979 resultados para Segmentação de imagem em 3D
The use of roll-formed products in automotive, furniture, buildings etc. increases every year due to the low part-production cost and the complicated cross-sections that can be produced. The limitation with roll-forming until recent years is that one could only produce profiles with a constant cross-section in the longitudinal direction. About eight years ago ORTIC AB [1] developed a machine in which it was possible to produce profiles with a variable width (“3D roll-forming”) for the building industry. Experimental equipment was recently built for research and prototyping of profiles with variable cross-section in both width and depth for the automotive industry. The objective with the current study is to investigate the new tooling concept that makes it possible to roll-form hat-profiles, made of ultra high strength steel, with variable cross-section in depth and width. The result shows that it is possible to produce 3D roll-formed profiles with close tolerances.
Föreliggande studie har haft för avsikt att genom enkäter undersöka likheter och skillnader mellan branschaktiva 3D-grafikers arbetsprocesser. Målet har varit att öka insikten i den 3D-grafiska arbetsprocessen för visualisering av interiörmiljöer. Studien är tänkt att identifiera vilka arbetsmoment som är mest tidskrävande och varför. En ökad insikt i denna process kan leda till förbättrad kommunikation och förståelse mellan kund och byrå. Respondenternas beskrivningar av arbetsprocessen liknade varandra och stämmer till stor del även med beskrivningar i litteraturen. De flesta av respondenterna upplevde modellering som det mest tidskrävande tekniska momentet. God kommunikation med kunden ansåg respondenterna vara viktigt för att undvika onödig korrektur, vilket beskrevs som problematiskt och tidskrävande. Respondenterna hade erfarenhet från referensmaterial av varierande kvalitet, vilket kan påverka ett projekts tidsåtgång.
As far back as I can remember, I have always been interested in studio art. Whether it be painting, drawing, printmaking, or photography, it has consistently been a part of my life. Upon enrolling in Colby, I became interested in computers and decided to major my undergraduate college career in Computer Science. Not forgetting past interests, I continued my studio art education, taking several classes within the Art department. In due time, I began combining interests and began studying Computer Graphics and Design. With limited resources in this field at Colby, the majority of my computer graphic education and experience has been done on my own time apart from regular classroom work. As time progressed, so did my interests. Starting with simple image manipulation of digitally scanned photographs, I moved on to Web Page design, eventually leading to Desktop Publishing. Ultimately, I wanted to take a step further and expand my overall computer graphic knowledge by learning 3D modeling and animation. With even fewer resources in 3D animation at Colby, I perceived having trouble finding the information and tools I would need to gain the necessary skills for this new field. The Senior Scholars program gave me the opponunity to find and acquire the necessary tools to pursue my interest. This program also allowed me to devote the proper amount of time required for learning these new tools.