994 resultados para Sandra Roff


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Mutations in the Ras-pathway occur in 40–45% of colorectal cancer patients and these are refractory to treatment with anti-EGFR-targeted therapies. With this in mind, we have studied novel guanidinium- based compounds with demonstrated ability to inhibit protein kinases. We have performed docking stud- ies with several proteins involved in the Ras-pathway and evaluated 3,40-bis-guanidinium derivatives as inhibitors of B-Raf. Compound 3, the most potent in this series, demonstrated strong cytotoxicity in WTB-Raf colorectal cancer cells and also cells with V600EB-Raf mutations. Cell death was induced by apop- tosis, detected by cleavage of PARP. Compound 3 also potently inhibited ERK1/2 signalling, inhibited EGFR activation, as well as Src, STAT3 and AKT phosphorylation. Mechanistically, compound 3 did not inhibit ATP binding to B-Raf, but direct assay of B-Raf activity was inhibited in vitro. Summarizing, we have identified a novel B-Raf type-III inhibitor that exhibits potent cellular cytotoxicity


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Background: Oncogenic mutations in BRAF occur in 8% of patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) and have been shown to correlate with poor prognosis. In contrast to BRAF mutant (MT) melanoma, where the BRAF inhibitor PLX4032 has shown significant increases in response rates and overall survival compared to standard Dacarbazine treatment, only minor responses to PLX4032 treatment have been reported in BRAFMT CRC. Clear understanding of the vulnerabilities of BRAFMT CRC is important, and identification of druggable targets uniquely required by BRAFMT CRC tumors has the potential to fill a gap in the therapeutic armamentarium of advanced CRC. The aim of this study was to identify novel resistance mechanisms to MAPK inhibition in BRAFMT CRC.

Methods: Paired BRAFMT/WT RKO and VACO432 CRC cell line models and non-isogenic BRAFMT LIM2405, WiDR and COLO205 CRC cells were used. Changes in protein expression/activity were assessed by Western Blotting. Interaction between MEK1/2 and JAK1/2 inhibition was assessed using the MTT cell viability assays and flow cytometry. Apoptosis was measured using Western blotting for PARP, cleaved caspase 3/8 and caspase 8, 3/7 activity assays.

Results: Treatment with MEK1/2 inhibitors AZD6244, GSK1120212, UO126 and PD98059 resulted in acute increases in STAT3 activity in the BRAFMT RKO and VACO432 cells but not in their BRAFWT clones and this was associated with increases in JAK2 activity. Inhibition of JAK/STAT3 activation using gene specific siRNA or small molecule inhibitors TG101348 or AZD1480, abrogated this survival response and resulted in significant increases in cell death when combined with MEK1/2 inhibitors AZD6244 or GSK1120212 in BRAFMT CRC cells. In addition, combination of MEK1/2 and JAK/STAT3 inhibition resulted in strong synergy with CI values between 0.3 and 0.7 in BRAFMT CRC cells.

Conclusions: We have identified JAK/STAT3 activation as an important escape mechanism for BRAFMT CRC following MEK1/2 inhibition. These data provide a strong rationale for further investigation of combination of MEK1/2 and JAK/STAT3 inhibition in BRAFMT in vivo models.


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A number of independent gene expression profiling studies have identified transcriptional subtypes in colorectal cancer (CRC) with potential diagnostic utility, culminating in publication of a CRC Consensus Molecular Subtype classification. The worst prognostic subtype has been defined by genes associated with stem-like biology. Recently, it has been shown that the majority of genes associated with this poor prognostic group are stromal-derived. We investigated the potential for tumor misclassification into multiple diagnostic subgroups based on tumoral region sampled.

Experimental Design:
We performed multi-region tissue RNA extraction/transcriptomic analysis using Colorectal Specific Arrays on invasive front, central tumor and lymph node regions selected from tissue samples from 25 CRC patients.

We identified a consensus 30 gene list which represents the intratumoral heterogeneity within a cohort of primary CRC tumors. Using a series of online datasets, we showed that this gene list displays prognostic potential (HR=2.914 (CI 0.9286-9.162) in stage II/III CRC patients, but in addition we demonstrated that these genes are stromal derived, challenging the assumption that poor prognosis tumors with stem-like biology have undergone a widespread Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). Most importantly, we showed that patients can be simultaneously classified into multiple diagnostically relevant subgroups based purely on the tumoral region analysed.

Gene expression profiles derived from the non-malignant stromal region can influence assignment of CRC transcriptional subtypes, questioning the current molecular classification dogma and highlighting the need to consider pathology sampling region and degree of stromal infiltration when employing transcription-based classifiers to underpin clinical decision-making in CRC.


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A recent phase 2 study of metastatic colorectal carcinoma (CRC) patients showed that mismatch repair gene status was predictive of clinical response to PD-1-targeting immune checkpoint blockade. Further examination revealed strong correlation between PD-L1 protein expression and microsatellite instability (MSI) in stage IV CRC, suggesting that the amount of PD-L1 protein expression could identify late stage patients who may benefit from immunotherapy. To assess whether the clinical associations between PD-L1 gene expression and MSI identified in metastatic CRC are also present in stage II/III CRC, we used in silico analysis to elucidate the cell types expressing the PD-L1 gene. We found a significant association of PD-L1 gene expression with MSI in early stage CRC (P < 0.001) and show that unlike in non-CRC tumors, PD-L1 is derived predominantly from the immune infiltrate. We demonstrate that PD-L1 gene expression has positive prognostic value in the adjuvant disease setting (PD-L1low v PD-L1high HR = 9.09; CI, 2.11-39.10). PD-L1 gene expression had predictive value, as patients with high PD-L1 expression appear to be harmed by standard-of-care treatment (HR = 4.95; CI,1.10-22.35). Building on the promising results from the metastatic CRC PD-1-targeting trial, we provide compelling evidence that PD-L1high/MSI/immunehigh stage II/III CRC patients should not receive standard chemotherapy. This conclusion supports the rationale to clinically evaluate this patient subgroup for PD-1 blockade treatment.


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Os cursos de Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP) destinam-se não apenas a surdos, mas também a ouvintes, nomeadamente, professores, educadores e outros técnicos que trabalham com a problemática, familiares e amigos de pessoas surdas ou quaisquer outras pessoas interessadas na aprendizagem da LGP. A partir de uma experiência de formação concreta – o curso de LGP/nível I (ASE, 2006/07) – constitui objectivo deste texto reflectir sobre um processo de ensino-aprendizagem que faz do seu espaço o momento de silenciar a voz, tirar as mãos dos bolsos e deixar 'falar' as mãos. Depois de uma breve introdução à LGP, e de uma incursão exploratória sobre o ensino de LGP a ouvintes, traçamos, no final, um 'retrato impressionista' construído a partir de várias notas soltas e que, organizadas tematicamente quanto aos protagonistas, contexto, conteúdos, recursos e avaliação, permitem-nos rotular como 'diferente' esta experiência de ensino-aprendizagem.


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A educação e formação de adultos tem constituído, nos últimos tempos, uma prioridade política neste campo, traduzindo-se, na Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades, programa que ambiciona instituir as ofertas provenientes desta política,nomeadamente o processo de RVCC. Considerando que o processo de RVCC é uma das modalidades formativas oferecidas pelos CNO, a sua essência centra-se em reconhecer, validar e certificar as competências provenientes da experiência que o adulto adquiriu em diferentes contextos ao longo da vida.


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El presente proyecto de Estudio de Factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de Vino de Litchi en la Ciudad de Quito, es una nueva alternativa de incursionar en el mercado del vino debido a que en nuestro país se dedica más a la importación de vino y tenemos un nicho de mercado que podemos aprovechar. El litchi es originario del sur de China, con una larga historia en ese país, se distingue por producir una fruta grande, roja, con pocas semillas. Se la considera una de las mejores variedades para el proceso de secado de la fruta. No es una fruta muy conocida, se cultiva específicamente en la Costa y se la conoce con el nombre de achotillo comúnmente. Es una fruta que contiene una gran variedad de beneficios para la salud. En el Estudio de Mercado se aplico las encuestas que nos permitieron observar que el consumo de vino en las familias es moderado, pero están dispuestos a consumir otro tipo de vino y mucho más si este ayuda a la salud. Nuestro mercado objetivo son los jefes de hogar que incluye hombres o mujeres de nivel medio alto y alto, ya que ambos tienen la posibilidad de adquirir el producto.


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We show that a self-generated set of combinatorial games, S, may not be hereditarily closed but, strong self-generation and hereditary closure are equivalent in the universe of short games. In [13], the question “Is there a set which will give an on-distributive but modular lattice?” appears. A useful necessary condition for the existence of a finite non-distributive modular L(S) is proved. We show the existence of S such that L(S) is modular and not distributive, exhibiting the first known example. More, we prove a Representation Theorem with Games that allows the generation of all finite lattices in game context. Finally, a computational tool for drawing lattices of games is presented.


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Com este trabalho pretende-se realçar que os adolescentes passam por determinadas fases ou estádios da sua vida, em que se deparam com determinadas dificuldades ou até mesmo, incapacidades para levar a cabo a realização de determinadas necessidades; e que por isso mesmo, estes momentos podem vir a representar a oportunidade de crescimento da personalidade, mas ao mesmo tempo, o perigo de crescente vulnerabilidade ao distúrbio mental. Este relatório, expressa a preocupação com a problemática, analisa reflexivamente e descreve o trabalho desenvolvido na área da saúde mental e psiquiátrica por um enfermeiro, na Clínica da Juventude ao longo de seis meses, através da implementação do que se preconiza ser um Processo de Cuidados em Enfermagem (i.e., avaliação, diagnóstico, planeamento, intervenção e avaliação final), no acompanhamento de adolescentes com alterações do comportamento. O instrumento usado para avaliação diagnóstica foi a entrevista semiestrutura e semidireccionada, o planeamento e as intervenções variaram de acordo com a individualidade de cada adolescente e as suas necessidades particulares. Os resultados de uma forma geral demonstraram que o acompanhamento dos jovens com alterações do comportamento deve iniciar-se o mais precocemente possível, deve incidir na identificação das principais dificuldades ou necessidades e não nos diagnósticos médicos. O adolescente, deve também, ser abordado o mais holísticamente possível e nos diferentes setores onde se mobiliza. Conclui-se que a intencionalidade terapêutica deve recair no acompanhamento do adolescente, no sentido, de o tornar mais autónomo, capaz de assumir responsabilidades, tomar decisões, que cresça e se transforme num adulto autoconfiante e realizado; ABSTRACT: This work aims to emphasize that teenagers go through certain phases or stages of its life, when faced with certain difficulties and even disabilities to carry out the execution of particular needs, and that therefore, these moments may come to represent the opportunity for growth of personality, but at the same time, the danger of increasing vulnerability to mental disorder. This report expresses concern with the issue, reflective analysis and describes the work in the area of mental health and psychiatric care by a nurse in the Youth Clinic for six months, by implementing what it calls a procedure to be Care Nursing (ie, assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention and final assessment), monitoring of adolescents with behavioral changes. The results generally showed that the monitoring of young people with behavioral changes should be initiated as early as possible, should focus on identifying the main difficulties or needs and not on medical diagnostics. The teen should also be approached holistically as possible and in different sectors where it is mobilized. We conclude that the intention must lie in therapeutic monitoring of the adolescent, in order, making it more autonomous, able to take responsibility, make decisions, to grow and become an adult self-confident and accomplished.