de um conjunto adicional de características, tais como as cristas e os poros. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de dois dos principais métodos de extração automática de poros, bem como o desempenho das características estendidas em situações onde apenas fragmentos das impressões digitais estão disponíveis. Resultados experimentais realizados sobre a base de dados pública PolyU HRF mostram a superioridade do método de extração de poros baseado em filtros adaptativos, em relação ao baseado em filtros isotrópicos. O reconhecimento de frag-mentos de impressões digitais utilizando características estendidas mostrou-se promissor, principalmente quando a informação das comparações de cristas é utilizada na comparação dos poros.
The study of prehistoric artifacts may contribute to understand the development of these artifacts, and also of ergonomics. This study aims to investigate and identify the types of grips of two Brazilian stone tools (scraper / piercer and a slug) approximately 5000 years old through the use of gloves with sensors and contact maps of the hand palm, exploring the best method for research of ergonomics in prehistory. Hence it can contribute to the discussion of a part of the ergonomics’ history that remains underexplored.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Crop yield is influenced by several factors with variability in time and space that are associated with the variations in the plant vigor. This variability allows the identification of management zones and site-specific applications to manage different regions of the field. The purpose of this study was the use of multispectral image for management zones identification and implications of site-specific application in commercial cotton areas. Multispectral airborne images from three years were used to classify a field into three vegetation classes via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The NDVI classes were used to verify the potential differences between plant physical measurements and identify management zones. The cotton plant measurements sampled in 8 repetitions of 10 plants at each NDVI class were Stand Count, Plant Height, Total Nodes and Total Bolls. Statistical analysis was performed with treatments arranged in split plot design with Tukey’s Test at 5% of probability. The images were classified into five NDVI classes to evaluate the relationship between cotton plant measurement results and sampling location across the field. The results have demonstrated the possibility of using multispectral image for management zones identification in cotton areas. The image classification into three NDVI classes showed three different zones in the field with similar characteristics for the studied years. Statistical differences were shown for plant height, total nodes and total bolls between low and high NDVI classes for all years. High NDVI classes contained plants with greater height, total nodes and total bolls compared to low NDVI classes. There was no difference in Stand Count between low and high NDVI classes for the three studied years. The final plant stand was the same between all NDVI classes for 2001 and 2003 as it was expected due to the conventional seeding application with the same rate of seeds for the entire field.
Since ancient times, it has been a huge challenge to all people around the world to manage to get their fresh water, keeping it clean and providing it to every human being, so that it can be used for their daily needs. This is especially true for small properties in the countryside and in isolated areas with low demographic density. Pumping the water in those regions is a solution that rationalizes its use in domestic chores, in animal rearing and in the irrigation systems of cultivated areas. Making feasible local, renewable and non-polluted energetic alternatives is the aim for those areas that are usually far away from the public electric network. Using photovoltaic solar energy is the alternative now proposed. For this objective was built a system with two monocrystalline panels, one pump, two water tanks, two level sensors and a solenoid valve to pump water, using a pump powered an array of monocrystalline solar panels. The main goal was to compare their rate of water flow and their energy consumption. The use of one data acquisition equipment allowed collecting meteorological, electrical and hydraulic values, and also serving for the control and activation of the pumping system. During four months in a row as from April 2009, arrangements with one or two panels were tested. Mathematics correlations and adjustment lines were used to interpret the behavior of obtained dataset. During the analyzed period the system followed the linear equations with great accuracy. The daily average amount of water pumped by the several tested arrays stayed between 1,100 and 2,500 liters, and that is enough to supply a small rural property. The pumping system with two panels effectively showed the major amount of water, but a system with one panel can be an economical solution until 1,500 liters on day. It did not characterize a direct relationship between power or quantity of photovoltaic panels and daily outflow of water pumping.