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In the static field limit, the vibrational hyperpolarizability consists of two contributions due to: (1) the shift in the equilibrium geometry (known as nuclear relaxation), and (2) the change in the shape of the potential energy surface (known as curvature). Simple finite field methods have previously been developed for evaluating these static field contributions and also for determining the effect of nuclear relaxation on dynamic vibrational hyperpolarizabilities in the infinite frequency approximation. In this paper the finite field approach is extended to include, within the infinite frequency approximation, the effect of curvature on the major dynamic nonlinear optical processes


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The influence of the basis set size and the correlation energy in the static electrical properties of the CO molecule is assessed. In particular, we have studied both the nuclear relaxation and the vibrational contributions to the static molecular electrical properties, the vibrational Stark effect (VSE) and the vibrational intensity effect (VIE). From a mathematical point of view, when a static and uniform electric field is applied to a molecule, the energy of this system can be expressed in terms of a double power series with respect to the bond length and to the field strength. From the power series expansion of the potential energy, field-dependent expressions for the equilibrium geometry, for the potential energy and for the force constant are obtained. The nuclear relaxation and vibrational contributions to the molecular electrical properties are analyzed in terms of the derivatives of the electronic molecular properties. In general, the results presented show that accurate inclusion of the correlation energy and large basis sets are needed to calculate the molecular electrical properties and their derivatives with respect to either nuclear displacements or/and field strength. With respect to experimental data, the calculated power series coefficients are overestimated by the SCF, CISD, and QCISD methods. On the contrary, perturbation methods (MP2 and MP4) tend to underestimate them. In average and using the 6-311 + G(3df) basis set and for the CO molecule, the nuclear relaxation and the vibrational contributions to the molecular electrical properties amount to 11.7%, 3.3%, and 69.7% of the purely electronic μ, α, and β values, respectively


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Electrical property derivative expressions are presented for the nuclear relaxation contribution to static and dynamic (infinite frequency approximation) nonlinear optical properties. For CF4 and SF6, as opposed to HF and CH4, a term that is quadratic in the vibrational anharmonicity (and not previously evaluated for any molecule) makes an important contribution to the static second vibrational hyperpolarizability of CF4 and SF6. A comparison between calculated and experimental values for the difference between the (anisotropic) Kerr effect and electric field induced second-harmonic generation shows that, at the Hartree-Fock level, the nuclear relaxation/infinite frequency approximation gives the correct trend (in the series CH4, CF4, SF6) but is of the order of 50% too small


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The vibrational configuration interaction method used to obtain static vibrational (hyper)polarizabilities is extended to dynamic nonlinear optical properties in the infinite optical frequency approximation. Illustrative calculations are carried out on H2 O and N H3. The former molecule is weakly anharmonic while the latter contains a strongly anharmonic umbrella mode. The effect on vibrational (hyper)polarizabilities due to various truncations of the potential energy and property surfaces involved in the calculation are examined


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Ribonucleases are promising agents for use in anticancer therapy. Among the different ribonucleases described to be cytotoxic, a paradigmatic example is onconase which manifests cytotoxic and cytostatic effects, presents synergism with several kinds of anticancer drugs and is currently in phase II/III of its clinical trial as an anticancer drug against different types of cancer. The mechanism of cytotoxicity of PE5, a variant of human pancreatic ribonuclease carrying a nuclear localization signal, has been investigated and compared to that of onconase. Methods: Cytotoxicity was measured by the MTT method and by the tripan blue exclusion assay. Apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry, caspase enzymatic detection and confocal microscopy. Cell cycle phase analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The expression of different proteins was analyzed by western blot.n Results: We show that the cytotoxicity of PE5 is produced through apoptosis, that it does not require the proapoptotic activity of p53 and is not prevented by the multiple drug resistance phenotype. We also show that PE5 and onconase induce cell death at the same extent although the latter is also able to arrest the cell growth. We have compared the cytotoxic effects of both ribonucleases in the NCI/ADR-RES cell line by measuring their effects on the cell cycle, on the activation of different caspases and on the expression of different apoptosis- and cell cycle-related proteins. PE5 increases the number of cells in S and G2/M cell cycle phases, which is accompanied by the increased expression of cyclin E and p21WAF1/CIP1 together with the underphosphorylation of p46 forms of JNK. Citotoxicity of onconase in this cell line does not alter the cell cycle phase distribution and it is accompanied by a decreased expression of XIAP. Conclusions: We conclude that PE5 kills the cells through apoptosis associated with the p21WAF1/CIP1 induction and the inactivation of JNK. This mechanism is significantly different from that found for onconase


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Es desenvolupa una eina de disseny per l'anàlisi de la tolerància al dany en composites. L'eina pot predir el inici i la propagació de fisures interlaminars. També pot ser utilitzada per avaluar i planificar la necessitat de reparar o reemplaçar components durant la seva vida útil. El model desenvolupat pot ser utilitzat tan per simular càrregues estàtiques com de fatiga. El model proposat és un model de dany termodinàmicament consistent que permet simular la delaminació en composites sota càrregues variables. El model es formula dins el context de la Mecànica del Dany, fent ús dels models de zona cohesiva. Es presenta un metodologia per determinar els paràmetres del model constitutiu que permet utilitzar malles d'elements finits més bastes de les que es poden usar típicament. Finalment, el model és també capaç de simular la delaminació produïda per càrregues de fatiga.


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Muchas de las nuevas aplicaciones emergentes de Internet tales como TV sobre Internet, Radio sobre Internet,Video Streamming multi-punto, entre otras, necesitan los siguientes requerimientos de recursos: ancho de banda consumido, retardo extremo-a-extremo, tasa de paquetes perdidos, etc. Por lo anterior, es necesario formular una propuesta que especifique y provea para este tipo de aplicaciones los recursos necesarios para su buen funcionamiento. En esta tesis, proponemos un esquema de ingeniería de tráfico multi-objetivo a través del uso de diferentes árboles de distribución para muchos flujos multicast. En este caso, estamos usando la aproximación de múltiples caminos para cada nodo egreso y de esta forma obtener la aproximación de múltiples árboles y a través de esta forma crear diferentes árboles multicast. Sin embargo, nuestra propuesta resuelve la fracción de la división del tráfico a través de múltiples árboles. La propuesta puede ser aplicada en redes MPLS estableciendo rutas explícitas en eventos multicast. En primera instancia, el objetivo es combinar los siguientes objetivos ponderados dentro de una métrica agregada: máxima utilización de los enlaces, cantidad de saltos, el ancho de banda total consumido y el retardo total extremo-a-extremo. Nosotros hemos formulado esta función multi-objetivo (modelo MHDB-S) y los resultados obtenidos muestran que varios objetivos ponderados son reducidos y la máxima utilización de los enlaces es minimizada. El problema es NP-duro, por lo tanto, un algoritmo es propuesto para optimizar los diferentes objetivos. El comportamiento que obtuvimos usando este algoritmo es similar al que obtuvimos con el modelo. Normalmente, durante la transmisión multicast los nodos egresos pueden salir o entrar del árbol y por esta razón en esta tesis proponemos un esquema de ingeniería de tráfico multi-objetivo usando diferentes árboles para grupos multicast dinámicos. (en el cual los nodos egresos pueden cambiar durante el tiempo de vida de la conexión). Si un árbol multicast es recomputado desde el principio, esto podría consumir un tiempo considerable de CPU y además todas las comuicaciones que están usando el árbol multicast serán temporalmente interrumpida. Para aliviar estos inconvenientes, proponemos un modelo de optimización (modelo dinámico MHDB-D) que utilice los árboles multicast previamente computados (modelo estático MHDB-S) adicionando nuevos nodos egreso. Usando el método de la suma ponderada para resolver el modelo analítico, no necesariamente es correcto, porque es posible tener un espacio de solución no convexo y por esta razón algunas soluciones pueden no ser encontradas. Adicionalmente, otros tipos de objetivos fueron encontrados en diferentes trabajos de investigación. Por las razones mencionadas anteriormente, un nuevo modelo llamado GMM es propuesto y para dar solución a este problema un nuevo algoritmo usando Algoritmos Evolutivos Multi-Objetivos es propuesto. Este algoritmo esta inspirado por el algoritmo Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA). Para dar una solución al caso dinámico con este modelo generalizado, nosotros hemos propuesto un nuevo modelo dinámico y una solución computacional usando Breadth First Search (BFS) probabilístico. Finalmente, para evaluar nuestro esquema de optimización propuesto, ejecutamos diferentes pruebas y simulaciones. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son la taxonomía, los modelos de optimización multi-objetivo para los casos estático y dinámico en transmisiones multicast (MHDB-S y MHDB-D), los algoritmos para dar solución computacional a los modelos. Finalmente, los modelos generalizados también para los casos estático y dinámico (GMM y GMM Dinámico) y las propuestas computacionales para dar slución usando MOEA y BFS probabilístico.


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Na sequência da integração da energia eólica em larga escala foram estabelecidos códigos de rede pelos vários operadores de sistema, exigindo que os parques eólicos permaneçam em serviço durante e após a ocorrência de defeitos na rede a montante. Nos parques eólicos equipados com sistemas de velocidade constante este requisito pode ser assegurado pela instalação, no ponto de interligação à rede, de equipamento de compensação dinâmica de potência reactiva, controlado como fonte de tensão, sendo as funções de controlo baseadas em medidas efectuadas no ponto de interligação relativamente às componentes directas da tensão e da corrente. Como a adopção deste tipo de soluções externas é adequada ao funcionamento do sistema em regime equilibrado, este artigo foca a avaliação do desempenho da solução no caso da ocorrência de defeitos assimétricos. Os resultados obtidos através das simulações dinâmicas evidenciam o aparecimento de sobre tensões nas fases não afectadas pelo defeito que poderão colocar o parque eólico fora de serviço.


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This paper discusses whether the use of tympanometry and current normative values are applicable in assessing middle ear status in children with cochlear implants.


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The relations between soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and top- and sub-soil physical properties were examined for an arable field in England. The correlation coefficients between ECa and the soil particle size fractions were large and their cross variograms showed that the coregionalization was also strong. The coregionalization was stronger for the subsoil properties than for the topsoil, the reverse to the correlation coefficients. The relations between ECa and some soil properties, such as clay and water content, appear complex and emphasize that a map of ECa cannot substitute for sampling the soil.


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The frequency responses of two 50 Hz and one 400 Hz induction machines have been measured experimentally over a frequency range of 1 kHz to 400 kHz. This study has shown that the stator impedances of the machines behave in a similar manner to a parallel resonant circuit, and hence have a resonant point at which the Input impedance of the machine is at a maximum. This maximum impedance point was found experimentally to be as low as 33 kHz, which is well within the switching frequency ranges of modern inverter drives. This paper investigates the possibility of exploiting the maximum impedance point of the machine, by taking it into consideration when designing an inverter, in order to minimize ripple currents due to the switching frequency. Minimization of the ripple currents would reduce torque pulsation and losses, increasing overall performance. A modified machine model was developed to take into account the resonant point, and this model was then simulated with an inverter to demonstrate the possible advantages of matching the inverter switching frequency to the resonant point. Finally, in order to experimentally verify the simulated results, a real inverter with a variable switching frequency was used to drive an induction machine. Experimental results are presented.


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The results of a study of the variation of three-phase induction machines' input impedance with frequency are proposed. A range of motors were analysed, both two-pole and four-pole, and the magnitude and phase of the input impedance were obtained over a wide frequency range of 20 Hz-1 MHz. For test results that would be useful in the prediction of the performance of induction machines during typical use, a test procedure was developed to represent closely typical three-phase stator coil connections when the induction machine is driven by a three-phase inverter. In addition, tests were performed with the motor's cases both grounded and not grounded. The results of the study show that all induction machines of the type considered exhibit a multiresonant impedance profile, where the input impedance reaches at least one maximum as the input frequency is increased. Furthermore, the test results show that the grounding of the motor's case has a significant effect on the impedance profile. Methods to exploit the input impedance profile of an induction machine to optimise machine and inverter systems are also discussed.