In mammals, damage to sensory receptor cells (hair cells) of the inner ear results in permanent sensorineural hearing loss. Here, we investigated whether postnatal mouse inner ear progenitor/stem cells (mIESCs) are viable after transplantation into the basal turns of neomycin-injured guinea pig cochleas. We also examined the effects of mIESC transplantation on auditory functions. Eight adult female Cavia porcellus guinea pigs (250-350g) were deafened by intratympanic neomycin delivery. After 7 days, the animals were randomly divided in two groups. The study group (n=4) received transplantation of LacZ-positive mIESCs in culture medium into the scala tympani. The control group (n=4) received culture medium only. At 2 weeks after transplantation, functional analyses were performed by auditory brainstem response measurement, and the animals were sacrificed. The presence of mIESCs was evaluated by immunohistochemistry of sections of the cochlea from the study group. Non-parametric tests were used for statistical analysis of the data. Intratympanic neomycin delivery damaged hair cells and increased auditory thresholds prior to cell transplantation. There were no significant differences between auditory brainstem thresholds before and after transplantation in individual guinea pigs. Some mIESCs were observed in all scalae of the basal turns of the injured cochleas, and a proportion of these cells expressed the hair cell marker myosin VIIa. Some transplanted mIESCs engrafted in the cochlear basilar membrane. Our study demonstrates that transplanted cells survived and engrafted in the organ of Corti after cochleostomy.
Sweet potato is an important staple, and it is mainly known for its contribution of β-carotene in human diet. The effects of cultivar and habitat on this pigment and other nutritional characteristics of the crop still require investigation. In this study, three locally bred cultivars of sweet potato, two of which are orange-fleshed, were grown in three different agro-ecological areas to determine soluble sugar content, β-carotene, and total antioxidants of roots. In addition antioxidant activity, total carotenoids, and chlorophyll content were determined in edible leaves. Reducing sugars, β-carotene, total antioxidants capacity, total carotenoids, and chlorophyll content were significantly affected by environmental conditions. The location at lower altitude and closer to the coastline showed high evapotranspiration, thus reducing sugar content, antioxidant activity, and phytonutrients in both storage roots and leaves. Absence of water stress in agro-ecological locations further inland and at higher altitudes was associated with an increase in these compounds. Free radical scavenging activity of DPPH was higher in the storage roots (610.49 µmoles TE/100g) than in the leaves (426.06 µmoles TE/100g); nevertheless, opposite results were found for the ferric ion reducing activity (FRAP). The deep orange-fleshed cultivar A45 contained high β-carotene (15 mg/100g), which is enough to meet RDA for vitamin A. There is evidence of agro-ecological effect on sweet potato nutritional value.
INTRODUÇÃO: A glomerulonefrite aguda (GNA) após infecção de vias aéreas superiores ou pele é uma doença renal causada geralmente por cepas estreptocócicas nefritogênicas, podendo cursar com quadro súbito de hematúria macroscópica, hipertensão arterial, edema e, ocasionalmente, insuficiência renal aguda, sendo comum na infância e pouco incidente em adultos e indivíduos mais jovens. OBJETIVO: Analisar, de forma descritiva, os dados da apresentação inicial da GNA após infecção de vias aéreas superiores ou pele em pacientes com mais de 14 anos de idade, com ênfase em seus aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os dados clínicos de 82 pacientes, atendidos em nosso Serviço no período de 1972 a 2001, distribuídos em três grupos etários: grupo 1, com indivíduos entre 14 e 20 anos (n = 52); grupo 2, entre 21 e 30 anos (n = 19); e grupo 3, com idade > 31 anos (n = 11). RESULTADOS: Houve um predomínio do quadro entre pacientes mais jovens (grupo 1), do sexo masculino e da cor branca, precedido, principalmente, por infecção de pele, manifestando-se mais comumente por edema de membros inferiores e/ou face. Em alguns casos, até com síndrome nefrótica, e hipertensão arterial, sobretudo nos adultos com mais de 30 anos (grupo 3), sendo menos frequente o achado de hematúria macroscópica e, raramente, de insuficiência renal aguda. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados ressaltam a importância de se estudar a GNA após infecção de vias aéreas superiores ou pele em indivíduos mais jovens e adultos, procurando melhor caracterizar seus aspectos clínicos, sobretudo por se tratar de um grupo de pacientes no qual a doença é menos incidente.
ABSTRACTWe discuss historic trends in large metropolitan areas in Brazil showing that manufacturing has decreased its share in the country but the movement was, in general, more intense in large metropolitan areas and particularly in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). This movement was more intense in the 1980s and in the first half of the 1990s. From mid 1990s up to the end of the 2000s, the manufacturing share trend became flat. We speculate that the first period reflects the exhaustion of the process of import substitution that took place in the previous three decades (1950 to 1980). The second period, from 1993 to 2009, is representative of a new model of growth and the evidence that manufacturing share became flat is reinforcing the idea of a new period in terms of manufacturing employment. While concentration has risen from 1996 to 2005, it decreased again in the second half of the first decade of the 2000s. The SPMA reinvented itself very quickly from late 1970s to mid-2000s.
Current research indicates the need to identify and support children at-risk for reading difficulties as early as possible. Children with language impairments are one group of children who have been shown to be at-risk for literacy problems. Their difficulties likely stem from the challenges they tend to experience with acquiring emergent literacy skills as preschoolers. Very little empirical work has been done with preschoolers with language impairments to explore the nature of their emergent literacy development or their response to interventions which target emergent literacy skills. In the present study, 55 preschoolers with language impairments were recruited from a speech and language centre in Southern Ontario. The nature of the relationship between children's early language and literacy skills was explored using measures of their written language awareness, phonological awareness and oral language abilities, in an attempt to better understand how to conceptualize their emergent literacy abilities. Furthermore, a between-subjects design was used to compare two language interventions: an experimental emergent literacy intervention and a standard intervention based on traditional models of speech and language therapy. Results indicated that preschooler's emergent literacy abilities can be understood as a broad, multi-dimensional construct consisting of three separate but interrelated components: written language awareness, phonological awareness, and oral language. The emergent literacy-enhanced intervention was generally superior to the standard language intervention in improving children's skills in written language awareness, and children with the most severe impairments seemed to benefit the most from the experimental intervention. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as areas for future research are discussed. .
Sediment relationships observed during geological mapping in southeastern Ontario indicate a relatively simple deglaciation history for the area during late Wisconsin time. The ice from the north (part of the Lake Simcoe lobe) and the Lake Ontario ice lobe, which were coalesced during most of late Wisconsin time, initially separated along the crest of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Available data indicate that the Oak Ridges Moraine is composed primarily of sediments pre-late Wisconsin in age capped by late Wisconsin till and interlobate deposits. Retreat of the northern ice was relatively steady and resulted in the deposition of the Dummer Moraines, a facies of the drumlinized till to the south. Retreat of the Lake Ontario ice lobe into the Lake Ontario basin was interrupted by a re-advance which covered the southeastern half of the map area. The northern ice had already retreated from the area by this time. The Lake Ontario lobe was fed through the St. Lawrence Valley, indicating that the Ottawa Valley was ice filled at this time. High level glacial lakes fronted the ice during deglaciation. These waters quickly fell to low levels as the ice retreated from the St. Lawrence Valley, opening lower outlets.
Adult rats emit 22 kHz ultrasonic alann calls in aversive situations. This type of call
IS a component of defensive behaviour and it functions predominantly to warn
conspecifics about predators. Production of these calls is dependent on the central
cholinergic system. The laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT) and pedunculopontine
tegmental nucleus (PPT) contain largely cholinergic neurons, which create a continuous
column in the brainstem. The LDT projects to structures in the forebrain, and it has been
implicated in the initiation of 22 kHz alarm calls. It was hypothesized that release of
acetylcholine from the ascending LDT terminals in mesencephalic and diencephalic areas
initiates 22 kHz alarm vocalization. Therefore, the tegmental cholinergic neurons should
be more active during emission of alarm calls. The aim of this study was to demonstrate
increased activity of LDT cholinergic neurons during emission of 22 kHz calls induced
by air puff stimuli. Immunohistochemical staining of the enzyme choline
acetyltransferase identified cell bodies of cholinergic neurons, and c-Fos immunolabeling
identified active cells. Double labeled cells were regarded as active cholinergic cells.
There were significantly more (p
Changes in the configuration of a tree stern result insignificant differences in its total volume and in the proportion of that volume that is merchantable timber. Tree allometry, as represented by stem-fo~, is the result of the vertical force of gravity and the horizontal force of wind. The effect of wind force is demonstrated in the relationship between stem-form, standclosure and site-conditions. An increase in wind force on the individual tree due to a decrease in stand density should produce a more tapered tree. The density of the stand is determined by the conditions that the trees are growing under. The ability of the tree to respond to increased wind force may also be a function of these conditions . This stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using a pre-existing database from westcentral Alberta. This database consisted of environmental, vegetation, soils and timber data covering a wide range of sites. There were 653 sample trees with 82 variables that formed the basis of the analysis. There were eight tree species consisting of Pinus contorta, Picea mariana, Picea engelmannii x glauca, Abies lasiocarpa, Larix laricina, Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera and Populus balsamifera plus a comprehensive all-species data set. As the actual conformation of the stern is very individual, stem-fo~was represented by the diameter at breast height to total height r~tio. The four stand-closure variables, crown closure, total basal area, total volume and total number of stems were reduced to total basal area and total number of stems utilizing a bivariate correlation matrix by species. Site-conditions were subdivided into macro, meso and micro variables and reduced in number 3 using cross-tabulations, bivariate correlation and principal components analysis as screening tools. The stem-fo~/stand-closure relationship was examined using bivariate correlation coefficients for stem-fo~ with total number of stems and stem-fo~ with total basal area. The stem-fo~/site-conditions and the stand-closure/site- conditions relationships were examined using multiple correlation coefficients. The stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using multiple correlation coefficients in separate analyses for both total number of stems and total basal area. An increase in stand-closure produced a decrease in stem-form for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between stem-form and site-conditions and between stand-closure and site-conditions for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between the stemform and site-conditions, including the stand-closure, for most species; total number of stems was involved independently of the site-conditions in the prediction of stem-form and total basal area was not. Larix laricina and Betula papyrifera were the exceptions to the trends observed with most species. The influence of both stand-closure (total number of stems in particular) and site-conditions (elevation in particular) suggest that forest management practices should include these- ecological parameters in determining appropriate restocking levels.
Evidence suggests that children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) have lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) compared to children without the condition. However, these studies were restricted to field-based methods in order to predict V02 peak in the determination of CRF. Such field tests have been criticised for their ability to provide a valid prediction of V02 peak and vulnerability to psychological aspects in children with DCD, such as low perceived adequacy toward physical activity. Moreover, the contribution of physical activity to the variance in V02 peak between the two groups is unknown. The purpose of our study was to determine the mediating role of physical activity and perceived adequacy towards physical activity on V02 peak in children with significant motor impairments. This prospective case-control design involved 122 (age 12-13 years) children with significant motor impairments (n=61) and healthy matched controls (n=61) based on age, gender and school location. Participants had been previously assessed for motor proficiency and classified as a probable DCD (p-DCD) or healthy control using the movement ABC test. V02 peak was measured by a progressive exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Perceived adequacy was measured using a 7 -item subscale from Children's Selfperception of Adequacy and Predilection for Physical Activity scale. Physical activity was monitored for seven days with the Actical® accelerometer. Children with p-DCD had significantly lower V02 peak (48.76±7.2 ml/ffm/min; p:50.05) compared to controls (53.12±8.2 ml/ffm/min), even after correcting for fat free mass. Regression analysis demonstrated that perceived adequacy and physical activity were significant mediators in the relationship between p-DCD and V02 peak. In conclusion, using a stringent laboratory assessment, the results of the current study verify the findings of earlier studies, adding low CRF to the list of health consequences associated with DCD. It seems that when testing for CRF in this population, there is a need to consider the psychological barriers associated with their condition. Moreover, strategies to increase physical activity in children with DCD may result in improvement in their CRF.
Tesis (Maestría en Enfermería con Especialidad en Salud Comunitaria) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Sistemas) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, 1999.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Ortodoncia) U.A.N.L.