998 resultados para School Cartography


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Accumulating evidence that working memory supports the ability to follow instructions has so far been restricted to experimental paradigms that have greatly simplified the practical demands of performing actions to instructions in everyday tasks. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether working memory is involved in maintaining information over the longer periods of time that are more typical of everyday situations that require performing instructions to command. Forty-two children 7–11 years of age completed assessments of working memory, a real-world following-instructions task employing 3-D objects, and two new computerized instruction-following tasks involving navigation around a virtual school to complete a sequence of practical spoken commands. One task involved performing actions in a single classroom, and the other, performing actions in multiple locations in a virtual school building. Verbal working memory was closely linked with all three following-instructions paradigms, but with greater association to the virtual than to the real-world tasks. These results indicate that verbal working memory plays a key role in following instructions over extended periods of activity.


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OBJECTIVES: The Shape of Training report recommended that full registration is aligned with medical school graduation. As part of a General Medical Council-funded study about the preparedness for practice of UK medical graduates, we explored UK stakeholders' views about this proposal using qualitative interviews (30 group and 87 individual interviews) and Framework Analysis.

SETTING: Four UK study sites, one in each country.Save

PARTICIPANTS: 185 individuals from eight stakeholder groups: (1) foundation year 1 (F1) doctors (n=34); (2) fully registered trainee doctors (n=33); (3) clinical educators (n=32); (4) undergraduate/postgraduate Deans, and Foundation Programme Directors (n=30); (5) other healthcare professionals (n=13); (6) employers (n=7); (7) policy and government (n=11); (8) patient and public representatives (n=25).

RESULTS: We identified four main themes: (1) The F1 year as a safety net: patients were protected by close trainee supervision and 'sign off' to prevent errors; trainees were provided with a safe environment for learning on the job; (2) Implications for undergraduate medical education: if the proposal was accepted, a 'radical review' of undergraduate curricula would be needed; undergraduate education might need to be longer; (3) Implications for F1 work practice: steps to protect healthcare team integration and ensure that F1 doctors stay within competency limits would be required; (4) Financial, structural and political implications: there would be cost implications for trainees; clarification of responsibilities between undergraduate and postgraduate medical education would be needed. Typically, each theme comprised arguments for and against the proposal.

CONCLUSIONS: A policy change to align the timing of full registration with graduation would require considerable planning and preliminary work. These findings will inform policymakers' decision-making. Regardless of the decision, medical students should take on greater responsibility for patient care as undergraduates, assessment methods in clinical practice and professionalism domains need development, and good practice in postgraduate supervision and support must be shared.


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Public health risk communication during emergencies should be rapid and accurate in order to allow the audience to take steps to prevent adverse outcomes. Delays to official communications may cause unnecessary anxiety due to uncertainty or inaccurate information circulating within the at-risk group. Modern electronic communications present opportunities for rapid, targeted public health risk communication. We present a case report of a cluster of invasive meningococcal disease in a primary school in which we used the school's mass short message service (SMS) text message system to inform parents and guardians of pupils about the incident, to tell them that chemoprophylaxis would be offered to all pupils and staff, and to advise them when to attend the school to obtain further information and antibiotics. Following notification to public health on a Saturday, an incident team met on Sunday, sent the SMS messages that afternoon, and administered chemoprophyaxis to 93% of 404 pupils on Monday. The use of mass SMS messages enabled rapid communication from an official source and greatly aided the public health response to the cluster.


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Background: Peer tutoring has been described as “people from similar social groupings who are not professional teachers helping each other to learn and learning themselves by teaching”. Peer tutoring is well accepted as a source of support in many medical curricula, where participation and learning involve a process of socialisation.
Peer tutoring can ease the transition of the junior students from the university class environment to the hospital workplace. In this paper, we apply the Experienced Based Learning (ExBL) model to explore medical students’ perceptions of their experience of taking part in a newly established peer tutoring program at a hospital based
clinical school.
Methods: In 2014, all students at Sydney Medical School – Central, located at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital were invited to voluntarily participate in the peer tutoring program. Year 3 students (n = 46) were invited to act as tutors for Year 1 students (n = 50), and Year 4 students (n = 60) were invited to act as tutors for Year 2 students (n = 51). Similarly, the ‘tutees’ were invited to take part on a voluntary basis. Students were invited to attend focus groups, which were held at the end of the program. Framework analysis was used to code and categorise data into themes.
Results: In total, 108/207 (52 %) students participated in the program. A total of 42/106 (40 %) of Year 3 and 4 students took part as tutors; and of 66/101 (65 %) of Year 1 and 2 students took part as tutees. Five focus groups were held, with 50/108 (46 %) of students voluntarily participating. Senior students (tutors) valued the opportunity to practice and improve their medical knowledge and teaching skills. Junior students (tutees) valued the opportunity for additional practice and patient interaction, within a relaxed, small group learning environment.
Conclusion: Students perceived the peer tutoring program as affording opportunities not otherwise available within the curriculum. The peer teaching program provided a framework within the medical curriculum for senior students to practice and improve their medical knowledge and teaching skills. Concurrently, junior students were provided with a valuable learning experience that they reported as being qualitatively different to traditional teaching by faculty.


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A meta-analysis was undertaken on a form of cooperative learning, peer tutoring. The effects of experimental design on outcomes were explored, as measured by Effect Size (ES). Forty three articles with 82 effect size studies were included in the meta-analysis. Highest ES were reported for quasi-experimental studies. ES reduced as experimental design moved from single pre-test factor matched, to multiple-factor matched randomized controlled trials. ES reduced when designs used standardised, rather than self-designed measures. The implications for future meta-analyses and research in cooperative learning are explored.


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It is generally accepted that education has a significant role to play in anysociety transitioning from conflict to a more peaceful dispensation. Indeed,some have argued that the education system potentially represents the singlemost effective agent of social change with the capacity to bridge ethnicdivision in conflict affected countries. Despite the potential, educationalpolicy-makers grapple with the dilemma as to precisely how school systemscan best facilitate this agenda. This paper thus attempts to shed lightupon the dilemma by exploring pupil identity and associated intergroupattitudes across various school types in Northern Ireland. Five schools wereselected for the study with each one representing a particular sector withinthe Northern Irish education system (maintained grammar, maintainedsecondary, controlled grammar, controlled secondary, integrated). This led toa total sample size of 265 pupils. The main findings show that children acrossseparate Catholic, separate Protestant and mixed Catholic and Protestanteducational contexts construct and interpret identity differently. At thesame time, our data suggest that no one school setting has supremacy inpromoting social cohesion. The implications of these findings are discussed.


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Objective:Postsecondary educational attainment is the key for successful transition to adulthood, economic self-sufficiency, and good mental and physical health.Method:Secondary analyses of school leavers’ data were carried out to establish postsecondary educational trajectories of students on the autism spectrum in the United Kingdom.Results:Findings show that students with autism who had attended mainstream secondary schools enter Further Education (post-16 vocational training) and Higher Education (University) institutions at a similar rate to other students to study the full range ofsubjects on offer. However, they are more likely to be younger, study at a lower academic level, and remain living at home.Conclusion:While course completion data were not yet available, attainment data showed that prospects were improving, although more needs to be done to enable these young adults to a achieving their post secondary educational potential.


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This multimethod case study of a Greek vocational school explored teachers’ culture (including beliefs about education, teachers’ role, and students’ nature) using the concept of Pupil Control Ideology to explain problems of disengagement and low morale among staff and students, as well as tensions in relationships. A prominent custodial culture was identified in the school using a functional/apolitical pedagogy to transmit ‘legitimate’ knowledge to students whose working-class background did not produce desired outcomes. This generated deficit views of students, teachers’ sympathy, and a seemingly caring school ethos which was, nevertheless, oppressive. Students’ failings were naturalised and vocational education misinterpreted as merely a streaming device in a system honouring academic achievement and middle-class ways. Teachers were blind to these cultural subtleties, believing they acted ‘rationally’ and altruistically. A humanistic subculture emphasising student empowerment and social transformation consisted of a minority of teachers and was rather marginalised. This disallowed meaningful dialogue and the identification of an alternative rationale for the sector, generating strong feelings of futility. Positive change in this school necessitated the deconstruction and (subsequent) reconstruction of custodial teachers’ worldview as embedded in their practice.


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Introduction to the co-edited book 'Cartographies of Differences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives


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The objective was to identify determinants of uptake and maintenance of active school travel (AST) over 4 years in children aged 9 at baseline. Data from wave 1 (n=8502) and 2 (n=7479) of the Growing Up in Ireland study were analysed. At 9- and 13-years 25% and 20% engaged in AST. Children were more likely to maintain or take-up AST if they lived in an urban area. Change in distance to school influenced both maintenance and adoption of AST, with a negative impact seen for increased distance between 9 and 13 years and a positive impact seen for decreased distance. Some factors which predict uptake and maintenance of AST are modifiable and can inform intervention development.


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Students’ Engagement in School has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout, and pointed out as a mean to address the problems affecting our schools and their students, not only for having value in itself, but also for being an important mediator between several academic variables. This paper reviews the research and literature on this concept and its relations with personal and contextual variables, as well as with academic performance, with the aim of summarizing the main relationships found. Literature presents a significant number of studies which sustain that personal variables, such as self-efficacy and self-concept, as well as contextual - peers, school, family- are related with school engagement. The adoption of mastery goals, for instance, has a positive impact on school, as they are related with the use of cognitive and self-regulatory strategies by students. Positive relationships with peers, teachers support and the quality of family relations are associated with higher levels of engagement and academic performance, while negative experiences, such as bullying, are related with educational difficulties. Following this, we reflect about the relevance of studying engagement in school, in the context of widespread financial crisis, and emphasize the need to rethink educational institutions considering the paradigmatic changes that currently occur.


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Com a presente dissertação pretendemos caracterizar os possíveis contornos de uma parceria entre as escolas e outras instituições do concelho de Moura, de forma a melhorar a colaboração e com isso a maximização dos recursos materiais e humanos existentes no território. Com fundamento nos contributos de diversos autores relevantes no campo de conhecimento em análise e nas diferentes orientações legais, procuramos atingir os seguintes objetivos: a) identificar as instituições existentes; b) caracterizar as instituições; c) identificar domínios onde possam ser promovidas parcerias e d) identificar os recursos existentes na comunidade educativa de Moura. De forma a encontrar resposta às questões da investigação, (relacionadas com a promoção de parcerias locais, com base na partilha de recursos), optamos por uma metodologia mista, qualitativa/quantitativa, por se considerar mais apropriada ao objeto do estudo. Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de questionários aplicados a uma amostra do universo de instituições do Concelho de Moura. A análise originou um quadro de categorias, subcategorias e indicadores com os quais criamos uma base de dados. Após ter sido efetuada a investigação e a cartografia institucional do Concelho de Moura, chegámos aos seguintes resultados: a) foram identificadas áreas prioritárias para a promoção de parcerias; b) identificaram-se recursos plausíveis de serem utilizados em termos de parcerias. Apesar das suas limitações, este estudo poderá contribuir para: a) identificar áreas comuns de formação entre instituições da comunidade; b) facilitar a adaptação do currículo nacional à realidade envolvendo diversos parceiros; c) alertar para uma efetiva necessidade de articulação entre as instituições. /ABSTRACT - With this dissertation we intend to characterize the possible layouts of a partnership between the schools and other institutions of the Moura County as to improve the collaboration and thus maximize the material and human resources existing in the territory. Based on the contributions of several significant authors in the field of the knowledge in analysis and in the different legal diplomas, we aim to: a) identify the existing institutions; b) characterize those institutions; c) identify the areas where partnerships can be promoted and d) identify the existing resources in the school community of Moura. In order to find an answer to the questions of investigation, (connected to the promotion of local partnerships, based on the sharing of resources), we choose a mixed methodology, qualitative/quantitative, because we find it more appropriate to the matter in study. The data was gathered by the use of questionnaires applied to a sample of the universe of institutions of the Moura County. The analysis gave origin to a board of categories, and indicators with which we created a database. After the investigation and the institutional cartography of the Moura County, we came to the following results: a) priority areas for the promotion of partnerships were identified; b) resources that can be used in partnerships were identified. Despite its limitations, this study is able to contribute to: a) the identification of common training areas between institutions of the community; b) facilitate the adaptation of the national curriculum to the reality involving different partners; c9 to alert to a true need of articulation between the institutions.


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Tendo como principal fio condutor a pergunta de partida (Qual o impacto das novas medidas de política educativa para o 1° Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Educação de Adultos na oferta local dos ambientes de aprendizagem?) procuramos encontrar uma resposta para a problemática na qual se centra esta investigação. A partir desta questão inicial delineámos o corpo da dissertação em duas partes: a primeira referente ao enquadramento teórico e a segunda respeitante ao estudo empírico. No âmbito do enquadramento teórico, procedemos a uma reflexão cruzada entre educação e território, no sentido de perceber as suas potenciais (inter) ligações, bem como à análise de alguns dos normativos que dão suporte legal a esta problemática, finalizando com a apresentação do campo de estudo. Ao nível do estudo empírico, seguimos uma metodologia partilhada (qualitativa quantitativa), apoiada essencialmente numa aproximação conceptual ao estudo de caso. Os dados recolhidos, por melo de inquérito por questionários aplicados, permitiram-nos conceber várias leituras do território: Cartografia Institucional do Concelho de Gavião e Cartografia Educacional do Concelho de Gavião referente aos anos Ietivos de 2004-2005 e 2006-2007, respetivamente, dado o estuda ter decorrido ao Iongo de um período de três anos Ietivos. Da análise dos dados disponíveis, centramos as nossas conclusões em, pelo menos, duas dimensões totalmente opostas. Por um lado, o novo paradigma de “escola a tempo inteiro” assume, atualmente, neste território um papel preponderante, devolvendo aos ambientes formais de educação uma clara liderança no que concerne à quantidade e diversidade de aprendizagens desenvolvidas; por outro, assistimos a um claro abandono das aprendizagens realizadas em espaços não formais, as quais eram dirigidas quase exclusivamente às faixas etárias mais avançadas, que agora vêm as várias possibilidades de aprender, o que quer que seja, como uma oportunidade cada vez mais distante. Face à problemática em estudo, a nossa dissertação termina com a formulação das sugestões e recomendações que nos parecem mais oportunas. /ABSTRACT - The main question of this work is: "Which is the impact of new rules of education politics and rules, in first level (6-10years old) and adult education, in local offers into learning contexts?” we look for an answer to this problematic which is the matter of our research. Throughout this question, this essay was divided into two parts: the first one refers the theoretic frame, and the second one is about the empiric study. On the theoretic frame, we made a profound consideration between education and district, in order to understand its potentials (inter) connections, as well as the analysis of some normatives, which Iegally supports this problematic, ending with a presentation of the subject. On the empiric study, our approach is a mix methodology (qualitative and quantitative one) mainly supported on the concept of the “case study” Data collected by inquiry and questionnaire, allowed us to realize several knowledge of the municipality: Institutional Cartography of Gavião's Municipality and Educational Cartography of Gavião's Municipality, it refers to the academic years 2004-2005 and 2006-2007, because the study was done during those two years. From data analyses, we centered our conclusions into, at least, two opposite ways. On one hand, a new paradigm of “full time school” (from 9:00am to 5:30pm) claims, actually, in this municipality an important rule, it restores in the formal educational environment a great control, concerning the quantity and diversity of developed learning, on the other hand, we saw a destitution of developed learning on no formal environment, which were almost exclusively direct to the elder one, now this population felt learning possibilities rather far away. Our essay ends with some suggestions and recommendations which seams to us proper into this context.