985 resultados para SIGNALING COMPLEX


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Proper function of the wall of bladder requires gap junctional communication for coordinating the responses of smooth muscle (SMC) and urothelial cells exposed to urine pressure. In the rat bladder, Cx43 is expressed by SMC and urothelial cells, whereas Cx26 expression is restricted to the epithelium. We used a model of bladder outlet obstruction, in which a ligature is placed around the urethra to increase voiding pressure. Increased fluid pressure was associated with increased Cx43 and Cx26 mRNA expression and with the activation of a signaling cascade including the transcription factor c-Jun, which is a component of the AP-1 complex. The signaling pathway of the c-Jun NH2 terminal kinase (JNK) requires the presence of the scaffold protein Islet-Brain1/c-Jun amino-terminal kinase Interacting Protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1). Under stress conditions resulting from urine retention, we have found a reduced content of IB1/JIP-1 in urothelial cells, which in turn induced a drastic increase of JNK and AP-1 binding activities. The stress-induced activation of JNK was prevented by overexpressing IB1/JIP-1, using a viral gene transfer approach, a condition which also resulted in a decrease in Cx26 mRNA. The data show that: 1) mechanical stress of urothelial cells activates in vivo JNK, as a consequence of a regulated expression of IB1/JIP-1 and 2) that urothelial Cx26 may be directly regulated by the AP-1 complex.


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In the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway positively controls the synthesis of antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes. In this way, the GacS/GacA two-component system determines the expression of three small regulatory RNAs (RsmX, RsmY, and RsmZ) in a process activated by the strain's own signal molecules, which are not related to N-acyl-homoserine lactones. Transposon Tn5 was used to isolate P. fluorescens CHA0 insertion mutants that expressed an rsmZ-gfp fusion at reduced levels. Five of these mutants were gacS negative, and in them the gacS mutation could be complemented for exoproduct and signal synthesis by the gacS wild-type allele. Furthermore, two thiamine-auxotrophic (thiC) mutants that exhibited decreased signal synthesis in the presence of 5 x 10(-8) M thiamine were found. Under these conditions, a thiC mutant grew normally but showed reduced expression of the three small RNAs, the exoprotease AprA, and the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. In a gnotobiotic system, a thiC mutant was impaired for biological control of Pythium ultimum on cress. Addition of excess exogenous thiamine restored all deficiencies of the mutant. Thus, thiamine appears to be an important factor in the expression of biological control by P. fluorescens.


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Biochemical evidence implicates the death-domain (DD) protein PIDD as a molecular switch capable of signaling cell survival or death in response to genotoxic stress. PIDD activity is determined by binding-partner selection at its DD: whereas recruitment of RIP1 triggers prosurvival NF-κB signaling, recruitment of RAIDD activates proapoptotic caspase-2 via PIDDosome formation. However, it remains unclear how interactor selection, and thus fate decision, is regulated at the PIDD platform. We show that the PIDDosome functions in the "Chk1-suppressed" apoptotic response to DNA damage, a conserved ATM/ATR-caspase-2 pathway antagonized by Chk1. In this pathway, ATM phosphorylates PIDD on Thr788 within the DD. This phosphorylation is necessary and sufficient for RAIDD binding and caspase-2 activation. Conversely, nonphosphorylatable PIDD fails to bind RAIDD or activate caspase-2, and engages prosurvival RIP1 instead. Thus, ATM phosphorylation of the PIDD DD enables a binary switch through which cells elect to survive or die upon DNA injury.


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Photosystem II (PSII) of oxygenic photosynthesis is susceptible to photoinhibition. Photoinhibition is defined as light induced damage resulting in turnover of the D1 protein subunit of the reaction center of PSII. Both visible and ultraviolet (UV) light cause photoinhibition. Photoinhibition induced by UV light damages the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) via absorption of UV photons by the Mn ion(s) of OEC. Under visible light, most of the earlier hypotheses assume that photoinhibition occurs when the rate of photon absorption by PSII antenna exceeds the use of the absorbed energy in photosynthesis. However, photoinhibition occurs at all light intensities with the same efficiency per photon. The aim of my thesis work was to build a model of photoinhibition that fits the experimental features of photoinhibition. I studied the role of electron transfer reactions of PSII in photoinhibition and found that changing the electron transfer rate had only minor influence on photoinhibition if light intensity was kept constant. Furthermore, quenching of antenna excitations protected less efficiently than it would protect if antenna chlorophylls were the only photoreceptors of photoinhibition. To identify photoreceptors of photoinhibition, I measured the action spectrum of photoinhibition. The action spectrum showed resemblance to the absorption spectra of Mn model compounds suggesting that the Mn cluster of OEC acts as a photoreceptor of photoinhibition under visible light, too. The role of Mn in photoinhibition was further supported by experiments showing that during photoinhibition OEC is damaged before electron transfer activity at the acceptor side of PSII is lost. Mn enzymes were found to be photosensitive under visible and UV light indicating that Mn-containing compounds, including OEC, are capable of functioning as photosensitizers both in visible and UV light. The experimental results above led to the Mn hypothesis of the mechanism of continuous-light-induced photoinhibition. According to the Mn hypothesis, excitation of Mn of OEC results in inhibition of electron donation from OEC to the oxidized primary donor P680+ both under UV and visible light. P680 is oxidized by photons absorbed by chlorophyll, and if not reduced by OEC, P680+ may cause harmful oxidation of other PSII components. Photoinhibition was also induced with intense laser pulses and it was found that the photoinhibitory efficiency increased in proportion to the square of pulse intensity suggesting that laser-pulse-induced photoinhibition is a two-photon reaction. I further developed the Mn hypothesis suggesting that the initial event in photoinhibition under both continuous and pulsed light is the same: Mn excitation that leads to the inhibition of electron donation from OEC to P680+. Under laser-pulse-illumination, another Mn-mediated inhibitory photoreaction occurs within the duration of the same pulse, whereas under continuous light, secondary damage is chlorophyll mediated. A mathematical model based on the Mn hypothesis was found to explain photoinhibition under continuous light, under flash illumination and under the combination of these two.


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INTRODUCTION: Reconstructions of the fronto-orbital area remain a challenge to the reconstructive surgeon, due to the functional and esthetic impact. OBSERVATION: The authors present a case of a complex fronto-orbital reconstruction with a PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) implant, associated with a skin expansion. DISCUSSION: With a follow-up of over three years, the cosmetic result is excellent. The authors believe that this technique is reliable, fast with long-term good results.


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We report 24 unrelated individuals with deletions and 17 additional cases with duplications at 10q11.21q21.1 identified by chromosomal microarray analysis. The rearrangements range in size from 0.3 to 12 Mb. Nineteen of the deletions and eight duplications are flanked by large, directly oriented segmental duplications of >98% sequence identity, suggesting that nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) caused these genomic rearrangements. Nine individuals with deletions and five with duplications have additional copy number changes. Detailed clinical evaluation of 20 patients with deletions revealed variable clinical features, with developmental delay (DD) and/or intellectual disability (ID) as the only features common to a majority of individuals. We suggest that some of the other features present in more than one patient with deletion, including hypotonia, sleep apnea, chronic constipation, gastroesophageal and vesicoureteral refluxes, epilepsy, ataxia, dysphagia, nystagmus, and ptosis may result from deletion of the CHAT gene, encoding choline acetyltransferase, and the SLC18A3 gene, mapping in the first intron of CHAT and encoding vesicular acetylcholine transporter. The phenotypic diversity and presence of the deletion in apparently normal carrier parents suggest that subjects carrying 10q11.21q11.23 deletions may exhibit variable phenotypic expressivity and incomplete penetrance influenced by additional genetic and nongenetic modifiers.


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a retinal degenerative disease characterized by the progressive loss of photoreceptors. We have previously demonstrated that RP can be caused by recessive mutations in the human FAM161A gene, encoding a protein with unknown function that contains a conserved region shared only with a distant paralog, FAM161B. In this study, we show that FAM161A localizes at the base of the photoreceptor connecting cilium in human, mouse and rat. Furthermore, it is also present at the ciliary basal body in ciliated mammalian cells, both in native conditions and upon the expression of recombinant tagged proteins. Yeast two-hybrid analysis of binary interactions between FAM161A and an array of ciliary and ciliopathy-associated proteins reveals direct interaction with lebercilin, CEP290, OFD1 and SDCCAG8, all involved in hereditary retinal degeneration. These interactions are mediated by the C-terminal moiety of FAM161A, as demonstrated by pull-down experiments in cultured cell lines and in bovine retinal extracts. As other ciliary proteins, FAM161A can also interact with the microtubules and organize itself into microtubule-dependent intracellular networks. Moreover, small interfering RNA-mediated depletion of FAM161A transcripts in cultured cells causes the reduction in assembled primary cilia. Taken together, these data indicate that FAM161A-associated RP can be considered as a novel retinal ciliopathy and that its molecular pathogenesis may be related to other ciliopathies.


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Cell-to-cell signaling involving N-acyl-homoserine lactone compounds termed autoinducers (AIs) is instrumental to virulence factor production and biofilm development by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In order to determine the importance of cell-to-cell signaling during the colonization of mechanically ventilated patients, we collected 442 P. aeruginosa pulmonary isolates from 13 patients. Phenotypic characterization showed that 81% of these isolates produced the AI-dependent virulence factors elastase, protease, and rhamnolipids. We identified nine genotypically distinct P. aeruginosa strains. Six of these strains produced AIs [N-butanoyl-homoserine lactone or N-(3-oxo-dodecanoyl)-homoserine lactone] and extracellular virulence factors (elastase, total exoprotease, rhamnolipid, hydrogen cyanide, or pyocyanin) in vitro. Three of the nine strains were defective in the production of both AIs and extracellular virulence factors. Two of these strains had mutational defects in both the lasR and rhlR genes, which encode the N-acyl-homoserine lactone-dependent transcriptional regulators LasR and RhlR, respectively. The third of these AI-deficient strains was only mutated in the lasR gene. Our observations suggest that most, but not all, strains colonizing intubated patients are able to produce virulence factors and that mutations affecting the cell-to-cell signaling circuit are preferentially located in the transcriptional regulator genes.


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Thymic positive and negative selection of developing T lymphocytes confronts us with a paradox: How can a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/peptide interaction in the former process lead to transduction of signals allowing for cell survival and in the latter induce programmed cell death or a hyporesponsive state known as anergy? One of the hypotheses put forward states that the outcome of a TCR-MHC/peptide interaction depends on the cell type presenting the selecting ligand to the developing thymocyte. Here we describe the development and lack of self-tolerance of CD8(+) T lymphocytes in transgenic mice expressing MHC class I molecules in the thymus exclusively on cortical epithelial cells. Despite the absence of MHC class I expression on professional antigen-presenting cells, normal numbers of CD8(+) cells were observed in the periphery. Upon specific activation, transgenic CD8(+) T cells efficiently lysed syngeneic MHC class I(+) targets in vitro and in vivo, indicating that thymic cortical epithelium (in contrast to medullary epithelium and antigen-presenting cells of hematopoietic origin) is incapable of tolerance induction. Thus, compartmentalization of the antigen-presenting cells involved in thymic positive selection and tolerance induction can (at least in part) explain the positive/negative selection paradox.


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Summary : During vertebrate embryonic development, the endoderm gives rise to the digestive tract and associated organs such as thyroid, lung, liver and pancreas. Earlier studies have shown that extracellular signals coming from the lateral plate mesoderm pattern the endoderm along the antero-posterior axis specifying different organ primordia. An early sign of patterning is the expression of organ-specific genes in restricted endoderm domains. In this study, we focused on the role of the retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway in the regionalization of the future gut tube along the main body axis. We show that the RA-synthesizing enzyme Raldh2 is expressed in mesoderm close to the endoderm during gastrulation and during somitogenesis. During the same period, all retinoic acid receptors (RARs), which directly activate gene transcription, are expressed in endoderm suggesting that endoderm can be responsive to RA. Activation or inhibition of RA signaling was achieved by adding RA or RAR inhibitors tither on beads or in the medium to cultured chick embryos. Branchial arch (BA) endoderm markers were shifted posteriorly upon depletion of RA at gastrulation, but were not shifted after this stage. Conversely, exposure to exogenous RA repressed the most-anterior BA markers and shifted more posterior BA markers anteriorly. This suggests that graded levels of RA activity in the foregut define gene boundaries and expression levels. The posterior foregut and midget markers Pdxl and CdxA require RA for their expression, but elevated RA does not shift their expression domain along the antero-posterior axis. In addition, we investigated if RA signaling pathway interacts with other signaling pathways to pattern the endoderm. Although both RA and FGFs block anterior foregut marker expression, our experiments suggest that FGF signaling does not depend on RA in anterior endoderm. To validate our chick data in mammalians and evaluate whether RA acts directly on endoderm, we have further generated a conditional loss-of-function system in the mouse, which is still under examination.