994 resultados para Rudolf <Österreich, Erzherzog, 1858-1889>Rudolf <Österreich, Erzherzog, 1858-1889>


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As formigas-cortadeiras (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini) são reconhecidas por sua capacidade desfolhadora e pelas consequências que geram na vegetação devido a uma série de processos associados. A construção do ninho, juntamente com o comportamento de transporte de material vegetal para o seu interior, ocasiona modificações nas propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, podendo afetar a comunidade de plantas nas savanas brasileiras. Durante três anos, numa área de Cerrado sensu stricto em regeneraçãolocalizadana Estação Ecológica do Panga, Uberlândia, MG, avaliou-se o índice de sobrevivência, mortalidade e recrutamento de plantas (< 1,5 m de altura) inseridas no centro dos ninhos de Atta laevigata em uma unidade amostral de 1 m x 1 m. O mesmo protocolo foi feito nas áreas adjacentes (cerrado) distantes 5 m do centro dos murundus. Os quadrados amostrados no centro dos ninhos apresentaram menor abundância de plantas (< 1,5 m de altura) quando comparada com a das áreas adjacentes. Porém, no decorrer do estudo os índices de sobrevivência, mortalidade e recrutamento de plantas não diferiram significativamente entre os diferentes locais amostrados. Os resultados evidenciaram que o estágio inicial da formação do murundu é fator determinante responsável pela mortalidade por soterramento de grande parte das plântulas situadas sobre ele. Dessa forma, esses ninhos desempenham funções ecológicas importantes vinculadas à dinâmica dos processos de estabelecimento e sobrevivência de plântulas e, consequentemente, podem interferir nos estágios sucessionais da vegetação.


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Itseoppineiden kirjoittajien tutkimus on 1900-luvun lopulta, Suomessa erityisesti 2000-luvun alusta, luonut uutta näkökulmaa tavallisten, julkisen elämän ulkopuolella toimivien ihmisten arjen, ajatusmaailman ja kirjoittamisen tapojen tutkimukseen. Systemaattinen arkistoaineistojen kartoitus ja keruut ovat osoittaneet, että jo ennen kansakoululaitoksen vakiintumista myös suomalaisella maaseudulla ihmiset saattoivat hankkia itselleen kirjoitustaidon ja käyttää sitä aktiivisesti. Kustavilaisen laivuri Simon Janssonin (1812–1887) ja Wilhelmina Janssonin o.s. Widbomin (1810–1892) koulutielle lähetetyille pojilleen lähettämät kirjeet 1860- ja 1870- luvuilta ovat säilyneet A. W. Jahnssonin arkistossa SKS:n kirjallisuusarkistossa. Kirjeet ovat suomen- ja ruotsinkielisiä. Kirjeiden kautta on selvitetty, minkälaisia mahdollisuuksia säätyyhteiskunnan murtuminen avasi säätyläistön ulkopuolella oleville ihmisille ja minkälaisia taloudellisia ja sosiaalisia resursseja käyttäen koulua käymättömät vanhemmat onnistuivat siirtämään poikansa yliopistokoulutuksen kautta säätyläistöön. Kirjeitä on tarkasteltu egodokumentteina, historian lähteinä, joissa ihmiset kertovat itse omasta elämästään ja ajatuksistaan. Hollantilaisen historioitsija Jacques Presserin luoma ja mm. Rudolf Dekkerin kehittämä egodokumentti-termi käsittää kirjeiden lisäksi omaelämäkerrat, muistelmat ja päiväkirjat. Näkökulma yhdistää historiantutkimukseen mm. kirjallisuustieteen käsitteitä. Yksityisluontoisten tekstien kautta voidaan tutkia sitä, minkälaisia mahdollisuuksia sosiaalinen tila tiettynä aikana tarjoaa. Ne tarjoavat tavan tutkia ihmisten arkea, sosiaalisia suhteita ja paikallisyhteisöä, tavoitteita ja keinoja niiden saavuttamiseen sekä ajatusmaailmaa. Yhden perheen kirjeenvaihdon kautta on tarkasteltu niitä mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia, joita kirjeenvaihdon käyttämisellä tutkimuksen materiaalina on egodokumenttien kentässä. Kirjeitä on tutkittu osana kirjeenvaihdon kulttuuria. Siihen kuuluvat itse kirjeiden sisällön lisäksi luku- ja kirjoitustaito, kirjekulttuurin oppiminen ja sen konventiot sekä kirjoittamisen materiaaliset edellytykset. Britt Liljewallin tutkimuksia soveltaen Janssonin perheen kirjeenvaihtoa on tarkasteltu sen rituaalisen, informatiivisen, sosiaalisen ja normeja välittävän funktion kautta. Kirjeenvaihdossa esille tulevien aihepiirien joukosta on nostettu esiin viisi keskeisintä: arki ja siihen liittyvä perheen sisäinen huolenpito; koulutus ja siihen liittyvät toiveet ja pettymykset; uskonto: sosiaaliset suhteet ja verkostot sekä viimeisenä terveys, sairaus ja kuolema. Kirjeiden kautta on tutkittu yhteistöllistä tiedonvälitystä ja sitä, ketkä henkilöt ja minkälaiset aiheen ovat kirjeiden uutisoinnissa keskeisiä.


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13 x 21 cm


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20 x 25 cm


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The influence of the scrotal bipartition and of the year period on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation was evaluated in male goats raised in Piaui State, Brazil. Eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished in this study and arranged into three Groups (6 animals each) obeying the classification as goats presenting no scrotal bipartition (Group I), goats showing scrotal bipartition at 50% of the testicular length (Group II), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (Group III). The scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi temperatures were evaluated invasively with the aid of a digital thermometer and non-invasive with a pyrometer in the proximal, medial and distal portion. The data were acquired during the dry (October-November) and rainy (February-March) period of the year, measured in two shifts: morning (6h00-7h00) and afternoon (14h00-15h00). The results were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) following the SNK test for average comparison (p<0.05). The year period interfered on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation, due to increased temperatures of the scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi during the dry period in comparison with the rainy period. The bipartition level was also a factor which contributed to the influence of scrotal-testicular temperature regulation, due to lower average scrotal-testicular temperature rates observed during both periods in the goats with higher levels of scrotal bipartition (>50%). It is possible to conclude that with the experimental conditions applied on this study, the level of scrotal bipartition and the climatic conditions interfere with the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation in goats.


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The umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an important source of pluripotent stem cells, which motivated researches on ontogeny and transplantation. The morphological characterization of umbilical cord cells is the first step to establish subsequent experiments on these areas. Although some information on humans can be found, no data on UCB is available for bovines. Therefore, this work is the first attempt to conduct an ultrastructural characterization of bovine umbilical cord blood. Blood was collected from the umbilical cord of twenty fetuses by punction of the umbilical vein. Samples were processed for whole leucocytes observation by centrifugation and the buffy coat was collected. Cells were washed and pelleted and prepared according to the standard protocol of the transmission electron microscopy. The presence of cells with morphologic characteristics compatible with the precursors from the erythrocytic, neutrophilic, eosinophilic, basophilic, and lymphocytic lineages was observed. Atypical cells with peculiar morphological features, strongly similar to apoptotic cells, were seen. Bovine neutrophils with three types of cytoplasmic granules were also found in the blood. The ultrastructural characteristics of observed bovine UCB cells where similar to those found in other species, suggesting that bovines could possibly constitute an experimental model for approaches on UCB cells research.


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The scrotal-testicular biometry was evaluated in goats raised in Piaui state, Brazil, presenting different levels of scrotal division, in rainy and dry periods of the year. For this study, eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished and arranged into three groups (6 animals each), obeying the classification as goats with no scrotal bipartition (GI), goats showing scrotal bipartition up to 50% of testicular length (GII), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (GIII). The biometry of the scrotal-testicular was made evaluating the scrotal length (SL), scrotal circumference (SC), testicular length (TL) and testicular volume (TV). The results were evaluated following the variance analysis (ANOVA) and the SNK test applied on the average comparisons. The analysis of the data demonstrated high values, in dry and rainy periods, of SC (24.63cm/ 26.97cm), SL (16.61cm/ 18.24cm), TL (5.32cm/ 5.93cm), TV (173.81cm³/ 203.01cm³). This supports the hypothesis of the influence of the period of the year and of the scrotal bipartition on the scrotal-testicular biometry in goat.


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Male capacity for spreading genes to a great number of descendents and to determine population dynamics depend directly on the genital organs. Morphological studies in pinnipeds are scarce and the functional meaning of some characteristics has never been discussed. We hypothesized that Arctocephalus australis (A. australis) shows morphophysiological adaptations in order to guarantee the perpetuation of the species in the unique annual mating season. Seven males, dead from natural causes, had their genital organs collected and fixed for morphological description. Some features differ from other described mammalian males and are closely related to the biology and reproductive cycle of this species, as the scrotal epidermis, absence of glandular portion in the ductus deferens and spermatogenic epithelium suggest a recrudescent testis period. The corona glandis exhibits a singular arrangement: its erectile border looks like a formation of petals and its association with the os penis gives a "lily-flower" form to this region. We propose the name margo petaliformis to this particular erectile border of the corona glandis because of its similarity to a flower corola. The male genital organs of A. australis show morphological features compatible with adaptation to environment requirements and reproductive efficiency.


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Soitinnus: klarinetti, piano, viulu, sello.


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Soitinnus: viulut (2), alttoviulu, sello.


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Soitinnus: klarinetti, fagotti, käyrätorvi, viulu, alttoviulut (2), sello, kontrabasso.


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Soitinnus: viulut (2), orkesteri.