995 resultados para Scale 1:300,000None
Ink on linen; location, type of plantings; pool; signed. 103 x 42 cm. Scale: 1" = 10' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Blueprint, pencil; unsigned. 60 x 47 cm. Scale: 1" = 16' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Ink on linen; location, type of plantings; footpaths, steps; unsigned. 48 x 35 cm. Scale: 1" = 20' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Yellow, black ink on linen; location, type of plantings; pool, rockwood, council ring; list of rock plantings;elevations in pencil, contour lines; signed. 112 x 61 cm. Scale: 1" = 5' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Ink on linen; location, type of plantings; bird pool, tennis court, steps, footpath; notes; signed. 43 x 23 cm. Scale: 1" = 20' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Ink on linen; similar to WAI1; unsigned. 63 x 47 cm. Scale: 1" = 10' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Red, black ink on linen; location, type of plantings; pool, bridges, camp fire, footpaths; signed. 90 x 38 cm. Scale: 1" = 20' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Ink on linen; location, type of plantings; pool, footpaths, gardens; signed. 83 x 66 cm. Scale: 1" = 40' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Pencil on tracing paper; seats, council hill, player's nooks, council fire, rocks; section of grade; section of council fire; signed; 68 x 62 cm.; Scale: 1" = 10' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Ink on linen; location, type, amounts of plantings; pond, footpaths, seats; signed; 77 x 54 cm.; Scale: 1" = 10' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Editor: Karl Kraus.
We have rated eye color on a 3-point scale (1=blue/grey, 2=hazel/green, 3=brown) in 502 twin families and carried out a 5-10 cM genome scan (400-757 markers). We analyzed eye color as a threshold trait and performed multipoint sib pair linkage analysis using variance components analysis in Mx. A lod of 19.2 was found at the marker D15S1002, less than 1 cM from OCA2, which has been previously implicated in eye color variation. We estimate that 74% of variance in eye color liability is due to this QTL and a further 18% due to polygenic effects. However, a large shoulder on this peak suggests that other loci affecting eye color may be telomeric of OCA2 and inflating the QTL estimate. No other peaks reached genome-wide significance, although lods >2 were seen on 5p and 14q and lods >1 were additionally seen on chromosomes 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17 and 18. Most of these secondary peaks were reduced or eliminated when we repeated the scan as a two locus analysis with the 15q linkage included, although this does not necessarily exclude them as false positives. We also estimated the interaction between the 15q QTL and the other marker locus but there was only minor evidence for additive x additive epistasis. Elaborating the analysis to the full two-locus model including non-additive main effects and interactions did not strengthen the evidence for epistasis. We conclude that most variation in eye color in Europeans is due to polymorphism in OCA2 but that there may be modifiers at several other loci.
Response of an aerobic upflow sludge blanket (AUSB) reactor system to the changes in operating conditions was investigated by varying two principle operating variables: the oxygenation pressure and the flow recirculation rate. The oxygenation pressure was varied between 0 and 25 psig (relative), while flow recirculation rates were between 1,300 and 600% correspondingly. The AUSB reactor system was able to handle a volumetric loading of as high as 3.8 kg total organic carbon (TOC)/m(3) day, with a removal efficiency of 92%. The rate of TOC removal by AUSB was highest at a pressure of 20 psig and it decreased when the pressure was increased to 25 psig and the flow recirculation rate was reduced to 600%. The TOC removal rate also decreased when the operating pressure was reduced to 0 and 15 psig, with corresponding increase in flow recirculation rates to 1,300 and 1,000%, respectively. Maintenance of a high dissolved oxygen level and a high flow recirculation rate was found to improve the substrate removal capacity of the AUSB system. The AUSB system was extremely effective in retaining the produced biomass despite a high upflow velocity and the overall sludge yield was only 0.24-0.32 g VSS/g TOC removed. However, the effluent TOC was relatively high due to the system's operation at a high organic loading.
In recent years, the multiparametric approach for evaluating perceptual rating of voice quality has been advocated. This study evaluates the accuracy of predicting perceived overall severity of voice quality with a minimal set of aerodynamic, voice range profile (phonetogram), and acoustic perturbation measures. One hundred and twelve dysphonic persons (93 women and 19 men) with laryngeal pathologies and 41 normal controls (35 women and six men) with normal voices participated in this study. Perceptual severity judgement was carried out by four listeners rating the G (overall grade) parameter of the GRBAS scale.(1) The minimal set of instrumental measures was selected based on the ability of the measure to discriminate between dysphonic and normal voices, and to attain at least a moderate correlation with perceived overall severity. Results indicated that perceived overall severity was best described by maximum phonation time of sustained /a/, peak intraoral pressure of the consonant-vowel /pi/ strings production, voice range profile area, and acoustic jitter. Direct-entry discriminant function analysis revealed that these four voice measures in combination correctly predicted 67.3% of perceived overall severity levels.
Little is known about the quality of the images transmitted in email telemedicine systems. The present study was designed to survey the quality of images transmitted in the Swinfen Charitable Trust email referral system. Telemedicine cases were examined for a 3 month period in 2002 and a 3 month period in 2006. The number of cases with images attached increased from 8 (38%) to 37 (53%). There were four types of images (clinical photographs, microscope pictures, notes and X-ray images) and the proportion of radiology images increased from 27 to 48%. The cases in 2002 came from four different hospitals and were associated with seven different clinical specialties. In 2006, the cases came from 19 different hospitals and 20 different specialties. The 46 cases (from both study periods) had a total of 159 attached images. The quality of the images was assessed by awarding each image a score in four categories: focus, anatomical perspective, composition and lighting. The images were scored on a five-point scale (1 = very poor to 5 =very good) by a qualified medical photographer. In comparing image quality between the two study periods, there was some evidence that the quality had reduced, although the average size of the attached images had increased. The median score for all images in 2002 was 16 (interquartile range 14-19) and the median score in 2006 was 15 (13-16). The difference was significant (P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test).