995 resultados para Scientific experiments


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During the last decade, argumentation has attracted growing attention as a means to elicit processes (linguistic, logical, dialogical, psychological, etc.) that can sustain or provoke reasoning and learning. Constituting an important dimension of daily life and of professional activities, argumentation plays a special role in democracies and is at the heart of philosophical reasoning and scientific inquiry. Argumentation, as such, requires specific intellectual and social skills. Hence, argumentation will have an increasing importance in education, both because it is a critical competence that has to be learned, and because argumentation can be used to foster learning in philosophy, history, sciences and in many other domains. Argumentation and Education answers these and other questions by providing both theoretical backgrounds, in psychology, education and theory of argumentation, and concrete examples of experiments and results in school contexts in a range of domains. It reports on existing innovative practices in education settings at various levels.


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For more than a decade scientists tried to develop methods capable of dating ink by monitoring the loss of phenoxyethanol (PE) over time. While many methods were proposed in the literature, few were really used to solve practical cases and they still raise much concern within the scientific community. In fact, due to the complexity of ink drying processes it is particularly difficult to find a reliable ageing parameter to reproducibly follow ink ageing. Moreover, systematic experiments are required in order to evaluate how different factors actually influence the results over time. Therefore, this work aimed at evaluating the capacity of four different ageing parameters to reliably follow ink ageing over time: (1) the quantity of solvent PE in an ink line, (2) the relative peak area (RPA) normalising the PE results using stable volatile compounds present in the ink formulation, (3) the solvent loss ratio (R%) calculated from PE results obtained by the analyses of naturally and artificially aged samples, (4) a modified solvent loss ratio version (R%*) calculated from RPA results. After the determination of the limits of reliable measurements of the analytical method, the repeatability of the different ageing parameters was evaluated over time, as well as the influence of ink composition, writing pressure and storage conditions on the results. Surprisingly, our results showed that R% was not the most reliable parameter, as it showed the highest standard deviation. Discussion of the results in an ink dating perspective suggests that other proposed parameters, such as RPA values, may be more adequate to follow ink ageing over time.


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In 2008, a Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences working group chaired by Professor Emilio Bossi issued a "Memorandum on scientific integrity and the handling of misconduct in the scientific context", together with a paper setting out principles and procedures concerning integrity in scientific research. In the Memorandum, unjustified claims of authorship in scientific publications are referred to as a form of scientific misconduct - a view widely shared in other countries. In the Principles and Procedures, the main criteria for legitimate authorship are specified, as well as the associated responsibilities. It is in fact not uncommon for disputes about authorship to arise with regard to publications in fields where research is generally conducted by teams rather than individuals. Such disputes may concern not only the question who is or is not to be listed as an author but also, frequently, the precise sequence of names, if the list is to reflect the various authors' roles and contributions. Subjective assessments of the contributions made by the individual members of a research group may differ substantially. As scientific collaboration - often across national boundaries - is now increasingly common, ensuring appropriate recognition of all parties is a complex matter and, where disagreements arise, it may not be easy to reach a consensus. In addition, customs have changed over the past few decades; for example, the practice of granting "honorary" authorship to an eminent researcher - formerly not unusual - is no longer considered acceptable. It should be borne in mind that the publications list has become by far the most important indicator of a researcher's scientific performance; for this reason, appropriate authorship credit has become a decisive factor in the careers of young researchers, and it needs to be managed and protected accordingly. At the international and national level, certain practices have therefore developed concerning the listing of authors and the obligations of authorship. The Scientific Integrity Committee of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences has collated the relevant principles and regulations and formulated recommendations for authorship in scientific publications. These should help to prevent authorship disputes and offer guidance in the event of conflicts.


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The spatial limits of the active site in the benzylic hydroxylase enzyme of the fungus Mortierella isabellina were investigated. Several molecular probes were used in incubation experiments to determine the acceptability of each compound by this enzyme. The yields of benzylic alcohols provided information on the acceptability of the particular compound into the active site, and the enantiomeric excess values provided information on the "fit" of acceptable substrates. Measurements of the molecular models were made using Cambridge Scientific Computing Inc. CSC Chem 3D Plus modeling program. i The dimensional limits of the aromatic binding pocket of the benzylic hydroxylase were tested using suitably substituted ethyl benzenes. Both the depth (para substituted substrates) and width (ortho and meta substituted substrates) of this region were investigated, with results demonstrating absolute spatial limits in both directions in the plane of the aromatic ring of 7.3 Angstroms for the depth and 7.1 Angstroms for the width. A minimum requirement for the height of this region has also been established at 6.2 Angstroms. The region containing the active oxygen species was also investigated, using a series of alkylphenylmethanes and fused ring systems in indan, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene and benzocycloheptene substrates. A maximum distance of 6.9 Angstroms (including the 1.5 Angstroms from the phenyl substituent to the active center of the heme prosthetic group of the enzyme) has been established extending directly in ii front of the aromatic binding pocket. The other dimensions in this region of the benzylic hydroxylase active site will require further investigation to establish maximum allowable values. An explanation of the stereochemical distributions in the obtained products has also been put forth that correlates well with the experimental observations.


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This research focuses on generating aesthetically pleasing images in virtual environments using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The PSO is a stochastic population based search algorithm that is inspired by the flocking behavior of birds. In this research, we implement swarms of cameras flying through a virtual world in search of an image that is aesthetically pleasing. Virtual world exploration using particle swarm optimization is considered to be a new research area and is of interest to both the scientific and artistic communities. Aesthetic rules such as rule of thirds, subject matter, colour similarity and horizon line are all analyzed together as a multi-objective problem to analyze and solve with rendered images. A new multi-objective PSO algorithm, the sum of ranks PSO, is introduced. It is empirically compared to other single-objective and multi-objective swarm algorithms. An advantage of the sum of ranks PSO is that it is useful for solving high-dimensional problems within the context of this research. Throughout many experiments, we show that our approach is capable of automatically producing images satisfying a variety of supplied aesthetic criteria.


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This mixed-methods research study sought to determine the impact of an informal science camp—the Youth Science Inquiry Development Camp (YSIDC)—on participants’ science inquiry skills, through self-assessment, as well as their views and attitudes towards science and scientific inquiry. Pre and post data were collected using quantitative surveys (SPSI, CARS), a qualitative survey (VOSI-E), interviews, and researcher’s observations. Paired sample t-tests from the quantitative surveys revealed that the YSIDC positively impacted participants’ science inquiry skills and attitudes towards science. Interviews supported these findings and provided contextual reasons for these impacts. Implications from this research would suggest that informal and formal educational institutions can increase science inquiry skills and promote positive views and attitudes towards science and scientific inquiry by using non-competitive cooperative learning strategies with a mixture of guided and open inquiry. Suggested directions for further research include measuring science inquiry skills directly and conducting longitudinal studies to determine the lasting effects of informal and formal science programs.


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There is a signature on this book that reads "Julia Cleveland 22 East-8 Street, Erie Penna."


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Accelerated life testing (ALT) is widely used to obtain reliability information about a product within a limited time frame. The Cox s proportional hazards (PH) model is often utilized for reliability prediction. My master thesis research focuses on designing accelerated life testing experiments for reliability estimation. We consider multiple step-stress ALT plans with censoring. The optimal stress levels and times of changing the stress levels are investigated. We discuss the optimal designs under three optimality criteria. They are D-, A- and Q-optimal designs. We note that the classical designs are optimal only if the model assumed is correct. Due to the nature of prediction made from ALT experimental data, attained under the stress levels higher than the normal condition, extrapolation is encountered. In such case, the assumed model cannot be tested. Therefore, for possible imprecision in the assumed PH model, the method of construction for robust designs is also explored.


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Par cette recherche, nous voulons évaluer de manière exhaustive les bénéfices qu’apporte l’ExAO (Expérimentation Assistée par Ordinateur) dans les laboratoires scolaires de sciences et technologie au Liban. Nous aimerions aussi qu’elle contribue d’une manière tangible aux recherches du laboratoire de Robotique Pédagogique de l’Université de Montréal, notamment dans le développement du µlaboratoire ExAO. Nous avons voulu tester les capacités de l’ExAO, son utilisation en situation de classe comme : 1. Substitut d’un laboratoire traditionnel dans l’utilisation de la méthode expérimentale; 2. Outil d’investigation scientifique; 3. Outil d’intégration des sciences expérimentales et des mathématiques; 4. Outil d’intégration des sciences expérimentales, des mathématiques et de la technologie dans un apprentissage technoscientifique; Pour ce faire, nous avons mobilisé 13 groupe-classes de niveaux complémentaire et secondaire, provenant de 10 écoles libanaises. Nous avons désigné leurs enseignants pour expérimenter eux-mêmes avec leurs étudiants afin d’évaluer, de manière plus réaliste les avantages d’implanter ce micro laboratoire informatisé à l’école. Les différentes mise à l’essai, évaluées à l’aide des résultats des activités d’apprentissage réalisées par les étudiants, de leurs réponses à un questionnaire et des commentaires des enseignants, nous montrent que : 1. La substitution d’un laboratoire traditionnel par un µlaboratoire ExAO ne semble pas poser de problème; dix minutes ont suffi aux étudiants pour se familiariser avec cet environnement, mentionnant que la rapidité avec laquelle les données étaient représentées sous forme graphique était plus productive. 2. Pour l’investigation d’un phénomène physique, la convivialité du didacticiel associée à la capacité d’amplifier le phénomène avant de le représenter graphiquement a permis aux étudiants de concevoir et de mettre en œuvre rapidement et de manière autonome, une expérimentation permettant de vérifier leur prédiction. 3. L’intégration des mathématiques dans une démarche expérimentale permet d’appréhender plus rapidement le phénomène. De plus, elle donne un sens aux représentations graphiques et algébriques, à l’avis des enseignants, permettant d’utiliser celle-ci comme outil cognitif pour interpréter le phénomène. 4. La démarche réalisée par les étudiants pour concevoir et construire un objet technologique, nous a montré que cette activité a été réalisée facilement par l’utilisation des capteurs universels et des amplificateurs à décalage de l’outil de modélisation graphique ainsi que la capacité du didacticiel à transformer toute variable mesurée par une autre variable (par exemple la variation de résistance en variation de température, …). Cette activité didactique nous montre que les étudiants n’ont eu aucune difficulté à intégrer dans une même activité d’apprentissage les mathématiques, les sciences expérimentales et la technologie, afin de concevoir et réaliser un objet technologique fonctionnel. µlaboratoire ExAO, en offrant de nouvelles possibilités didactiques, comme la capacité de concevoir, réaliser et valider un objet technologique, de disposer pour ce faire, des capacités nouvelles pour amplifier les mesures, modéliser les phénomènes physiques, créer de nouveaux capteurs, est un ajout important aux expériences actuellement réalisées en ExAO.