996 resultados para Saint Lawrence River


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Quantifying nutrient and sediment loads in catchments is dif?cult owing to diffuse controls related to storm hydrology. Coarse sampling and interpolation methods are prone to very high uncertainties due to under-representation of high discharge, short duration events. Additionally, important low-?ow processes such as diurnal signals linked to point source impacts are missed. Here we demonstrate a solution based on a time-integrated approach to sampling with a standard 24 bottle autosampler con?gured to take a sample every 7 h over a week according to a Plynlimon design. This is evaluated with a number of other sampling strategies using a two-year dataset of sub-hourly discharge and phosphorus concentration data. The 24/7 solution is shown to be among the least uncertain in estimating load (inter-quartile range: 96% to 110% of actual load in year 1 and 97% to 104% in year 2) due to the increased frequency raising the probability of sampling storm events and point source signals. The 24/7 solution would appear to be most parsimonious in terms of data coverage and certainty, process signal representation, potential laboratory commitment, technology requirements and the ability to be widely deployed in complex catchments.


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Urotensin II was isolated from extracts of the whole brain of the river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) and the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). The primary structure of the peptide from both species is the same (Asn-Asn-Phe-Ser-Asp-Cys-Phe-Trp-Lys-Tyr-Cys-Val) and this amino acid sequence is identical to that of urotensin II from the dogfish and skate. Consistent with previous morphological studies indicating that the Agnatha lack a caudal neurosecretory system, urotensin II was not detected in an extract of P. marinus spinal cord. The data suggest that the urotensin II may have functioned in the earliest vertebrates as a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in the central nervous system rather than as a neurohormone of the caudal neurosecretory system. Urotensin II was also isolated from an extract of the spinal cord of a chondrostean fish, the paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). The primary structure of the paddlefish urotensin II (Gly-Ser-Thr-Ser-Glu-Cys-Phe-Trp-Lys-Tyr-Cys-Val) is the same as that of another chondrostean, the sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus). The study provides further evidence for a widespread distribution of urotensin II in vertebrate species and suggests that the primary structure of the peptide is better conserved in these phylogenetically ancient fish than in teleosts. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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Tachykinins were purified from extracts of gastrointestinal tissues of the urodele, Amphiuma tridacrylum (three-toed amphiuma), and the elasmobranch Sphyrna lewini (hammerhead shark), and from the brain of the agnathan Lampetra fluviatilis (river lamprey). The amphiuma substance P (SP) (DNPSVGQFYGLM-NH2) contains 12 amino residues compared with 11 for mammalian SP and lacks the Arg/Lys-Pro-Xaa-Pro motif that is characteristic of NK, receptor-selective agonists. Lampetra SP (RKPHPKEFVGLM-NH2) is identical to SP from the sea lamprey and the shark SP-related peptide (AKFDKFYGLM-NH2) is identical to dogfish scyliorhinin L. Amphiuma neurokinin A (NKA) (HKDAFIGLM-NH2) and lamprey NKA (HFDEFVGLM-NH2) contain 9 amino acid residues compared with 10 for mammalian NKA. The shark NKA-related peptide (ASGPTQAGIV(10)GRKRQKGEMF(20)VGLM-NH2) shows limited structural similarity to mammalian neuropeptide gamma and the teleost tachykinin, carassin but contains 24 rather than 21 amino acid residues. The data show that the primary structures of the tachykinins have been very poorly conserved during vertebrate evolution and that pressure has acted only to maintain the functionally important sequence -Phe-Xaa-Gly- Leu-Met-NH2 at the COOH-termini of the peptides.


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A study was conducted to investigate the sediment health and water quality of the River Sagana, Kenya, as impacted by the local tanning industry. Chemical analysis identified the main chemical pollutants (pentachlorophenols and chromium) while a bioassay addressed pollutant bioavailability. The bioassay, exploiting the luminescence response of a lux marked bacterial biosensor, was coupled to a dehydrogenase and Dapnia magna test to determine toxicity effects on sediments. Results highlighted the toxicity of the tannery effluent to the sediments at the point of discharge (64% of control bioluminescence) with gradual improvement downstream. There was a significant increase in dehydrogenase downstream, with the enzyme activity attaining a peak at 600 m, also indicating a gradual reduction of toxicity. Biological oxygen demand (19.56 mg L(-1)) dissolved oxygen (3.97 mg L(-1)) and high lethal dose value (85%) of D. magna also confirmed an initial stress at the point of discharge and recovery downstream. Optical density of surface water demonstrated an increase in suspended particulates and colour after the discharge point, eventually decreasing beyond 400 m. In conclusion, the study highlighted the importance of understanding the biogeochemistry of river systems impacted by industries discharging effluent into them and the invaluable role of a biosensor-based ecotoxicological approach to address effluent hazards, particularly in relation to river sediments.